View Full Version : Long Term Effects of Hormones

12-08-2009, 01:06 AM
Do any of you guys know anything about the long term effects of these hormones some T Girls take? I mean, it seems that once a T Girl turns 35 and up, they just dissapear... Now, I know the sex trade that most of these girls are in, is for the young ones, but just wondering..Most T girls u ever see that look like they may be older, often times look pretty rough...Comments?

12-08-2009, 01:16 PM
I totally agree with you, it accelerates their age I think for every tgirls aging is about 3 to 1 once they begin hormones. You see it. Just look at their biological black female counterparts. They rarely age that fast, think about your moms and grandmoms and how good they look at higher ages. Black don't Crack is an old adage.

I think the combo of hormones and other chemicals to reverse nature are devastating as time moves on.

12-09-2009, 10:05 PM
I'm going to have to beg to differ with you two.

If anything not taking estrogen will aid in causing a transwoman to
look older than she is.

If a woman who is in the sex industry doesn't stick to her hormone
replacement regimen because her clients want her to be functional and
to be able to "skeet", then she may find that she will become a victim of
the ravages of the male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone can cause hair loss, balding, a roughening of the skin, improper
and male skeletal development and male patterns of fat distribution on a woman.

Long term HRT can however impact the transwoman and her liver and kidneys
which metabolize the estorgen, and androgen blockers if she is on those.

Thus many transwomen will cycle their HRT regimen on a 3 week on 1 week
off cycle.

12-10-2009, 01:49 PM
Do any of you guys know anything about the long term effects of these hormones some T Girls take? I mean, it seems that once a T Girl turns 35 and up, they just dissapear... Now, I know the sex trade that most of these girls are in, is for the young ones, but just wondering..Most T girls u ever see that look like they may be older, often times look pretty rough...Comments?

I think peggygee answered you're question very well but you do raise a good point.

Why do we not see a lot of tgirls from 35 y.o. and up?

We could take the easy route and write it off to drugs/sex/disease, but I don't think thats entirely accurate.

Ive always thought it was the fast lifestyle, but does that account for the high percentages of girls disappearing off the face of the earth before their 30s?

12-11-2009, 12:36 AM
I think peggygee answered you're question very well but you do raise a good point.

Why do we not see a lot of tgirls from 35 y.o. and up?

We could take the easy route and write it off to drugs/sex/disease, but I don't think thats entirely accurate.

Ive always thought it was the fast lifestyle, but does that account for the high percentages of girls disappearing off the face of the earth before their 30s?

I will try to answer for the AARP segment or the "Geritol gang". :eek:

There may actually be a number of reasons that you don't see many older

1. Many go into the hetero witness protection program.


They go stealth or even deep stealth and assimilate into mainstream society.

After years of HRT, many surgeries, perhaps even GRS, they are able to blend
into society and be undectable.

I can say for me that as a pre op I didn't hang out in trannytown, and that is
still the case as a post op.

It was always my goal to transition and be the woman that I was meant to be
and not to forever be a transsexual.

2. Some older transwomen de-transition. Due to them not adhering to their
HRT regimen they may have masculinizesd over the years, and being a
transwomen isn't as viable an option as it once was.

Perhaps in this youth obsessed society they may no longer be in as much
demand, or that they no longer escort or do porn shoots and you may not see
them as much.

If they were in the bar scene they may have grown tired of that and you
won't see them there.

3. I would assert that there are transwomen all around you that you may not
be aware of.

Most transwomen don't want you to know that they exist. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/Alien41.gif

12-11-2009, 04:59 AM
All good points... Ive always just wondered, what hapens to a T girl when she gets older, and couldn't help but to think that the hormones had some bad long term effects, and they go into isolation...I really would like to hear more from some of the girls on this site, as to if they worry about the long term effects, and what kind of plans do they have once they are no longer young, hot, and sexy....

12-11-2009, 01:15 PM
I will try to answer for the AARP segment or the "Geritol gang". :eek:

There may actually be a number of reasons that you don't see many older

1. Many go into the hetero witness protection program.


They go stealth or even deep stealth and assimilate into mainstream society.

After years of HRT, many surgeries, perhaps even GRS, they are able to blend
into society and be undectable.

I can say for me that as a pre op I didn't hang out in trannytown, and that is
still the case as a post op.

It was always my goal to transition and be the woman that I was meant to be
and not to forever be a transsexual.

2. Some older transwomen de-transition. Due to them not adhering to their
HRT regimen they may have masculinizesd over the years, and being a
transwomen isn't as viable an option as it once was.

Perhaps in this youth obsessed society they may no longer be in as much
demand, or that they no longer escort or do porn shoots and you may not see
them as much.

If they were in the bar scene they may have grown tired of that and you
won't see them there.

3. I would assert that there are transwomen all around you that you may not
be aware of.

Most transwomen don't want you to know that they exist. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/Alien41.gif

Good points.

In over almost 10 years of being involved with TS, I've only seen a handful of examples of a girl that left the scene after (or before) SRS and blended in. I applaud that btw. You can't be an escort/adult entertainer forever right?

What bothers me is that most girls aren't going for that in these days. That ends up effecting the communities view on how to live like a real woman IMO. Also, on how admirers see the TS. So many TS claim they are a real woman and miss what that really means. Back in the day, most girls always used to talk about SRS and moving on with life. Nowadays, a lot of girls try to make escorting a career until someone "saves them" or whatever. I would like to see more girls transistion into the real world better THEN come back and school the next generation on how to do it when they are done with their entertainment careers. Too many girls get to new levels in their life and leave behind their own people sometimes. We as a community do that a little too much, not just the TS.

Peggy - I think what you said is true but do you think that makes up the majority of why girls aren't around after 35? I have failed to find much evidence of that in years compared to the more negative outcomes.

12-11-2009, 11:34 PM
Good points.

In over almost 10 years of being involved with TS, I've only seen a handful of examples of a girl that left the scene after (or before) SRS and blended in. I applaud that btw. You can't be an escort/adult entertainer forever right?

What bothers me is that most girls aren't going for that in these days. That ends up effecting the communities view on how to live like a real woman IMO. Also, on how admirers see the TS. So many TS claim they are a real woman and miss what that really means. Back in the day, most girls always used to talk about SRS and moving on with life. Nowadays, a lot of girls try to make escorting a career until someone "saves them" or whatever. I would like to see more girls transistion into the real world better THEN come back and school the next generation on how to do it when they are done with their entertainment careers. Too many girls get to new levels in their life and leave behind their own people sometimes. We as a community do that a little too much, not just the TS.

Peggy - I think what you said is true but do you think that makes up the majority of why girls aren't around after 35? I have failed to find much evidence of that in years compared to the more negative outcomes.

Of the woman that I came up with, that I knew back in the day, I am the only
one that is still alive.

Let me say that again, of the literally 100+ plus transwomen that I had as
friends or acquaintances, I am the only one that is still alive.

Due to losing my friends, not really feeling a connection to the trans
-community because of it's negativity, infighting, shadiness, and my desire to
assimilate into the mainstream, I have been in a self-imposed exile for

But at my core I am a radical, a revolutionary, and have always been
concerned with the equal rights of all people.

And while you most likely won't see me on the 6 o'clock news marching in a
trans rights parade, I have come back to aid the cause in some small way.

But just a regular woman was what I always desired to be, and that is what I
have achieved, and I am more than willing to help any other woman obtain
that, if that is what she desires.

12-12-2009, 06:06 AM

it's a sign of the times fam. I hate to say it but most of these girls are not that bright. I mean, they are smart enough to get money now, but aren't really smart enough to maintain money for after the tricks stop calling and logging into their websites.

Sadly, the real problem is these girls are gonna end up like most dope boys I know. I was one of them but I got out and did something with my money. Far too many of them will end up ass out. Didn't cash they chips in when they had the opportunity to. They go through their entire 20's and early 30's having gained no real job experience, no trade, no college...nothing to build on a resume. You find yourself at 35, still in the game, not realizing that the game has passed you by and you have no options. Now you're just another pawn, another has been, another customer.

Sorry for the off topic tangent...shit just gets under my skin because I have seen a few bright ones fall victim to the "get money now" ideology.

12-12-2009, 07:32 AM

it's a sign of the times fam. I hate to say it but most of these girls are not that bright. I mean, they are smart enough to get money now, but aren't really smart enough to maintain money for after the tricks stop calling and logging into their websites.

Sadly, the real problem is these girls are gonna end up like most dope boys I know. I was one of them but I got out and did something with my money. Far too many of them will end up ass out. Didn't cash they chips in when they had the opportunity to. They go through their entire 20's and early 30's having gained no real job experience, no trade, no college...nothing to build on a resume. You find yourself at 35, still in the game, not realizing that the game has passed you by and you have no options. Now you're just another pawn, another has been, another customer.

Sorry for the off topic tangent...shit just gets under my skin because I have seen a few bright ones fall victim to the "get money now" ideology.

Man, I really hate that it actually comes to that, but i'm a realist, and i truly understand thats how it usually ends up....Sad part is that, we love these women because they turn us on, but after they stop turning us on, they end up in exile, like peggy said...couple that with someone with no skills, and not being accepted by society, really makes for a lonley life in the end, and that's what' kinda messed up....I hope the next generation figures this shit out and can ultimately end up succsessful....

12-12-2009, 07:52 AM
Here is a link about successful Post Op TS some women well into their 40's are on this site. I always stayed away from convos like this because of the stereotyping, but I felt its time to reply. I know quite a few professional Ts women doing well one in particular on the site Dr.Stephanie Langhoff Chief Scientist for NASA.


12-12-2009, 07:41 PM
Man, I really hate that it actually comes to that, but i'm a realist, and i truly understand thats how it usually ends up....Sad part is that, we love these women because they turn us on, but after they stop turning us on, they end up in exile, like peggy said...couple that with someone with no skills, and not being accepted by society, really makes for a lonley life in the end, and that's what' kinda messed up....I hope the next generation figures this shit out and can ultimately end up succsessful....

I joke with some of the girls and tell them that I am the "ghost of your future".


But actually my "future's so bright, I gotta wear sunglasses". :cool:

Yeah we live in a disposable society, we want thhe latest, hot new thing.

But for me, growing older has been great, I love my life and where it's at.

My saving grace was that I knew that one day I would be older and I planned

12-12-2009, 08:03 PM
Here is a link about successful Post Op TS some women well into their 40's are on this site. I always stayed away from convos like this because of the stereotyping, but I felt its time to reply. I know quite a few professional Ts women doing well one in particular on the site Dr.Stephanie Langhoff Chief Scientist for NASA.


I am a huge fan of Dr. Lynn Conway and the work that she does in promoting
positive images and information about transwoman.

Though one presence is glaringly absent from those pages of TS Women's
Successes and the Links and Photos, and that is the presence of Black

And by no means do I feel that Dr. Conway is responsible for this, but rather
it is we, the women of African descent who are accountable for this.

As Monica Roberts states in a post on her site:

The fact that we don't have at present a large organized community like our white counterparts and face more negativity if we openly transition, we gravitate more toward the stealth path.

But in the fifty plus years since Christine Jorgensen's very public transition, we African-American transpeople have come to painfully realize that having a history to pass down and role models are important elements of the process as well.

Our images have been negatively distorted by too many transwomen taking the escort and female illusionist path in the mistaken belief it's the only way they can make money as a transperson. We have African American transwomen succeeding in various fields such as IT, teaching, modeling and various other fields just to name a few that I'm aware of. The problem is that because these people are stealth transwomen the WORLD, our people and our fellow transpeeps don't know that.


12-13-2009, 12:09 AM
Kimberli is black. I know she is the only one on there, but hey at least there is a black TS to inspire others.


12-13-2009, 12:36 AM
This thread is hilarious to me shoot whoever started it:p

12-13-2009, 04:48 PM
This thread is hilarious to me shoot whoever started it:p

Youre satirical humor is not funny at all...I've noticed a couple of other posts from u and they seem to follow the same pattern---Ignorance....Everyone who posted in the thread (except u), made some thought provoking and intelligent points, but u (as always) don't get it...And you're a T-girl....Obviously, there's a little more going on that's got u so wound up, hope u get that fixed real soon so u can then join the ranks of adults....

12-13-2009, 08:12 PM
Kimberli is black. I know she is the only one on there, but hey at least there is a black TS to inspire others.


I am aware of Kimberli, indeed I have followed Dr. Conway's site and work
for years. I am also a member of another forum with Kimberli.

The point that Monica and I make is that when you pass, you often take the
path of least resistance, much like people of color did who could pass as white
during the Jim Crow era.

Thus this leaves behind very few role models, or those that can mentor up and
coming transwomen of color.

And I will admit that I am guilty to a certain extent of that as well by living
stealth. Though as we are aware there are degrees of stealth.

There's "stealth" where acquaintances, work colleagues and even a circle of
friends are unaware of your herstory.

And then there's "deep stealth", where you totally live your life as a woman
and very close friends and even your husband or significant other are
unaware that you were a transwoman.

One designation that Dr. Conway made that I found particularly interesting is
to be "virtually out" or "VO". This would be where you are out only on the web,
and even there your true identity may not be known.



Are you flying under the radar?



12-14-2009, 05:03 AM
Youre satirical humor is not funny at all...I've noticed a couple of other posts from u and they seem to follow the same pattern---Ignorance....Everyone who posted in the thread (except u), made some thought provoking and intelligent points, but u (as always) don't get it...And you're a T-girl....Obviously, there's a little more going on that's got u so wound up, hope u get that fixed real soon so u can then join the ranks of adults....

Ok if you feel I'm ignorant more power to you:cool:

12-14-2009, 03:05 PM

it's a sign of the times fam. I hate to say it but most of these girls are not that bright. I mean, they are smart enough to get money now, but aren't really smart enough to maintain money for after the tricks stop calling and logging into their websites.

Sadly, the real problem is these girls are gonna end up like most dope boys I know. I was one of them but I got out and did something with my money. Far too many of them will end up ass out. Didn't cash they chips in when they had the opportunity to. They go through their entire 20's and early 30's having gained no real job experience, no trade, no college...nothing to build on a resume. You find yourself at 35, still in the game, not realizing that the game has passed you by and you have no options. Now you're just another pawn, another has been, another customer.

Sorry for the off topic tangent...shit just gets under my skin because I have seen a few bright ones fall victim to the "get money now" ideology.

Very thought provoking to compare it to the dope boy craze. You hit it right on the head IMO.