View Full Version : The Boondocks season 3

06-15-2010, 02:28 AM
I'm surpised no one is talking about the boondocks the show just keeps getting better and better. that episode with fred sanford using a flying guillotine had me in me in tears... and that thugnificent episode was a classic..question the thugnificent episode when he went to so see the drug dealer... what movie was that from was it belly?...

Ms Remy M
06-15-2010, 04:57 PM
lol I don't miss an episode and if my main man DS was here I (we always use to laugh over that shows shenanigeans (sp) ) would have mentioned it sooner as there has been some truely hilarious episodes, perhaps the best season yet. Couldn't say which is my fav but especially enjoy episodes with martial arts sequences and that thugnificent and Obama episode. I caught someone playing the 'dick riding, Obama' for the cell phone ringtone, that shit is outrageous! I've been downloading the uncensored versions of the show and phew that 'white power' episode was a bit much, but got it's point across.

06-16-2010, 02:48 AM
that 'white power' episode was a bit much, but got it's point across.

Your right about that episode. a little bit to much... I think Aaron mcruder is a genius. I don't know if you are fan of amine but that's what's retarded about the show. The animation is real serious but the voice overs is straight comedy
. If there is one negative about the show I think the white folks who watch that show really think that's how black people act....they don't understand it's all tongue and cheek and don't understand there is message behind the jokes...the shyt that was happening to thugnifcent is a message all young heads need to see. that the only way out of the hood is not rapping or playing basketball it's education...:cool:

06-20-2010, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the heads up, I totally was sleeping on the fact that they were
back in production.

Time to fire up the DVR.


06-20-2010, 11:01 AM
I must have been under a rock! I know nothing about "The Boondocks", but I'm sure to check it out!


Dear Peggygee,

I totally respect you. I honor you and I love you...


Ms Remy M
06-20-2010, 11:31 AM
That last episode, with Riley taking center stage with his Fund-raiser, may be the best yet. I know there are scenes taken from various movies, but one scene in particular near the end during the shoot out reminded me of the early 90's hit True Romance. No one I know that watches Boondocks was familiar with the movie, anyone here?

06-20-2010, 04:44 PM
i love the show, its too bad that this is the last season

06-20-2010, 08:46 PM
I must have been under a rock! I know nothing about "The Boondocks", but I'm sure to check it out!


Dear Peggygee,

I totally respect you. I honor you and I love you...


Boondocks is must see TV.



And thank you for the shout-out, I have been enjoying your posts here
as well, truly welcome the positive input.


06-21-2010, 03:43 AM
They're beating up on Tyler Perry this week. Too damn funny.

Ms Remy M
06-21-2010, 02:00 PM
Damn, I thought the Cleveland show's redition of Tyler Perry was funny. Boondocks takes it one step further into hilarity while of course providing some insightful social commentary. I've seen both a Tyler Perry play and the Rocky Horror Picture Show play years ago and seeing the two combined, again too funny.

Was dismayed at Ty post on being the last season and went to see what I can find on the matter. Two more episodes for this season and while it wasn't confirmed in an article tv.com does have a season 4 already bracketed off and awaiting episode summaries, so I'm hoping for more!