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  1. #21
    G-Woman and transcyclopedia ... she keep's us on our toes!
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    In the hearts of the kind, and in the fears of the wicked
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrF View Post
    Some transwomen are proud to have "something extra" because, as one TGirl explained to me once, it "makes (her) unique". In her mind, the penis contributed to her unique form of beauty as a transwoman.

    I think it would be a good strategy to avoid the subject of "something extra" or the "special lady" complement. Just tell her she's beautiful, that you like her, and so on. Avoid differentiating her from other women or asking questions about what it's like to be a transwoman, etc. A lot of TGirls are wary of guys who may be "dick fetishists". Maybe that's part of why you like her, but keep it subtle.

    BTW, the girl I mentioned above became someone's housewife last I heard. She was quite beautiful and passable but didn't do any porn. At the time I met her she was in between relationships and trying to make money from "upscale, mature clients" (that was me, lol), but predictably she got "wifed up" and left me pretty soon after I met her. That was 6 years ago. Sigh.
    I would say follow her lead as to how she likes to be referred to, and her level
    of comfortability with her genital status.

    I know that I have mentioned in another thread that I have never put my
    penis in any orifice of a man. In lay-terms I had never fucked a man, or had
    one suck me off.

    What's so interesting is that I never had a man try to make the move to the
    penis, and back in the day I kicked it with more than my fair share.

    On another forum I was reading someone's post that stated that men today
    seem to have different sexual predilections. It didn't seem like there was the
    emphasis on the woman being fully-functional like there is today.

    Glad I left tranny-town while the getting was good.

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  2. #22
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    This guy was talking to a TGirl. Pre-op not Post-op.
    I think the term, "A Special Lady" is being polite. Would you rather he be blunt and say, I don't meet many Tranny's like you around here?
    This girl took offense to nothing.
    And like it's been stated, we don't have the whole conversation.
    I agree with the others, let that one slide on by. Plenty more girls out there to bang your head against a wall over. LOL!

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  3. #23
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    Talking abrigada

    Quote Originally Posted by brandonnsdiego View Post
    I was recently chatting with lady online. We were just getting to know each other on a social network. During one of our chats, I said that I dont get the opportunity to meet special ladies like her everyday. She really got offended and asked that I do not contact her anymore. I want to know what I said wrong and if I was offensive? I just want to know for future reference. Thanks!
    Since this thread started in March, I'm sure dude is over the situation. Since it was revived I will share my POV. If your just getting to know her, how is she special? You should really know someone before you say they are special or run the risk of them not believing you. She was quick to cut you off so she obviously didn't know you enough to see how special you where! Or to read your intention. You guys knew each other from the internet, this was not a Ray, Goodman and Brown "special." This was a borderline tranny loving "special." I'm sure you "meet" dozens of woman in your weekly out an abouts. TS's? not so much huh? Maybe she misread your premature ode of affection, to which I say, better to err on the side of caution than to chat with an emotional potential tranny chaser!

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