View Full Version : Comments not posted on site

06-12-2010, 03:18 PM
I've noticed that for the last few days, my comments on the BTG's has not been posted on the girl's introduction webpage.

Am I being penalized for something?

I'll thank you for an expedited reponse.

Thank you,

Ms Remy M
06-12-2010, 04:57 PM
I've noticed that for the last few days, my comments on the BTG's has not been posted on the girl's introduction webpage.

Am I being penalized for something?

I'll thank you for an expedited reponse.

Thank you,

If you were leaving some kind of lewd, rude, or otherwise negative response it may have been removed. I don't handle this side of the business so I can't say for certain this is what happened in your case. If your comment did fall into that category though bring the comments here to the forum where I know I personally am always accepting of constructive criticism.

06-12-2010, 05:08 PM
If you were leaving some kind of lewd, rude, or otherwise negative response it may have been removed. I don't handle this side of the business so I can't say for certain this is what happened in your case. If your comment did fall into that category though bring the comments here to the forum where I know I personally am always accepting of constructive criticism.
In one instance regarding a girl by the name of Naomi, I responded by saying something about she looked as though her heart wasn't in it, she looked aloof to me. Based upon her classy dispostion, I stated that she looked as though she'd rather be a secretary.
Was that it?

Other than that, I don't use profanity...


Perhaps it was something I posted out of trying to be humorous about taking doogy styled close ups and getting closer and closer until...

I don't know for certain, but I surely would appreciate it if my posting privileges would be reinstated. I'll promise not to flirt with the edge in the future!

Thank you,


I do use the word, "Damn" from time to time. I can't promise anything about that...

Ms Remy M
06-12-2010, 05:20 PM
In one instance regarding a girl by the name of Naomi, I responded by saying something about she looked as though her heart wasn't in it, she looked aloof to me. Based upon her classy dispostion, I stated that she looked as though she'd rather be a secretary.
Was that it?

Other than that, I don't use profanity...


Perhaps it was something I posted out of trying to be humorous about taking doogy styled close ups and getting closer and closer until...

I don't know for certain, but I surely would appreciate it if my posting privileges would be reinstated. I'll promise not to flirt with the edge in the future!

Thank you,


I do use the word, "Damn" from time to time. I can't promise anything about that...

Interesting, perhaps the head honco will be able to help clarify what may have happened with the comments.

06-13-2010, 04:22 AM
Thank you so much for the extra consideration and reinstating my posting privileges!

You will eventually find that I am not a bad person. Perhaps a little corny, but definitely NOT a bad person.

I'm never beyond reason. I will check the forum at least once a week. You can always drop me a line or two here in this forum for communication. Of course, I'm betting that won't be necessary.

Thanks Again!

Dixie Normous
06-13-2010, 05:08 AM
Thank you so much for the extra consideration and reinstating my posting privileges!

You will eventually find that I am not a bad person. Perhaps a little corny, but definitely NOT a bad person.

I'm never beyond reason. I will check the forum at least once a week. You can always drop me a line or two here in this forum for communication. Of course, I'm betting that won't be necessary.

Thanks Again!

I saw a short section of rules, but they actually seem to contradict the entire nature of the site. One sentence instructs that nothing sexual or obscene be posted which seems strange on a site of a highly sexual nature! I imagine the rules are interpreted and enforced more subjectively than objectively because of their dichotomous nature. :confused:

06-13-2010, 08:01 AM
I think he's talking about the comments on the actual models websites Dixie. Once again feeling the need to comment when you don't need to.

To the OP - I will remove comments I deem offensive or derogatory to the model but I haven't blocked anybody's posting privileges. Try restarting your browser and reposting to see if that works.

Dixie Normous
06-13-2010, 08:04 AM
I think he's talking about the comments on the actual models websites Dixie. Once again feeling the need to comment when you don't need to.

I thought he meant these rules. Please forgive me for trying to assist him.

06-13-2010, 11:21 AM
At first, this was my immediate impression as well. To say that nothing lewd should be posted on a pornographic website seems just a bit oxymoronic.

On the other hand, I can certainly understand that we should never be directly insulting of a model. However, I do believe that constructive criticism should be allowed within reason. For example, if a certain model doesn't ever smile, or look interested in the shoot, then I feel that it should be duly noted.

I am pleased to hear that my comments were blocked inadvertently.



I really do love this site! Thank you for providing this service for us!

06-13-2010, 11:39 AM
Welcome to the forum!!

Dixie Normous
06-13-2010, 04:36 PM
I really do love this site! Thank you for providing this service for us!

And a big welcome from me too, Newbie!


Stick with us, Fresh Fish, we'll teach you the ropes around here! :)

06-13-2010, 04:38 PM
Hi there Kilakali!

In my personal opinion:

In most cases--> 1 "pretty" effeminate gay male (bottom) = 1 transwoman (bottom)

Thank you for the welcome! I'm happy to be here as a member of the LGBT family to share!

I'm not really interested in seeing the attributes of masculine looking men or women.

06-13-2010, 04:42 PM
I'll be more than happy to hang around for awhile. However, I'm afraid that I may have a few lesson plans of my own from which we all may benefit!


Dixie Normous
06-13-2010, 05:02 PM
I'll be more than happy to hang around for awhile. However, I'm afraid that I may have a few lesson plans of my own from which we all may benefit!


Bring it on, Newbie. I'm here to learn from the seasoned, professional T-Filly handlers!! :)

06-14-2010, 01:25 AM
From a technical standpoint if your posts don't comeback with an error which might be in plain english or jargon then the post has most likely been moderated out i.e. removed by admin.

From the way the member comments area appears I'd say it uses some basic javascripting so it might be worth checking your installtion of java and perhaps opening the java console during a post to check for errors. It should be simple enough to check I'll provide a quick guide for the browsers I'm familiar with.

I would first advise you clear your browser cache and reinstall java from java.com (I won't hyperlink as I'm not sure of the policy on external links)

Ok for Windows XP and newer using Internet Explorer 7 and above

To check for if Java is enabled click 'tools' in the top right of your browser then select 'Internet options'. click the 'Programs' tab then select 'Manage add ons' ensure the two Sun Microsystems add ons are 'enabled' then click ok. Now click 'advanced' and cycle through the list of tickboxes until you find JRE runtime environment then make sure it is checked. Now restart your computer.

For Firefox click tools and options, select content and make sure 'Use Javascript' and 'Enable Java' are checked then restart firefox.

To open the Java Console for debugging open up the control panel and select 'classic view' from the left side or click 'category' and change to 'small icons' if using windows 7 (this is located in the top right). Now find 'Java' and open it click advanced then, Java console and select 'show java console' also while your here click 'general' then under temporary internet files choose settings then opt to clear the java cache. The next time you make a post if my assumption is correct you will get a console window appear which spits out some jargon as your browser posts the comment. If your post doesnt appear copy this log and send it to admin.

If you have a Mac and use safari you should follow the options I suggested for firefox as it should be almost the same. Also the java console on a mac can be found by opening a finder window and typing 'Java' into the search box, alternatively it should be located in applications then utilities (although dont quote me on that as a i havent used a mac in a hot minute)

I hope this helps

06-15-2010, 01:06 PM
It still appears that some of my comments are not being posted. I don't know what's really going on, but this site could be alot more entertaining, amusing, and informative to me, if this were not occuring.

Since a few comments have been blocked within this very forum, I'm now wondering if what I'm writing at this very moment will get posted!


06-15-2010, 01:09 PM
Wow! Piedpiper!

I just saw this post. Thank you!


06-15-2010, 02:11 PM
It still appears that some of my comments are not being posted. I don't know what's really going on, but this site could be alot more entertaining, amusing, and informative to me, if this were not occuring.

Since a few comments have been blocked within this very forum, I'm now wondering if what I'm writing at this very moment will get posted!


The only comments you would have been blocked from this forum would be if they'd broken rules ie; posting to tube sites or being downright rude about a model.
As I've deleted NO comments from the website for the last 3 days then I'd suggest it's your system so take a look at what thepiedpiper wrote to see if your problem is there.