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01-25-2011, 11:20 AM

The story is called - "What They didn't Expect" and as a warning, it is erotic and with me being the way I am, it is very graphic, hardcore and explicit. If those things don't bother you, then have at it. I also wanna apologize for the inconvenience of the story being unavailable. I had to switch the story over from one blog to another but now it is up again for your viewing pleasure...And always, there will be more to come and if I'm blessed enough and if She'll still allow me, I'll be working with the beautiful Miss Luxury as far as my writing skills are concerned to help her further keep her website booming with a variety of things for members to enjoy. Please let me know what you think about it. I'll be working on more material for the entertainment of the members of the forum. Leave comments either in the post,on my page on here or on my personal blog with the link being given....and plz be honest cuz I'm striving to do this full time seeing as how it's a passion of mine.

Ms Remy M
01-25-2011, 11:59 AM
Good story, keep them coming! :cool:

01-25-2011, 12:08 PM
Thanks. I'll be sure to do that...as well as to not call u bro...lolz
Didn't mean anything bad by it by calling u that. I was just excited about Kimora. I think I'm obsessed with her now...can't u tell? But I'll try to post a new story b4 tonight passes over.

Ms Remy M
01-25-2011, 12:11 PM
lol It's ok, I didn't take offense being that you don't really know me yet.

So I take it you like wrestling.

01-25-2011, 12:16 PM
Yeah I respect that. No harm done so it's all good. I'm cool for getting to know ppl. I know u were 'hugely' glad to get to know Kimora tho:) But I'm a huge wrestling fan. Both of my grandfathers(from both respective parents) watched it, so I grew up watching it with them. I even wrestled my 10th grade yr in HS. I got it so bad that I even impersonate a few of them with great accuracy.

Ms Remy M
01-25-2011, 12:23 PM
Yeah I respect that. No harm done so it's all good. I'm cool for getting to know ppl. I know u were 'hugely' glad to get to know Kimora tho:) But I'm a huge wrestling fan. Both of my grandfathers(from both respective parents) watched it, so I grew up watching it with them. I even wrestled my 10th grade yr in HS. I got it so bad that I even impersonate a few of them with great accuracy.

Kimora has just traveled to Boston, Ma, Richmond, Va and now she is back in Jersey for any guys close to her.

My previous flatmates were very big into wrestling as well, so I spent a fair few Monday and Wednesday's (?) watching with them.

01-25-2011, 12:41 PM
I'll eventually give her a call. Gotta meet her sooner or later. Optimism.
You should really check out TNA wrestling tho. They have alot of big names over there. Jeff Hardy is the current former World Heavyweight champion there. Did u have anyone you admired from the ring at any point of time?

Ms Remy M
01-25-2011, 12:48 PM
Ummm, way back in the day I thought The Undertaker was the best. Right off the top of my head I can't think of anyone else though.

01-25-2011, 12:53 PM
Unfortunately due to age and mostly cause of an injury at last yrs Wrestlemania, he's gonna reitre at this or the next Wrestlemania. Taker is the f'n man. Triple H, The Rock, and Kurt Angle were my favs. I have a question about your photog. work if that's cool with you.

Ms Remy M
01-25-2011, 01:08 PM
Oh yeah, I did like those guys too, couldn't think of their names though. The Rock is the only wrestler that I like as an actor.

Feel free to ask away. I think we've met on this forum or another under a different guise as well...

01-25-2011, 01:14 PM
Rocky is mad cool in his movies. Run Down was smash. Buy I did use a diff name on here at one point. Had a nosy ex around that time. How many shoots do u actually do a month? And its it difficult finding tha gals for the shoots? And last but not least, do u and the other photographers vote on which models will be in the weekly update from the individual sets u all film?

01-25-2011, 01:32 PM

The story is called - "What They didn't Expect" and as a warning, it is erotic and with me being the way I am, it is very graphic, hardcore and explicit. If those things don't bother you, then have at it. Please let me know what you think about it. I'll be working on more material for the entertainment of the members of the forum. Leave comments either in the post or on my page....and plz be honest cuz I'm striving to do this full time seeing as how it's a passion of mine.

WOW very cute! im speechless being part of the inspiration of something so erotic...lol you should write somethings for the erotic stories section of my members area!....

01-25-2011, 01:41 PM
Thank you very much. I did my best. I would also be honored to write exclusively for you. It takes time but for you, I could most def drop 1 or 2 writings a week for ya. I've been looking for someone I could actually work with like so. Maybe we can swap ideas and I could even write about anything or any moments in your life you wanted to contribute.....like say for instance an erotic encounter...lol

01-25-2011, 01:59 PM
Thank you very much. I did my best. I would also be honored to write exclusively for you. It takes time but for you, I could most def drop 1 or 2 writings a week for ya. I've been looking for someone I could actually work with like so. Maybe we can swap ideas and I could even write about anything or any moments in your life you wanted to contribute.....like say for instance an erotic encounter...lol

yes... one a week is more then enough..... i could actually have u write up a script for my My Wife HAs A DIck DVD also... im stomped right now! Five scenes....one tranny, husband and a best man.. scenes work there way from wedding to honeymoon.. 1st day married... bestman finding out about tranny on 2nd day married...... 3rd day married ORGY!! just a sum up.. well pm more later! love you much

01-25-2011, 02:09 PM
Ok. One a week is good. Cool beans in my book. I don't mind helping a (sexy)friend in a bind. This kind of stuff is juicy to me. But what I'll do is get a way to cantact ya and we can discuss some type of way to make ends meet to where things will be fair for both ends of the deal. As far as the DVD goes, is there a deadline or date you need for me to write something up for the 5 scenes? Since I just got off work a few hrs ago, I'm gonna rest up and when I get situated, I'll start on it right away so I'll have a head start. But get at me when u can cuz I'm gonna crash in the bed soon. Can't wait to buy a copy of that DVD. Thank you again for the compliments to the story. Thanks beautiful and I love ya as well :D

01-25-2011, 02:38 PM
Ok. One a week is good. Cool beans in my book. I don't mind helping a (sexy)friend in a bind. This kind of stuff is juicy to me. But what I'll do is get a way to cantact ya and we can discuss some type of way to make ends meet to where things will be fair for both ends of the deal. As far as the DVD goes, is there a deadline or date you need for me to write something up for the 5 scenes? Since I just got off work a few hrs ago, I'm gonna rest up and when I get situated, I'll start on it right away so I'll have a head start. But get at me when u can cuz I'm gonna crash in the bed soon. Can't wait to buy a copy of that DVD. Thank you again for the compliments to the story. Thanks beautiful and I love ya as well :D

NO PROBLEM SWEET STUFF... HERES MY EMAIL lovelytsluxury@yahoo.com... im checking it regularly... no need to rush on that though im still promoting "Jack That Dick For Me LUXURY" and "The Beginning Of Luxury Dick Love".... so rest up! im glad to see one of my BBM have a 9-5 ooops

01-25-2011, 02:45 PM
No immediate deadline means better quality writing material for you. I'll be sure to hit ya up soon. As far as working, it's more like a 4pm to 1am type of deal. Gotta make that cash b4 I go back to school. Thanks again, love. Keep it throbbing for me...lol

01-25-2011, 02:49 PM
No immediate deadline means better quality writing material for you. I'll be sure to hit ya up soon. As far as working, it's more like a 4pm to 1am type of deal. Gotta make that cash b4 I go back to school. Thanks again, love. Keep it throbbing for me...lol

nasty nasty omega....lol

01-25-2011, 02:54 PM
lolz...can't help it. Morning and night are a brotha's horniest times of the day. You know how it is. :)
nasty nasty omega....lol

01-25-2011, 02:57 PM
lolz...can't help it. Morning and night are a brotha's horniest times of the day. You know how it is. :)

aka when im breathing lol

01-25-2011, 03:02 PM
I know right. Thought I was the only one around here on that tip. Sometimes I really can't help myself when the horny switch is flipped on.

aka when im breathing lol

01-25-2011, 03:12 PM
I know right. Thought I was the only one around here on that tip. Sometimes I really can't help myself when the horny switch is flipped on.

Horny is a good thing when channeled appropriately

01-25-2011, 03:18 PM
I agree cuz I'm not trying to catch anything or make myself look bad by doing something wrong. Protection and common sense is a must.

Horny is a good thing when channeled appropriately

02-20-2011, 04:10 AM
Got it up and running again....And no Miss Lux, I didn't forget about you. Just been working like crazy, still writing and working on music in the studio.

02-20-2011, 05:38 AM
Great Story! Keep it up!

02-20-2011, 05:42 AM
Thanks fam. I really appreciate it. Ppl like you keep me motivated to write with responses like that.

02-20-2011, 07:29 AM
just read, great story
i gotta few stories as well

02-20-2011, 08:11 AM
Thanks mane. If ya have a few stories, post em so 'WE' can read em cuz I'm a fan of stuff like that. I'm pretty sure your stuff will be just as interesting coming from someone else point of view.

BTW, I know this is off subject, but 'The Rock' came back to WWE. Spread the work and look it up on youtube.

02-21-2011, 07:27 AM
Thanks mane. If ya have a few stories, post em so 'WE' can read em cuz I'm a fan of stuff like that. I'm pretty sure your stuff will be just as interesting coming from someone else point of view.

BTW, I know this is off subject, but 'The Rock' came back to WWE. Spread the work and look it up on youtube.

Finally The Rock Has Come Back to WWE! LOL I thought I was alone in enjoying the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today. It was great hearing all the old classic lines!

02-23-2011, 04:40 AM
very good read my man, I hope it really happened hehehe