View Full Version : Will HIV 'cure' reach the people who need it most?

12-22-2010, 08:44 PM
What do you think?

12-23-2010, 01:43 PM
What do you think?

As I am sure you are already thinking, the answer is "Hell to the muthafuckin' no!" Health, sorrowfully, is a for-profit game. Pharma companies are some of the most profitable companies in existence. Most of them are public. What does all this mean? There is silent, public pressure from shareholders to WITHHOLD medicine that cures if its going to populations that can't turn a big a profit. To wit, Blacks and Africans who are disproportionately infected who also happen to be disproportionately poor get fucked. One of the few things that pisses me off is our health system.

Ms Remy M
12-23-2010, 02:15 PM
What do you think?

Great link! I actually read an article on Discovery.com site that explained that while they did find a 'cure' it was "at this point in time" impractical due to the transplant process needed, and the rarity of people that are naturally resistant to HIV. Supposedly, only 1% of the Caucasian population (0% of African Americans) have this genetic resistance, and to preform the stem cell transplant the recipient would have to be a perfect match and take anti rejection drugs for rest of life. So while a cure has been found, it will take a lot more research to figure out how to reproduce this process for the vast majority of HIV patients that would not be a match for stem cell transplants.

Ms Remy M
12-23-2010, 02:21 PM
As I am sure you are already thinking, the answer is "Hell to the muthafuckin' no!" Health, sorrowfully, is a for-profit game. Pharma companies are some of the most profitable companies in existence. Most of them are public. What does all this mean? There is silent, public pressure from shareholders to WITHHOLD medicine that cures if its going to populations that can't turn a big a profit. To wit, Blacks and Africans who are disproportionately infected who also happen to be disproportionately poor get fucked. One of the few things that pisses me off is our health system.

I agree, for all the good capitalism supposedly brings for our country, I always look toward our Health Care system and shake my head. It's a shame, you can dial 911 if a burglar breaks into your house, or your house catches fire, and not be charged a red cent (some firehouses do actually charge a small annual rate), but if you dial 911 for an ambulance, you'll be coughing up $500 for every occurrence.

I wasn't at all pleased with Obama health plan either, and glad Va courts are fighting it as unconstitutional. Making it essentially illegal to not have health insurance and be fined an ever increasing amount (until cap limit is reached) is a bunch of BS! :cool:

12-23-2010, 02:39 PM
Making it essentially illegal to not have health insurance and be fined an ever increasing amount (until cap limit is reached) is a bunch of BS! :cool:

^ A lot of people object to that but consider the situation now. E.g. a young person with little income decides it's too expensive to buy health insurance, then has an accident and breaks his leg. Well, emergency care cannot be denied, but someone has to pay. Who ? Ans: everyone with insurance. But I think you already know all the arguments.

Health care is a complex problem and we won't solve it in a short-reply forum like this. A system like the one implemented in recent years in the Netherlends looks good and is worth reading about. I saw an article about Cuba's health care, which is universal and has excellent results, but I don't think the USA will ever choose a "government run" system. So we're stuck for now with a system where poor people get lousy, minimal free care paid for by those with money and power.

Ms Remy M
12-23-2010, 02:43 PM
^ A lot of people object to that but consider the situation now. E.g. a young person with little income decides it's too expensive to buy health insurance, then has an accident and breaks his leg. Well, emergency care cannot be denied, but someone has to pay. Who ? Ans: everyone with insurance. But I think you already know all the arguments.

Health care is a complex problem and we won't solve it in a short-reply forum like this. A system like the one implemented in recent years in the Netherlends looks good and is worth reading about. I saw an article about Cuba's health care, which is universal and has excellent results, but I don't think the USA will ever choose a "government run" system. So we're stuck for now with a system where poor people get lousy, minimal free care paid for by those with money and power.

Right, I'm not saying the system was perfect before Obama stepped up to the plate, and in many ways what Obama has done will help people since Insurance companies have to make their rates more afforadable, but I guess my socialist spirit just doesn't like any of this nonsense. :rolleyes:

12-23-2010, 08:30 PM
Ok, choke on this: I live in Michigan and we have No-Fault Automobile Insurance Law; meaning you can't own or operate a motor vehicle, at least, without a No-Fault insurance rider in your policy. At the time this was enacted, people screamed bloody murder because it was a government mandate and a boon for the insurance companies! You can’t drive in Michigan without insurance; a government mandate was adopted! Health care in this country has been shamefully politicized because the president proposed a government mandate.
The bull shit the Attorney General of Virginia claims is unconstitutional is a ruse to marginalize the health care plan proposed by the president and is basically a partisan fiasco by about by bogus news sources: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_health_care_overhaul http://mediamatters.org/research/201012170024 However, this should have never come into the conversation!
I can't fault the president for getting a health care law, because it is incumbent upon the government to provide some type of general health maintenance. Dr. Martin Luther King said : “How we treat the least of us, is the measurement of who we are”. http://www.standupforhealthcare.org/learn-more/quick-facts/12-reasons-to-support-health-care?gclid=COLJj9zxgqYCFce7KgodfXyfpg
Why do most civilized countries provide public health care, because a healthy nation is a prosperous nation; they’ve taken that profit from insurance companies!
Why isn’t Japan or Germany being crippled by AIDS? You don’t even know they have a problem with the virus! But, it’s tearing a new asshole in countries in Africa and other third world countries! Yet they’ll tell you the monumental cost of treating the eight million plus on the continent of Africa! The greatest cure-all in the known world, aspirin, costs less than a half of one cent to produce! Go figure! This so called cure is a sinister way of giving those with the virus and poor people, in general, hope from the malady! They say it would burden countries who are already poor deeper in the hole to provide a basic GNP!
Most of you don't know about the polio scourge that ravaged the nation in the forties and fifties. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken and succumbed to Polio. During and soon after his death, a national campaign was started to find a cure. Once a vaccine was discovered by Dr. Jonas Salk, who do think paid for every child in American to be vaccinated; you got it, the Federal government!
In his documentary Sicko, producer-director, Michael Moore took first responders of the 911 Terrorist attacks to Cuba, to get aid for the numerous health problems they incurred from working for months in the toxic dust of the World Trade Center site. They were given health care for minimal or no cost at all! And to agree with Bigdicki, one woman who was in the group of first responders of the, tried to pay for an inhaler she received from the Cuban doctors. They told her that there was no need or her to pay. Being a typical American, she insisted and asked what the cost of the inhaler was; the Cuban doctor told her five cents! Five cents!?! The woman broke down and started crying, saying in New York, the same inhaler costs her over a hundred dollars, as needed! One hundred dollars!!! Yeah, good ole Pharma companies charging you an arm and lungs to keep you in good health!
This link was provided to arouse hope in people that have HIV, because as Bigdicki said it’s up to the big Pharma companies to produce vaccines, but they’ll throw the cost bull shit into the mix and dash the hopes of poor people. And when you throw the partisan and unscrupulous, partisan media bull shit into the fray, guess who loses?
As I stated in a prior post: Magic Johnson should be DEAD! Magic Johnson had black book that was second to none; he had pussy in every NBA city! Players from around the league hit Magic up for names of pussy to be had. When President George H W Bush could get Arthur Ashe, who had the virus, to be a spokesman for HIV, he tapped Magic Johnson, the biggest cocks’ man in America! Everyone else, my friends, your friends have died from the virus, why not Magic? Why, either it’s because Magic can pay for the (placebo?) medication or it’s all been bullshit from the very start! Magic is 6-9 and over seventy pounds from his NBA playing weight and still alive for almost twenty years! If he can claim the virus isn’t within his body now, it should have been known to the public by now!
I brought this to the membership because I thought it was more important than having a raffle for titties and pussies. A person with gender problems can sustain if they know they have a future life of health necessities and less of health problems; HIV is an impediment to life, itself! I think its more important. I didn’t want or felt it was necessary to inject political partisanship into this message because we all know (at least, I hope you do) the divide between the “proletariat” and the “aristocracy” in this country; it was glaringly shown just this past week! I feel that if sports stars or those with untold wealth can meet the expense of having life, then those without the means should have the same respect!

12-24-2010, 12:18 AM
I agree, for all the good capitalism supposedly brings for our country, I always look toward our Health Care system and shake my head. It's a shame, you can dial 911 if a burglar breaks into your house, or your house catches fire, and not be charged a red cent (some firehouses do actually charge a small annual rate), but if you dial 911 for an ambulance, you'll be coughing up $500 for every occurrence.

I wasn't at all pleased with Obama health plan either, and glad Va courts are fighting it as unconstitutional. Making it essentially illegal to not have health insurance and be fined an ever increasing amount (until cap limit is reached) is a bunch of BS! :cool:

Now hold your horses. I wasn't saying I wasn't happy that my Chicago Negro President Obama passed landmark (landmark as in every Democrat since Roosevelt has tried and failed) health care reform. I'm mad that the system is rooted in a fundamentally flawed viewpoint: free market stimuli will regulate the healthcare market. This will never work because in almost every other market, demand fluctuates and helps to control prices. Does the demand to be healthy... to stay alive... EVER go down? No, it doesn't. So, health care costs keep going where demand drives them - up. And poor and even middle-class people suffer the consequences while rich people want it that way because they never wait in line for a doctor and always have their health maintained by fat bank accounts. So, what I don't like about the healthcare law is that I wish Democrats would've grown some balls and actually pushed the public option.

12-24-2010, 12:24 AM
Ok, choke on this: I live in Michigan and we have No-Fault Automobile Insurance Law; meaning you can't own or operate a motor vehicle, at least, without a No-Fault insurance rider in your policy. At the time this was enacted, people screamed bloody murder because it was a government mandate and a boon for the insurance companies! You can’t drive in Michigan without insurance; a government mandate was adopted! Health care in this country has been shamefully politicized because the president proposed a government mandate.
The bull shit the Attorney General of Virginia claims is unconstitutional is a ruse to marginalize the health care plan proposed by the president and is basically a partisan fiasco by about by bogus news sources: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_health_care_overhaul http://mediamatters.org/research/201012170024 However, this should have never come into the conversation!
I can't fault the president for getting a health care law, because it is incumbent upon the government to provide some type of general health maintenance. Dr. Martin Luther King said : “How we treat the least of us, is the measurement of who we are”. http://www.standupforhealthcare.org/learn-more/quick-facts/12-reasons-to-support-health-care?gclid=COLJj9zxgqYCFce7KgodfXyfpg
Why do most civilized countries provide public health care, because a healthy nation is a prosperous nation; they’ve taken that profit from insurance companies!
Why isn’t Japan or Germany being crippled by AIDS? You don’t even know they have a problem with the virus! But, it’s tearing a new asshole in countries in Africa and other third world countries! Yet they’ll tell you the monumental cost of treating the eight million plus on the continent of Africa! The greatest cure-all in the known world, aspirin, costs less than a half of one cent to produce! Go figure! This so called cure is a sinister way of giving those with the virus and poor people, in general, hope from the malady! They say it would burden countries who are already poor deeper in the hole to provide a basic GNP!
Most of you don't know about the polio scourge that ravaged the nation in the forties and fifties. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken and succumbed to Polio. During and soon after his death, a national campaign was started to find a cure. Once a vaccine was discovered by Dr. Jonas Salk, who do think paid for every child in American to be vaccinated; you got it, the Federal government!
In his documentary Sicko, producer-director, Michael Moore took first responders of the 911 Terrorist attacks to Cuba, to get aid for the numerous health problems they incurred from working for months in the toxic dust of the World Trade Center site. They were given health care for minimal or no cost at all! And to agree with Bigdicki, one woman who was in the group of first responders of the, tried to pay for an inhaler she received from the Cuban doctors. They told her that there was no need or her to pay. Being a typical American, she insisted and asked what the cost of the inhaler was; the Cuban doctor told her five cents! Five cents!?! The woman broke down and started crying, saying in New York, the same inhaler costs her over a hundred dollars, as needed! One hundred dollars!!! Yeah, good ole Pharma companies charging you an arm and lungs to keep you in good health!
This link was provided to arouse hope in people that have HIV, because as Bigdicki said it’s up to the big Pharma companies to produce vaccines, but they’ll throw the cost bull shit into the mix and dash the hopes of poor people. And when you throw the partisan and unscrupulous, partisan media bull shit into the fray, guess who loses?
As I stated in a prior post: Magic Johnson should be DEAD! Magic Johnson had black book that was second to none; he had pussy in every NBA city! Players from around the league hit Magic up for names of pussy to be had. When President George H W Bush could get Arthur Ashe, who had the virus, to be a spokesman for HIV, he tapped Magic Johnson, the biggest cocks’ man in America! Everyone else, my friends, your friends have died from the virus, why not Magic? Why, either it’s because Magic can pay for the (placebo?) medication or it’s all been bullshit from the very start! Magic is 6-9 and over seventy pounds from his NBA playing weight and still alive for almost twenty years! If he can claim the virus isn’t within his body now, it should have been known to the public by now!
I brought this to the membership because I thought it was more important than having a raffle for titties and pussies. A person with gender problems can sustain if they know they have a future life of health necessities and less of health problems; HIV is an impediment to life, itself! I think its more important. I didn’t want or felt it was necessary to inject political partisanship into this message because we all know (at least, I hope you do) the divide between the “proletariat” and the “aristocracy” in this country; it was glaringly shown just this past week! I feel that if sports stars or those with untold wealth can meet the expense of having life, then those without the means should have the same respect!

Amen bro. And for those who haven't seen Sicko, even if you're like me and aren't a Michael Moore fan, get that DVD.

12-24-2010, 04:58 AM
^ A lot of people object to that but consider the situation now. E.g. a young person with little income decides it's too expensive to buy health insurance, then has an accident and breaks his leg. Well, emergency care cannot be denied, but someone has to pay. Who ? Ans: everyone with insurance. But I think you already know all the arguments.

Health care is a complex problem and we won't solve it in a short-reply forum like this. A system like the one implemented in recent years in the Netherlends looks good and is worth reading about. I saw an article about Cuba's health care, which is universal and has excellent results, but I don't think the USA will ever choose a "government run" system. So we're stuck for now with a system where poor people get lousy, minimal free care paid for by those with money and power.

Right, I'm not saying the system was perfect before Obama stepped up to the plate, and in many ways what Obama has done will help people since Insurance companies have to make their rates more afforadable, but I guess my socialist spirit just doesn't like any of this nonsense. :rolleyes:

Y'all just keeping getting cool points with me.


Viva la raza, viva la revolucion.


12-24-2010, 05:23 AM
HIV / AIDs has for quite some time not been the death sentence it once was, but rather is a treatable chronic disease.

Of course a person impacted by it still needs to be mindful that they take good physical and emotional care, to protect themselves and others.

Thus the single greatest preventative measure to STI transmission is knowledge and education on their transmission.

As to conspiracy theories, I can't say that I subscribe to any that say that the government is trying to practice genocide, or large pharmaceutical companies are engaging in sheer profiteering.

I do feel that the cost of anti-retrovirals has and is coming down, and that there is a cure in the forseeable future for this pandemic.

As to the efficacy of socialized medicine, we may look to the health care systems of the Veteran's Administration, Medicaid / Medicare and sliding scale and free care medicine, albeit those are limited in the scope of the numbers that they serve.

I would also count myself as a proponent of the health care reform put forth by President Obama. To those that say that it will bankrupt us, I say that perhaps we need to rein in the costs of medical care, which is in large part driven by high malpractice premiums, and yes it is also due to the high costs of medications that we alluded to before.

12-28-2010, 06:45 PM
that 1% percent resistnce in the caucasian population they think is a genetic response from when the plague ravaged all of europe except this particular part..strange...they will only treat and not cure..look at cancer..the medical industry makes so much money off of that!!! will they ever fully cure that??? hell no..only expensive treatment procedures that one has to keep buying..whats interesting is the third world(?) countries-have been quick to get generic forms of the HIV medicines whereas here in the north we cant get them???????sound funny??

12-30-2010, 04:43 PM
There are no profit margins in a cure...only in treatment(s).