View Full Version : Turbocharging your pickle

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 12:49 AM
I'm a 21st century Kamakazi when it comes to steroids and Viagra related substrates. My belief is that anything worth doing is worth overdoing. I've done alot of experimenting along these lines in my quest to acheive ultimate muscular density/strength amd the ultimate roaring Johnson.
So since most of us on this forum do happen to be the possessor of a pickle, here's my recipe for an erection and ejaculation that you'll remember for the rest of your born days (if you survive it)!:

Things you'll need:

1 quart of orange juice
12 packets of sugar
200 mg of Viagra
2 Niacin capsules
20 units of Humulin R Reg. Insulin
1 insulin syringe and 28 gauge needle
1 pharmaceutical dose (8 mg.) of Yohimbine
2 100 mg. capsules of Vanadyl sulfate

On standby: 12 more packets of sugar, a box of Oreo cookies, and another quart of OJ (in case you crash to the floor fucking).

There's a certain order and timing here that will produce an erection you can saw through steel with and produce such a mind-blowing ejaculation that it'll look like a cock-a-too flew out of your whang when you cum and you'll cum so hard that your prostate will feel like it shot out of your pee-hole! If there's a squirrel in the room, he'll think it's a fucking walnut and run off with it.

06-06-2010, 02:23 AM
A syringe?! It's not that serious bro.

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 03:17 AM
A syringe?! It's not that serious bro.

Power fucking with the heavy gauge pipe IS serious business! It really leaves a lasting impression that keeps them coming back for more and more. :)

Anyway, the syringe isn't for anything arcane. It's only an insulin syringe, with onlly a 28 gauge (ultra-thin) needle to inject 10 iu. of insulin under the skin (at an angle) of the abdomen.
It has nothing to do with injecting the pickle. :cool:

Alot of folks are unaware that insulin is used as an anabolic by pro bodybuilders. Insulin escorts the carbs right into the muscles especially following a heavy workout with a high carb meal!

In the viagra/niacin/Yohimbe scenario, the insulin turbocharges those substances right into the blood stream and tissue, while the vanadyl is alo am insulin mimicker for a double boost!

06-06-2010, 04:53 AM
A couple of 8oz glasses of water has done this dude just fine! You know H2O, oxygen in the blood stream! I 'm not going to those extremes just get ole Cylde up to do some serious bruisin'! Plus, I don't want the pharmacist to push the red FDA button when I make the order for all that shit! The orange juice is cool with some Gray Goose! That'll really get the party started!:D:p:rolleyes:

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 05:12 AM
A couple of 8oz glasses of water has done this dude just fine! You know H2O, oxygen in the blood stream! I 'm not going to those extremes just get ole Cylde up to do some serious bruisin'! Plus, I don't want the pharmacist to push the red FDA button when I make the order for all that shit! The orange juice is cool with some Gray Goose! That'll really get the party started!:D:p:rolleyes:

My pickle actually works real well without it. Just like a Porsche without a turbo. Still runs great, BUT, think of it this way.. when you stick a twin turbo on that little Porsche engine and let Louie Ruf's crew tune it up, magic happens!

Fucking with the pickle-turbos churning at full boost is an eye opening experience! And everything on that list I mentioned is available OTC at better Vitamin shops; Yohimbe, niacin, Vanadyl Sulfate, and a deli. Viagra can be bought online and even the Humulin R insulin can be bought OTC at most pharmacies! A needle is the only thing you need an RX for, unless you have a bodybuilding or powerlifting buddy on gear that can give you one.

06-06-2010, 07:09 AM
Um... I'm starting to think, in the words of my homey 'Surf, that you are a LOON. Gimme a redbull and I'm straight.... if that.

06-06-2010, 08:41 AM
I perfer the old fashion lustmones to kick in with an ETA of 0.9 seconds. No enhancements needed.

06-06-2010, 09:21 AM
Um... I'm starting to think, in the words of my homey 'Surf, that you are a LOON. Gimme a redbull and I'm straight.... if that.

LOL... He reminds me of a twisted verison of Surfer like Bizarro is to Superman.

Ms Remy M
06-06-2010, 05:07 PM
I shudder at the thought that you are not only promoting abusing drugs, but you don't even bother to inform people of the likely negative side effects. Any fools thinking of trying your half ass directions is liable to end up having a seizure or coronary infarction. A proper diet and daily exercise and you'll have just as good a sexual experince.

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 06:29 PM
I shudder at the thought that you are not only promoting abusing drugs, but you don't even bother to inform people of the likely negative side effects. Any fools thinking of trying your half ass directions is liable to end up having a seizure or coronary infarction. A proper diet and daily exercise and you'll have just as good a sexual experince.

I didn't give any directions. Just listed the components, which are actually all classified as fairly common vasodialators, including the insulin! Aside from the Viagra, which I'm sure that most adults worldwide are already familiar with, everything on that list, including the insulin ARE AVAILABLE OVER THE COUNTER AT MOST VITAMIN SHOPS AND CHAIN PHARMACIES WORLDWIDE

So as far as promoting drug abuse, it should be painfully obvious, even to you, after I've pointed this out, that you haven't the slighest clue as to what the fuck you're talking about, unless you're convinced taking vitamin supplements is drug abuse. :rolleyes:

Or was it the orange juice and sugar that you consider a drug?

06-06-2010, 06:34 PM
LOL... He reminds me of a twisted verison of Surfer like Bizarro is to Superman.

It looks like regardless of it is the real 'Surf or the "Bizarro" version, they have one thing in common: they don't like Remy! :p

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 06:39 PM
It looks like regardless of it is the real 'Surf or the "Bizarro" version, they have one thing in common: they don't like Remy! :p

Just because he made an assinine statement when he accused me of promoting drug abuse, I don't dilslike him. He's misinformed and I called him on it. has nothing to do with like or dislike. :)

06-06-2010, 07:14 PM
There's a certain order and timing here that will produce an erection you can saw through steel with and produce such a mind-blowing ejaculation that it'll look like a cock-a-too flew out of your whang when you cum and you'll cum so hard that your prostate will feel like it shot out of your pee-hole! If there's a squirrel in the room, he'll think it's a fucking walnut and run off with it.

That's some funny shit right there. I want to know:::who in the hell came up with that concoction of items?????? The Viagra alone should be enough. What about that 4HOUR thing?This sounds like a 8HOUR thing.And what would happen if this "Killer Formula" got into the hands of a true TOP TSDOMINIC????? I shudder to think. LMAO

Ms Remy M
06-06-2010, 08:03 PM
I didn't give any directions. Just listed the components, which are actually all classified as fairly common vasodialators, including the insulin! Aside from the Viagra, which I'm sure that most adults worldwide are already familiar with, everything on that list, including the insulin ARE AVAILABLE OVER THE COUNTER AT MOST VITAMIN SHOPS AND CHAIN PHARMACIES WORLDWIDE

So as far as promoting drug abuse, it should be painfully obvious, even to you, after I've pointed this out, that you haven't the slighest clue as to what the fuck you're talking about, unless you're convinced taking vitamin supplements is drug abuse. :rolleyes:

Or was it the orange juice and sugar that you consider a drug?

The only thing that is obvious is that I'm the only person in this forum who finds fault with you, the self prescribed "21th Century KamaKazi", tellling people to participate in this activity.

I find your statement "My belief is that anything worth doing is worth overdoing." to be highly suggestive of drug abuse when taken in the context of what followed which included your listed items. [note even drugs commonly available can still be abused and have negative side effects including vitamins.] Furthermore; you even go on to state "here's my recipe for an erection and ejaculation that you'll remember for the rest of your born days (if you survive it)!" which goes to show your own admittance to a possibly dangerous activity.

You may not feel so, but this "a 28 gauge (ultra-thin) needle to inject 10 iu. of insulin under the skin (at an angle) of the abdomen." does qualify as giving directions not just listing items needed. So please by all means everyone that thinks Remy hasn't a clue, try out this guy's concoction, don't worry about any possible health risk you may already have just double and triple up on insulin and hope that when you fall out, someone will be able to revive you. I can't wait to see the respones when he starts posting on how to cut coke, cook crack, and all the best places to hide your injection site for steroids. Fucking disgusting... what you do Dixie is your prerogative, I merely take offense to recommending others follow your footsteps without informing them of all the risk involved, 21st Century Jim Jones more like it.

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 09:16 PM
That's some funny shit right there. I want to know:::who in the hell came up with that concoction of items?????? The Viagra alone should be enough. What about that 4HOUR thing?This sounds like a 8HOUR thing.And what would happen if this "Killer Formula" got into the hands of a true TOP TSDOMINIC????? I shudder to think. LMAO

Me. I came up with it and have used it many times with no ill effects other than the occassional shakes, lightheadedness, and sweats that can also be caued by too hot a room.
When that happens, sugar and orange juice, plis a few Oreos will take care of the lightheadedness within seconds.

All the other substrates do, is to escort the Viagra into the tissues and bloodstream very effectively. Niacin, Yohimbe, Vanadyl, and Insulin are all vasodialators.
A prescription med that does the same thing is Naprosen, to help promote healing for sprains. I'm sure most here have taken Naprosen at one time or another. It increases circulation.
Viagra gets the blood moving into the penis. That's the basic function of it. Niacin and the other substances I've mentioned, ALL AVAILABLE OTC (Over the counter, without an RX), aid in opening up the venous/capillary system. The same way a turbocharger causes a rush of air and gas into your engine's intake, the vasodialators do that with the Viagra (gas for your tallywhacker).

Vaso = vein related
Dialate = open up

Of course, if you have a pre-existing cardiac problem, dependent upon the specifics of the individual's problem, Viagra should be avoided altogether, making the addition of the other elements a moot point.

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 09:19 PM
So please by all means everyone that thinks Remy hasn't a clue.

We agree on at least one thing you wrote. :D

Ms Remy M
06-06-2010, 10:27 PM
Look, you and everyone else here are more than welcome to petiton or otherwise requests I be removed from Grooby's employ and you'll never have to worry about what crazy nonesense will come flowing from my gob. I, like others before me will slip silently into the ether. From what I've been told many times now all my shoots are shit and members only leave negative comments on my model shoots, so my presence in this industry is very negligible anyways.

06-06-2010, 10:36 PM
^ Don't over-react, Remy. Your opinions and efforts to moderate the forum are much appreciated (by most of us), and your model shoots are highly valued.

Anyway, I was suprised to learn (and confirmed) that Insulin is not a prescription drug in most places in the USA. I've known for awhile, though, that Viagra can be obtained online without a prescription and is usually much cheaper than from a US-based pharmacy. It usually comes from overseas (India, etc). According to my doctor, online Viagra is not illegal because it's not a "controlled substance". Still, I think it's far better and safer to take these things in consultation with a doctor. Not everyone is Superman.

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 10:50 PM
Look, you and everyone else here are more than welcome to petiton or otherwise requests I be removed from Grooby's employ and you'll never have to worry about what crazy nonesense will come flowing from my gob. I, like others before me will slip silently into the ether. From what I've been told many times now all my shoots are shit and members only leave negative comments on my model shoots, so my presence in this industry is very negligible anyways.

Your attitude is so odd? Nobody said they wanted you to go, especially me, just because your experience with turbocharging tallywhackers is limited. ;)

06-06-2010, 11:07 PM
^ Don't over-react, Remy. Your opinions and efforts to moderate the forum are much appreciated (by most of us), and your model shoots are highly valued.

I second that emotion.

While I admit that I'm not overly familiar with Remy's model shoots, I will say
that from his posts on this and other forums that he seems like a cool guy.

He is knowledgeable and respectful of transwomen, and that gets him cool
points in my book.

Most def, he is one of my favorite posters. :cool:

Dixie Normous
06-06-2010, 11:55 PM
I second that emotion.

While I admit that I'm not overly familiar with Remy's model shoots, I will say
that from his posts on this and other forums that he seems like a cool guy.

He is knowledgeable and respectful of transwomen, and that gets him cool
points in my book.

Most def, he is one of my favorite posters. :cool:


06-07-2010, 05:33 AM
Look, you and everyone else here are more than welcome to petiton or otherwise requests I be removed from Grooby's employ and you'll never have to worry about what crazy nonesense will come flowing from my gob. I, like others before me will slip silently into the ether. From what I've been told many times now all my shoots are shit and members only leave negative comments on my model shoots, so my presence in this industry is very negligible anyways.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do these voices talk you all the time? C'mon, this is " Big Boy" Land!
I don't remember anyone saying publically that your work wasn't shit and that you should be removed from your gig! I think I read that your boss approved of your work (Ste... er, seanchai's blog) and that should be all that matters to you at this time. But it seems as though you've been worried that your shit wasn't up to snuff and that everybody was saying that it wasn't any good, well those are your demons and you'll have to chase them away by yourself. If you were so insecure when you took the job, and you haven't resolved what those insecurities are then maybe you should take a red pill and punch the clock for the last time!

06-07-2010, 06:12 AM
Look, you and everyone else here are more than welcome to petiton or otherwise requests I be removed from Grooby's employ and you'll never have to worry about what crazy nonesense will come flowing from my gob. I, like others before me will slip silently into the ether. From what I've been told many times now all my shoots are shit and members only leave negative comments on my model shoots, so my presence in this industry is very negligible anyways.

Dude! WTF!! Ok you must have been going through something at that moment. Hopefully it has passed. If not here's some 80's inspiration:
Relax don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax don't do it
When you want to come

See! Even Frankie says chill! ;)

06-07-2010, 12:17 PM
Look, you and everyone else here are more than welcome to petiton or otherwise requests I be removed from Grooby's employ and you'll never have to worry about what crazy nonesense will come flowing from my gob. I, like others before me will slip silently into the ether. From what I've been told many times now all my shoots are shit and members only leave negative comments on my model shoots, so my presence in this industry is very negligible anyways.

hey Remy...it ain't that serious..the bottom line is you're bringing model shoots to the site..da other shiggidy ain't important.

06-07-2010, 04:15 PM
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: He's trying to kill somebody lol
I'm a 21st century Kamakazi when it comes to steroids and Viagra related substrates. My belief is that anything worth doing is worth overdoing. I've done alot of experimenting along these lines in my quest to acheive ultimate muscular density/strength amd the ultimate roaring Johnson.
So since most of us on this forum do happen to be the possessor of a pickle, here's my recipe for an erection and ejaculation that you'll remember for the rest of your born days (if you survive it)!:

Things you'll need:

1 quart of orange juice
12 packets of sugar
200 mg of Viagra
2 Niacin capsules
20 units of Humulin R Reg. Insulin
1 insulin syringe and 28 gauge needle
1 pharmaceutical dose (8 mg.) of Yohimbine
2 100 mg. capsules of Vanadyl sulfate

On standby: 12 more packets of sugar, a box of Oreo cookies, and another quart of OJ (in case you crash to the floor fucking).

There's a certain order and timing here that will produce an erection you can saw through steel with and produce such a mind-blowing ejaculation that it'll look like a cock-a-too flew out of your whang when you cum and you'll cum so hard that your prostate will feel like it shot out of your pee-hole! If there's a squirrel in the room, he'll think it's a fucking walnut and run off with it.

Dixie Normous
06-07-2010, 11:11 PM
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: He's trying to kill somebody lol

Not at all, Carmen!! Those ingredients will kill and stupify the competition when it comes to producing a long lasting stiffy that you could cut through steel with!!

That conCOCKtion will give your whang wings!! :) And when you finally cum. you'll think that God is your co-pilot. The cum will look like a rope flying out of your pecker, you'll jack out enough paste to hang wallpaper. I hope you know a good chiropractor or Active release therapist because you'll cum so hard that you can throw your back right out! Isn't that nice?

06-08-2010, 01:06 AM
Nice and terrifying, lol I'll pass and I'm pretty good in the cumming dept lol :p

Dixie Normous
06-08-2010, 01:56 AM
Nice and terrifying, lol I'll pass and I'm pretty good in the cumming dept lol :p

Carmen, when Dorothy left Kansas, everything was in black and white. In Oz, everything was in color. Such is the difference between the standard pickle and the turbo-charged tallywhacker! :)

06-08-2010, 10:38 PM
All i'll say to this is that it is all subjective Dixie. What is good and safe for you to use does not automatically suggest it is safe for everyone else to use. This list of 'ingredients' may be available over the counter or without subscription but when mixed might lead to some complications.

For example someone with a slight off average blood sugar level, someone who has a poor diet or a guy who isn't in the best of shape could cause someone to crash or fall unconcious plus there is the issue of self injecting.

Now don't get me wrong applying some common sense to the situation shouldn't result in too much of an issue but I know plenty of guys (and gals) who consider themselves fit and active who might actually be slipping and these would be the prime example of people who might crash from this shit.

I'm pretty sure that is all Remy was suggesting in his original post as from what I have read from his past posts and conversations he isn't pro drugs and from my impression of your posts Dixie, I would say you would be pretty open to trying most recreational drugs within reason. So Remy's stance on this might come across a little more abrupt than mine.

On a side note.... Remy dude no need to fret, there is one thing that comes to mind when considering the quality of your content.. My man.. let Keisha cum on his head and didnt really mind too much. Now how many photographers can say that!? :p

For reference that would be the 3rd Keisha, from her 03/23/2010 video

Dixie Normous
06-08-2010, 11:07 PM
I would say you would be pretty open to trying most recreational drugs within reason.

NEVER taken a recreational drug! And I do mean never!

The items all mentioned are vitamin amd herbal supplements!

Insulin is not a recreational pharmaceutical, and Viagra, although concedeing that sex may be viewed as recreational, I would consider more of a supplement (a vasodialator) than a recreational drug.

THC, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, meth.. etc., these are recreational in nature, serving no purpose other than to alter and dull sensory perception. IMO, being alert, able to think and react quickly, with crystal clear senses is a priority. I could never understand any sensory affecting drug user's desire to deliberately numb their perception unless in great pain or about to have surgery. :(

06-09-2010, 02:20 AM
I only said this in reference to the almost casual statement you made.

I'm a 21st century Kamakazi when it comes to steroids and Viagra related substrates.

I interpret your use of the word 'steriods' as that referring to the use steriods as body enhancing drugs in bodybuilding which, some may view as recreational. I would consider bodybuilding or enhancement recreational when done for sporting reasons or to increase ones body mass or size beyond a reasonable peak as a matter of vanity. Now, I don't know you so I am in no position to comment on your physical condition I was merely interpreting your statement.

I also feel like I should point out and I mean no disrespect in doing so but, by definition Yohimbine is a stimulant and as you may know stimulants induce euphoria so might be referred to as an upper therefore, this drug/remedy could be considered as recreational. It can be argued that it does have its medical uses but then so do other recreational drugs. I also don't see any non recreational use for Vanadyl Sulphate unless it was being used in a medical application to mimic insulin production. Perhaps I am picking at minute things there but I wouldnt have made my previous point without reason.

Anyway without getting off track I'm sure your recipe would induce one hell of an orgasm but what my concern is and I'm sure Remy will agree is that you failed to inform anyone of potential risks from mixing these ingredients together e.g possible strain to the heart or the risk of hyperglycemia and the risks of using a syringe on oneself without having used one before.

I will say that I'm sure we have a well informed list of members who wouldnt follow this advice without doing some research first but you can never assume that everyone would be so cautious. Just better to highlight the risks thats all.:D

Dixie Normous
06-09-2010, 03:40 AM
I only said this in reference to the almost casual statement you made.

I interpret your use of the word 'steriods' as that referring to the use steriods as body enhancing drugs in bodybuilding which, some may view as recreational. I would consider bodybuilding or enhancement recreational when done for sporting reasons or to increase ones body mass or size beyond a reasonable peak as a matter of vanity. Now, I don't know you so I am in no position to comment on your physical condition I was merely interpreting your statement.

I power-bodybuild. Meaning that I do the same exercises as a bodybuilder, but with what most bodybuilders would classify as insane poundages.
I'm also not interested in muscle isolation. The exercises I use are designed to push up the poundages on my three core powerlifts, ther bench, deadlift, and squat.
Due to my genetic predisposition to build muscle very easily, though a powerlifter, I look like a bodybuilder because of my muscle mass nd keeping my bodyfat very low, but with much more muscle density due to the ultra-heavy poundages.
Heavy worksets for most 250 pound + bodybuilders are my warmup poundages.
I use the steroids as a tool, to promote function more than form and I started to use them only once I had spent over 10 years acheiving what I had considered my size/strength plateau.
