A sweet young thing I've been seeing for some time now, asked me the next time we fucked, she wanted to be on top! Well I freaked, I automatically thought she wanted to play hide her 'sausage' inside of me! No! She wanted to ride me, like a horse; me on the bottom and her sitting on my dick, on top.
Why did I think that? I always thought being on top meant that person was doing the fucking, not being on top and getting fucked at the same time!
I know I'm not a neophyte when it comes to fuckin' [gg's or tgirls], but my dick thinking for me is slowly coming to maturity. I now know there is a distinction in the jargon of being topped; like to top, be on top, never like to top, love to be topped, always on top! Meaning: Liked to be fucked but, must be on top!
I never thought there was a distinction of who's doing the topping. I always thought “top” was the ‘fucker’! Now, I have an independent thought, besides the one my dick was giving me. There is another Top, the Dominant Top, no less!
Dominant top: one that pitches; pitches, more than less.
Top: one that catches catches all the time as long as they can catch from a position pointing north; on top!
Dominant bottom: one that catches; catches, more than less. Always in the reverse, lower position, south; on bottom!
Bottom: one that catches all the time, as long as they can catch; in a lower position [south], where they can always catch! Whew!
Is there a distinction of Top!