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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy Wood View Post
    I think it's silly to pigeon-hole or to define something that there really is no definition for...yet.
    Buddy, all pigeon-holing is silly, unless you're a pigeon!

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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koanbred View Post
    I'm tellin' yall right now! Most of yall is lying! You're lying and you're lying like doggs!

    I say this because of the following:

    1) Most of you know damn well that you're totally attracted to pre-ops.
    Pre-ops have dicks and usually, the bigger the dick, the better.

    2) Most of you would prefer to come into physical contact with the penis as you are screwing the T-girl. It really doesn't matter if you're just touching it with your hand, sucking it, or taking it from behind. The fact remains that you enjoy the penis somehow. This within itself, indicates homosexual tendencies.

    3) If this site contained nothing but GG's and post-ops, almost none of you would be here.

    4) I posted a commentary on "Dominic vs. Chante" a few days ago. A few people indicated that they thought that Dominic, a masculine-looking version of Chante, was sexually attractive.

    5) Take a look at the male version of Chante, this guy named "Dominic" and read the comments that subscribers have left behind. Most of them, really find this guy sexually attractive. Now don't get me twisted, the beautiful Chante is freaking HOT!!! However, the jury is still out on Dominic and probably won't be returning for a public verdict.


    Let's just face it yall! We're all gay to some degree! We could give less than a puck about being with a post-op in most cases! Only Pre-ops Need Apply!
    #3 made me laugh. If I signed up for a Black T-Girl site and got nothing but GG's, I'd feel pretty fucking ripped off, so yeah I definitely wouldn't be here...just as I'd be pissed if the black GG site I recently joined had nothing but white chicks on it...or if I joined a muscle girl site that had nothing but T-girls...

    And I hate it when folks throw post-ops in the middle of these 'who's gay' conversations because the majority of people I've known that are into t-girls also like GG's and--especially--pussy. I'm struggling for a way to say this the doesn't offend any post-ops, but if we really need to measure a person's sexuality, I'd think a person's interest in the genetic female's anatomy is a better measuring point than the post-op's.

    Even the interest in a t-girl's penis doesn't definitively prove anything. If the more masculine Dominic was really a GG and I found her attractive, would that make me gay? Or as somebody who loves eating pussy, what if I got with a Buck Angel-type FTM transsexual? Would I somehow be more straight than the guy that's attracted to the typical MTF t-girls that we're used to?

    I think Buddy said it best: there's way too much to consider when figuring out we like the stuff we like that you can't just dump everybody in one of two boxes. And at the end of the day, it's really not important enough to try.

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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by phi0820 View Post
    #3 made me laugh. If I signed up for a Black T-Girl site and got nothing but GG's, I'd feel pretty fucking ripped off, so yeah I definitely wouldn't be here...just as I'd be pissed if the black GG site I recently joined had nothing but white chicks on it...or if I joined a muscle girl site that had nothing but T-girls...

    And I hate it when folks throw post-ops in the middle of these 'who's gay' conversations because the majority of people I've known that are into t-girls also like GG's and--especially--pussy. I'm struggling for a way to say this the doesn't offend any post-ops, but if we really need to measure a person's sexuality, I'd think a person's interest in the genetic female's anatomy is a better measuring point than the post-op's.

    Even the interest in a t-girl's penis doesn't definitively prove anything. If the more masculine Dominic was really a GG and I found her attractive, would that make me gay? Or as somebody who loves eating pussy, what if I got with a Buck Angel-type FTM transsexual? Would I somehow be more straight than the guy that's attracted to the typical MTF t-girls that we're used to?

    I think Buddy said it best: there's way too much to consider when figuring out we like the stuff we like that you can't just dump everybody in one of two boxes. And at the end of the day, it's really not important enough to try.
    All good points. We shouldn't care what people try to label each other:::but we do, in some sort of way.

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  4. #34
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    Homosexuality and T-Girls

    For many millenia men have had sex with men and women have had sex with women. There are many different types of gender-sex combinations involved in the medley of the sex act, itself.

    For many men, the act of having sex with another man is unthinkable, no matter which package in which it presents itself. I've personally witnessed a friend who was approached by a blantant homosexual who physically touched his groin area and he not only tried to physically attack the guy, he became physically ill, afterwards. He is a true heterosexual! He was actually repulsed to the point of vomiting! If something like that were to happen to me, I wouldn't come close to reacting that way. I would feel insulted if I were publicly assaulted sexually in any manner. However, I would not try to physically beat the person down and I most certainly wouldn't have it in me to vomit.

    Effeminate acting guys who really look like guys, turn me off. However, effeminate acting guys who really look like girls, turn me on. This fact does not in any way release me from any charge of homosexuality, because I know that deep down inside, I am attracted to the penis of a "pretty" male.
    It's really kind of strange because, I'm one of those men who really is not turned on by watching the T-girls penis during a photo shoot or a video. I would prefer to see her pretty face, a$$, and breasts. I really only want to get a glimpse of the penis just to somehow subconsciously remind me that it's really there.

    However during sex, I enjoy physical contact with the penis of the T-girl.
    While I would never be a bottom, since I am an incorrigible top, I do become quite obcessed with the penis after screwing the T-girl. Though, I would feel completely out of place doing what I do to a regular guy. I am still involved with the penis during sex and if I knew that she didn't have one, I would become absolutely disinterested. This type of attraction to a member of the same sex (not gender), is a type of homosexual attraction. I am therefore, unabashedly claiming ownership of the label homosexual or gay. There, I've embraced it, I own it, and I am no less of a person or man for doing so.

    I am still a man, just like most gay men are really men. I will still defend my turf with possibly greater vigor and ferosity than most heterosexuals. I will have no compunction about your consequences if you tread upon me or mine. I am a devout and trusted friend, if I'm your friend. I am a completely defiant and relentless nemesis of yours, if I'm your enemy.

    I attempt to be a gentleman at all times. However, sometimes you just gotta get ghetto wit a sucka! There's no question that I'm a man! Nobody questions that fact about me! However, I am gay. I am gay because I am attracted to effeminate males who both look like and want to be like females. They really are female insofar as gender is concerned, but NOT sex. Sexually speaking, they are not genetic females. If I were attracted to masculine males who strived to both look and act more masculine, I would still be just as gay. Gay means homosexual, and that's what we are if we are attracted to pre-op T-girls.

    I've found that the older that I become, the less I am attracted to GG's, and the more I am attracted to pre-ops. I have a friend who feels the same way. As time progresses, homosexuality becomes a greater possibility and bisexuality begins to fade.

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  5. #35
    G-Woman and transcyclopedia ... she keep's us on our toes!
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilakali View Post
    Another useless comment *prays for the hammer to drop*.

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  6. #36
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    As Joe Friday would say, "Nothing but the facts, mam!"


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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilakali View Post
    Another useless comment *prays for the hammer to drop*.
    This may help to temporarily alleviate that perpetual scowl:

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by peggygee View Post

    So are you intolerant of people in general, or just intolerant of folks smart enough not to agree with you?

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  9. #39
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    Red face It's Ok, I understand...

    The fact that I alluded to men who are attracted to pre-ops, being gay, I can see how that might be offensive. I can also see how it might be offensive to both the men (who want to continue to see themselves as straight) and their T-girl bottoms, who would like to see themselves as women.

    Therefore, if I have offended you, I do apologize at this time.


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  10. #40
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    I know i'm a newbie on here but thought this might help.

    I'm a Gay Man that works for shemale porn. i am around the girls and talk to them everyday for work or for plain fun, but i am not interested in there dick and i don't want to have sex with them. I might be a little Bi, and i just want one or the other, I kinda always thought mixing the two genders together would be ideal but it doesn't work for me, i don't know why and i'm sure it's the same for most guys, you just know what you like, so why put a name on it? It would be in the same ignorant sense that someone would say a drag queen and a tranny are the same thing. Thats why there is someone for everybody!

    A few weeks ago Mr. Buddy Wood re introduced me to a tgirl that i fucked years ago when she was a he and i still don't know how i feel about it. but i'm not going to take the title of tranny chaser now because of it. just my thought hope it doesn't cause issues, i'm new on here still so be nice!


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