Quote Originally Posted by Ms Remy M View Post
You'd be surprised. All those guys are nothing but cannon fodder, they no more care about any one tgirl than they would some random sex toy, and that's basically how they view the girls. Many girls yearn for someone that truly want them for the person they are, not just because they are some hot tranny for the night. The girls want someone that wants to grown and spend their life together, that can take the girl out and make her feel like the woman she is, in a relationship that can last more than a few months.

I personally don't think guys are going to ever truly amount to more than seeing the girls as sex object (biased Feminist I am). All the girls with successful long term relationships totally in the open are either with other trans, GG's, FtM's, gay guys etc. However; there are always exceptions to the rule of thought, I just think it's not worth the time playing the field to find them. Many girls that do try guys go for the exact wrong type as well, setting themselves up for failure cause he had that thug look, and likely the mentality to go with it. *shakes head*

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Maybe it's not the guys, maybe it's the types of guys these girls choose to settle with. Eye candy with no brains. Big dicks with no substance. Old money with no real shared interest other than sex and fetish.