Does anyone here use a Western Digital device that enables you to view downloaded vids on your TV?...

Basically, you attach a portable hard-drive to the device (with your grooby vids on), then attach the device to your TV, and now you can enjoy gorgeous grooby shemales on the big screen...

There is a slight issue though: I'm finding that some of the wmv vids play just fine, while others have to be converted to avi for them to play properly...

Vids by Frank, Buddy, and Jack play no problem using this device, but most other vids have to be converted to avi to play properly on TV (including Remy's, which is really bothersome cos her's are consistently my faves lol)

All vids in question are WMVs, so I'm struggling to see why some play fine and some don't...?

I'm a bit of a tech-caveman, so would really appreciate any help