Quote Originally Posted by seanchai View Post
Where do you get that from? She's had some disagreements but I think she was entitled to some of them and certainly entitled to an opinion like the rest of the users.
I don't think this thread is the place to bring it back up, so keep it to yourself please.
Seanchai, You and I have mended the fence, and settled our diffrences here on this forum. We still havent got drunk at Rudy's yet, but I look forward to the day we do. With that said, some of us feel the exact same way that Sticky does. I'm not gonna pile on or make anything of this. But certain girls can have opinions, and they know how to get them across without offending men. Sasha is like this. But Amber, exact opposite. Sometimes it aint what you say, but how you say it. I'm just sayin.