It is what it is. #1 Unlike 99% of the dudes who post on here, I could give a fuck about what someone thinks of me. #2 I don't live in this false sense of reality a lot of men "straight" men feel comfortable in...If I told my ex-girl that I was fucking a TRANNY, she'd call me a FAG because I fucked a MAN. I don't care how big you make your tits, how well you cut or tuck your PENIS, the REALITY is that in the eyes of larger society, YOU ARE A MAN. #3 The sad IRONY of responses from some of the WOMEN in this post, in stark contradiction to the "NO HOMO" post is troubling. On one hand you hate the term and the other hand you so easily denegrate gay men (with fat asses) that a case of wanting it both ways (no pun intended). I made a post in jest, but clearly, I am starting to see behind the cut grass