I'm not here to judge I just want honest answers. For you dudes that pay for play either via online or on the street does a girls exclusivity matter to you?
The reason why I never got with an escort is the simple fact I've learned that I value exclusivity. I'm like a big game hunter/fisher. I don't like easy prey. Its kind of a turn off seeing girls who you thought were absolute dimes/knockouts fuucking guys for minimum wage (in escort terms). My immediate thought is that her ass must be wide open because its not hard for the average no collar/blue collar stiff to muster up 80 bucks for a night inside your dreamgirl lol
Maybe that's just me and my own little weird way of thinking. I guess part of the lure for me would be that I'm with someone the average guy could only dream about touching...the elliot spitzer madamme type of chicks, and not the backpage escort types.

It would be hard for gucci to justify a $1500 retail price if you could by the exact same bag online for $150