View Full Version : Curious about some Tgirls...

08-15-2010, 04:05 AM
I've gotten to know quite a few Tgirls in my life. I get the feeling that some of them would still prefer to be sex-workers rather than have legitimate jobs complete with healthcare and financial stability.

So what do you guys think?

Ms Remy M
08-15-2010, 12:01 PM
I've gotten to know quite a few Tgirls in my life. I get the feeling that some of them would still prefer to be sex-workers rather than have legitimate jobs complete with healthcare and financial stability.

So what do you guys think?

I've know a few tg's that work 9-5's and may escort on the side for extra cash, but you are right, many prefer the quick cash of escorting and not having to deal with any potential negativity from co-workers. Some girls use escorting to advance their transitioning and then simply don't want to give it up. While I was a supervisor at a Telemarketing Firm we had a couple tg's working for us and they never complained about any harrassment (they weren't nearly as passable as most of our models) but it may not be the same for everyone.


08-15-2010, 05:25 PM
Damn! So it is true then! I just think that's un-freaking-believeable!
Here it is, that you have a great paying job with benefits, and you would decide to jeopardize it all for tricks on the side.

Hey! In the sex-working industry (the way things are so unregulated now),
a variety of negative things could happen. Since prostitution is illegal, they could get busted and have a criminal record as a result. They could solicit either a crazy or disgruntled customer, who decides to go WACKO on them. That could end up in the hospital, prison, or the morgue!

It just doesn't add up to me. Ok, so if you're not employed and you're transgendered, chances are, you're not going to find a job anytime soon. Therefore, I can clearly see sex-work as an option. However, to actually have gainful employment on a regular basis along with healthcare and to jeopardize all that, just to make a couple more bucks to accelerate your transition sounds foolish to me.

I think that the real reason is psychological. I think that the actual act of getting screwed makes them feel more like women and it also makes them feel as though men are desirous of them, the same way that they are desirous of women. They therefore, become psychologically fuck-dependent!

08-16-2010, 04:01 AM
I've gotten to know quite a few Tgirls in my life. I get the feeling that some of them would still prefer to be sex-workers rather than have legitimate jobs complete with healthcare and financial stability.

So what do you guys think?
If you're so curious and concerned about them working a legitmate gig, ask them if they have a social security card? However, healthcare and financial stability is not a given nowaday! Just ask the eight million+ who are out of work and would do anything , damn near, for healthcare and financial stability! Some of those very people have mortgages and babies to feed! Have you seen the lines of 3,000 people trying to fill jobs for just 250 people and these are not considered GOOD jobs with bennies! People just want to work; any kind of work!
Finding a good paying job, with basic benefits, in this day and age, isn't as easy as you think! Plus, I don't think most of these girls can work under supervision after they've had to hustle for most of their young lives! They don't have a skill set that would make them attractive to a given employer. At most they can punch a key pad to a phone, but everybody can do that! Fellatio and anal sex are only applicable in the blue pill world and they won't get you a corner office, with a view, in the red pill world!

08-16-2010, 04:16 AM
Blue-Pill-World/Red-Pill-World! WTF! :)

I don't know what those two worlds are, but I've known many Tgirls who would do anything to have a legit job complete with "bennies". I've also known some girls who have been given excellent high-paying jobs, who would immediately proceed to escorting services immediately after work. Sometimes, they would even walk the streets. Yes! Street-walk at night and go to high-paying regular daytime jobs in the morning! We're talking about intelligent, highly adaptable, and in two cases, educated Tgirls.

Now I fully understand about Tgirls being sex-workers and all as I've already stated, nothing against that! However, to have a bankable job with security and benefits only to jeopardize that for a few dollars of sex-work, is pure nonsense to me.

That's why I say, it's got to be for validation. They are sex-dependent for gender-validation. It's just got to be psychological!

08-16-2010, 05:13 AM
Oh, red pill signifies the real world and blue pill is all about fantasy.

08-16-2010, 07:56 AM
I'mma bite my tonque on this 1 lol ;)

08-18-2010, 05:13 PM
It's so sad that for many of these girls, sex-work is all that the know!

Many are high school drop-outs with criminal records and drug abuse histories. Most have had STD's a multiple number of times and some prefer to have sex without condoms with certain customers.

How different most of their lives would be had they been given the same opportunities that most other people are given within this society?

Ms Remy M
08-18-2010, 05:32 PM
It's so sad that for many of these girls, sex-work is all that the know!

Many are high school drop-outs with criminal records and drug abuse histories. Most have had STD's a multiple number of times and some prefer to have sex without condoms with certain customers.

How different most of their lives would be had they been given the same opportunities that most other people are given within this society?

lol the opportunities are there, but they have to seize the moment and take advantage of them instead of "getting their life" having fun and living the fast life. Nobody is stopping them from filling out an application. They simply rather escort so they can work when they want to work and get cash in hand instead of waiting for that weekly/bi weekly paycheck.

I can see how attractive of a lifestyle that can be, not having to answer to anyone and always being able to get cash when they need it, but there are always consequences to the choices that are made. Consequences of a 9-5 can be potential co-workers displaying negativity, and waiting on that paycheck. Consequences of escorting, never really knowing when the next client will call, STD's, and possible criminal liability, but the internet has helped to make these negatives that much less of an issue. I try to get as many girls as I can into doing Webcams instead of escorting to further limit the pitfalls the girls generally fall into with escorting. When the girls see their peers rocking the hot outfits and stories of how a client bought their implants or co-signed on a car for them or whatever escorting becomes even more attractive. There is one guy here locally that has bought 3 different ts escorts their implants, and another model of mine just called a few days ago and told me her client was going to fly her to a medical tourism country to get her implants done next month. All just for having sex with them, which if it wasn't going to be with one ts than it would be with another ts anyway so why not jump on it, is the mentality many have.

08-18-2010, 05:37 PM
just like the dope game. fast money with prison sentence not nearly as long.

08-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Hi Remy!

You know, it's a shame that these girls should have to be so dependent upon escorts, second, and third parties for the purchase of personal property.
This type of behavior simply reinforces their dependence upon sex-work and further alienates them from mainstream society. They therefore, become complacent about living along the margins of society. This is enabling their co-dependence on a marginal lifestyle.

Society is saying, we reject you, your lifestyle, and the weird dichotomous image that you project.

If society were a homeowner, it would say, "Ok, transgender people, into the basement you go. Everyone else can have free and clear access to where ever and whatever they want within the confines of this well-provided household, but you in the basement will have to scrape, beg, borrow, and barter for whatever needs you may require."

To this extent, transgenders take on the "basement" mentality. Yes! They choose their own paths, but these paths are chosen within the confines of the basement. So there you go transgender, choose your path. You just have to choose in it down here in this god-for-saken, dirty, unpaved, damp, and cold basement. As for the rest of us, we'll continue to live upstairs, with our carefree lifestyles, where its warm with plush beds and bedding, jacuzzis, refrigerators filled with the best of foods, and easy access to healthcare. Things, that would be unheard of and rare in basement living.

So the transgenders attempt to live a normal life, but they can't because the people upstairs, constantly remind them that they're different, they're "basement" people, and have therefore, been barred. Some of the "basement" people have been fortunate enough to have made allies and have form allegiances with the "upstairs" people and they manage to sneak into the upstairs living quarters. Though they have successfully escaped to the "upstairs", they still will have many more battles to maintain their "upstairs" status, the war will not be over.However, the majority know better. They know that the path in the basement will encounter much less resistance than the tumultuous path upstairs. They therefore, follow the path of least resistance and end up where they are expected to be all along, in the basement.

This is their fate, in the basement. There, life gives them fewer healthy options. They didn't 'really' choose to live there!

08-19-2010, 04:52 AM
I second what Surfer said.
I have known as many girls as anyone and I feel safe to say that 8 out of 10 couldn't hold a real job for more than 90 day's. If you do happen to graduate from High School, and you're lost in space, how are you going to get by, day to day? Most don't have anything close to a skill. I love it when some of the ladies I know ask me if they can work for me or if I know anyone looking to hire. It's sad, because I may like these lady friends, but I can't recommend them to anyone because they don't know how to do anything.
If you haven't held a frigging job or a drivers license for over 7 years, how can you fill out an app and explain your lack of job history? What are you going to say? I've been really busy. WTF! Good luck with that.

Lazy! and More Lazy! Fast money is right. But, the money is not there like it used to be. Ask any girl you know.
I personally don't know any girls with a good job who still want to escort. The ones I know who have found a good job, did so in order to stop escorting. But you know it takes all kinds of folks.

Bottom line, if you want to do something specific you will work towards that goal. If you don't have a desire to do something with your life, then you just ESCORT and hope you can dupe some guy into giving you the world.

Note: Don't get me wrong, this is not every girl. Just a hell of a lot.

Ms Remy M
08-19-2010, 03:32 PM
Hi Remy!

You know, it's a shame that these girls should have to be so dependent upon escorts, second, and third parties for the purchase of personal property.
This type of behavior simply reinforces their dependence upon sex-work and further alienates them from mainstream society. They therefore, become complacent about living along the margins of society. This is enabling their co-dependence on a marginal lifestyle.

I'm sorry Koanbred, perhaps I should have explained better. Escorts (at least the ones I know personally) are not dependant on the clients to achieve what they want so much as the gifts are perk benefits of their profession. I know more than a few that proudly buy their own cars and jewerly and such and absolutely refuse to be held at the whims of their clients for such gifts.

Society is saying, we reject you, your lifestyle, and the weird dichotomous image that you project.

If society were a homeowner, it would say, "Ok, transgender people, into the basement you go. Everyone else can have free and clear access to where ever and whatever they want within the confines of this well-provided household, but you in the basement will have to scrape, beg, borrow, and barter for whatever needs you may require."

To this extent, transgenders take on the "basement" mentality. Yes! They choose their own paths, but these paths are chosen within the confines of the basement. So there you go transgender, choose your path. You just have to choose in it down here in this god-for-saken, dirty, unpaved, damp, and cold basement. As for the rest of us, we'll continue to live upstairs, with our carefree lifestyles, where its warm with plush beds and bedding, jacuzzis, refrigerators filled with the best of foods, and easy access to healthcare. Things, that would be unheard of and rare in basement living.

So the transgenders attempt to live a normal life, but they can't because the people upstairs, constantly remind them that they're different, they're "basement" people, and have therefore, been barred. Some of the "basement" people have been fortunate enough to have made allies and have form allegiances with the "upstairs" people and they manage to sneak into the upstairs living quarters. Though they have successfully escaped to the "upstairs", they still will have many more battles to maintain their "upstairs" status, the war will not be over.However, the majority know better. They know that the path in the basement will encounter much less resistance than the tumultuous path upstairs. They therefore, follow the path of least resistance and end up where they are expected to be all along, in the basement.

This is their fate, in the basement. There, life gives them fewer healthy options. They didn't 'really' choose to live there!

Sadly in America there are always a group of people being marginalized, but with continued positive exposure in popular media Tgirls are gaining more general acceptance. I hardly feel tgirls are the basement dwellers you are making them out to be. Yeah there are many that fall into the typical stereotypes, but many choose to rise above the ruts of life.

08-19-2010, 06:47 PM

In order to achieve a higher status in life, these girls need an education either in the liberal arts or perhaps vocational training. They quite obviously can't live prosperous lives with "basement" mentalities. Their low economic status is always going to dictate unsavory and unfortunate outcomes.

08-19-2010, 07:49 PM
You know what, transgender woman are no different then anyone else.
Some people with good jobs still live check to check.
I sure after the 'girls' with good jobs spend all their money, they put those high heels on and hit the streets or place ads on backpages.
I see 'girls' with nice cars all time on the stroll.
I would hope they would save their money for a better future.

08-20-2010, 12:55 PM
Yeah, you're right Top_Dawg!

The thing is, most members of the transgender community live below the poverty level. No amount of savings is going to help them when their strolling and modeling days are over. Of course, there is always the exception to the rule. However, that's just exactly what they are, exceptions!

Ms Remy M
08-20-2010, 02:09 PM
Yeah, you're right Top_Dawg!

The thing is, most members of the transgender community live below the poverty level. No amount of savings is going to help them when their strolling and modeling days are over. Of course, there is always the exception to the rule. However, that's just exactly what they are, exceptions!

next time you pay a visit to the stroll ask the genetic females, or a genetic model doing porn how things are going, the stories don't vary too much.

08-21-2010, 04:20 PM
Yeah Remy! That's true for the porn Tgirls while they're performing, but what about when their entertainment days are over. Just what is the average amount of time that tgirls remain in the adult entertainment industry, anyway?

There are certain to be pro's and con's about the industry that may influence the model's decision to remain active as a model.

Most members of the T community are not trying to beat a path into adult entertainment for a multiplicity of reasons. They therefore, have even fewer options for employment. Society is going to resist them at just about every juncture in their transgendered lives. It all starts when they exit their homes (some live in their homes with stress from family members). When they catch the bus, there will be looks and side comments of disapproval. Cab drivers may stop, but realize what they are and then suddenly drive off. In San Francisco, bus drivers have been known to openly and publicly insult transgender passengers.

Applying for a job for most people seems to be an improbability these days. However, for the transgendered, it's almost impossible to find gainful employment within the mainstream of society.

The transgendered continue to be targets of bashings, physical assaults, and murder.

They have a long way to go, indeed...

Ms Remy M
08-21-2010, 05:07 PM
Yeah Remy! That's true for the porn Tgirls while they're performing, but what about when their entertainment days are over. Just what is the average amount of time that tgirls remain in the adult entertainment industry, anyway?

Good question, I really don't know. I imagine it varies based on whether a girl is just trying porn out to see if they have what it takes, and those that actively pursue a career in this industry.

There are certain to be pro's and con's about the industry that may influence the model's decision to remain active as a model.

Most members of the T community are not trying to beat a path into adult entertainment for a multiplicity of reasons. They therefore, have even fewer options for employment. Society is going to resist them at just about every juncture in their transgendered lives. It all starts when they exit their homes (some live in their homes with stress from family members). When they catch the bus, there will be looks and side comments of disapproval. Cab drivers may stop, but realize what they are and then suddenly drive off. In San Francisco, bus drivers have been known to openly and publicly insult transgender passengers.

This is true, but not specific to the trans community at all. Many other groups of people (blacks, immigrants from south of the border) also have to deal with the same injustices. I can personally agree with the stress from family members bit though, which many times is the biggest blow of all, being rejected by your own blood.

The transgendered continue to be targets of bashings, physical assaults, and murder.

They have a long way to go, indeed...

This is also true and a real problem, I don't condone violence at all. I would like to add based on my experince as someone who use to actually hang with the girls on the stroll and not just ride by anonymously, that many of the tgirls brought the physical assaults on themselves (not that I condone the actions), tricking dates into thinking they were females, stealing money, and using a stroll in front of bad neighborhoods where the 'thuggish' residents would easily take action against the tg's being on their turf are just a few examples. What you may read in the news reports doesn't always reflect the full story. I've personally witnessed many tgirls instigate an altercation in a variety of ways. Instead of just walking away when trouble was coming they would bicker and talk smack to these 'thugs' and even loudly proclaim that the 'thugs' themselves were also customers (lol many were). In a bout of anger the thugs would then act out their rage, as a show for their friends watching, or whatever dumb reason they came up with to act out in violence. I was always perplexed why the girls would continue to instigate these problems with the 'thugs' and/or clients. If you disturb a snake it should only be natural for the snake to react by lashing out with a venom filled attack.

I would obviously like to see all forms of aggresion toward the LGBT community come to an end, and it is an on going battle. There is change needed both within the trans community (which is prone to bickering and animosity amongst themselves) as well as society as a whole.