I would not stare at a picture of a rear ass and cock. It does nothing for me at all. I can hardly be bothered with watching porn in general (unless it's a particular model I'm fond of), and primarily do so for research purposes.

I know she's a tgirl based off the conversation I've had with the person. On very few occasion I've worked with someone who had zero plans of continuing their transition and/or only dressed for financial gains. I will not work those individuals again for my own reasons. So, it's by getting to know the person that I can come to a conclusion of them being effeminate gay guys or tgirls.

You clearly don't know Chante/Dominic personally. She doesn't go to sleep as Chante and wake as Dominic, she is too deep and complex of a person to be described or commented on in the fashion you did.

As anyone who knows me in person can tell you, I'm very 'out' and have no problems going places with a tgirl whether she is looking her best or her worst. I don't care if she is super passable or just starting out, I respect everyone including tgirls as the human beings they are and expect the same respect in return. I think that quality more than any other is what allows me to have relationships (sexual or otherwise) with tgirls, as I have one butt ugly face , but I still don't have to pay to have sex because I have never approached them that way.

I personally welcome you to stay on the forum. I enjoy being able to have a variety of topics with which to converse. I sometimes get tired of simple 'Nice pic', 'She's hot', 'Great ass' comments that many of the thread amount to.

Clean or nasty? I don't feel sex with a guy would be enjoyable in any way, shape, or form. I don't know that I would say that it is 'nasty' but certainly not something I'm into. I'm not into 'big' girls either, but I don't think someone having sex with them is 'nasty'. I would never curse any one, I make a point to never say I 'hate this or that' though I may despise it, as hate just seems too strong of a word. Of course, I'm the type of person that doesn't call females or tgirls 'bitches' and I don't use phrases like 'What up my nigga' or any variation thereof. Not trying to knock those that do, just things I don't do.