View Full Version : Looking for New Webmaster ......

TS Paris Pirelli
06-09-2010, 06:17 AM
hey guys im posting this because im seeking a webmaster whos good at Video editing & UpKeep Of a Website (My Website) . My current webmaster is an awesome guy, but i need quality and not someone experimenting as they go with my material....

So if any of no of someone send them my way...please.....Its about 20hrs a month worth of work

Ms Remy M
06-09-2010, 03:16 PM
hey guys im posting this because im seeking a webmaster whos good at Video editing & UpKeep Of a Website (My Website) . My current webmaster is an awesome guy, but i need quality and not someone experimenting as they go with my material....

So if any of no of someone send them my way...please.....Its about 20hrs a month worth of work

Mutual friend asked me to end my emoragequit and try to help you out.

This is a very good question, though best asked before actually starting your site. Regardless, my first recommendation for solo site models wanting to remain independant is Hood Rat Graphics who does Big Dick Bitch, Kinky Kennedy, and Naughty Tristin sites. I'm not sure what (if any) video editing services are offered but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a per use charge to go along with it. Important note, webmasters aren't necessarily video editors.

Reading this, I get the impression that you are trying to askew some of the typical work involved with running your own site. Given that, compromise may be needed. Going with a company with a proven marketability and infrastructure can lessen your workload to producing content, with usually some portion of profit going to said company. SMCRevue has a huge amount of solo sites under it's belt. While I have no personal knowledge, the contracts I've heard the models have to sign are flat out horrific! I heard models only get portion of profits for as long as they produce content, so if you decide to get out the business or take an extended hiatus don't expect any residuals. Again I don't have all the facts and I would seriously say 'do your research' before signing.

Last and by no means least you have Grooby, as a lowly content producer I have no idea what it's Solo site plans are, but Hazel and Amy have hit the ground running and have great projects going.

I usually tell my models who want to do a solo site to start by doing webcams as it's a low cost way with a high profit margin. If you can exhibit the proper work ethic to be successful there and develop a fan base, it will make starting your own successful site that much easier.

TS Paris Pirelli
06-09-2010, 07:06 PM
sweetie i didnt ask for all that i asked for people who know webmastersor video editors.... my website is very good and i invest alot of money in what i do paying sumone to up keep my site isnt a big deal for me if you dont have anything to say to help then just dont say anything at all.....i am a webcam model as the post said im seeking sumone to help with the upkeep not take over my site...so please dont site here and make me out to be the bad guy cause im not im really sweet but going into the detail you went into wasnt wat i was asking for

06-09-2010, 07:24 PM
Well, im sure she already has a fan base....but she is seeking a webmaster who can do alittle of everything....A jack of all trades....There out there..I'd much rather have one person who can do it all and pay them correctly then outsource to all different people for different services;)

06-10-2010, 05:31 AM
Well,I was going to send a few people your way, but not now. I sure don't need any attitude thrown my way if none of my contacts didn't float your boat. Good luck to u!

06-10-2010, 08:41 AM
Well,I was going to send a few people your way, but not now. I sure don't need any attitude thrown my way if none of my contacts didn't float your boat. Good luck to u!

Hear you on that one. One of our photographers spends some time trying to give you some direction and you throw a wobbly.
Perhaps you need to do your free promotion, elsewhere?

TS Paris Pirelli
06-10-2010, 06:54 PM
there was no attitude... I was asking a question and the answer he gave me didnt go along with what i asked.... so if you feel i was giving attitude then i mean everyone has there opinion... i asked about a webmaster/video editer and hes telling me about webcam modeling and what not that didnt have anything to do with what i asked...

06-11-2010, 05:34 AM
Sometimes people just want what they ask for, can't be mad at that.

Ms Remy M
06-11-2010, 06:34 AM
sweetie i didnt ask for all that i asked for people who know webmastersor video editors.... my website is very good and i invest alot of money in what i do paying sumone to up keep my site isnt a big deal for me if you dont have anything to say to help then just dont say anything at all.....i am a webcam model as the post said im seeking sumone to help with the upkeep not take over my site...so please dont site here and make me out to be the bad guy cause im not im really sweet but going into the detail you went into wasnt wat i was asking for

Oh no's... I seem to piss someone off with every utterance. Again, I feel in a non-draconian society providing relevant information should never be considered a bad thing... 'something about knowledge is power' :) I'm going to have to ask Google to work on my translator as everything I say keeps being construed as 'gooblity guk' :D I kid. Seriously though, what did I say to make you respond with this

so please dont site here and make me out to be the bad guy

I did not say anything against you at all and certainly apologize for giving that ghastly impression.

I think perhaps that last paragraph which was really meant for the board at large (this is an open forum) more so than you may be the confusion? Seems a bit unfair that 2 lousy sentences at the very end of what was an informative post would cause all my words to be viewed as rubbish by the three of you. I feel it should have been obvious I wasn't referring to you directly due to the fact that I started that last paragraph with

I usually tell my models who want to do a solo site This wasn't to you in particular only a note for models I've worked with, 97% of which have only done 1 or 2 shoots and sometimes frequent this forum as well.

Well, im sure she already has a fan base
I'm aware of her fan base and we here at BTG have been fans ourselves for many years now, didn't mean to assume otherwise. I don't understand what is transpiring here as both of you are obviously here together and yet neither of you saw any benefit to the information provided?

she is seeking a webmaster who can do alittle of everything....A jack of all trades....There out there..I'd much rather have one person who can do it all and pay them correctly

I gave three (3, III) examples of different business entities that offer those 3 services mentioned (webmaster, video editor, upkeep [that's more general phrase than specific service]) in their own separate business formats tempered by the fact in each instance (paragraph) that I didn't have specific information to provide and to contact them (research).

Again, those three include Hood Rat Graphic, great entrepreneur helping many BTG's specifically with their solo sites, and I've yet to hear of any real major compliants about his service, bang up job down there in the Atl! [edit misspelling]SMC Revenue a major company keenly atuned to helping models with their solo sites and catering to those 3 requested services. Grooby which like SMC Revenue has similar approach to offering solo site models (though different at same time) those same 3 requested services. If you, Savage, know someone more suited in the TS genre who can help in these specific regards, and do so in an extremely effective and proven manner I'm all ears. Looking around, I don't see anyone else providing any information better than what I have, so why flog the messenger? :eek:

Just to show how kind my attentions with my original post was intended to be, here's another company... Evil Angel. I don't have any specific info regarding this company and those 3 services nor have I heard anything negative about them. I do also believe they have some solo sites, though not sure they are ts models.

It should also be noted that this line of questioning would be best answered, and thus also inquired at the most obvious place online for these very services you are asking about and is very well known amongst those in this business *cough* Tranny Masters . Phew ok, so now that is a total of 5 different sources that might help in the services you seek. Please always feel welcome to ask questions here, but you shouldn't get mad for getting a response. I feel really disappointed that anyone would think I would deliver ill will and/or false information to anyone, it's simply not my nature, and certainly not something I would do to a person in the LGBT community. I fear there may have been some predisposed disdain to what I had to say, but seriously each company mentioned satisfy your stated business needs of webmaster, video editor, general upkeep and I doubt there are many that do it better or can come close to any of those companies track records for success. Now, I'm off to get google working on my translator plug-in... :cool:

P.S. if anyone recommends she does business with GlobalSite Designs (sorry 'C') I will blow my brains out (I kid), as that is the one company that also offers services that I NEVER recommend to models but so many end up doing business with.

06-11-2010, 09:20 PM
I think perhaps that last paragraph which was really meant for the board at large (this is an open forum) more so than you may be the confusion? Seems a bit unfair that 2 lousy sentences at the very end of what was an informative post would cause all my words to be viewed as rubbish by the three of you.

umm... what you talkin bout willis?

Ms Remy M
06-11-2010, 10:19 PM
umm... what you talkin bout willis?

lol I felt your statement:

Sometimes people just want what they ask for, can't be mad at that.

was affirming that I did not provide her with the information she was asking for.

06-12-2010, 01:51 AM
Just thought I would add my 2 cents which, of course no one has to oblige.

Anyway I think Paris was a little confused at your post Remy, as all the businesses you suggested (as far as I can see) are there to help create a model's website from sctratch and then oversee that as a copyright holder.
Don't get me wrong I think everything you posted was very postive and indeed helpful but perhaps not what Paris was looking for.

As far as I am aware Paris already has webspace and a front end to display content but my confusion there is that if her current webmaster is no longer employed or required, he presumably owns all the creative copyright for the website so could within his right take the whole site down and rightfully so.

In conclusion I think Remy suggested all that he did as he assumed Paris would now require a new website and someone to maintain it hence suggesting companies that will oversee ALL of that website including it's content which, all in all is a better deal anyway as the cost to employ seperate people to oversee each part of the website would add a while lot of unecessary cost.

On a side note Paris, this forum is an open one but the guys that join the forum do for one reason plus we are all here to offer friendly advice to any model that passes through and you will find (with the odd exception who Mr chai usually murders ;)) that we all will treat models with the upmost repect and give out friendly and what we consider good advice to any girl looking to further her career in this industry. I do think that if you don't find what your looking for to the letter, following Remy's suggestions up might be very helpful. Just an after thought :)

Ms Remy M
06-12-2010, 02:43 AM
Close, but actually as far as I'm aware my first recommendation as stated in my original post was for Hood Rat Graphic who would be most aligned to help her remain Independant as his business model is different from the major companies and might offer those services she requested without trying to get a % of all profits gained from the site and only charge in a "per use" business model. Again, I don't work for him and have never used his services so contact him and see what happens is all I can suggest.

You are fairly on the mark in all your statements though Piper :) With the stated services she is looking to have filled by a single entity and not multiple people, it strongly suggests that she wants to only deal with the "content creation" side of the business and let the webmaster handle everything else that goes with running a website, which is why I suggested the major companies as they are the ones that have that sort of business model.

Also just because a major company is known for having a certain business model (for pricing) does not mean that there isn't some 'wiggle' room. If I was that certain in the success of my product I wouldn't give a second thought to seeing what deals might be had. Which is why I also suggested researching the companies directly. After all, the most they can say is 'no we don't offer a variety of deals' or whatever.

As someone coming from the music industry, I tend to draw a lot of parallels in the porn business. If your product is that tight, you can negotiate a better deal than what might be standard. Example, I'm fairly certain, all the models under SMC Renevue are not under the exact same contract as their "headlining" models. I see this as a good example of how a models marketability and 'star' status can get them what another model may not be offered.

I do agree with you on other points concerning her original webmaster. I've seen many girls get screwed and have to start all over with a new property as the webmaster wont relinquish rights. These instances were usually with the smaller webmaster operations like it sounds like she has. You never know though, she gave impression that they are good friends so he may transfer over in good faith or for small fee, it's hard to tell without getting too personal in her business as she was rather general in what exactly the situation is.

Being confident in one's product can go a long way, and she certainly exudes that confidence here. However; responding to advice in the manner she did with me, could have some serious negative results when speaking to a company owner. So please, don't burn any bridges, be respectful and tactful when speaking to anyone, but especially potential business associates.

06-15-2010, 02:05 AM
However; responding to advice in the manner she did with me, could have some serious negative results when speaking to a company owner. So please, don't burn any bridges, be respectful and tactful when speaking to anyone, but especially potential business associates.

Whew! My BRAIN hurts after all that. You are so right my friend.