View Full Version : T-Girls and Marijuana...

06-21-2010, 09:45 AM
Why is it that most of the transgender females that I come into contact with, smoke weed? I have a written policy in my car that nobody is to smoke. It's right there in large bold black letters against a white background in 3" type on top of the passenger's visor, " NO SMOKING, PLEASE!"

Everyone who gets into my car who smokes, respects my demand, except for the three T-girls that I sometimes chill with. No matter how many times I remind them, they will still every once in a while, try to light a blunt up in my car. It happened again, just last night, and I almost smacked a close friend.

Everyone who visits my home who smokes, respects my policy of no smoking inside of my home, except for these three T-girls. No matter how many times I warn them, after after about 3 or 4 weeks, they try it all over again, casually, like I've never mentioned it before.

Nobody does stuff like that to me, but these T-girls! All they do is apologize and repeat the same offense a few weeks later. It might not be so bad, but these girls are almost constantly smoking blunts. I guess they get tired of stepping into the backyard to smoke, but that's they're only alternative with me. It's now getting to the point of ass-kicking!

They really do remind me of the GG girlfriends I once had who would try to smoke regular cigarettes in my house after I would warn them repeatedly, against it. It's like they feel some kind of special entitlement or something because of our close relationship.

Most T-girls I know smoke marijuana, and they smoke it as often as they can.

Do most T-girls you know smoke marijuana like this, or are my friends just pot-heads?

Got any suggestions...


I have absolutely nothing against people smoking marijuana in well ventilated places! Smoking Tobacco should be outlawed!

Ms Remy M
06-21-2010, 10:09 AM
Why is it that most of the transgender females that I come into contact with, smoke weed? I have a written policy in my car that nobody is to smoke. It's right there in large bold black letters against a white background in 3" type on top of the passenger's visor, " NO SMOKING, PLEASE!"

:) Do you drive a cab? I use to a long time ago, and that's what that statement reminded me of. Not marijuana, but I always let my customers have a cigarette if they wanted to, great for repeat business and Frebreeze takes care of the smell for the next riders.

Everyone who gets into my car who smokes, respects my demand, except for the three T-girls that I sometimes chill with. No matter how many times I remind them, they will still every once in a while, try to light a blunt up in my car. It happened again, just last night, and I almost smacked a close friend.

Everyone who visits my home who smokes, respects my policy of no smoking inside of my home, except for these three T-girls. No matter how many times I warn them, after after about 3 or 4 weeks, they try it all over again, casually, like I've never mentioned it before.

Nobody does stuff like that to me, but these T-girls! All they do is apologize and repeat the same offense a few weeks later. It might not be so bad, but these girls are almost constantly smoking blunts. I guess they get tired of stepping into the backyard to smoke, but that's they're only alternative with me. It's now getting to the point of ass-kicking!

I personally am very big on respecting peoples property, if you are repeatedly being disrespected in this manner, they likely are not really your friend at all. No need to resort to violence, just stop hanging around them.

I have absolutely nothing against people smoking marijuana in well ventilated places! Smoking Tobacco should be outlawed!

As someone who is just approaching their first year mark without any cigarettes (hooray for me!) I don't support the bans or outlawing of cigarettes, but I do admit it is a smelly, unhealthy activity. Go over to their place instead of picking them up and bringing to yours there are other options.

06-21-2010, 03:48 PM
Do most T-girls you know smoke marijuana like this, or are my friends just pot-heads?

Got any suggestions...

Yes, most, but not all t-girls smoke pot; its just the culture we live in today. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama all have had the giggly weed up to their lips!
All the girls that fire up in your car or home after you've told them not to, honestly don't respect your word when it comes down to getting high! That's really too bad. I don't allow smoking weed in my car because of the ramifications if you're stopped by the police, which is a fst way of adorning stainless steel braclets and your car being impounded in some states! Some people do not adhere to proper protocol; they smoke their blunts in plain sight of other people and motorists! But, whether you like it or not, smoking weed is here to stay! Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the United States that isn't on the NYSE! Go figure!

06-21-2010, 09:44 PM
I'm a recovered addict and alcoholic, clean and sober for about 15 years.

As I recall I would partake of my substance of choice in very inappropriate
times and places.

This is because of my judgement being impaired, and also because
physiologically I needed or wanted to maintain a certain level of that drug
or alcohol in my system.

In my opinion marijuana is relatively benign in comparision to other narcotics,
alcohol, and tobacco. I would dare-say that it should be de-criminalized, if
not legalized.

But it is a drug, it is addictive, and it does impair judgement, and it sounds as
if your friends are addicted to it.

Currently I have a zero-tolerance policy for people that use or abuse
substances. I eschew people, places or things where substance or alcohol
use is involved.

If I knew they were in possession, they would not be allowed into my car or
home, and most definitely would not be using around me.

06-21-2010, 10:09 PM
Do most T-girls you know smoke marijuana like this, or are my friends just pot-heads?

I was remiss in not responding to this question in your post.

Most of the people that I know and associate with are not transwomen.Too
much drama, negativity, cattiness and infighting in many segments of the
trans-community for me.

Most of my associates and friends are regular, mainstream, 9 to 5 type
folks. Folks with jobs or careers that if they got piss tested it would be a

Here again is that people, place, thing that I alluded to upthread. I try to
keep positive people and forces in my life, and that keeps me stable and

06-21-2010, 10:43 PM
I have yet to meet and/or date a transgendered sista that doesn't partake in marijuana usage. Not very becoming in my opinion but this is the world in which we live. I hate to generalize but i believe it is part of thier sub-culture just as it seems to be in mainstream black culture at present. Most among my friends, family and immediate community partake as well. As someone who is health conscious, sober, and drug-free i don't allow it in my presence or my home but the libertarian in me demands that i respect the rights of others to do as they choose in their space. The trans-women that i socialize with know this and respect my wishes and hence it's never been a problem for me.

06-22-2010, 01:28 AM
1. Most PEOPLE in general that I know chief a bit from time to time. Some smoke weed everyday. I know tgirls that fit into both categories and the "never smoke" category.

2. Period point blank joe... they are running over you a bit and you need to lay down your goon hand. If it's that serious to you, let them know and don't stand for that shit.

Now... where the fuck is my grape rolling papers? :D

06-22-2010, 02:24 AM
Well I don't smoke and I never will,it's just gross to me:(sorry if that offends any of the smokers :cool: but alot of girls I have met think it's cute and I just don't see the attraction to having smelly hair and yellowed nails or weed breath lol

07-06-2010, 04:48 AM
Yes, most, but not all t-girls smoke pot; its just the culture we live in today. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama all have had the giggly weed up to their lips!
All the girls that fire up in your car or home after you've told them not to, honestly don't respect your word when it comes down to getting high! That's really too bad. I don't allow smoking weed in my car because of the ramifications if you're stopped by the police, which is a fst way of adorning stainless steel braclets and your car being impounded in some states! Some people do not adhere to proper protocol; they smoke their blunts in plain sight of other people and motorists! But, whether you like it or not, smoking weed is here to stay! Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the United States that isn't on the NYSE! Go figure!

I agree totally... MOST girls do and not just in the U.S. many Brasillian TS as well. I also agree with the lack of respect these girls are showing by not abiding by your rules. Make the girls walk im sure they are used to it.

07-06-2010, 07:24 PM
Well I don't smoke and I never will,it's just gross to me:(sorry if that offends any of the smokers :cool: but alot of girls I have met think it's cute and I just don't see the attraction to having smelly hair and yellowed nails or weed breath lol

I agree totally... MOST girls do and not just in the U.S. many Brasillian TS as well. I also agree with the lack of respect these girls are showing by not abiding by your rules. Make the girls walk im sure they are used to it.

Let the church say AMEN!!!!:mad:

08-01-2010, 01:03 AM
The one TS I met before was rolling blunts in her hotel room. Now given the fact I don't smoke at all and I had to go back home after this, I was a little displeased with the fact she was lighting it up with no concern to me or getting the smell on my clothing. I didn't say anything about it, because I was more concerned about sucking her dick than anything at that point lol.

But anyways, I don't mind it as long as it doesn't interfere with our session or make her smell lol.

08-03-2010, 01:47 PM
I don't allow smoking weed in my car because of the ramifications if you're stopped by the police, which is a fst way of adorning stainless steel braclets and your car being impounded in some states!

Well said.