View Full Version : Androgynous versus Tgirls...

09-01-2010, 04:22 PM
This post has been deleted!

09-01-2010, 09:32 PM
The last 1 is the female,but what's up with all the comparing guys to Ts! This is a Ts site not americas next gay model :p if your gay cool but stop trying to pit bq against Ts because to a true Ts lover there is no comparison ;)

09-01-2010, 09:38 PM
The last 1 is the female,but what's up with all the comparing guys to Ts! This is a Ts site not americas next gay model :p if your gay cool but stop trying to pit bq against Ts because to a true Ts lover there is no comparison ;)

i 100% agree with carmen

09-01-2010, 10:06 PM
The last 1 is the female,but what's up with all the comparing guys to Ts! This is a Ts site not americas next gay model :p if your gay cool but stop trying to pit bq against Ts because to a true Ts lover there is no comparison ;)

I really didn't intend any offense, Carmen. It's just that for me, even though the TS may not be passable, I can still admire her for her particular manner of expression and femininity. I do the same for the androgynous femme gay guy.
For me, it's all about all of their unique expressions of their own feminine identities. I personally like all of them from an artistic point of view.

It was really a comparison of similarities and not so much a pitting of one against the other.:)


While I am really a Tgirl admirer, there's something about that androgynous look that turns me on too!
Some gay guys just look too pretty to really be guys!

09-01-2010, 11:46 PM
The last 1 is the female,but what's up with all the comparing guys to Ts! This is a Ts site not americas next gay model :p if your gay cool but stop trying to pit bq against Ts because to a true Ts lover there is no comparison ;)

You see Carmen, the problem here, is that the true TS lover just might be someone like me who likes TS folks first, but will be more than willing to substitute an effeminate gay guy, who just looks too pretty to be a guy.

If that androgynous, effeminate gay guy has soft skin, no facial hair, is soft to the touch, and behaves more like a woman than a man, then as far as I'm concerned, he's good to go. This is even more so, if he's just a really pretty man. The TS world is full of really pretty people who used to be men! I am NOT attracted to masculine-looking men or gender fucks.

I've had effeminate gay guys who behaved so much like women, that once the lights were off, you either couldn't or wouldn't be able to tell the difference because, they didn't allow your mind to ask such a silly question. Things were just too exciting to be mentally bogged down to that point!

Finally in conclusion, I guess that you could say that I love me some Tgirls and I love me some androgynous femme guys too!:p

09-02-2010, 12:25 AM
It was really a comparison of similarities and not so much a pitting of one against the other.:)

If it wasn't pitting then why use the word "versus" in your title? :cool:

Carmen is right, you keep harping on, the same point. Whatever you like is fine with us, we just don't need a dozen posts on the same question.
Move on ...

09-02-2010, 12:33 AM
You see Carmen, the problem here, is that the true TS lover just might be someone like me who likes TS folks first, but will be more than willing to substitute an effeminate gay guy, who just looks too pretty to be a guy.
If that androgynous, effeminate gay guy has soft skin, no facial hair, is soft to the touch, and behaves more like a woman than a man, then as far as I'm concerned, he's good to go. This is even more so, if he's just a really pretty man. The TS world is full of really pretty people who used to be men!

I've had effeminate gay guys who behaved so much like women, that once the lights were off, you either couldn't or wouldn't be able to tell the difference because, they didn't allow your mind to ask such a silly question. Things were just too exciting to be mentally bogged down to that point!

Finally in conclusion, I guess that you could say that I love me some Tgirls and I love me some androgenous femme guys too!:p
Definiton of a lover is someone who is devoted there would be no substitute.

09-02-2010, 01:27 AM
If it wasn't pitting then why use the word "versus" in your title? :cool:

Carmen is right, you keep harping on, the same point. Whatever you like is fine with us, we just don't need a dozen posts on the same question.
Move on ...

Don't you see that I've deleted the post. What more do you want? That was just an explanation to Carmen...:confused:


BTGP just posted a similar post with no responses. At least, I got responses!
Also when one uses the word "versus", one could be either comparing or contrasting. I was simply comparing...

09-02-2010, 01:31 AM
Definiton of a lover is someone who is devoted there would be no substitute.

Actually, a better word would be "lust". I am lustful of Tgirls. I am also lustful of whatever else I like sexually. That would be androgynous effeminate gay guys. I like some with physical alterations and some without...;)

09-02-2010, 09:31 AM
If it wasn't pitting then why use the word "versus" in your title? :cool:

Carmen is right, you keep harping on, the same point. Whatever you like is fine with us, we just don't need a dozen posts on the same question.
Move on ...

I don't know Seanchai!

Things just haven't been right between you and me since the Asia support posts. At that time you accused me of posting something like 50 posts per week. If you were including responses to other people's posts, then you might be close to correct. However, if you're saying that I am the original poster of approximately 50 new threads per week then that's just obviously false. I try to be as active as I can within the forum as I would imagine that it would be expected of any active participating member.

Furthermore, if you go back and count the number of original posts where I am actually the originator of a new thread concerning effeminate gay guys versus Tgirls, that number would only be 4 (nothing close to a dozen). However, they were posted bringing up various points of emphasis concerning the entire matter. Hey! What the hell should anybody care about that anyway? This is an errotic porn site that caters to Tgirls and their admirers. Most of the Tgirls at one time just thought that they were gay males and effeminate, but were somehow just a spirit placed inside of the wrong body. It was either that, or some slight variation of that scenario. Most of the Tgirl admirers won't even look at a Tgirl unless she has a penis. So, what are you splittin' hairs about?...The image of Tgirls and their admirers is tainted by that of effeminately androgynous, gay guys...OR- Perhaps that type of material is offensive to a sizeable number of the membership, here.

If that's the case, then members who believe that, are full of it! They proclaim that they prefer a woman with a dick, as opposed to one without, and they insist that they in no way condone or approve of any type of homsexuality (or gay shit). To that I say, poppycock!

However, since it is not our position to psycho-analyze or outrage the psyche of the clientelle, I will concede that your argument has merit and I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference.

I am comfortable in my gay skin and would hope that others here are just as comfortable in theirs.:)



It appears from the dismal polls here, that a sizeable number of the membership is either gay, in denial, or som'in......

09-02-2010, 12:56 PM
I thought this dude checked out of here last week. How in the heck did he come back.....No, the question is why did he come back and who let him back in????

Ms Remy M
09-02-2010, 02:31 PM
I thought this dude checked out of here last week. How in the heck did he come back.....No, the question is why did he come back and who let him back in????

His leavening was voluntary, and I'm glad he stayed. :cool:

09-02-2010, 04:44 PM
His leavening was voluntary, and I'm glad he stayed. :cool:

Speak for yourself. I feel quite the contrary.

09-02-2010, 04:58 PM
I don't now Seanchai!

Things just haven't been right between you and me since the Asia support posts. At that time you accused me of posting something like 50 posts per week. If you were including responses to other people's posts, then you might be close to correct. However, if you're saying that I am the original poster of approximately 50 new threads per week then that's just obviously false. I try to be as active as I can within the forum as I would imagine that it would be expected of any active participating member.

Furthermore, if you go back and count the number of original posts where I am actually the originator of a new thread concerning effeminate gay guys versus Tgirls, that number would only be 4 (nothing close to a dozen). However, they were posted bringing up various points of emphasis concerning the entire matter. Hey! What the hell should anybody care about that anyway? This is an errotic porn site that caters to Tgirls and their admirers. Most of the Tgirls at one time just thought that they were gay males and effeminate, but were somehow just a spirit placed inside of the wrong body. It was either that, or some slight variation of that scenario. Most of the Tgirl admirers won't even look at a Tgirl unless she has a penis. So, what are you splittin' hairs about?...The image of Tgirls and their admirers is tainted by that of effeminately androgynous, gay guys...OR- Perhaps that type of material is offensive to a sizeable number of the membership, here.

If that's the case, then members who believe that, are full of it! They proclaim that prefer a woman with a dick, as opposed to one without, and they insist that they in no way condone or approve of any type of homsexuality (or gay shit). To that I say, poppycock!

However, since it is not our position to psycho-analyze or outrage the psyche of the clientelle, I will concede that your argument has merit and I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference.

I am comfortable in my gay skin and would hope that others here are just as comfortable in theirs.:)



It appears from the dismal polls here, that a sizeable number of the membership is either gay, in denial, or som'in......

It's got nothing to do with Asia. It your ongoing posting that irritates me.
You are gay, great - nobody has a problem with it. Why feel the need to continously force feed your views on others?

"I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference."
Thank you.

09-02-2010, 11:24 PM
It's got nothing to do with Asia. It your ongoing posting that irritates me.
You are gay, great - nobody has a problem with it. Why feel the need to continously force feed your views on others?

"I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference."
Thank you.

Thank you Seanchai!!! This is exactly my problem as well. He tries to get us to see why we should feel the same way he feels, or why we should see the same thing he sees in feminine men. No matter what he says or how mercilessly he pounds it home, I will never be attracted to androgynous or femme guys because that's not what I like. Every one of his posts is about his point of view and a different spin on why we should like what he likes. I'm sick of it! He spends more time posting and talking about men than he does talking about BLACK T-GIRLS!!! I could have sworn that this site was all about the transsexual women, black or white, it's about the girls, not the effiminate boys.

So, Remy, I respect your opinion of why you're glad he stayed, but I feel that you and Bread should go start another website/forum about femme guys.

Bread, you as well. Don't think that I don't respect you. I find you to be very intelligent. I just don't like what you like and most of the guys on this site (99.999999%) don't like what you like either and aren't interested in trying to learn to like it.

Just expressing myself.

09-02-2010, 11:33 PM
Zzzzzzzzzzz::::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz!

09-02-2010, 11:35 PM
to a true Ts lover there is no comparison ;)

Baby I love you! LOL.

I agree with Carmen!

09-03-2010, 12:16 AM
Zzzzzzzzzzz::::zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:::zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz!
'Cord your snoring is keeping me awake in the other room! Try counting sheep, that's what I'm doing!

09-03-2010, 12:24 AM
"I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference."
Thank you.

Thank you Seanchai!!! This is exactly my problem as well. He tries to get us to see why we should feel the same way he feels, or why we should see the same thing he sees in feminine men. No matter what he says or how mercilessly he pounds it home, I will never be attracted to androgynous or femme guys because that's not what I like. Every one of his posts is about his point of view and a different spin on why we should like what he likes. I'm sick of it! He spends more time posting and talking about men than he does talking about BLACK T-GIRLS!!! I could have sworn that this site was all about the transsexual women, black or white, it's about the girls, not the effiminate boys.

So, Remy, I respect your opinion of why you're glad he stayed, but I feel that you and Bread should go start another website/forum about femme guys.

Bread, you as well. Don't think that I don't respect you. I find you to be very intelligent. I just don't like what you like and most of the guys on this site (99.999999%) don't like what you like either and aren't interested in trying to learn to like it.

Just expressing myself.
Damn Vid, you spooked me! I thought you were in the room when I started to reply! Well it looks like I won't have to now.

Ms Remy M
09-03-2010, 12:25 AM
Thank you Seanchai!!! This is exactly my problem as well. He tries to get us to see why we should feel the same way he feels, or why we should see the same thing he sees in feminine men. No matter what he says or how mercilessly he pounds it home, I will never be attracted to androgynous or femme guys because that's not what I like. Every one of his posts is about his point of view and a different spin on why we should like what he likes. I'm sick of it! He spends more time posting and talking about men than he does talking about BLACK T-GIRLS!!! I could have sworn that this site was all about the transsexual women, black or white, it's about the girls, not the effiminate boys.

So, Remy, I respect your opinion of why you're glad he stayed, but I feel that you and Bread should go start another website/forum about femme guys.

Bread, you as well. Don't think that I don't respect you. I find you to be very intelligent. I just don't like what you like and most of the guys on this site (99.999999%) don't like what you like either and aren't interested in trying to learn to like it.

Just expressing myself.

Haha, I'm not glad he's stayed because he goes on and on about liking gay guys. I'm more than bored with the subject matter myself, we get it, it's not for us so you can stop slamming us with it. Do you though Koanbred, you're free to like whatever suits you. I do think he could be just as active in the topics we do like to talk about here though, and that's why I'd like him to stay. Vidman I think you have me confused with the other person asking about a TS, TV, Fem guy bottom site perhaps, I can care less to talk about the subject matter.

09-03-2010, 12:41 AM
'Cord your snoring is keeping me awake in the other room! Try counting sheep, that's what I'm doing!

SHEEP???? Now you got me thinking about Lamb Chops. LOL.

09-03-2010, 12:54 AM
It's got nothing to do with Asia. It your ongoing posting that irritates me.
You are gay, great - nobody has a problem with it. Why feel the need to continously force feed your views on others?

"I won't ever initiate or participate in any more threads that vaguely resemble the topic of sexual or gender preference."
Thank you.

Since I've already committed myself to censorship on the topic of the sexual attraction of androgynous femme males compared to Tgirls, I will not state anything further concerning this matter.

However, before I would make any statements about how often I've posted anything concerning this issue, I would strongly suggest that you conduct an intelligent investigation of the matter and actually research these strange accusations independently, yourselves.

To date, I have posted only two original threads directly concerning this issue. Two others only indirectly linked themselves to the topic. Most anything else, was just a response to something that someone else said or stated. I posted one many weeks ago when I felt much the same way that you guys feel right now. It was entitled "Tgirls vs. Sissies".
The Dominic/Chante pics caused me to have an epiphany and I therefore, changed my mind about the whole thing, because I really do like both Dominic and Chante. Dominic looks like a dude and is quite handsome and Chante is absolutely gorgeous. I really want you to search your hearts and not be instilled with "mob mentality". You've all seen Gunsmoke, we all know what happens then, the innocent guy always gets lynched!

Hey! After all, I'm really just like you! We're all fam here!:)



Is it alright if I change my mind? I haven't asked anyone here to change there mind. I haven't told anyone here that they are wrong to believe anything, one way or another. I therefore, have been falsely accused of "force feeding you" something, that I truly haven't.

09-03-2010, 01:27 AM
Since I've already committed myself to censorship on the topic of the sexual attraction of androgynous femme males compared to Tgirls, I will not state anything further concerning this matter.

However, before I would make any statements about how often I've posted anything concerning this issue, I would strongly suggest that you conduct an intelligent investigation of the matter and actually research these strange accusations independently, yourselves.

To date, I have posted only two original threads directly concerning this issue. Two others only indirectly linked themselves to the topic. Most anything else, was just a response to something that someone else said or stated. I posted one many weeks ago when I felt much the same way that you guys feel right now. It was entitled "Tgirls vs. Sissies".
The Dominic/Chante pics caused me to have an epiphany and I therefore, changed my mind about the whole thing, because I really do like both Dominic and Chante. Dominic looks like a dude and is quite handsome and Chante is absolutely gorgeous. I really want you to search your hearts and not be instilled with "mob mentality". You've all seen Gunsmoke, we all know what happens then, the innocent guy always gets lynched!

Hey! After all, I'm really just like you! We're all fam here!:)



Is it alright if I change my mind? I haven't asked anyone here to change there mind. I haven't told anyone here that they are wrong to believe anything, one way or another. I therefore, have been falsely accused of "force feeding you" something, that I truly haven't.

Dude... nobody cares about how many topics you posted on this matter or how we all should see your point of view.

Lighten up a little :cool:

09-03-2010, 01:44 AM
I don't now Seanchai!

Things just haven't been right between you and me since the Asia support posts. At that time you accused me of posting something like 50 posts per week. If you were including responses to other people's posts, then you might be close to correct. However, if you're saying that I am the original poster of approximately 50 new threads per week then that's just obviously false. ....

Damn I thought it was 500 per week!:rolleyes:

09-03-2010, 01:52 AM
Damn I thought it was 500 per week!:rolleyes:

Damn BabyJesus!

You cain't count yet! Ok! Hold up dem digits and let's count 'em together!

Ok! Now dats one...two...den dweee... Ah! What come afta dweee, honey?:)

09-03-2010, 02:14 AM

Damn Vid, you spooked me! I thought you were in the room when I started to reply! Well it looks like I won't have to now.

Well Surf, of course you know that great minds think alike. ;)

09-03-2010, 02:19 AM
Haha, I'm not glad he's stayed because he goes on and on about liking gay guys. I'm more than bored with the subject matter myself, we get it, it's not for us so you can stop slamming us with it. Do you though Koanbred, you're free to like whatever suits you. I do think he could be just as active in the topics we do like to talk about here though, and that's why I'd like him to stay. Vidman I think you have me confused with the other person asking about a TS, TV, Fem guy bottom site perhaps, I can care less to talk about the subject matter.

Oh okay, my bad Remy. I thought you were glad that he stayed simply because you liked looking and talking about gay boy booty with Kornbred. lol.
It's cool. I understand, you like what he brings as far as provocative thought process and intellect. ME TOO!! I think that Bread is very intelligent, I just wish he would focus those great ideas and philosophies on the subject matter.......TRANSSEXUALS!!!!!

09-03-2010, 02:32 AM
oh okay, my bad remy. I thought you were glad that he stayed simply because you liked looking and talking about gay boy booty with kornbred. Lol.!


09-03-2010, 02:56 AM
Hey Y'all!

This is all I wanna know:

How is it that I get all of these responses after I deleted the post after only two responders? Carmen and Pretty_ Boi_Rico responded, I deleted the post and then all of you began to respond to what Seanchai stated in error.

Always check out the facts before you denigrate somebody, please....:cool:

Ms Remy M
09-03-2010, 03:02 AM
I think that Bread is very intelligent, I just wish he would focus those great ideas and philosophies on the subject matter.......TRANSSEXUALS!!!!!

I hear ya dude :)

Ms Remy M
09-03-2010, 03:07 AM
Hey Y'all!

This is all I wanna know:

How is it that I get all of these responses after I deleted the post after only two responders? Carmen and Pretty_ Boi_Rico responded, I deleted the post and then all of you began to respond to what Seanchai stated in error.

Always check out the facts before you denigrate somebody, please....:cool:

I read it when it was posted, I chose not to respond to it until certain comments were made. Why does it matter? You post a thread to get comments, and that's what you got... :cool:

09-03-2010, 03:29 AM
I read it when it was posted, I chose not to respond to it until certain comments were made. Why does it matter? You post a thread to get comments, and that's what you got... :cool:

I would think that after you've deleted a post, comments made afterwards would be moot and not to be taken seriously.

I originally deleted the post to avoid introducing any negativity within this forum. I see that worked real well...:eek:

09-03-2010, 04:00 AM

09-03-2010, 04:09 AM

We still love you 'Cord, despite your handicap!:D

09-03-2010, 04:53 PM
Haha, I'm not glad he's stayed because he goes on and on about liking gay guys. I'm more than bored with the subject matter myself, we get it, it's not for us so you can stop slamming us with it. Do you though Koanbred, you're free to like whatever suits you. I do think he could be just as active in the topics we do like to talk about here though, and that's why I'd like him to stay. Vidman I think you have me confused with the other person asking about a TS, TV, Fem guy bottom site perhaps, I can care less to talk about the subject matter.

Hey there Remy!

So Seanchai makes a statement in error and because he's Seanchai, everyone believes that he's infallible and virtuous. This is almost as bad as Bush crying, "Weapons of mass destruction"!

So you have the capacity to research the matter. Exactly how many times have I created a new thread which suggested anything about androgynous gay males within this main forum? Ok, great!

Now, how many times have I commented, saying anything about how anyone here within the membership should like what I like?

Since the number of times is miniscule, then I think that is abominable to exaggerate and blow the number up and speak in terms of me forcing my beliefs upon the membership, having an agenda, and having to move on.

I don't go on and on about anything, as that would be monotonous to me, as well. I think that there's another agenda here that's being masterminded by the master. Of course humans, being the sheep that they are, usually follow their master. The sheep know their master's voice...;)

Ms Remy M
09-03-2010, 05:18 PM
Hey there Remy!

So Seanchai makes a statement in error and because he's Seanchai, everyone believes that he's infallible and virtuous. This is almost as bad as Bush crying, "Weapons of mass destruction"!

So you have the capacity to research the matter. Exactly how many times have I created a new thread which suggested anything about androgynous gay males within this main forum? Ok, great!

Now, how many times have I commented, saying anything about how anyone here within the membership should like what I like?

Since the number of times is miniscule, then I think that is abominable to exaggerate and blow the number up and speak in terms of me forcing my beliefs upon the membership, having an agenda, and having to move on.

I don't go on and on about anything, as that would be monotonous to me, as well. I think that there's another agenda here that's being masterminded by the master. Of course humans, being the sheep that they are, usually follow their master. The sheep know their master's voice...;)

He didn't make a statement in error. He may have embellished the total number of post bit, but the main point he was getting across is that you made a thread piting Androgynous vs Tgirls. Gather up the few that have previously expressed similar interest as you, and PM them. In the public space we want to talk about Tgirls, Black Tgirls, and related matters... If you went to a porn forum for gay guys or females, they wouldn't want to hear you go on about Tgirls, why because generally it doesn't interest them, same with us here about gay guys.

09-03-2010, 05:37 PM
He didn't make a statement in error. He may have embellished the total number of post bit, but the main point he was getting across is that you made a thread piting Androgynous vs Tgirls. Gather up the few that have previously expressed similar interest as you, and PM them. In the public space we want to talk about Tgirls, Black Tgirls, and related matters... If you went to a porn forum for gay guys or females, they wouldn't want to hear you go on about Tgirls, why because generally it doesn't interest them, same with us here about gay guys.

So if I went to a porn forum featuring primarily GG's and I created two threads about how certain Tgirls have comparable points of attraction as the average woman being featured on their site, I would be summarily warned by the forum's administration. That's a possibility, but I doubt it, if it happened only twice.

A greater probabilty is a male confronting himself about himself and having to face the "G" word and the forum administration being aware of this type of customer dissatisfaction.;)

09-03-2010, 06:32 PM
Five .......

09-04-2010, 01:58 AM
So if I went to a porn forum featuring primarily GG's and I created two threads about how certain Tgirls have comparable points of attraction as the average woman being featured on their site, I would be summarily warned by the forum's administration. That's a possibility, but I doubt it, if it happened only twice.

A greater probabilty is a male confronting himself about himself and having to face the "G" word and the forum administration being aware of this type of customer dissatisfaction.;)

I think the main issue people in the forum have with you is that you always seem to speak with so much conviction about subject matter you cant possibly know about. You seem so sure that you can speak for ALL of us on what we find attractive when there is no way for you to know this. If you don't think this is true then why don't you take a few minutes to read some of you posts objectively and impartially.

Also with this particular thread you seem to have overlooked the possibilty that you have offended many of the girls that post here which, is why I think Seanchai is annoyed with this particular thread.

As far as what you have stated in your previous post, why don't you go to a porn forum focusing on GG's and create a thread about T Girls then post the results here for all to see.

09-04-2010, 04:00 AM
I think the main issue people in the forum have with you is that you always seem to speak with so much conviction about subject matter you cant possibly know about. You seem so sure that you can speak for ALL of us on what we find attractive when there is no way for you to know this. If you don't think this is true then why don't you take a few minutes to read some of you posts objectively and impartially.

Also with this particular thread you seem to have overlooked the possibilty that you have offended many of the girls that post here which, is why I think Seanchai is annoyed with this particular thread.

As far as what you have stated in your previous post, why don't you go to a porn forum focusing on GG's and create a thread about T Girls then post the results here for all to see.

Hey there PiedPiper!

That's exactly what I'm saying! I don't think that a thread or two would initiate all this drama. Why? Because most of my posts would have been on point talking about GG's, just like most are on point here, talking about Tgirls.

This drama was orchestrated by one person and one person only! According to the introduction of the main forum, we are perfectly within our rights to discuss general stuff about Tgirls and Tgirl related material. I thought that it might also include what most Tgirls were before they became Tgirls and also what we are (or could be), being Tgirl admirers. I considered this as interesting subject matter for discussion. Apparently not, so I must therefore censor myself and not speak on it any further.:rolleyes:

09-04-2010, 05:16 AM
so I must therefore censor myself and not speak on it any further.:rolleyes:

Thank you very much!:rolleyes:

09-04-2010, 06:09 AM
Thank you very much!:rolleyes:

You know, in certain circles, it's considered as politically incorrect to say the "N" word.

In this forum, we want to always be careful about using the "G" word. Heaven forbid that anyone within this forum, be faced with such an abomination!

Therefore, I guess I should say....you're welcome!;)

09-04-2010, 08:50 AM
Four ........

09-04-2010, 08:54 AM
Four ........

What's four, Seanchai?:confused:


Can you be more specific?

09-04-2010, 09:00 AM
What's four, Seanchai?:confused:


Can you be more specific?

It's a countdown.....:rolleyes:

09-04-2010, 09:03 AM
It's a countdown.....:rolleyes:

A countdown for what?:confused:

09-04-2010, 09:08 AM
A countdown for what?:confused:

Hopefully to lock this thread because all this effimate gay, BQ, Androgynous, crap is getting old and tired...

09-04-2010, 09:21 AM
Hopefully to lock this thread because all this effimate gay, BQ, Androgynous, crap is getting old and tired...

Thanks for the response, Kilakali. I've really appreciated all of your pictures, posts, and interactions with me. You'll always be tops in my book!


I'm lookin' at your signature, Kilakali.....I'm so confused!:confused: