View Full Version : What da fukk...?

06-19-2010, 11:04 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxv6R9fUO74 :eek:

Ms Remy M
06-19-2010, 01:48 PM
Egads I despise youtube. However; Roc, you've posted the clip, so let's not sit in stunned silence. Express your opinion on the subject that is obviously of interest to you, be it disgust or... more disgust. :)

I've personally seen very similar activities when I lived in Germany. Children (boys&girls) between 5-10 still breatfeeding like in the clip and still riding in little ass strollers being pushed around town by mommy.

I haven't read any studies on breastfeeding after infancy concerning what health benefits may exist. I can see a whole host of issues though. These two otherwise average looking girls said they like to sit around drawing breast...uh huh. Lets see a boy do that and watch how quickly he'll probably be labeled some sexual deviant, especially if he drew the picture at school. For all we know it could in fact encourage such dangerous mental proclivity toward sexual extremes. Maybe children who breastfeed so long will as suggested possess higher overall intelligence, and better social performance. I would need to read actual studies on the topic instead of watching a clip with only ancedotal evidence.

Personally I'm a big supporter of soy milk and I dont support drinking dairy (Go PETA! j/k) or milk from any other animal at all. A human, which at end of day is still an animal should be breastfed and then weaned off as they are able to take on solid foods. Continuing to drink milk after infancy, to me, seems very un-natural, as no other animal does so. Our stomachs and intestines can barely process this white exlixir, and while I do admit to sneaking some ice cream, I feel soy milk is a much more nutritious option, with a somewhat similar taste (or at least similar ability to have taste masked by other flavors).

I can only imagine how much food the mother must consume daily to still be able to produce milk this long after birth. I don't think this is a trend that will proliferate society and become 'the norm' uggh I despise that term as well.

So again, Roc, you felt we needed to see this, what are your thoughts?