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View Full Version : would you give a hoe your address and wallet?

06-02-2010, 01:24 PM
So why in the hell would you sign up to her website? I was talking to a friend of mine, a ts, and she has a website that does decent numbers. She said she knows of at least 2 chicks that have websites that are also involved in "checks" or what we would call identity theft. This isn't an advertisement for grooby but at least you know what you are getting and you know your info is safe. We live in a day and age where every other girl has a website. Most of them don't have a 2257 section, no physical address on file (as required by law) and no real customer service contact options should a discrepency arise. I ask again, why in the flying fuck would you leave your information with them? Its the equivalent of driving to the hood, rolling down your window yelling hey everybody im dropping my wallet full of money right here right now! Be smart gents...

06-02-2010, 01:53 PM
If they have CCBill or Epoch as their billing, then they don't get access to the credit card details.
For example, I can find out who my members are (including their home addresses) but I have no access to your credit cards if you joined through one of our billing partners.
I wouldn't join any website that didn't have a legitimate billing partner.

Ms Remy M
06-02-2010, 02:07 PM
:) in my examples in other thread, I was intentially being vague so as not to give anyone else ideas. Its not the credit card numbers they are after specifically, that's too obvious and easy to get caught with. There are many ways to profit with someone's information though. The way I see it, no one is fucking up my credit (any more than it is :eek: ) except me, and I can do bad by my damn self thank you. :rolleyes:

As far as I personally know, there are only a couple bad apples and they aren't being promoted by us. Many of the solo site girls I've worked with are good to go, they ask lots of questions and I've tried to help them with regards to proper forms, way of doing business, and creating videos with proper lighting.

06-02-2010, 02:10 PM
If they have CCBill or Epoch as their billing, then they don't get access to the credit card details.
For example, I can find out who my members are (including their home addresses) but I have no access to your credit cards if you joined through one of our billing partners.
I wouldn't join any website that didn't have a legitimate billing partner.

Im not sure what this one chick had but I swear to u no lie, I saw addresses, names, numbers and billing info. Fuck, the address alone would be a turn off to me because I know how shady some girls can be. I aint saying their all like that and im not saying this is just black tgirls who do this but these dudes need to be a lot smarter man.

Ms Remy M
06-02-2010, 07:03 PM
I just had a member of a solo site email me asking for advice on a particular issue. His complaint was that he is unable to download the videos he is paying a monthly membership fee for. He did also mention that the site offers dvds though.

First I want to say that I don't care for Digital Media restrictions. If I am paying a $20-$30 monthly fee for the content offered I want to watch it whenever I want on whatever device I want ( :rolleyes: at Apple's iTunes). However; I do feel some content owners (especially those solo site girls) need to protect their hard earned investments. While the majority of the members may be above board, there will always be some low-life fuck who will buy a 1 month membership, download all the content his bleary eyes can take and then upload them onto a tube/torrent site. This is sooo wrong and unfair (eh is anything in life fair?) to the content creators. I've offered a couple girls advice as to how to get their content taken down from the tube sites in the past. If the website offers a dvd version of their content like he said this particular site does, well then, perhaps the dvds and/or VOD opposed to a monthly membership is the option best taken. I, personally as a consumer would rather a dvd contain exclusive content not seen anywhere else, but I wouldn't mind at least a couple new scenes and some rehashed content from the site.

I want to clarify a point or two due to the recent threads. I fully support models taking it upon themselves to create their own site. I love helping the serious girls in whatever capacity I can as I want all of us in this [LBGT] community to be successful. My only issues are with the couple bad apples that will eventually get caught up (as most criminals do) and all the potential negative press and fallout that will come from the gross liberities being taken. I want nothing to do with that and I especially don't like how close to home it is to what we do being the same porn niche.

06-02-2010, 07:36 PM
I want to clarify a point or two due to the recent threads. I fully support models taking it upon themselves to create their own site. I love helping the serious girls in whatever capacity I can as I want all of us in this [LBGT] community to be successful. My only issues are with the couple bad apples that will eventually get caught up (as most criminals do) and all the potential negative press and fallout that will come from the gross liberities being taken. I want nothing to do with that and I especially don't like how close to home it is to what we do being the same porn niche.

Yeah, I guess you find that in all walks of life, always will have the folks who try to pull a fast one, its just in the nature of some people.

06-03-2010, 12:20 AM
Im not sure what this one chick had but I swear to u no lie, I saw addresses, names, numbers and billing info. Fuck, the address alone would be a turn off to me because I know how shady some girls can be. I aint saying their all like that and im not saying this is just black tgirls who do this but these dudes need to be a lot smarter man.

There is an easy way to accomplish this but I'm surprised that people actually subscribe to a site that doesn't have a third party transaction processor. Good point Knockout... buyer beware.