Quote Originally Posted by seanchai View Post
Your points about being outed are irrelevant. These guys come ... try and shoot - and can't keep it hard!!!
Seanchai, I agree that their showing up would seemingly work against the postulate that they're afraid of being outed; however, I still feel it's a factor that's in the back of the mind as they try to "perform". I think that in the moment of truth - at the actual shoot - these guys start thinking about the potential consequences of having their encounter with a gorgeous tgirl being permanently recorded for everyone and anyone to see forever.

To get a feel for what I'm talking about, check out the forum of BGCLive.com. You'll see some of the psychology myself and NYC guy are talking about. This is a website for black gays and tgirls and many of its members take great pains to say they AREN'T gay.