View Full Version : why alot of escorts always do this?

01-30-2010, 11:58 PM
they always saying they mixed with something ex.Black and indian etc why they do that, alot of them aren't even mixed at all but hey I don't care about that

01-31-2010, 12:21 AM
Alot of girls do it just 2 seem more exotic 2 possible clients just another strategy

01-31-2010, 12:29 AM
Alot of girls do it just 2 seem more exotic 2 possible clients just another strategy

yep, i met this one black girl a few years ago, every time we hung out she always had bad things to say about latin people, thereafter she started posting on CL with im black/dominican or black/brazilan or black/panamanian

01-31-2010, 12:51 AM
Alot of girls do it just 2 seem more exotic 2 possible clients just another strategyYour right I've noticed that in alot of ads.Met this one Btg,Said she was part Italian and some other shit.That chick was all Alabaman

01-31-2010, 01:02 AM
There's a similar topic about this on BGC right now. I don't think its exclusive to tg escorts (although it seems worse with them). I think its the Black community. Many Black people seem to want to claim some other race. I remember being a kid and girls saying they had "good hair" and were "Cherokee Indian". The closest them broads were to Indian was taking the bus down Devon St. or having some Indian weave in their hair. Its kind of ridiculous.

01-31-2010, 01:59 AM
Its amazing how perpetuate self hatred, by claiming this wack shit! LOL

01-31-2010, 06:46 AM
Well, it all goes back to being placed on the teacher's "black" list if you were bad, and being placed on her "white" list if you were good. The "black" plague. How about "black" Monday. Bad guys wear "black" and good guys wear white. Don't forget about this one.....The white jelly bean was always the best tasting jelly bean in the bag. The "black" jelly bean was the nasty one that tasted like licorice. Oh, and don't forget about this one...it's actually quite funny. The Angel Food cake is the white cake and the Devil's Food cake is the dark brown cake = "black". Fellas, this is the way we have been conditioned in this European world. We have been taught to hate ourselves. Black is bad and white is good. I remember when I was a little kid, my sisters always wanted my Mother to buy the white barbie doll. When my Mom tried to buy the Black barbie doll, they cried and threw temper tantrums. They wanted no part of that Black ass doll. This is a learned condition. In the words of Goodie Mob....."We mad cause we Black, and they mad cause they can't be black no mo'!!" We must break away from trying to be like "them." Anyway! I could go on with this for hours and hours. I'll stop right here. In summary, we must learn to be proud of our heritage. The only way that happens is we must educate ourselves about ourselves. Be proud of ourselves. How many of us "brothas" know who Dr. Daniel Hale Williams is? This BROTHA performed the first SUCCESSFUL open heart surgery. Notice the word SUCCESSFUL! The procedure had been attempted by many white physicians, but was not successful. Dr. Williams, a BLACK MAN, performed the first SUCCESSFUL open heart surgery where the patient actually survived. Now how many of us "brothas" knew that tidbit of info? That's something to be proud of!!!! We must obtain pride in who we are and stop trying to obtain the things that "they" place value in. Not racial, just factual. Marinade on that for a minute.

01-31-2010, 06:51 AM
Amen bro!!!!

01-31-2010, 10:33 AM
It's not just escorts, it's not just blacks ... it's bloody Americans!

Barely anybody is "just" American. They all have to be Irish/Italian/Spanish/Polish/Russian/ blah blah ... despite never having set foot in the country that they claim to be from, for over 2 generations! Only in America does St.Patricks Day, Cinco de Mayo, Carnival, Chinese New Year and other countries special days get celebrated by people who don't know anything about that culture.

Nobody is content with being just "them" - they have to work up an identify for themselves. It's all a bit sad sometimes.

On another note, ever met a Filipino who doesn't have to interject that she's part Spanish? It's rare! Despite the Spanish being the invading rapists and conquerors of that country, many people (esp. TS models!) need to make a statement that they're "Asian-Spanish" or "Spanish-Filipino" as they think it's higher class (in which they may be correct).


01-31-2010, 01:42 PM
Your right I've noticed that in alot of ads.Met this one Btg,Said she was part Italian and some other shit.That chick was all Alabaman

LOL, just how I like em. :)

01-31-2010, 08:01 PM
I would postulate that either due to inter-marriage, cohabitation, or
colonialism, every ethnicity has traces of some other ethnicity in their
gene pool.

But it is both amusing and sad how Black people are so intense on playing
up the other ethnicities in their gene pool, while down-playing the dominant
one, which is their African heritage.

I blame it on the vestiges of slavey and colonialism.

01-31-2010, 09:39 PM
I blame it on the vestiges of slavey and colonialism.

Nah, it's less endemic than that. Not something that African-Americans can claim as it's not just ... African-Americans but many Americans.

01-31-2010, 10:18 PM
Nah, it's less endemic than that. Not something that African-Americans can claim as it's not just ... African-Americans but many Americans.

This is the point where you and I disagree Seanchai. One question for you....Name one race of people that aspire to be like black people. Name one Asian that has said "I wish I could get a job like blacks can." Name one white person that has said "black people are loved all over the world, I wish white people had that kind of status."

The truth is, Seanchai, that black people are the scum of the earth. This can be attributed to slavery and colonialism, along with the modern day butchering of the black personna by modern day media, but not just that. The European fathers of slavery and colonialism brain-dirtied blacks into believing that everything about us was bad and that we should aspire to be something else. This is evident in the common slavery practice of the fair-skinned black being part of the in-house (house nigga) while the darker skinned black dwelled outside of the house, not only during work time but also in leisure.

Why do you think blacks depend so heavily on whites. Just take a look at Haiti. Those people were doomed and waiting on the good ol' European States of America to come and save them. Why is that? It's not that blacks aren't capable. Blacks invented the traffic light (red, yellow green). Blacks invented the first architectual blueprints, the clock, the first blood transfusion, the first successful open heart surgery. So, being logically sound here, one should summize that blacks have immense capabilities. Somewhere deeply rooted in the hardwire of the black psyche is that sense of dependence on Master. That hardwiring occured during the slavery and colonialism era. Not solely, but a major contribution.

So let's not try to minimize the real issues here Seanchai. This minimization is what the majority tends to do to sort of "sweep the real issues under the rug" so to speak. Let's be honest about things. Blacks have clearly shown equal capabilities as any other ethnic group. So there must be a reason why the ratio of successful blacks to unsuccessful blacks as compared to other ethnic groups successful to unsuccessful ratios despair so greatly. This is no longer a surface issue. We must dig deeper. The facts are there. Whether we choose to accept the facts and deal with them is another story.

01-31-2010, 10:38 PM
It's not just escorts, it's not just blacks ... it's bloody Americans!

Barely anybody is "just" American. They all have to be Irish/Italian/Spanish/Polish/Russian/ blah blah ... despite never having set foot in the country that they claim to be from, for over 2 generations! Only in America does St.Patricks Day, Cinco de Mayo, Carnival, Chinese New Year and other countries special days get celebrated by people who don't know anything about that culture.

Nobody is content with being just "them" - they have to work up an identify for themselves. It's all a bit sad sometimes.

On another note, ever met a Filipino who doesn't have to interject that she's part Spanish? It's rare! Despite the Spanish being the invading rapists and conquerors of that country, many people (esp. TS models!) need to make a statement that they're "Asian-Spanish" or "Spanish-Filipino" as they think it's higher class (in which they may be correct).


This is the point where you and I disagree Seanchai. One question for you....Name one race of people that aspire to be like black people. Name one Asian that has said "I wish I could get a job like blacks can." Name one white person that has said "black people are loved all over the world, I wish white people had that kind of status."

The truth is, Seanchai, that black people are the scum of the earth. This can be attributed to slavery and colonialism, along with the modern day butchering of the black personna by modern day media, but not just that. The European fathers of slavery and colonialism brain-dirtied blacks into believing that everything about us was bad and that we should aspire to be something else. This is evident in the common slavery practice of the fair-skinned black being part of the in-house (house nigga) while the darker skinned black dwelled outside of the house, not only during work time but also in leisure.

Why do you think blacks depend so heavily on whites. Just take a look at Haiti. Those people were doomed and waiting on the good ol' European States of America to come and save them. Why is that? It's not that blacks aren't capable. Blacks invented the traffic light (red, yellow green). Blacks invented the first architectual blueprints, the clock, the first blood transfusion, the first successful open heart surgery. So, being logically sound here, one should summize that blacks have immense capabilities. Somewhere deeply rooted in the hardwire of the black psyche is that sense of dependence on Master. That hardwiring occured during the slavery and colonialism era. Not solely, but a major contribution.

So let's not try to minimize the real issues here Seanchai. This minimization is what the majority tends to do to sort of "sweep the real issues under the rug" so to speak. Let's be honest about things. Blacks have clearly shown equal capabilities as any other ethnic group. So there must be a reason why the ratio of successful blacks to unsuccessful blacks as compared to other ethnic groups successful to unsuccessful ratios despair so greatly. This is no longer a surface issue. We must dig deeper. The facts are there. Whether we choose to accept the facts and deal with them is another story.

I have to say that I see merit in both points.

People of all ethnicities, occupations, etc. will throw in other ethnic demographics when describing themselves.

However, I have seen in Asian, Black, and Latino cultures that there is a predisposition for many in these groups to want to to accentuate Euro-centric standards of beauty and culture.

It is evident in the media from Bollywood with the lighter complected Indian actors being predominant, Telemundo - Univision and other Latino media outlets favoring those with European features, Asians around the world walking around with umbrellas lest they darken, skin lightening creams, hair straightening products sold to African-Americans, and countless other instances.

I must contend that these continue to be the vestiages of colonialism, and that we live in a http://www.myfont.de/fonts/images/976/976.png world.

01-31-2010, 10:53 PM
I have to say that I see merit in both points.

People of all ethnicities, occupations, etc. will throw in other ethnic demographics when describing themselves.

However, I have seen in Asian, Black, and Latino cultures that there is a predisposition for many in these groups to want to to accentuate Euro-centric standards of beauty and culture.

It is evident in the media from Bollywood with the lighter complected Indian actors being predominant, Telemundo - Univision and other Latino media outlets favoring those with European features, Asians around the world walking around with umbrellas lest they darken, skin lightening creams, hair straightening products sold to African-Americans, and countless other instances.

I must contend that these continue to be the vestiages of colonialism, and that we live in a http://www.myfont.de/fonts/images/976/976.png world.

AGREED!!!!!! ....and other things in addition to colonialism and slavery, but for the most part, YES, I CONCUR!!!!!!!!! This is where the "white is good" and "black is bad" concept all started. Now, as far as other ethnic groups are concerned, their intrigue and love affair with the European comes from the European controlled media that spreads the "lilly white" concepts of Europeanism while limiting the "dark and dirty" secrets of Europeanism and sensationalizing the negative aspects of other ethnicities. Child molestation and rape has been a common practice in the European society/culture since the days of the Caucus Mountains. However, the majority of the world does not know this. The Catholic practice of molesting little boys is nothing new! This has been going on for 100s of years. Anyway!!!! I won't go further (unless I'm asked). LOL. Later.

01-31-2010, 11:20 PM
Well, it all goes back to being placed on the teacher's "black" list if you were bad, and being placed on her "white" list if you were good. The "black" plague. How about "black" Monday. Bad guys wear "black" and good guys wear white. Don't forget about this one.....The white jelly bean was always the best tasting jelly bean in the bag. The "black" jelly bean was the nasty one that tasted like licorice. Oh, and don't forget about this one...it's actually quite funny. The Angel Food cake is the white cake and the Devil's Food cake is the dark brown cake = "black". Fellas, this is the way we have been conditioned in this European world. We have been taught to hate ourselves. Black is bad and white is good. I remember when I was a little kid, my sisters always wanted my Mother to buy the white barbie doll. When my Mom tried to buy the Black barbie doll, they cried and threw temper tantrums. They wanted no part of that Black ass doll. This is a learned condition. In the words of Goodie Mob....."We mad cause we Black, and they mad cause they can't be black no mo'!!" We must break away from trying to be like "them." Anyway! I could go on with this for hours and hours. I'll stop right here. In summary, we must learn to be proud of our heritage. The only way that happens is we must educate ourselves about ourselves. Be proud of ourselves. How many of us "brothas" know who Dr. Daniel Hale Williams is? This BROTHA performed the first SUCCESSFUL open heart surgery. Notice the word SUCCESSFUL! The procedure had been attempted by many white physicians, but was not successful. Dr. Williams, a BLACK MAN, performed the first SUCCESSFUL open heart surgery where the patient actually survived. Now how many of us "brothas" knew that tidbit of info? That's something to be proud of!!!! We must obtain pride in who we are and stop trying to obtain the things that "they" place value in. Not racial, just factual. Marinade on that for a minute.


01-31-2010, 11:26 PM
It's not just escorts, it's not just blacks ... it's bloody Americans!

Barely anybody is "just" American. They all have to be Irish/Italian/Spanish/Polish/Russian/ blah blah ... despite never having set foot in the country that they claim to be from, for over 2 generations! Only in America does St.Patricks Day, Cinco de Mayo, Carnival, Chinese New Year and other countries special days get celebrated by people who don't know anything about that culture.

Nobody is content with being just "them" - they have to work up an identify for themselves. It's all a bit sad sometimes.

On another note, ever met a Filipino who doesn't have to interject that she's part Spanish? It's rare! Despite the Spanish being the invading rapists and conquerors of that country, many people (esp. TS models!) need to make a statement that they're "Asian-Spanish" or "Spanish-Filipino" as they think it's higher class (in which they may be correct).



02-01-2010, 09:52 AM
Name one race of people that aspire to be like black people. Name one Asian that has said "I wish I could get a job like blacks can." Name one white person that has said "black people are loved all over the world, I wish white people had that kind of status."

Well your argument falls flat here. The black race don't aspire to be like another race for the majority, some individuals within it, may. For the same reason, there are plenty of individuals within other races who copy black culture for whatever reason, they want to "be black", you only have to look at modern young culture to see that everywhere, among Asians, Latins, Caucasians.

Your "questions" ... "I wish..." or or "one white person..." are entirely irrelevant to this specific topic and dicussion, and are so loaded that they're not even worth answering.

I'll peruse the rest of your message later, after a workout and a coffee ... but if the argument is anything as pedantic and off-base as above, then it won't require much of an answer.

02-01-2010, 10:14 AM
The truth is, Seanchai, that black people are the scum of the earth. This can be attributed to slavery and colonialism, along with the modern day butchering of the black personna by modern day media, but not just that. The European fathers of slavery and colonialism brain-dirtied blacks into believing that everything about us was bad and that we should aspire to be something else. This is evident in the common slavery practice of the fair-skinned black being part of the in-house (house nigga) while the darker skinned black dwelled outside of the house, not only during work time but also in leisure.

Why do you think blacks depend so heavily on whites. Just take a look at Haiti. Those people were doomed and waiting on the good ol' European States of America to come and save them. Why is that? It's not that blacks aren't capable. Blacks invented the traffic light (red, yellow green). Blacks invented the first architectual blueprints, the clock, the first blood transfusion, the first successful open heart surgery. So, being logically sound here, one should summize that blacks have immense capabilities. Somewhere deeply rooted in the hardwire of the black psyche is that sense of dependence on Master. That hardwiring occured during the slavery and colonialism era. Not solely, but a major contribution.

So let's not try to minimize the real issues here Seanchai. This minimization is what the majority tends to do to sort of "sweep the real issues under the rug" so to speak. Let's be honest about things. Blacks have clearly shown equal capabilities as any other ethnic group. So there must be a reason why the ratio of successful blacks to unsuccessful blacks as compared to other ethnic groups successful to unsuccessful ratios despair so greatly. This is no longer a surface issue. We must dig deeper. The facts are there. Whether we choose to accept the facts and deal with them is another story.

Actually, I took the time to read it now. A beautiful prose, Vidman. You are already preaching to the converted. I'm probably more educated on the above, then most Americans because I've taken the time to read and watch film ...

... but as beautiful as it is, and relevant to the Black race's issues in the USA - it's still not relevant to the initial question/answer on "Why escorts change their ethnicity". As above, the answer remains the same, it's not just escorts and it's not just unique Blacks. It may be part of the reason amongst Black people who do this but the fact that so many other cultures do it, who mean it's not the only reason.

Using Haiti as an example, is frankly, pretty stupid. The scale of the disaster with the USA in such close range, is nothing to do with "waiting for the white man to save them" but everything to do with location and the scale of poverty and corruption in that country, a stronger example would be to look what happened in New Orleans.

1. How many Mexican models have I worked with who claim to be from another Central/South American country? Or Spanish.

2. How many Filipinos claim to be Spanish?

3. How many Thais state they're Chinese-Thai?

4. I've even had Chinese claim to be Japanese.

5. I've had white models who are so deeply intrenched in the worst parts of modern Black-American culture, that unless you met them in person, you'd never know.

Your comments about the colour black being used for everything bad, may have been indicitive of a past era (and most people on this board probably remember part of that) but it hasn't it changed, isn't "Black is Cool".


02-01-2010, 10:27 AM
AGREED!!!!!! ....and other things in addition to colonialism and slavery, but for the most part, YES, I CONCUR!!!!!!!!! This is where the "white is good" and "black is bad" concept all started. Now, as far as other ethnic groups are concerned, their intrigue and love affair with the European comes from the European controlled media that spreads the "lilly white" concepts of Europeanism while limiting the "dark and dirty" secrets of Europeanism and sensationalizing the negative aspects of other ethnicities. Child molestation and rape has been a common practice in the European society/culture since the days of the Caucus Mountains. However, the majority of the world does not know this. The Catholic practice of molesting little boys is nothing new! This has been going on for 100s of years. Anyway!!!! I won't go further (unless I'm asked). LOL. Later.

Oh jeezus, your living in a fantasy with this post and if you want to talk about demonizing a race !?!
Asian's "whitened" their faces long before European media reached their shores, the reason being that peasants would be working in the fields while the upper-classes didn't have to go out into the sun. This also took part in Elizabethan and Georgian England (continuing into the USA) for the men and women, to powder their faces. It was (and remains in Asia today) a class issue and not a race issue.

Child molestation and rape has been a common practice in the European society/culture since the days of the Caucus Mountains.
What a ridiculous and out of context comment to make. A "common practice"? Every race on earth has participated in these sorts of things throughout history, it's common knowledge that the Roman's and Greeks did, there is no "white wash" (sic). Thankfully, the Catholic's are being called out now on their pedophilia.
This isn't unique to Europe ... look what is going on in Africa NOW with children?

You've a lot of good points to make and your obviously passionate about your subject but you need to remain objective and quit with trying to make reactionary statements which are irrelevant to the argument or topic at hand. Otherwise, you sound like a Preacher, Politicianor a conspiracy theorist and your great and valid comments will be thrown into the loony bin with the rubbish.

Respectfully, seanchai

02-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Oh jeezus, your living in a fantasy with this post and if you want to talk about demonizing a race !?!
Asian's "whitened" their faces long before European media reached their shores, the reason being that peasants would be working in the fields while the upper-classes didn't have to go out into the sun. This also took part in Elizabethan and Georgian England (continuing into the USA) for the men and women, to powder their faces. It was (and remains in Asia today) a class issue and not a race issue.

What a ridiculous and out of context comment to make. A "common practice"? Every race on earth has participated in these sorts of things throughout history, it's common knowledge that the Roman's and Greeks did, there is no "white wash" (sic). Thankfully, the Catholic's are being called out now on their pedophilia.
This isn't unique to Europe ... look what is going on in Africa NOW with children?

You've a lot of good points to make and your obviously passionate about your subject but you need to remain objective and quit with trying to make reactionary statements which are irrelevant to the argument or topic at hand. Otherwise, you sound like a Preacher, Politicianor a conspiracy theorist and your great and valid comments will be thrown into the loony bin with the rubbish.

Respectfully, seanchai

(response to most of your posts, Seanchai)
This is exactly the problem. The reason of the mentality of the black man in America is so basic and simple. What happens is that people, in an attempt to dodge the truth, try to complicate the simple issues. It's not that complex Seanchai. I am only speaking about the black race (my race). The reason that the black race feels the need to claim other races and not be proud of the fact that they are BLACK is because of the brainwashing techniques stemming from the slavery period. Again, I'm only speaking of Black people. Now, you can make it a complex issue all you want Seanchai, I'm not buying it. What you sound like is some college professor attempting to dilute the real truth by highlighting issues that most people have no knowledge of. The thing about it Seanchai is that your knowledge of history = dilutions, are completely irrelevant. I will humor you by touching on your "so called" lecture session of Asian distortions. True, European MEDIA had not yet arrived at that point, but the Europeans were conducting business with the Asians. This only means that the European influence was still prevelant. So, your argument about "the media hadn't reached their shores" is fiddle-faddle, a non-issue. I mean damn Seanchai, way back in those days, there was no media anywhere. LOL! Let's keep it real Seanchai. Let's not distort the real facts with your proclaimed knowledge of world history. It's really simpler than all of that nonsense.

Now, allow me to help you clarify the difference between a class issue and a race issue. One good example is the country of India. In India, all of those people in that country are considered INDIAN. So, regardless of whether they are dark complexioned or light complexioned, they are still Indian. They don't call themselves "black" or "white" Indians, therefore, the Indian population is defined by CLASS. Race is a non-topic in that counry. However, in this country, we separate ourselves into "black" and "white" Americans. We only refer to class as it relates to financial levels. Those who have money are considered upper class. Those without it are considered lower class. In India, Northern Indians tend to look down upon Southern Indians. Why? Because northern Indians tend to be light-skinned people and Southern Indians tend to be dark-skinned people ONLY due to Southern India being closer to the Equator than Northern India. So, their difference in skin tone has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race mixing, such as African-Indian vs European-Indian. It's simply location and there is still discrimination towards the darker skinned Indian. That's terrible!! Now Seanchai, tell me why dark is always perceived negative and light is always perceived good? This same trend happens all over the world. Asians do it today! There was a story on CNN 3 or 4 weeks ago about a little black Japanese girl who is an entertainer in Japan, and the Japanese heckle her and say terrible things to her such as, "Get out of my country!" "You're not Japanese!" "We don't want your dark skin here!" Why is that Seanchai? Please, spare me on all of that historical garbage that you pulled out of left field in your previous post. Let's just keep it simple because it's a simple answer. Europeans have poisoned the entire world into believing that "white is good" and "black is bad". SIMPLE! Believe it or not. Take it or leave it. Call it what you want, but the truth is the truth. Leave your useless historical nonsense out of the discussion. What you sound like is a Professor who attempts to distort his students, which in most cases, are not as knowledgeable as the Professor anyway. This is exactly what's wrong with our country. We turn on the TV and listen to the politicians (experts) while they tell us lies. They know that most of us have no clue and will believe what they say. So they tell us anything. You can't just tell me anything Seanchai. Sorry.

With all due respect, Vid

02-01-2010, 09:19 PM
Oh jeezus, your living in a fantasy with this post and if you want to talk about demonizing a race !?!
Asian's "whitened" their faces long before European media reached their shores, the reason being that peasants would be working in the fields while the upper-classes didn't have to go out into the sun. This also took part in Elizabethan and Georgian England (continuing into the USA) for the men and women, to powder their faces. It was (and remains in Asia today) a class issue and not a race issue.

What a ridiculous and out of context comment to make. A "common practice"? Every race on earth has participated in these sorts of things throughout history, it's common knowledge that the Roman's and Greeks did, there is no "white wash" (sic). Thankfully, the Catholic's are being called out now on their pedophilia.
This isn't unique to Europe ... look what is going on in Africa NOW with children?

You've a lot of good points to make and your obviously passionate about your subject but you need to remain objective and quit with trying to make reactionary statements which are irrelevant to the argument or topic at hand. Otherwise, you sound like a Preacher, Politicianor a conspiracy theorist and your great and valid comments will be thrown into the loony bin with the rubbish.

Respectfully, seanchai

YES!!! Common practice. Pedophilia is definitely a practice and most commonly practiced in European societies. What has been brought to light recently in the Catholic religion has been going on for Centuries! I'm not aware of what's going on in Africa right now as it concerns children. I do, however, know about the current child pornography ring going on right now in this country.

02-01-2010, 09:37 PM
(response to most of your posts, Seanchai)
This is exactly the problem. The reason of the mentality of the black man in America is so basic and simple. What happens is that people, in an attempt to dodge the truth, try to complicate the simple issues. It's not that complex Seanchai. I am only speaking about the black race (my race). The reason that the black race feels the need to claim other races and not be proud of the fact that they are BLACK is because of the brainwashing techniques stemming from the slavery period. Again, I'm only speaking of Black people. Now, you can make it a complex issue all you want Seanchai, I'm not buying it. What you sound like is some college professor attempting to dilute the real truth by highlighting issues that most people have no knowledge of. The thing about it Seanchai is that your knowledge of history = dilutions, are completely irrelevant. I will humor you by touching on your "so called" lecture session of Asian distortions. True, European MEDIA had not yet arrived at that point, but the Europeans were conducting business with the Asians. This only means that the European influence was still prevelant. So, your argument about "the media hadn't reached their shores" is fiddle-faddle, a non-issue. I mean damn Seanchai, way back in those days, there was no media anywhere. LOL! Let's keep it real Seanchai. Let's not distort the real facts with your proclaimed knowledge of world history. It's really simpler than all of that nonsense.

Now, allow me to help you clarify the difference between a class issue and a race issue. One good example is the country of India. In India, all of those people in that country are considered INDIAN. So, regardless of whether they are dark complexioned or light complexioned, they are still Indian. They don't call themselves "black" or "white" Indians, therefore, the Indian population is defined by CLASS. Race is a non-topic in that counry. However, in this country, we separate ourselves into "black" and "white" Americans. We only refer to class as it relates to financial levels. Those who have money are considered upper class. Those without it are considered lower class. In India, Northern Indians tend to look down upon Southern Indians. Why? Because northern Indians tend to be light-skinned people and Southern Indians tend to be dark-skinned people ONLY due to Southern India being closer to the Equator than Northern India. So, their difference in skin tone has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race mixing, such as African-Indian vs European-Indian. It's simply location and there is still discrimination towards the darker skinned Indian. That's terrible!! Now Seanchai, tell me why dark is always perceived negative and light is always perceived good? This same trend happens all over the world. Asians do it today! There was a story on CNN 3 or 4 weeks ago about a little black Japanese girl who is an entertainer in Japan, and the Japanese heckle her and say terrible things to her such as, "Get out of my country!" "You're not Japanese!" "We don't want your dark skin here!" Why is that Seanchai? Please, spare me on all of that historical garbage that you pulled out of left field in your previous post. Let's just keep it simple because it's a simple answer. Europeans have poisoned the entire world into believing that "white is good" and "black is bad". SIMPLE! Believe it or not. Take it or leave it. Call it what you want, but the truth is the truth. Leave your useless historical nonsense out of the discussion. What you sound like is a Professor who attempts to distort his students, which in most cases, are not as knowledgeable as the Professor anyway. This is exactly what's wrong with our country. We turn on the TV and listen to the politicians (experts) while they tell us lies. They know that most of us have no clue and will believe what they say. So they tell us anything. You can't just tell me anything Seanchai. Sorry.

With all due respect, Vid

Well let's face it, you've given me no respect whatsoever in that post and once proved what ridiculous assertions you can make, I'll respond in kind. This conversation wasn't about the black race but about escorts, you've twisted it into your own agenda, so it IS about more than just "your race" so get over it.

Let me remind me of what "I humoured" you with.
Did you even read why I stated Asians (and other countries) want to be "white" - it's not to be Caucasian or European, it's class. It was like that before Europeans reached those shores in any numbers and the Japanese still live by that, despite having no interest in European culture (in fact, looking down on most of it as low-class).
You can deny or look past it all your want but that's what it is, so quit with the psuedo-education, as your showing your lack of it (or at the least, lack of comprehension or objectiveness).

I've no idea what Indians have to do with it, or where you are getting your theories from (but I suspect it's pulled from your Black arse! :cool:) Indian's do not look down on their own people solely because of colour but because of which caste they were born into, which although it's arguable doesn't constitute racism, is obviously prejudice based on which caste you happened to be born into.

Europeans did not "invent" dark being bad, and white being good to slander the Black race. Before Black people were even seen in Europe, Black was bad. Why? Because it's the colour of the night, when the people had to shelter from beasts, from weather. Because it's the winter, when the nights are long and dark and their superstitions wondered whether it would ever end and they would be able to grow crops again. White was good because it was the colour of the moon, which lit dark nights. It's the colour of the sun which helped their crops grow.

I don't have the answer as to why you think, "the black race feels the need to claim other races" maybe you want to look at the circle of people you hang out with, or maybe it's just because you feel superior to most and don't like the culture ... I don't know ... because in my experience with Black Americans, they all love being Black, they embrace it within their music, their clothes, their film and their food. I've came across more Whites wanting to be Black in the USA, then Blacks wanting to be White?

I'll tell you what, you would make a fantastic reglious orator, preaching rubbish to the converted as you make a half-way decent attempt at your conspiracies. It's a shame you can't base them in facts or simply deny any other points and make the whole lot just sound like rubbish.

02-01-2010, 09:42 PM
YES!!! Common practice. Pedophilia is definitely a practice and most commonly practiced in European societies. What has been brought to light recently in the Catholic religion has been going on for Centuries! I'm not aware of what's going on in Africa right now as it concerns children. I do, however, know about the current child pornography ring going on right now in this country.

African men raping virgins (children) as they think it could cure them of HIV?

Please show me your background reading which shows that pedophilia is "most commonly practiced in European societies" as I've never heard that and as far as I've known, it goes on all over the world.

02-01-2010, 10:11 PM
Well let's face it, you've given me no respect whatsoever in that post and once proved what ridiculous assertions you can make, I'll respond in kind. This conversation wasn't about the black race but about escorts, you've twisted it into your own agenda, so it IS about more than just "your race" so get over it.

Let me remind me of what "I humoured" you with.
Did you even read why I stated Asians (and other countries) want to be "white" - it's not to be Caucasian or European, it's class. It was like that before Europeans reached those shores in any numbers and the Japanese still live by that, despite having no interest in European culture (in fact, looking down on most of it as low-class).
You can deny or look past it all your want but that's what it is, so quit with the psuedo-education, as your showing your lack of it (or at the least, lack of comprehension or objectiveness).

I've no idea what Indians have to do with it, or where you are getting your theories from (but I suspect it's pulled from your Black arse! :cool:) Indian's do not look down on their own people solely because of colour but because of which caste they were born into, which although it's arguable doesn't constitute racism, is obviously prejudice based on which caste you happened to be born into.

Europeans did not "invent" dark being bad, and white being good to slander the Black race. Before Black people were even seen in Europe, Black was bad. Why? Because it's the colour of the night, when the people had to shelter from beasts, from weather. Because it's the winter, when the nights are long and dark and their superstitions wondered whether it would ever end and they would be able to grow crops again. White was good because it was the colour of the moon, which lit dark nights. It's the colour of the sun which helped their crops grow.

I don't have the answer as to why you think, "the black race feels the need to claim other races" maybe you want to look at the circle of people you hang out with, or maybe it's just because you feel superior to most and don't like the culture ... I don't know ... because in my experience with Black Americans, they all love being Black, they embrace it within their music, their clothes, their film and their food. I've came across more Whites wanting to be Black in the USA, then Blacks wanting to be White?

I'll tell you what, you would make a fantastic reglious orator, preaching rubbish to the converted as you make a half-way decent attempt at your conspiracies. It's a shame you can't base them in facts or simply deny any other points and make the whole lot just sound like rubbish.

Pseudo education, Seanchai? LOL!!! As I said in previous posts, I'm no history major, but I do have a BS of Biology degree and currently in Pharmacy school. So my education may not be specialized in World History, but pseudo is definitely not the case.

I am VERY proud of my race. I have never wanted to be anything but black, but I will say that I'm not foolish enough place a label on people regardless of how many bad connotations that label represents.

Seanchai, I'm not really interested in your experiences with blacks because unless you've actually walked a mile in my shoes, you have no clue. I've had countless experiences with whites, good and bad, but I dare not pretend to have white people all figured out or any other race of people.

The simple question was: Why is that some transsexuals claim that they are mixed with something when they aren't? My answer was simply...because Blacks have been pre-conditioned into thinking that "black" isn't good. Now Seanchai, for WHATEVER reason this self-hatred has been instilled is up for argument. You have your opinion and I have mine, but the simple fact of the matter is that the perpetuation of self hate in the black community is a learned condition mainly instituted during the slavery and colonialism period by the European culture. Say what you want! I'm pretty sure about the little history I do know that relates directly to racism and it's origin in this country.

...and i definitely respect you Seanchai. Why wouldn't I. I respect your opinion and I'm not upset with you for it. We are having a healthy debate. Is that okay?

02-01-2010, 10:16 PM
Pseudo education, Seanchai? LOL!!! As I said in previous posts, I'm no history major, but I do have a BS of Biology degree and currently in Pharmacy school. So my education may not be specialized in World History, but pseudo is definitely not the case.

I am VERY proud of my race. I have never wanted to be anything but black, but I will say that I'm not foolish enough place a label on people regardless of how many bad connotations that label represents.

Seanchai, I'm not really interested in your experiences with blacks because unless you've actually walked a mile in my shoes, you have no clue. I've had countless experiences with whites, good and bad, but I dare not pretend to have white people all figured out or any other race of people.

The simple question was: Why is that some transsexuals claim that they are mixed with something when they aren't? My answer was simply...because Blacks have been pre-conditioned into thinking that "black" isn't good. Now Seanchai, for WHATEVER reason this self-hatred has been instilled is up for argument. You have your opinion and I have mine, but the simple fact of the matter is that the perpetuation of self hate in the black community is a learned condition mainly instituted during the slavery and colonialism period by the European culture. Say what you want! I'm pretty sure about the little history I do know that relates directly to racism and it's origin in this country.

...and i definitely respect you Seanchai. Why wouldn't I. I respect your opinion and I'm not upset with you for it. We are having a healthy debate. Is that okay?

Ok I'll apologise about the pseudo-education as obviously your not ill-educated.
You have no arguments from me on any of the above points you've just made. My point was, that it wasn't just transsexuals, or escorts, or blacks.

By the way, it IS a bit of a lame statement to try and play the "your experience with blacks because unless you've actually walked a mile in my shoes, you have no clue." as I'd never tried to assert that I was anything like you or know how you think or have experienced life, the same as I wouldn't for any other individual, regardless of age, class, race or sex. Coming out with that stuff, somewhat does weaken your argumentative or the discussion.

02-01-2010, 10:25 PM
Ok I'll apologise about the pseudo-education as obviously your not ill-educated.
You have no arguments from me on any of the above points you've just made. My point was, that it wasn't just transsexuals, or escorts, or blacks.

By the way, it IS a bit of a lame statement to try and play the "your experience with blacks because unless you've actually walked a mile in my shoes, you have no clue." as I'd never tried to assert that I was anything like you or know how you think or have experienced life, the same as I wouldn't for any other individual, regardless of age, class, race or sex. Coming out with that stuff, somewhat does weaken your argumentative or the discussion.

Yeah, you're right. I guess, being human, I tend to get a little emotional during a debate. It's never good to wear your emotions on your sleeve. I do apologize as well. I have to remember that in your profession, you probably deal with all races of people and genders so you definitely have more experience than I do with varieties of people. I definitely respect your points-of-view.


02-01-2010, 11:16 PM
African men raping virgins (children) as they think it could cure them of HIV?

Please show me your background reading which shows that pedophilia is "most commonly practiced in European societies" as I've never heard that and as far as I've known, it goes on all over the world.

The Cultural History of Pedophilia
Despite the lack of statistics, other sources indicate that sexual relations between adults and children have always existed. Attitudes toward this have changed over the course of history, and these relations have been condemned since late antiquity. Despite this we can find examples of prominent figures, including Saint Augustine (354–430), Muhammad (570–632), and Gandhi (1869–1948), who publicly enjoyed the company of young children and may have had sexual relations with them.

In the strictly hierarchical society of classical Greece, sexual relations between an adult man and a boy were seen as contributing to the boy's education. In late antiquity this view was questioned by, among others, the poet Ovid and the philosopher Plutarch. They argued that such a relationship was not fulfilling for the adult, since the boy, due to his inferior social status, was not allowed to express his own desire. This devaluated the joy of his adult partner and so men were better served by having sexual relations with women.

With the rise of Christianity, approved sexuality came to be located within heterosexual marriage, with procreation as its sole purpose. This was reflected in medieval legislation that established minimum marriage ages and prohibitions against INCEST and homosexual relations. With the ENLIGHTENMENT and the French Revolution in the eighteenth century, morality was no longer the responsibility solely of the Church. The gatekeeper of public and private morals was to be the state, and nineteenth-century penal legislation built upon this base, adding sections on sexual offenses.

The penal code did not prevent adults from having sexual relations with children. The most severe sexual abuse can be detected in legal sources, from rape to sexually related child murder. Between 1830 and 1890, two-thirds of all documented sexual offenses in London had children as victims. Nineteenth-century institutional and educational sources show a less dramatic picture, with some ambiguity about the line between physical and sexual abuse of children by teachers or priests.

Discourse on the sexual abuse of children was renewed in France and England around 1850 as a result of the rise of the middle-class family, with its romantic concept of the child, as well as the establishment of the new scientific professions of psychiatry and forensic medicine. Two French physicians, Adolphe Toulmouche and Ambrose Tardieu, undertook the first forensic medical studies of child victims of sexual abuse.

But it was not until the publication of a series of articles entitled "The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" in the British newspaper the Pall Mall Gazette in 1885 that sexual abuse of children became a topic for public discussion. The articles, written by the journalist W. T. Stead, dealt with CHILD PROSTITUTION. They had an enormous effect on a public that cultivated the image of the innocent girl-child as encountered in Alice in Wonderland and in the many contemporary photos and paintings of naked children. About a quarter of a million people marched in the streets of London demanding a higher AGE OF CONSENT for sexual acts. This

In 1996, a mass protest was held in Brussels, Belgium, in response to the perceived mishandling by the police of the Marc Dutroux case. Dutroux had abducted, sexually abused, and killed several young girls in the 1990s; his crimes went undetected for years, even though informants had warned the police of his activities a number of times. © .
demand was echoed all over the Western world, and at the outbreak of World War I the age of consent had been raised in most countries from ten or twelve to fifteen, sixteen, or eighteen.

The people responsible for bringing sexual child abuse to the public's attention were not physicians. Despite the occurrence of sexually transmitted VENEREAL DISEASES amongchildren, both at ORPHANAGES and in families, physicians tended to profess belief in the so-called innocent explanation: that the children had caught the diseases after sharing sheets, sponges, or towels. The physicians were motivated not only by fear of losing customers if they interfered in the domain of the family. The epidemiology of venereal diseases was not completely known. Furthermore, it was not yet possible in their society to speak about children and SEXUALITY within the context of the innocent child. To the nineteenth-century child savers, the subject could not be mentioned without evoking the image of the masturbating boy and the precocious working-class girl.

In this situation, the subject was left to the women's movement, the philanthropic societies, and individual child savers. Due to their work, a new image–that of the sexually innocent child who was easy prey for sexually depraved adult men–was introduced into the culture.

Even though children were considered sexually innocent, however, they were not always trusted in court. The skepticism facing the child witness was great, and it was supported by new scientific studies of child witnesses and by a Freudian understanding of children's sexuality. This new knowledge could also be used to acquit the child of bad intentions, since it framed childhood sexuality as by its very nature innocent.

The moral panic about sexual child abuse at the end of the nineteenth century was followed by a series of media panics during the twentieth century. With a foundation in sexology, forensic medicine, and EUGENICS, the image of the sexual psychopath dominated the discourse of the 1930s through 1950s. This interpretation was gradually replaced by psychoanalysis, the sexual revolution, and an understanding of and belief in resocializing sexual criminals. In the late 1960s the picture changed again with the development of the women's movement and movements concerned with the rights of various groups. This period climaxed with the first accusations against preschool teachers. Among the first cases was the McMartin Preschool in California. The case opened in 1983. Seventeen years later all the accused were acquitted.

During the 1970s through 1990s, revelations of the existence of child pornography as well as pedophile chat groups on the Internet, in addition to a series of sensational child murders in the United States and Europe, resulted in a new moral panic, which led to an insistence on stronger punishments for child sexual abuse and a demand for national registers of sexual offenders. The first world conference on sexual child abuse, held in Stockholm in the summer of 1996, supported these. In the United States, thirty-five states implemented the so-called MEGAN'S LAWS during the years 1994 through 1996. These laws contain a community notification provision. Forty-nine states have introduced state registers. In the early twenty-first century a reaction to what came to be seen as a witch-hunt against pedophiles became visible. It produced a growing awareness of the legal rights of the accused.

Here is the link to this article. http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Pa-Re/Pedophilia.html

02-01-2010, 11:35 PM
African men raping virgins (children) as they think it could cure them of HIV?

Please show me your background reading which shows that pedophilia is "most commonly practiced in European societies" as I've never heard that and as far as I've known, it goes on all over the world.

Here is another link. http://news.ronatvan.com/2009/06/20/germany-and-eu-to-legalize-pedophilia-and-with-it-child-pornography-as-well/

I must say that even though the most Pedophilia seems to come from the Islamic nation, the European cultures have been known to be involved more in this action. I'm not saying that no one did this but the Europeans. What I'm saying is that these things have been known to come from the European nations more than other nations.

02-01-2010, 11:49 PM
What I'm saying is that these things have been known to come from the European nations more than other nations.

Huh? I don't see anything in the above that relates to that whatsoever, it's pure theory on your part and frankly, highly offensive.
It's a cultural history, no a geographical history of the pedophilia. It goes on, in all races, in all nations, in all cultures - it's a load of crap until someone can provide clinical statistics from each race/country.
Really - as a scientist you present this as proof of your theory?

Did you even read the website that this rubbish came from:
It's a right wing new agency designed to spread lies and mis-information, they also run the headlines ...

Blacks are the same everywhere: Haitians looting like in Louisiania during Katrina

Obama’s Naked Jewish Mother

Norway Pays heavy Price for Mass Third World Immigration: 90% of crimes committed by non-whites

US: Four Blacks kill One White man in front of familly for displaying Conferate Flag

C'mon, don't grasp at straws.

02-02-2010, 01:11 AM
Huh? I don't see anything in the above that relates to that whatsoever, it's pure theory on your part and frankly, highly offensive.
It's a cultural history, no a geographical history of the pedophilia. It goes on, in all races, in all nations, in all cultures - it's a load of crap until someone can provide clinical statistics from each race/country.
Really - as a scientist you present this as proof of your theory?

Did you even read the website that this rubbish came from:
It's a right wing new agency designed to spread lies and mis-information, they also run the headlines ...

Blacks are the same everywhere: Haitians looting like in Louisiania during Katrina

Obama’s Naked Jewish Mother

Norway Pays heavy Price for Mass Third World Immigration: 90% of crimes committed by non-whites

US: Four Blacks kill One White man in front of familly for displaying Conferate Flag

C'mon, don't grasp at straws.

Um.... this shit has gotten ri-gotdayum-diculous. I think both of you have made some points that have merit. Particularly with the historical view of cultural esteem in the Black community by Vid and the differences/similarities with other cultures expressed by Seanchai. But seriously, is it worth this dramatic back-and-forth and the sometimes loony posts? :confused::p

And by the way, aren't you Black British ;) Seanchai??!

02-02-2010, 01:43 AM
Um.... this shit has gotten ri-gotdayum-diculous. I think both of you have made some points that have merit. Particularly with the historical view of cultural esteem in the Black community by Vid and the differences/similarities with other cultures expressed by Seanchai. But seriously, is it worth this dramatic back-and-forth and the sometimes loony posts? :confused::p

And by the way, aren't you Black British ;) Seanchai??!

I'm done with it BD. I tried to offer a truce but it was slapped from my hand.

02-02-2010, 10:11 AM
I'm done with it BD. I tried to offer a truce but it was slapped from my hand.

Truce? Didn't you say we were just having a debate before your went ahead and started asserting about Europeans being pedophiles?
I'm sorry you've taken it so personally. Maybe you should do your research better before spewing rubbish ...
Honestly, I'm still reading this link you give, in fact, everybody should as it's so insidious. Proves my other points about you speaking first without any reasonable evidence.


I'm done. There are Blacks in Britain, Bigdicki?

02-02-2010, 01:41 PM
they always saying they mixed with something ex.Black and indian etc why they do that, alot of them aren't even mixed at all but hey I don't care about that

Simple answer.

It is widely portrayed that Black American culture is synonymous with failure. (i.e. high incarceration rates, crime, poverty, low education). The attempt with black women or TS is to distance themselves from that negative stigma and appear more exotic. You don't see this much with black males.

Black TS have a bad reputation in escorting and beyond. For instance, if a girl claims she is black in an Eros ad, she may miss out on some clients because they may think she is cheap, dirty, turns tricks on a bad side of town or just has flat out bad service. If she claims she is mixed, Indian, a dark skinned Brazilian or whatever, she feels that makes her more appealing and "safe" to clients/admirers.

That is all that is its fellas. What are yall arguing with Sean Chai about lol. No other race/culture makes us do that. It's a home grown issue with this current (mostly ignorant) generation of black americans.

02-02-2010, 01:42 PM
Truce? Didn't you say we were just having a debate before your went ahead and started asserting about Europeans being pedophiles?
I'm sorry you've taken it so personally. Maybe you should do your research better before spewing rubbish ...
Honestly, I'm still reading this link you give, in fact, everybody should as it's so insidious. Proves my other points about you speaking first without any reasonable evidence.


I'm done. There are Blacks in Britain, Bigdicki?


02-02-2010, 01:44 PM
Simple answer.

It is widely portrayed that Black American culture is synonymous with failure. (i.e. high incarceration rates, crime, poverty, low education). The attempt with black women or TS is to distance themselves from that negative stigma and appear more exotic. You don't see this much with black males.

Black TS have a bad reputation in escorting and beyond. For instance, if a girl claims she is black in an Eros ad, she may miss out on some clients because they may think she is cheap, dirty, turns tricks on a bad side of town or just has flat out bad service. If she claims she is mixed, Indian, a dark skinned Brazilian or whatever, she feels that makes her more appealing and "safe" to clients/admirers.

This works even though she has pics where you can see she is Blacker than midnight with a tan? Do dudes really fall for that?

02-02-2010, 01:54 PM
This works even though she has pics where you can see she is Blacker than midnight with a tan? Do dudes really fall for that?


I've seen chicks I know who are str8 out the projects claiming they are mixed with Brazilian and can't even spell it or find it on a map. Throw a lil weave in your head, arch your eyebrows and claim your parents are Korean and Portuguese. Thats the name of the game and dudes fall for it daily.

All of us are black and of African descent. It's just that some of these groups were dropped off before they got to the U.S. They have mixed into and identified with their former captors. (i.e. the Spanish and so on).

The thing is that some Brazilians, Islanders, etc. are actually darker than most Black Americans so theoretically the skin color doesn't matter. Before the colonization of America, people referred their race by region (i.e. Nigerian, Egyptian, etc.) The color code system was something Americans came up with to distinguish this melting pot we have here. So it's easy for some of these girls to portray that they are something they arent.

02-02-2010, 05:15 PM
What ethnicity is exotic?

02-03-2010, 12:18 AM
What ethnicity is exotic?

What took you so long?!! :p

02-03-2010, 12:52 AM
Truce? Didn't you say we were just having a debate before your went ahead and started asserting about Europeans being pedophiles?
I'm sorry you've taken it so personally. Maybe you should do your research better before spewing rubbish ...
Honestly, I'm still reading this link you give, in fact, everybody should as it's so insidious. Proves my other points about you speaking first without any reasonable evidence.


I'm done. There are Blacks in Britain, Bigdicki?

I definitely know you're not one of them Seanchai.

02-03-2010, 08:58 AM
I definitely know you're not one of them Seanchai.

Well obviously as you've seen my pic.
I definately know your not one either.
Don't be a dick.

02-03-2010, 03:27 PM
I tryed 2 answer it as simply as I could ,the penis swinging that happened afterwards was very entertaining lol:rolleyes:but alot of races are exotic just goes 2 guys always wanting something new and different and alot of girls feel they have 2 compete so why not jump on the mixed band wagon :DI myself am mixed with a few things but feel I don't look it so why try and advertise it,but I won't knock the chicks that do,so in closing it's simply a strategy 2 be more appealing 2 consumers

02-03-2010, 05:07 PM
....so in closing it's simply a strategy 2 be more appealing 2 consumers

... and there you have it ... straight from the mouth of the Cream!

02-03-2010, 11:45 PM
I tryed 2 answer it as simply as I could ,the penis swinging that happened afterwards was very entertaining lol:rolleyes:but alot of races are exotic just goes 2 guys always wanting something new and different and alot of girls feel they have 2 compete so why not jump on the mixed band wagon :DI myself am mixed with a few things but feel I don't look it so why try and advertise it,but I won't knock the chicks that do,so in closing it's simply a strategy 2 be more appealing 2 consumers

Funny Carmen how our convos end up on the forum, but in reality what is labeled as exotic? I thought Blacks are considered exotic.

02-04-2010, 03:13 AM
What took you so long?!! :p

As Richard said, "Young wise men are dead than a mutha fucka!" I want one of you astute, mature men to tell me what ethnicity is deemed "exotic" and where that country is! My dooffus ass can't find it anywhere on the world map I have! Yeah, I'm putting another spin on this dumb shit, since it traveled faster than the aroma of a fart! Let's kiss this pig goodnight!

02-04-2010, 02:34 PM
Funny Carmen how our convos end up on the forum, but in reality what is labeled as exotic? I thought Blacks are considered exotic.

Exotic = Foreign IMO.

I dont consider whites & black exotic because you see them every day in America.

On the other hand, immigrants from Mexico, Thailand, Europe, South America, etc. can be considered exotic to an American because on a ratio basis, we dont come into contact with other cultures compared to our own.