Quote Originally Posted by kilakali View Post
I saw the topic you posted on the other forum you only had 5 replies..lol that means nada.
I also saw the topic that was posted on the other site, was tempted to
respond, but there has been way too much drama and flaming going on
at the site, so I chose other-wise.

That and and the jury seemed biased and "hung".

And though I am not hung, I will admit I too am somewhat biased, in that in
my almost 40 years full-time, and roughly 12 years post op, I have never
inserted a penis or a strap-on into a man. I also had never had a man
perform oral sex on me when I had a penis.

As you may imagine in my many decades in "this thing of our's" I have known
many transwomen, and of course have known many men, both intimately and

Putting my afore-mentioned bias aside for a moment, I feel that it is fair to
say that chasers are not particularly respected or desired members of the

I also feel that in non pay for play situations, ie. relationships that the
majority of transwomen would prefer to be the non penetrative partner.

As to the further question of whether or not the majority or transwomen are
desirous of gender reassignment surgery, I feel that is dependent upon the
sampling that you ask.

Though I will say that empirical studies published in journals that can be
perused on Pubmed,
responses from women on non porn site, such as
support and advocacy sites, those run by women for women, and responses
from the survey at The International Post Operative Woman's Association
indicate they they are.