View Full Version : who here has been seen with a tgirl in public

02-13-2010, 01:25 AM
I know I have I would add details but im posting over a phone but wat about any of u?

02-13-2010, 01:32 AM
I know I have I would add details but im posting over a phone but wat about any of u?

Now THIS is an interesting question. I have only been seen by someone I know in one instance. A tgirl I used to date (not P4P) and I wouldn't go out much or be seen much in public. I think subconsciously she was a little self-conscious and me maybe I was too but I honestly don't kick it out in public too much with gg's either. Anyway, we were out coming out of restaurant and my cousin saw us. Chatted it up with him for a while and was a little surprised he didn't ask anything because when we were younger he was a gay-bashing homophobe. End of the conversation, he pulls me aside and says, "damn old girl looking good is that you or can you share?" Fool never even knew she was trans. Naturally I said I wasn't sharing shit! :D

02-13-2010, 03:00 AM
I agree it's an interesting question. I've heard many complaints by TGirls about guys not being willing to be seen with them in public, guys treating them like a secret, not willing to take them home to Momma or to hang with their friends. If you think about it, it's sad and there's something not right about it. On the other hand, if you are willing to do all those things, it would give you a big advantage over other guys competing for their romantic favors. Something to consider.

I'd be willing to be seen in public, but like a lot of guys I'd feel awkward if she was clockable (I'd also be less attracted).

02-13-2010, 03:41 AM
Lets be real for a minute people, if you have sex with a Tgirl then your gay and your seen as gay. If your out dating a shemale then your gay. I know thats folks are gonna disagree with me but look at some of these Tgirls personal Website and you see the guy with the mask on...there is a reason he has a mask on and its not because he ugly lol. Theres a reason that dudes don't wanna be seen with a tgirl in public. I look at tranny porn but hell i look at all types of porn if its good i never slept with a tgirl nor do i plan to. I do Pussy and Pussy ONLY.

Hell when a Tgirl gets with a man who knows she is a shemale the first thing she thinks is "he is obviously gay, he knows i have a dick". don't believe me ask them. The only time that i MAY NOT count if if the tgirl is Post-Op. MAYBE!!!

02-13-2010, 04:58 AM
Yeah. First t-girl I met (my escort friend I mentioned a while back) I ended up taking out to a movie. Honest to god, I seem to get more and more confused about how I feel about trannies by the day, but generally if I like you enough to be with you, I'm gonna be with you no matter what anybody has to say about it.

02-13-2010, 06:02 AM
Si aqui amigo....

02-13-2010, 07:59 AM
Yup had a 3 year relationship. So yeah we went out alot

02-13-2010, 09:02 AM
I've been in a couple serious relationships with BTG's.I got to be honest the first time we wen't out in a public setting, a part of me was real paranoid about how people would react.But she was so pretty,and naturally passable,it was something I got over with time.I prefer dating,as opposed to Pay 4 Play especially now,with what seems to be an epidemic of escorts, with bad attititudes,false Promises,and fake pics.:mad:

02-13-2010, 12:23 PM
We're all a creature of society, so its only natural to be sensitive about what others are saying. Its human nature as part of our respective culture.

If I like the tgirl I am confident enough in my self as a person to do what I want.

Lets be honest, there aren't lots of DL black dudes for nothing, us black folks can get mighty paranoid about sexuality deviating from man and woman.

Its all about your confidence and comfort though as a person to handle your business with whomever you like. If you know what you like you have to go for it.

02-13-2010, 08:02 PM
Interesting responses, very interesting.....

I couldn't tolerate being in a relationship or just kicking it with someone,
and all we did was stay in the house, watch rented videos, and order in

Anyone I am involved with we are going to movies, plays, museums, shopping,
over to my / his friends and family houses, etc.

Don't know who these chicks are that accept being kept in the closet, but to
the men that do that, they would be better off sticking with escorts.


Ms Remy M
02-14-2010, 12:30 AM
Lol good question. 7 times out of 10, when I'm out in public I have a tgirl with me. :D Care less what anyone has to say about it.

02-14-2010, 06:08 AM
Lets be real for a minute people, if you have sex with a Tgirl then your gay and your seen as gay. If your out dating a shemale then your gay. I know thats folks are gonna disagree with me but look at some of these Tgirls personal Website and you see the guy with the mask on...there is a reason he has a mask on and its not because he ugly lol. Theres a reason that dudes don't wanna be seen with a tgirl in public. I look at tranny porn but hell i look at all types of porn if its good i never slept with a tgirl nor do i plan to. I do Pussy and Pussy ONLY.

Hell when a Tgirl gets with a man who knows she is a shemale the first thing she thinks is "he is obviously gay, he knows i have a dick". don't believe me ask them. The only time that i MAY NOT count if if the tgirl is Post-Op. MAYBE!!!

I can tell you black
anyway if you only interest in pussy why you here, don't tell me that your adventurous or some other bullcrap

02-14-2010, 06:12 AM
All other race of men seem 2 be a little bit more open 2 being seen with tgirls then blacks, I don't know why though I guess that's just them I would never let people dictate me and my actions because I'm afraid they'll think I'm "soft" "gay" or whatever

02-14-2010, 06:36 AM
I can tell you black
anyway if you only interest in pussy why you here, don't tell me that your adventurous or some other bullcrap

Im a watcher thats it. im only interested in fucking pussy. WATCHING tgirl porn is a guilty pleasure. but i only fuck pussy. Not trying to put anyone down on this site because i know some folks disagree with me and be like "oh your confused" but you can only be confused if you don't know if you want to get with a tgirl or not...i don't.

02-14-2010, 07:42 AM
Im a watcher thats it. im only interested in fucking pussy. WATCHING tgirl porn is a guilty pleasure. but i only fuck pussy. Not trying to put anyone down on this site because i know some folks disagree with me and be like "oh your confused" but you can only be confused if you don't know if you want to get with a tgirl or not...i don't.

I definitely hear you, and it's completely possible to just get turned on by the porn and nothing else, but too many people seem to equate the act of sex with sexual orientation and that's what sounds like you're doing. Not to try and put you on trial, because you don't have to justify why you like what you like or anything like that, but you can fuck a person and sexual attraction doesn't necessarily have to enter into the equation. Is a man who likes women any less "straight" if he becomes celibate? What about the celibate guy who likes t-girls or even men?

02-14-2010, 04:39 PM
This question really illuminates how trans-attracted men view themselves as well as how they view trans-women. As a black man who dealt with the insecurities and societal conditioning that we have all fallen prey to; it took almost 10 years before I was comfortable enough with myself to be seen in public with a trans-woman. It didn't matter how passable she was. Most of the insecurity issues were within me.
As I matured, I saw a lot of men from all walks of life sneaking in and out with the working girls. These same men would deny it to their dying day. There are ton's of me from all walks of life - I have seen them myself - who will taste the forbidden fruit of a trans-woman and yet will die if they were to be seen.It's funny - yes this is a porn site blog but it is a microcosim of society as a whole.
I have been in a couple of LTR's with trans-women. I find my behavior back in the day both sad and troubling. I am not ashamed of who I am or who I choose to be with and date trans-women almost exclusively.

02-14-2010, 08:53 PM
I definitely hear you, and it's completely possible to just get turned on by the porn and nothing else, but too many people seem to equate the act of sex with sexual orientation and that's what sounds like you're doing. Not to try and put you on trial, because you don't have to justify why you like what you like or anything like that, but you can fuck a person and sexual attraction doesn't necessarily have to enter into the equation. Is a man who likes women any less "straight" if he becomes celibate? What about the celibate guy who likes t-girls or even men?

The bolded describes me. I only get turned on by watching them. but hell thats for any bizarre/freaky/good/unusual porn on the net. i just get bored SOMETIMES with the same o same o. i only seen(not met) 2 tgirls in my life both on accident. one in a parking lot and one at burger king. how did i know they was tgirls? one of the cooks at burger king yelled "YO DAWG THATS A DUDE!" and they other one i over heard dudes saying that shes a dude.

02-14-2010, 09:04 PM
also just wondering

1) does the people know she is a shemale? if not whats the point? If no one knows who the shemale is then no one would know that she is a tgirl right? so whats the point in being with a tgirl in public?

2) And if its because she is so damn ugly why fuck with her to begin with?

3) also if you going somewhere where the shemale is known than whats so bad about being seen with her?

4) having you been fronting like your this guy who claims he is 100% strait? so now you have to keep that front up

02-15-2010, 08:16 PM
Hoodstar: You make some interesting points...yet you also point out your naivety (I don't want to say ignorance) regarding the world of sexuality versus societal norms...
1) does the people know she is a shemale? if not whats the point? If no one knows who the shemale is then no one would know that she is a tgirl right? so whats the point in being with a tgirl in public? WTF??? Attraction to the feminine form is universal for straight men or TG Admirers. A man in a dress is a cross-dresser and doesn't apply to TG's who define themselves as women and want to be perceived as such.
2) And if its because she is so damn ugly why fuck with her to begin with? Ask that to many men who have not so attractive (ugly) mates whether they be male or female... Overwhelmingly, the response is personality & compatability... Live long enough you may understand that one.

3) also if you going somewhere where the shemale is known than whats so bad about being seen with her? I dont think this is an issue for all TG Admirers. Some men don't identify with the Ball Scene, Gay Club, etc... because they don't perceive themselves as GAY!!!

4) having you been fronting like your this guy who claims he is 100% strait? so now you have to keep that front up[/QUOTE] Again I state...WTF??? Attraction to the feminine form is universal for straight men or TG Admirers. I like... No, I LOVE the Feminine Form. TG's & GG's make me tingle in all the right places... not feminine dudes, gay dudes or any dudes whatsoever! This is a stigma created by the society we live in. Its an example of the frog being placed in cool water that warms until they are boiled alive. People who come to live in our American society are often shocked by how limited we are in accepting people outside of the defined norms. Just like a frog being thrown into a pot of boiling water would immediately leap out of it. We all have to 'fit' into a category/perception/or group define by others, sometimes we subscribe to these norms while harboring our own doubts (look in the mirror). You stated earlier that you just like to look at various porn and that you are straight. Well, show your TG porn to your GG girlfriend and see if she still approves of you being 100% straight. This to me is the the litmus test... one I myself could not pass using this societys rubric!!! But to come in and label everyone here GAY is presumptuous and naive (I don't want to say ignorant)... Yet YOU are here and claim to be straight, just like ME...;)

02-15-2010, 08:48 PM
^ Have you been with a shemale before? if so then thats the difference between me and you. I havent nor will i ever. Attraction to the femine form is true HOWEVER if you get with a "girl" you know is a "man" then does that count as you being gay? Forget what you watch on the internet, what is your action? Im not trying to bash anybody who is gay cause if your gay then thats your bussiness BUT to the public eye you are gay. What i have noticed is guys who date trannies don't consider themselves gay.

if it don't matter if your seen public than why ask the question? obviously guys ae worried about what others think.

Ms Remy M
02-15-2010, 10:22 PM
Ok, I wasn't going to respond to hoodstars' listed questions, as we've been here before and the conversations seemed more intelligent before. However; (working to keep the semicolon alive :) ) the 'words' from his last post in response to anonymoussonny prompted my 'stepping in'.

Being 'gay' is being attracted to the same sex, so you don't have to actually have sexual intercourse with a man to finally become 'gay', the mental aspect, I believe is enough. He nor most others here are attracted to men. We like the female form, attitude, and mannerisms.

Whether liking transsexauals makes you 'gay' can be debated but the general consenus from the TG admirers point of view is that they are straight. I personally am comfortable with saying I'm bi, though I too, do not have any attraction to men, only women and tg's. I find it's simply easier when people want me to talk about my sexuality to say I'm Bi. It's a little easier for the outsider to wrap their mind around.

Transsexuals identify as the opposite sex from which they were born. Being 'gay' requires being attracted to the same sex. Being that 'MtF' transsexuals identify as females, the tg admirers are then straight as they are attracted to the female image that the transsexual presents.

I certainly think it's wrong to only see tgirls in secretive situations and on the 'DL', but tgirls make a very decent business (escorting) off of that very situation so they in turn exasperate the issue further. I've met quite a few girls who had BF's that wouldn't go certain places with them or take them to the family house or whatever. It's very fucked up and I never understand why they put up with it, but that's the human condition isn't it. We are all people and all deserve respect equally, no more, no less, but until the girls start sticking up for themselves and demanding respect and more than just the dollar and cents, we will likely be stuck in this cycle.

Thank you for reading my words, hope I didn't piss anyone off and good night. :cool:

02-15-2010, 11:03 PM
Ok, I wasn't going to respond to hoodstars' listed questions, as we've been here before and the conversations seemed more intelligent before. However; (working to keep the semicolon alive :) ) the 'words' from his last post in response to anonymoussonny prompted my 'stepping in'.

Being 'gay' is being attracted to the same sex, so you don't have to actually have sexual intercourse with a man to finally become 'gay', the mental aspect, I believe is enough. He nor most others here are attracted to men. We like the female form, attitude, and mannerisms.

Whether liking transsexauals makes you 'gay' can be debated but the general consenus from the TG admirers point of view is that they are straight. I personally am comfortable with saying I'm bi, though I too, do not have any attraction to men, only women and tg's. I find it's simply easier when people want me to talk about my sexuality to say I'm Bi. It's a little easier for the outsider to wrap their mind around.

Transsexuals identify as the opposite sex from which they were born. Being 'gay' requires being attracted to the same sex. Being that 'MtF' transsexuals identify as females, the tg admirers are then straight as they are attracted to the female image that the transsexual presents.

I certainly think it's wrong to only see tgirls in secretive situations and on the 'DL', but tgirls make a very decent business (escorting) off of that very situation so they in turn exasperate the issue further. I've met quite a few girls who had BF's that wouldn't go certain places with them or take them to the family house or whatever. It's very fucked up and I never understand why they put up with it, but that's the human condition isn't it. We are all people and all deserve respect equally, no more, no less, but until the girls start sticking up for themselves and demanding respect and more than just the dollar and cents, we will likely be stuck in this cycle.

Thank you for reading my words, hope I didn't piss anyone off and good night. :cool:

very well said remy

02-15-2010, 11:54 PM
I'm very offended by Remy's post. That "semicolon" nonsense is just uncalled for.

02-16-2010, 12:07 AM
well said remy, im attracted to femine women in the real world and like WATCHING tgirls online thats it and thats all im gonna say on that. take it for what you want.

02-16-2010, 12:13 AM
Are aiming that at someone specifically or is that just hypothetical? Obviously, anyone who's embarrassed to be seen with a person they're involved with/attracted to is insecure about that relationship/attraction.

02-16-2010, 12:33 AM
i'm good friends with shalaya, she's from my neck of the woods, very well known in the neighborhood... Sweetest shawty you'll ever meet, fine as hell too............

02-16-2010, 03:58 AM
Let's certainly hope so. The ultimate goal in my opinion is to be able to meet a TGirl who is PASSABLE[/I][/B]. Date her, become friends, lovers and fall in love with her. I do it and I've done it, so it can be done. In the end you would want to walk around all day long with her. No different than with a GG.
I'm lucky enough or picky enough to have TGirl friends and Lovers whom I travel the town with to all kinds of social events. No one ever questions our business. Hope everyone else can have the same luck as me on that.

Sometimes there's more to a girl than meets the EYE. LOL. Part of the thrill.

02-16-2010, 04:06 AM
i'm good friends with shalaya, she's from my neck of the woods, very well known in the neighborhood... Sweetest shawty you'll ever meet, fine as hell too............

ROC, Beyounce is smoking hot in that photo set. Don't care for the blonde look. Just a thought.

02-16-2010, 04:20 AM
well said remy, im attracted to femine women in the real world and like WATCHING tgirls online thats it and thats all im gonna say on that. take it for what you want.

I've been following your posts and interesting logic. According to you any man who has sex with a transgender is gay. According to Remy, any "attraction" to anyone who is a male is gay. Although transgenders are not males to me and most learned scientific minds, let's argue the point that you seem to posit: all male to female transgenders are merely gay males. Now, the argument you made is supported by "societal norms" which dictate males who are sexually aroused or attracted by anyone with the same genitalia are gay. Those same people who construct those societal norms would agree with Remy that "gayness" is dependent on thought not action. If you have any doubt, consult your average southern Baptist minister. Now, stay with me young blood, if thoughts of attraction to someone with the same genitalia makes one gay and every man who has an attraction to people with male genitalia is gay then.... THAT MAKES YOU GAY AS A MUFUCKA. :cool:

Truth be told, I don't give a shit about titles, never have, never will. I only care about my dough and my happiness. If liking (or even one day loving) a tg makes me gay, fuck it, I don't give a shit.... and quite frankly no one else should either. :rolleyes:

02-16-2010, 04:22 AM
i'm good friends with shalaya, she's from my neck of the woods, very well known in the neighborhood... Sweetest shawty you'll ever meet, fine as hell too............

I wanted to hit that for years and never met her. I was a little disappointed by her most recent BTG hardcore though; she seems a little high siddity now.

02-16-2010, 04:47 AM
I've been following your posts and interesting logic. According to you any man who has sex with a transgender is gay. According to Remy, any "attraction" to anyone who is a male is gay. Although transgenders are not males to me and most learned scientific minds, let's argue the point that you seem to posit: all male to female transgenders are merely gay males. Now, the argument you made is supported by "societal norms" which dictate males who are sexually aroused or attracted by anyone with the same genitalia are gay. Those same people who construct those societal norms would agree with Remy that "gayness" is dependent on thought not action. If you have any doubt, consult your average southern Baptist minister. Now, stay with me young blood, if thoughts of attraction to someone with the same genitalia makes one gay and every man who has an attraction to people with male genitalia is gay then.... THAT MAKES YOU GAY AS A MUFUCKA. :cool:

Truth be told, I don't give a shit about titles, never have, never will. I only care about my dough and my happiness. If liking (or even one day loving) a tg makes me gay, fuck it, I don't give a shit.... and quite frankly no one else should either. :rolleyes:

Do i have some sort of attraction to shemales? yes otherwise i wouldn
t be on this website. but only watching tgirl porn.

let me put in simple terms, if i was with a girl for a couple of months with no sex and she tells me she was born a man would i still be with her? i can strongly say no.

02-16-2010, 05:01 AM
I agree it's an interesting question. I've heard many complaints by TGirls about guys not being willing to be seen with them in public, guys treating them like a secret, not willing to take them home to Momma or to hang with their friends. If you think about it, it's sad and there's something not right about it. On the other hand, if you are willing to do all those things, it would give you a big advantage over other guys competing for their romantic favors. Something to consider.

I'd be willing to be seen in public, but like a lot of guys I'd feel awkward if she was clockable (I'd also be less attracted).

If guys would be more secure in their manhood and accept what they like and not care of other peoples opinions get in the way of heir hapiness, more girls would stop see you guys as triks and atms.
If you act normal you get treated normal, if you act like a trik you get treated like a trick
And dont think cuz you look better than the next cat, or your dick is bigger than you one up and gonna fuck free.
The average looking dude wuth he normal size dick but chills with me and treats me normal gets refereance over don juan pendejo any day!

02-16-2010, 09:36 AM
let me put in simple terms, if i was with a girl for a couple of months with no sex and she tells me she was born a man would i still be with her? i can strongly say no.

Why not? What would your reasons be to say "no" ?

02-16-2010, 01:34 PM
Do i have some sort of attraction to shemales? yes otherwise i wouldn
t be on this website. but only watching tgirl porn.

let me put in simple terms, if i was with a girl for a couple of months with no sex and she tells me she was born a man would i still be with her? i can strongly say no.

Interesting, what made you feel compelled to explain that?

02-16-2010, 04:35 PM
I agree it's an interesting question. I've heard many complaints by TGirls about guys not being willing to be seen with them in public, guys treating them like a secret, not willing to take them home to Momma or to hang with their friends. If you think about it, it's sad and there's something not right about it. On the other hand, if you are willing to do all those things, it would give you a big advantage over other guys competing for their romantic favors. Something to consider.

I'd be willing to be seen in public, but like a lot of guys I'd feel awkward if she was clockable (I'd also be less attracted).

Its true! Very true.
Which is why ts charge for their time.
Not gonna be treeated like a secret for free!
Fair is fair, and men are not fair when it comes to ts. yet bitch and moan cuz you have to pay a girl for her time. cas in point, Valentines day just passed. Not one Happy valentines Day card, no flowers, not a daymn thing.
So NOW the few nigga's that do get privilages, will now have to do something before they see this ass again.
If guys treats ts as human instead of ts, then the escort game would be cut in half.
I mean if we manned the fuck up and TOTALLY transformed ourselves amid haterd and bashing, the least a guy can do is go to the daymn movies with me.
Till then, just pay me and I;ll go with my girls like I always do.
Then some dude in the theater ill man the fuck up and holla and tret me right.

02-17-2010, 12:39 AM
Lol good question. 7 times out of 10, when I'm out in public I have a tgirl with me. :D Care less what anyone has to say about it.

I agree with Remy except mine is lower more like 5 times out of 10.

02-17-2010, 05:15 AM
sure have, and could care less what anyone has to say about it. and i think all that stuff about black guys not wanting to be seen with t-girls is bullshit

02-17-2010, 07:56 AM
I hav ebeen seen in public 2x with a tgirl, never been ashamed though first time was funny seein this very popular girl from philly coming out of hotel and a tv celebrity who once starred with Damon Wayans in juwannaman spotted me and my date he was definitely checking her out I felt pretty damn good after that got over all apprehensions, this tv star thought my tgirl was hot. second time was not p4p on a casual date in the gay part of the village, girl and I held hands as we walked up and down christopher street she had me open later we went to er place in nj and fucked 4 hours when i left her place she walked me to my car butt naked and an old lady gave us dirty looks.

02-18-2010, 02:34 AM
sure have, and could care less what anyone has to say about it. and i think all that stuff about black guys not wanting to be seen with t-girls is bullshit
Preach! Can I get an Amen??!! It's all about the person. There are dudes out there who will be seen.

02-18-2010, 02:49 AM
Sometimes a guy is "dating a girl and does not want to be seen in public?

It seems to me that he is more ashamed of himself then ashamed of the lady he is with. Ashamed of the label he has placed on himself. He is afraid of how he will behave. he is afraid that he will not live up to the life path he has put himself on. This type of guy would also be ashamed of his behavior with a genetic lady if anyone confronted him on his choice.

I have dated many ladies in my life and proudly held each of them on my arm in public. If your gonna play the game play it with honor gentlemen!

02-18-2010, 11:42 AM
Sometimes a guy is "dating a girl and does not want to be seen in public?

It seems to me that he is more ashamed of himself then ashamed of the lady he is with. Ashamed of the label he has placed on himself. He is afraid of how he will behave. he is afraid that he will not live up to the life path he has put himself on. This type of guy would also be ashamed of his behavior with a genetic lady if anyone confronted him on his choice.

I have dated many ladies in my life and proudly held each of them on my arm in public. If your gonna play the game play it with honor gentlemen!

True dat, it all comes back to your own self confidence as an individual in knowing what you like and asserting yourself a a grown ass man, with that person you are with.