View Full Version : TG Beaten in McDonald's READ THIS

04-23-2011, 10:24 AM

If you haven't seen the disturbing video of a transgender beaten by two woman at a McDonald's a few days ago, while staff looked on, encouraged and video taped, then please check the above link and then sign the petition to demand that action be brought against the McDonald's workers and for this to be charged as a hate crime.

People like you and I, do have a choice and the ability to make ourselves heard, so please take a look at the above.

04-23-2011, 11:20 AM
I thought this was BLACK tgirls.com? :confused:

04-23-2011, 12:41 PM

If you haven't seen the disturbing video of a transgender beaten by two woman at a McDonald's a few days ago, while staff looked on, encouraged and video taped, then please check the above link and then sign the petition to demand that action be brought against the McDonald's workers and for this to be charged as a hate crime.

People like you and I, do have a choice and the ability to make ourselves heard, so please take a look at the above.

thats fucked up

04-23-2011, 01:13 PM
i been to that mc donald it on kenwood ave in rosedale md my son live near there with his mom.in the vid about two or 3 of the mc workers i saw in video i seen working there.they sould all be get rid of.plus the two girls sould pay for what they did omg they beat her and the md worker just watched video it and the manager with his so called breaking it up.from what i saw when they came back in these girls was draging her tring to get her out door they acted like a pack of wild dog .hats off to the lady that tried to help her

Ms Remy M
04-23-2011, 03:15 PM
Really sad, those two girls certainly should face charges.

I would like to know what happened to instigate things to that level, in which a fight broke out. It's hard to tell based on the video alone.

Now playing: Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/dead+can+dance/track/the+host+of+seraphim)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

04-23-2011, 03:52 PM
I thought this was BLACK tgirls.com? :confused:

It is, what's your point? That because the TG who was beaten up wasn't black that it was ok?

04-23-2011, 04:36 PM
This is a shame, SMDH!

04-23-2011, 07:18 PM
Well let's see Ms. Remy,

The transgendered woman was probably minding her own business and was probably recognized as not being a woman by the two girls. I believe that the article stated that she was trying to use the restroom. So the typical rude, ignorant and mean spirited black chicks probably started to run their mouths, talking shit and doing what they do best, flapping their disrespectful mouths. And as you know, mean spirited evil ass black females just don't know how to act so they attacked. It's pretty cut and dry.

So let's see, the video is clear enough evidence so if they are not charged with a hate crime, then the next best thing I suppose would be Aggravated Assault. Because it's one thing to punch somebody in the face but clearly those silly ass girl don't know that when you use your feet and kick somebody in the head, oh now that's assualt with a deadly weapon. See I wear size 15 shoes so if I kicked somebody in the head or stomped somebody out with my full force, i'd probably kill them. So if the procesutor is good in this case hopefully these ignorant ass girls will go to prison for a long time. Also they beat this young lady until she went into a seizure, a fucking seizure!!! The 18 year old, throw her black ass in prison for 20 years! I know one is 14 but I have no sympathy at all, this is the lesson that she needs to learn. Youth is not an excuse for physically beating somebody until they go into a fucking seizure, that's called hate. So fuck probation, fuck a plea deal, lock their worthless asses up immediately. So hopefully some years in kiddy jail or maybe adult jail will do that and then they'll also have to go through life as convicted felons. And as we all know, Convicted Felon = YOUR LIFE IS SCREWED PERMANENTLY!!!

So I think that pretty much sums up what happened. I hope they lock these ignorant niggas in jail and thrown away the key. And this is coming from a BLACK man. But see as us real black folks (definition: hard working, responsible, educated, respectful, kind hearted, accountable and basically the opposite of a Nigga!) know, you have BLACK people and then you have Niggas and these girls are nothing but gutter Niggas, and I have absolutely no love for gutter NIGGAS, they can all cease to exist for all I care! But that's an entirely separate discussion so we won't go there.

So I hope justice is served and i hope the young transgender lady is alright, nobody deserves to be treated like that. And you know what's even more disturbing is that the low life, $4.50 an hour wage making, McDonalds fry cooks stood idle and watched the whole thing unfold and laughed about it...And the only person with balls big enough to step in was a little elderly woman!!! Ain't that about a bitch...Every McD's staff member who was working that shift and didn't try to intervene should be fired immediately, fuck it they should be charged with a crime as well, because if you're that cold that you can't help a person in need who is 10 feet away from you then you're almost as guilty as the people who were beating her. And I hope McDonalds Corporation get sued out of it's fucking ass by the transgendered woman since their brain dead staff didn't try to break this fight up.

Fucking world we live in. Oh and Remy my frustration is with this situation and was not intended to be a disrepectful reply to your posted comment, so please don't take it that way.

Really sad, those two girls certainly should face charges.

I would like to know what happened to instigate things to that level, in which a fight broke out. It's hard to tell based on the video alone.

Now playing: Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/dead+can+dance/track/the+host+of+seraphim)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

04-23-2011, 07:31 PM

04-23-2011, 08:13 PM
I thought this was BLACK tgirls.com? :confused:

Yeah and I thought you had at least "some" common sense.
It's a pity I'm wrong but ultimately it's you who will have to live with it.

But I digress...

What those two animals did was dead wrong! I hope the victim ends up owning that McDonnalds. And if Karma's on here job then that ghetto trash will get a beating 10x as lethal in this lifetime...

04-23-2011, 08:38 PM
Humans can do things that make them deserving of getting their ass kicked. I don't have the back story of this so I don't look at the ass kicking of this particular tranny as right or wrong. People talk about karma, perhaps it was karma being executed in that McDonalds. There could be someone viewing that video clapping their hands yelling "I knew you were gonna get yours some day for that foul shit you did to me."

04-23-2011, 08:43 PM
Humans can do things that make them deserving of getting their ass kicked. I don't have the back story of this so I don't look at the ass kicking of this particular tranny as right or wrong. People talk about karma, perhaps it was karma being executed in that McDonalds. There could be someone viewing that video clapping their hands yelling "I knew you were gonna get yours some day for that foul shit you did to me."

Oh you are on a roll today.
That's how things get resolved in your life - by videoing someone getting beaten and putting it on the internet while employees of the establishment you are in, look on?

You're a class act onone. A very low class, act.

"The police report reveals the victim told police she did not know her attackers.

It also says when police caught up with the suspects, they admitted to getting in a fight with a woman over using the bathroom.

Police say a customer tried to break up the fight and that she was also hit in the face, but refused medical treatment.

04-23-2011, 11:09 PM
I think this is just disgusting. No one deserves this kind of treatment. If there was a problem over the bathroom they should have discussed it like adults, not beat her into a seizure. It just shows the lack of class & humanity some people have. But i think the biggest scumbags were the employees just standing there laughing instead of stopping it. Someone should stomp those asshole to the ground til they are convulsing.

04-23-2011, 11:09 PM
humans can do things that make them deserving of getting their ass kicked. I don't have the back story of this so i don't look at the ass kicking of this particular tranny as right or wrong. People talk about karma, perhaps it was karma being executed in that mcdonalds. There could be someone viewing that video clapping their hands yelling "i knew you were gonna get yours some day for that foul shit you did to me."
Oh you FANCY huh?

04-23-2011, 11:27 PM
I know alot off yall dudes just, look at tgirls as sex object s but im mean can we hold judgement. Not to say anyone deserves to get jumped but who knows what started it. Maybe the tgirl was talking reckless if so u get what you talk. Now if the girls where picking on her cuz of her gender then they should be prosecuted. As far as the workers well in most jobs u not suppose to get involed, so I can't fault them for that. Egging it on is another story tho

04-23-2011, 11:46 PM
Egging it on is another story tho

And video'ing it, laughing and posting it on the internet quite another.
Show's what an idiot this guy is though, he's just given evidence out to get himself fired.

04-24-2011, 01:46 AM
I think due to the senseless nature of the attack these girls being charged for assualt as a hate crime would be the ideal outcome but like Remy suggested it is hard to tell what may have instigated the attack in the first place.

It appears near the start of the video one of the assailants seem to suggest something about money. It is hard to tell from the audio quality but it sounded like she was accusing the assualted girl of stealing her money or the victim was accusing the assailant of stealing her money. Although the magnitude of the two girls' responses are not justified this may be what provoked the attack in the first place. Also it is worth noting that further on in the video it sounds like the McDonalds worker filming everything refers to one of the two black females by name which, if anything may implicate some of the employees if the attack turns out to be a hate based crime.

Personally though, irrespective of the victims gender the two black females actions are inexcusible. The attack on the surface appears to be unprovoked and extremely one sided. Even if the victim had fought off the two girls the video gives the feeling that the rest of the employees would have turned on her anyway.

On further reading the following article reports that the two attackers where 18 and 14 so at least one will hopefully be tryed as an adult and it appears that the victim named as Chrissy Lee Polis in the article is pressing her lawyers along with Equality Maryland to push for the crime to be investigated as a hate crime.

link: http://lezgetreal.com/2011/04/police-make-arrests-in-baltimore-mcdonalds-assault/

04-24-2011, 02:42 AM
That was pretty sad to watch.
Spineless employees:::and 2 girls that were acting as thugs not ladies. What's the point of repeatedly coming back to kick a person after they are already down?
It seams that young Black Kids are quite often standing by as other folks get assaulted. Young and old. Why is that? Isn't responsibility being taught to the youth any longer.
I don't get it!

I signed the petition.

04-24-2011, 02:47 AM
It is, what's your point? That because the TG who was beaten up wasn't black that it was ok?

Seanchai, this sad story just goes to support that post I started a month ago about this same thing, and you agreed with me. I think the story I posted about was the transgirl who got murdered in Baltimore. TV Surfer and I kinda had a huge fallout about this topic. But this definitely ties in with my post about a month ago. Blacks should really get it together. This is the kind of stuff that has other races shaking their heads. Then we wonder why we can't get jobs, we wonder why they move out when we move in. We wonder why other races come to this country and quickly ascend higher than we have and we've been here longer than any other race. Too bad a few have to spoil it for the majority. Like I said a month ago....I'm black and proud to be black, so I'm in no way throwing my people under the bus. But ignorance is damn ignorance and being that we are already at the bottom of the totum pole in the eyes of others, we should really try to disprove the masses that consider us to be the scum of the earth. Let's prove that they are wrong. Let's have some class and decency about ourselves. It's almost like these girls' Mothers never taught them anything. Class is something that's taught, not bought. It's sickening!!! Once again, I have to attempt to explain the ways of my people. Once again I have to lower my head in shame because of the ignorance and lack of intelligence that oscillates amongst my people seemingly everyday. Will I ever see change in my lifetime? For the sake of my children, grandchildren, neices and nephews....I surely pray that I do.

04-24-2011, 05:24 AM
Let's all just accept that the black community will always remain ignorant. All we can do is seperate ourselves from that and reinforce positive images of african americans. When I saw this video, all i could think is that this is exactally what people want us to be: loud violent uncivilized monkeys. I'm done trying convince african americans of their own ignorance, let's just not play into it.

Anyways, I think it's pretty obvious from the video that the tgirl did NOT start it. She's not even fighting back guys...come on.

04-24-2011, 05:27 AM
Let's all just accept that the black community will always remain ignorant. All we can do is seperate ourselves from that and reinforce positive images of african americans. When I saw this video, all i could think is that this is exactally what people want us to be: loud violent uncivilized monkeys. I'm done trying convince african americans of their own ignorance, let's just not play into it.

Anyways, I think it's pretty obvious from the video that the tgirl did NOT start it. She's not even fighting back guys...come on.

Kitty, I sure hope not. For the sake of the future of my people, I sure hope not.

04-24-2011, 06:02 AM
i'd like to think the opposite, but I think some people will never let go of that mentality. AMll we can do is separate ourselves from it.

04-24-2011, 06:25 AM

04-24-2011, 06:34 AM
its a shame, the way we treat each other


04-24-2011, 06:39 AM
so it doesn't evne have to do with her being trans.

04-24-2011, 07:43 AM
so it doesn't evne have to do with her being trans.

Yea go figure....

04-24-2011, 05:29 PM
Humans can do things that make them deserving of getting their ass kicked. I don't have the back story of this so I don't look at the ass kicking of this particular tranny as right or wrong. People talk about karma, perhaps it was karma being executed in that McDonalds. There could be someone viewing that video clapping their hands yelling "I knew you were gonna get yours some day for that foul shit you did to me."

It's not what you do it's how you do it. And beating someones ass in a Mcdonalds while being recorded is dumb as shit no matter how you slice it.

Well it's obvious that you're a checker's man while the world around you plays chess.

So perhaps your premature conclusion or lack there of to this matter doesn't see the true ending as most do.

As far as "Karma" goes, I see Ronald McDonald paying a hansom little settlement to this victim out of court. Since things could've been handled much better by it's manager and employees. Followed by her clapping as those two retards who repeatedly attacked her get 3-5 minimum for the assault, battery and a whole list of other charges shown on film.

Ms Remy M
04-24-2011, 06:03 PM
Well let's see Ms. Remy,

The transgendered woman was probably minding her own business and was probably recognized as not being a woman by the two girls. I believe that the article stated that she was trying to use the restroom. So the typical rude, ignorant and mean spirited black chicks probably started to run their mouths, talking shit and doing what they do best, flapping their disrespectful mouths. And as you know, mean spirited evil ass black females just don't know how to act so they attacked. It's pretty cut and dry.

So let's see, the video is clear enough evidence so if they are not charged with a hate crime, then the next best thing I suppose would be Aggravated Assault. Because it's one thing to punch somebody in the face but clearly those silly ass girl don't know that when you use your feet and kick somebody in the head, oh now that's assualt with a deadly weapon. See I wear size 15 shoes so if I kicked somebody in the head or stomped somebody out with my full force, i'd probably kill them. So if the procesutor is good in this case hopefully these ignorant ass girls will go to prison for a long time. Also they beat this young lady until she went into a seizure, a fucking seizure!!! The 18 year old, throw her black ass in prison for 20 years! I know one is 14 but I have no sympathy at all, this is the lesson that she needs to learn. Youth is not an excuse for physically beating somebody until they go into a fucking seizure, that's called hate. So fuck probation, fuck a plea deal, lock their worthless asses up immediately. So hopefully some years in kiddy jail or maybe adult jail will do that and then they'll also have to go through life as convicted felons. And as we all know, Convicted Felon = YOUR LIFE IS SCREWED PERMANENTLY!!!

So I think that pretty much sums up what happened. I hope they lock these ignorant niggas in jail and thrown away the key. And this is coming from a BLACK man. But see as us real black folks (definition: hard working, responsible, educated, respectful, kind hearted, accountable and basically the opposite of a Nigga!) know, you have BLACK people and then you have Niggas and these girls are nothing but gutter Niggas, and I have absolutely no love for gutter NIGGAS, they can all cease to exist for all I care! But that's an entirely separate discussion so we won't go there.

So I hope justice is served and i hope the young transgender lady is alright, nobody deserves to be treated like that. And you know what's even more disturbing is that the low life, $4.50 an hour wage making, McDonalds fry cooks stood idle and watched the whole thing unfold and laughed about it...And the only person with balls big enough to step in was a little elderly woman!!! Ain't that about a bitch...Every McD's staff member who was working that shift and didn't try to intervene should be fired immediately, fuck it they should be charged with a crime as well, because if you're that cold that you can't help a person in need who is 10 feet away from you then you're almost as guilty as the people who were beating her. And I hope McDonalds Corporation get sued out of it's fucking ass by the transgendered woman since their brain dead staff didn't try to break this fight up.

Fucking world we live in. Oh and Remy my frustration is with this situation and was not intended to be a disrepectful reply to your posted comment, so please don't take it that way.

No disrespect taken, as I stated, from the video it was hard to tell what happened before the fight broke out. Anyone can assume anything, but that doesn't make it the truth, the internet is full of rubbish :). Hopefully, the employee filming, manager, and two ladies get charged/fired. I know a lot work environments expressly forbid laying hands on anyone, but sometimes you have to say "fuck the rules and do what's right".

Now playing: The Dresden Dolls - Girl Anachronism (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+dresden+dolls/track/girl+anachronism)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

Ms Remy M
04-24-2011, 06:07 PM
its a shame, the way we treat each other


Interesting, so I guess the hate crime wont fly, but hopefully other charges will stick.

Now playing: The Dresden Dolls - Missed Me (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+dresden+dolls/track/missed+me)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

04-24-2011, 06:59 PM
"... in my noooowwwssss"

04-24-2011, 07:34 PM
I love threads like this where people make ASSumptions. It really reveals their entire mentality so that their character flaws are fully exposed.

04-24-2011, 07:36 PM
I love threads like this where people make ASSumptions. It really reveals their entire mentality so that their character flaws are fully exposed.

The only person who has made an ARSE of himself in this thread, again - is yourself. You might want to take a long hard look at those character traits to see if they actually are flaws or just a poor mentality.

04-24-2011, 07:49 PM
The only person who has made an ARSE of himself in this thread, again - is yourself. You might want to take a long hard look at those character traits to see if they actually are flaws or just a poor mentality.

Your original post wanted that ass whooping charged as a hate crime, you ASSumed the tranny got beat down for being a tranny. Good thing the tranny released a video revealing that he got his ass beat for something that wouldn't qualify as a hate crime. Guys like you just hate women that's all. You only posted this video because of that fact combined with it being a tranny getting beat down. You wouldn't have posted a video of two trannies beating down another tranny in McDonald's.

04-24-2011, 07:58 PM
Your original post wanted that ass whooping charged as a hate crime, you ASSumed the tranny got beat down for being a tranny. Good thing the tranny released a video revealing that he got his ass beat for something that wouldn't qualify as a hate crime. Guys like you just hate women that's all. You only posted this video because of that fact combined with it being a tranny getting beat down. You wouldn't have posted a video of two trannies beating down another tranny in McDonald's.

Where do you pull this shit from? Guys like me hate women? How do you assume that?

If it had been a newstory about a tranny beating a tranny I would have absolutely put it up. Yes, I (along with most people) did assume it was a hate crime (it could still be) and asked people to sign a petition. YOU on the other hand whined that she wasn't black so shouldn't be on this forum ... and then came up with some karma-shit.

You've shown yourself to be a bigot multiple times recently ... and now you are on a transgender forum, calling a transgender a "he" ;
"the tranny released a video revealing that he got his ass beat"

Why are you even on this board?

04-24-2011, 08:15 PM
If it had been a newstory about a tranny beating a tranny I would have absolutely put it up.

That's a lie. The only current news related threads I recall seeing on here involve something fallen angles related where a tranny is murdered and in a couple instances murdered someone. A tranny gets the shit beat out of him in a McDonald's and not only does it get posted, but the woman hating idiot who posts the thread takes steps towards it being prosecuted as a hate crime. Fuck outta here wit that bullshit.


04-24-2011, 08:24 PM
That's a lie. The only current news related threads I recall seeing on here involve something fallen angles related where a tranny is murdered and in a couple instances murdered someone. A tranny gets the shit beat out of him in a McDonald's and not only does it get posted, but the woman hating idiot who posts the thread takes steps towards it being prosecuted as a hate crime. Fuck outta here wit that bullshit.


Urgh, how to take the absolutely stupidest assumptions. Because I posted something about a transsexual getting beaten, or murdered - you take it that I "hate women". Whose the idiot?

Seriously, why are you on this board? Why did you post that video? Is that you? Who would put any bearing into what this person has to say?

YOU get the fuck outta here! Not only are you an idiot, you have not right to be here, you obviously have some serious issues or are a professional troll.

Ms Remy M
04-24-2011, 08:38 PM
I wonder if either of these individuals have heard of swyer syndrome... Life is rarely "black and white"

Sounds like a trans girl took her lover and the only thing her simple mind could do was post a youtube video, too bad that doesn't require a college education. It's no surprise that his inspiration is a baby killing self described "hoe", both of you need a lesson in history. Who in the world would go to this "hoodrat" for a SRS? :eek: lol hilarious bullshit. She even references Hinduism and that only therapy can help with that though she feels she was white in another life. lol oh wee you sure can pick them.

04-24-2011, 11:47 PM
I was actually following her until towards the end of the video when she started talking about "trannies came up to me and asked me to cut their dick off and I tell them nawl, I don't get into that." LMAO!!!! What the fuck is she talking about!!! If she hates trannies so much, why would any transsexual come to her and ask her for anything? LOL!!!! She feels that she was a white woman in another life? What the hell? I think this girl is mad because the transsexuals on the stroll get more tricks than she does. She is totally speaking out of malice. DISREGARD!!! But I must agree with her though on the biological concept of the definition of a wombmyn (tehehe). She did say that a woman is born with a vagina. She should have added that a biolgical woman is also born with fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and eggs. A biolgical man is never born with these attributes. So I must agree with her and her biological assessment of a woman. But.........hence the term biological woman. This is why we make the distinction. We say transwoman and we say biowoman...at least I do. Mentally, socially, mannerism-wise...yes, a man can definitely be a woman. Biologically, no. Even after a sexual reassignment surgery, a man still cant be a woman. When that day comes when a surgeon can drop a set of functional female reproductive organs and some eggs that may have been held in cryostasis until ready to be used, then I may change my feelings about this.

Ms Remy M
04-25-2011, 12:04 AM
I was actually following her until towards the end of the video when she started talking about "trannies came up to me and asked me to cut their dick off and I tell them nawl, I don't get into that." LMAO!!!! What the fuck is she talking about!!! If she hates trannies so much, why would any transsexual come to her and ask her for anything? LOL!!!! She feels that she was a white woman in another life? What the hell? I think this girl is mad because the transsexuals on the stroll get more tricks than she does. She is totally speaking out of malice. DISREGARD!!! But I must agree with her though on the biological concept of the definition of a wombmyn (tehehe). She did say that a woman is born with a vagina. She should have added that a biolgical woman is also born with fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and eggs. A biolgical man is never born with these attributes. So I must agree with her and her biological assessment of a woman. But.........hence the term biological woman. This is why we make the distinction. We say transwoman and we say biowoman...at least I do. Mentally, socially, mannerism-wise...yes, a man can definitely be a woman. Biologically, no. Even after a sexual reassignment surgery, a man still cant be a woman. When that day comes when a surgeon can drop a set of functional female reproductive organs and some eggs that may have been held in cryostasis until ready to be used, then I may change my feelings about this.

Im hoping stem cell research will one day be able to remedy this very issue. :)

04-25-2011, 01:53 AM
I was actually following her until towards the end of the video when she started talking about "trannies came up to me and asked me to cut their dick off and I tell them nawl, I don't get into that." LMAO!!!! What the fuck is she talking about!!! If she hates trannies so much, why would any transsexual come to her and ask her for anything? LOL!!!! She feels that she was a white woman in another life? What the hell? I think this girl is mad because the transsexuals on the stroll get more tricks than she does. She is totally speaking out of malice. DISREGARD!!! But I must agree with her though on the biological concept of the definition of a wombmyn (tehehe). She did say that a woman is born with a vagina. She should have added that a biolgical woman is also born with fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and eggs. A biolgical man is never born with these attributes. So I must agree with her and her biological assessment of a woman. But.........hence the term biological woman. This is why we make the distinction. We say transwoman and we say biowoman...at least I do. Mentally, socially, mannerism-wise...yes, a man can definitely be a woman. Biologically, no. Even after a sexual reassignment surgery, a man still cant be a woman. When that day comes when a surgeon can drop a set of functional female reproductive organs and some eggs that may have been held in cryostasis until ready to be used, then I may change my feelings about this.

there is one word that came to mind while I watched the vid...


04-25-2011, 02:53 AM
oneone is the worst type of tranny chasing fag.

Tranny obsessed but not respectful enough to respct a girl's transition and call her by her proper pronouns. Please leave us alone and go fuck with men. PLEASE

04-25-2011, 03:34 AM
there is one word that came to mind while I watched the vid...


I thought she made some good points, honestly.

04-25-2011, 03:51 AM
Let's all just accept that the black community will always remain ignorant. All we can do is seperate ourselves from that and reinforce positive images of african americans. When I saw this video, all i could think is that this is exactally what people want us to be: loud violent uncivilized monkeys. I'm done trying convince african americans of their own ignorance, let's just not play into it.

Anyways, I think it's pretty obvious from the video that the tgirl did NOT start it. She's not even fighting back guys...come on.

Naw I'll pass...your reserved bitterness to blacks is just that.
As if you needed this video as and excuse LOL!

Speaking of convincing African Americans of their own ignorance.

I unique phrase comes to mind....

"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."

William Shakespeare~

04-25-2011, 04:51 AM
Your original post wanted that ass whooping charged as a hate crime, you ASSumed the tranny got beat down for being a tranny. Good thing the tranny released a video revealing that he got his ass beat for something that wouldn't qualify as a hate crime. Guys like you just hate women that's all. You only posted this video because of that fact combined with it being a tranny getting beat down. You wouldn't have posted a video of two trannies beating down another tranny in McDonald's.

your talking about hating women yet your referring to a ts women as a him.

04-25-2011, 04:53 AM
your talking about hating women yet your referring to a ts women as a him.

Because he's a very very very confused man.

04-25-2011, 05:01 AM
I was actually following her until towards the end of the video when she started talking about "trannies came up to me and asked me to cut their dick off and I tell them nawl, I don't get into that." LMAO!!!! What the fuck is she talking about!!! If she hates trannies so much, why would any transsexual come to her and ask her for anything? LOL!!!! She feels that she was a white woman in another life? What the hell? I think this girl is mad because the transsexuals on the stroll get more tricks than she does. She is totally speaking out of malice. DISREGARD!!! But I must agree with her though on the biological concept of the definition of a wombmyn (tehehe). She did say that a woman is born with a vagina. She should have added that a biolgical woman is also born with fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and eggs. A biolgical man is never born with these attributes. So I must agree with her and her biological assessment of a woman. But.........hence the term biological woman. This is why we make the distinction. We say transwoman and we say biowoman...at least I do. Mentally, socially, mannerism-wise...yes, a man can definitely be a woman. Biologically, no. Even after a sexual reassignment surgery, a man still cant be a woman. When that day comes when a surgeon can drop a set of functional female reproductive organs and some eggs that may have been held in cryostasis until ready to be used, then I may change my feelings about this.

i hate when people make statements like this when they know very little about the actual biology of a ts woman.being on hormones does alot more than just give us breast.it actually changes most of our internal functions and properties.the longer one is on hormones the more drastic these changes are.over time our bodies function almost exactly like a females does with the expection of a few things like an actual menstrual cycle or pregnancy (even tho interestingly enough our bodies prepares itself for these things).
i always find it shocking how many of our "admires" actually think we're men after its all said and done.

04-25-2011, 11:51 AM
there is one word that came to mind while i watched the vid...



04-25-2011, 11:56 AM
i hate when people make statements like this when they know very little about the actual biology of a ts woman.being on hormones does alot more than just give us breast.it actually changes most of our internal functions and properties.the longer one is on hormones the more drastic these changes are.over time our bodies function almost exactly like a females does with the expection of a few things like an actual menstrual cycle or pregnancy (even tho interestingly enough our bodies prepares itself for these things).
i always find it shocking how many of our "admires" actually think we're men after its all said and done.

Look. It doesn't matter how much hormones you take and for how long you take them, you will never "grow" a female reproductive system. Call it what you want, get mad all you want, but that is something that will always separate you from a BIOLOGICAL woman. Not saying that you aren't a woman in all other ways, but Biologically? Sorry sweetie but not possible. Your body may get as chemically prepared to react and respond like a biological woman's body as the next biological woman, but as long as you don't have the equipment to carry a child for 9 months of your life, then again, BIOLOGICALLY, you are not a female and never will be until this is able to happen. Sorry ma.

04-25-2011, 12:40 PM
Look. It doesn't matter how much hormones you take and for how long you take them, you will never "grow" a female reproductive system. Call it what you want, get mad all you want, but that is something that will always separate you from a BIOLOGICAL woman. Not saying that you aren't a woman in all other ways, but Biologically? Sorry sweetie but not possible. Your body may get as chemically prepared to react and respond like a biological woman's body as the next biological woman, but as long as you don't have the equipment to carry a child for 9 months of your life, then again, BIOLOGICALLY, you are not a female and never will be until this is able to happen. Sorry ma.

i may not biologically be a female but im not biologically male either.facts are facts,my biology is different from yours.

04-25-2011, 01:09 PM
What gets me is that these men feel the need to remind us that we were born male. Psh. You'd think that's something they'd avoid talking about, constantly. And people wonder why i think some tranny chasers should just stick to men. lol. We're women, respect us as women and if you dont want to, then hey, there's plenty of men who have no problem being reminded of their biology.

You can't put me next to a man and say that we are the same.

04-25-2011, 01:23 PM
dont know but seen her before on mta bus a few times.its a shame how it went

04-25-2011, 03:30 PM
What gets me is that these men feel the need to remind us that we were born male. Psh. You'd think that's something they'd avoid talking about, constantly. And people wonder why i think some tranny chasers should just stick to men. lol. We're women, respect us as women and if you dont want to, then hey, there's plenty of men who have no problem being reminded of their biology.

You can't put me next to a man and say that we are the same.

I think we're talking about one or two people here, Kitty so let's not turn this into a crusade or a witchhunt, one of them looks like he's a troll anyway (Onone) and his behavior in this post is in-excusable.

This is a trans-friendly forum and that sort of language is not acceptable. However, please also mind your comments to other members of this forum, as neither a model or a member, you are a welcome guest here but need to be aware this is a fan forum for those into black transgenders, whether you deem them as chasers or not, is irrelevant.

04-25-2011, 05:12 PM

Perhaps you should be more forthcomming with your ban button, sean. If you're going to allow these men to come on here and devalue us without taking action against it, i'll persist on commenting to them and telling them that they are twisted fucks who jerk off to trannies yet all the while, referring to them as men. This,as i'm sure you're aware, is a major problem we face. As a website that claims to be pro trans, why dont we ban and remove those who are so obviously against us? Just a thought.

And feel free to ban me if you think i am getting out of hand. I can take a hint and I'll be real with you, I'll probably still act the same exact way. I respect you and I respect this forum, but i will absolutely not allow me and my other trans sisters to be disrespected by homosexuals masquerading themselves as trans attracted men.

On another note: dont you run tgirl cams?

04-25-2011, 05:17 PM

Perhaps you should be more forthcomming with your ban button, sean. If you're going to allow these men to come on here and devalue us without taking action against it, i'll persist on commenting to them and telling them that they are twisted fucks who jerk off to trannies yet all the while, referring to them as men. This,as i'm sure you're aware, is a major problem we face. As a website that claims to be pro trans, why dont we ban and remove those who are so obviously against us? Just a thought.

And feel free to ban me if you think i am getting out of hand. I can take a hint and I'll be real with you, I'll probably still act the same exact way. I respect you and I respect this forum, but i will absolutely not allow me and my other trans sisters to be disrespected by homosexuals masquerading themselves as trans attracted men.

On another note: dont you run tgirl cams?

Oh dear, you are missing the point again!!! I was stating that people like "Onone" have no place on this forum and anybody is welcome to call them out when they are posting referring to the girls as "he" and putting that video up as support to their argument.
Why isn't he banned? Because I'm actually quite light on the ban button as it shouldn't be wielded to everyone who disagrees. The last person who was banned deserved it - and another got a 2 week suspension.

If the membership thinks someone should be banned - or if I think someone will be banned, we'll usually get there but let them dig their own graves.

However, my point to you is, that if people are coming here stating how much they are into this/or that, if they are not referring to you directly, then you need to be more aware of others points of views and likes, instead of snapping at them.

Yes, we run tgirl-cams.com among other things.

04-25-2011, 05:20 PM
Ah I see, so because he things one girl is a man he doesnt feel that way about all tgirls;.

Ah ok. Makes a lot of sense

04-25-2011, 05:33 PM
Ah I see, so because he things one girl is a man he doesnt feel that way about all tgirls;.

Ah ok. Makes a lot of sense

No, where did I say that? For someone who claims to be intelligent, you've mis-quoted or simply made things up in multiple responses?

04-25-2011, 05:35 PM
It's because I am infact, not intelligent.

04-25-2011, 05:39 PM
It's because I am infact, not intelligent.

That I don't believe.
Yet, seriously, where did you come up with that last post in anything I wrote?

04-25-2011, 05:44 PM
I'm too lazy to draw parallels right now.

Ill simplify it but somehow i feel as though this will still come off convoluted and hard to grasp.

a man refers to a transsexuals as "he" obviously must feel this way about them all

I am a trans woman and I will not sit quietly when someone is disrespecting a sister of mine.

I know, doesn't make any sense right? I know I know. i'm really fucking stupid. Seriously.

04-25-2011, 05:48 PM
a man refers to a transsexuals as "he" obviously must feel this way about them all


I am a trans woman and I will not sit quietly when someone is disrespecting a sister of mine.

So where in my post that you responded to did you see anything different to that?

04-25-2011, 05:50 PM
so over it.

04-25-2011, 05:57 PM
so over it.

Ok, so that's pretty much;
"Yeah sorry, I just pulled it out of my ass, you didn't say anything like that." - Kitty Matthews.

Thanks, Kitty!

04-25-2011, 05:58 PM
NO its more like
"i have more important things to do than constantly explain myself for things i shouldn't be reprimanded on.

but I guess your answer will do.

04-25-2011, 06:01 PM
NO its more like
"i have more important things to do than constantly explain myself for things i shouldn't be reprimanded on.

but I guess your answer will do.

Obviously you don't have more important things to do other than make-shit up to support your posts and mis-quote people. Go and do something productive instead of moaning on here. At least I get paid to do it.

04-25-2011, 06:11 PM
Oh i'll definitely withhold my response to that

04-25-2011, 08:06 PM
i may not biologically be a female but im not biologically male either.facts are facts,my biology is different from yours.

Yeah, but that wasnt the issue. The issue was if you were a biological female, not male. So what you just said is either a moot point or a point that needs to be the start of another discussion.

04-25-2011, 08:21 PM
What gets me is that these men feel the need to remind us that we were born male. Psh. You'd think that's something they'd avoid talking about, constantly. And people wonder why i think some tranny chasers should just stick to men. lol. We're women, respect us as women and if you dont want to, then hey, there's plenty of men who have no problem being reminded of their biology.

You can't put me next to a man and say that we are the same.

Kitty, what the hell are you talking about! I get so sick of you being so sensitive. We all have a right to think a certain way, we all have a right to our opinions, we all have a right to express our opinions as long as we aren't being disrespectful to someone else i.e darryl washington. But it seems that you get so irritated when a guy comes on here and feels any way thats different from the way you feel. There's also a mental maturation process that goes along with transitioning and I think you need to work on that more than your look. I must say, Kitty, that your look is damn good. You are what I consider to be a "pretty girl." But your mindset is terrible. It's not necessarily about trying to change someone's thoughts and views but more about putting your point of view out there and stimulating one's mind to understand your point of view. Maybe this will impact someone's thoughts or cause them to change how they thought in the first place. Don't get so bent out of shape when someone challenges what you say or disagree with how you feel. I have a Bachelors degree of Biology and this is the only reason why I'm really having serious input on this conversation. I do know the difference between a male and female....BIOLOGICALLY speaking. Notice I keep emphasizing BIOLOGICALLY. There is more than one way to be a woman or a man. It's not all just about the physical appearance. So for guys like me who understand transsexuals and the dilemmas that you all go through, I totally agree that if I stood you up next to a man that you two are clearly not the same. But to a person who doesn't know anything about transsexualism or who doesn't follow transsexuals and how you all think, he/she would say that the only difference between this person and that person is that they are both men, one wears a wig and the other doesn't. It all depends on who you're talking to. Most of us here are on your side Kitty. Don't ostracise your friends and supporters. Seanchai definitely admires you because he is so patient with you. But as you can see, you get under his skin slightly, too with your bitchin and constant complaining. Just as you get under my skin and bunches of others on here and there's no need because we are in your corner. We may have slight differences in opinion, but overall, unless we are all trolls just trying to agitate the girls, we all support who you are and what you're attempting to accomplish.

04-25-2011, 09:25 PM
i'll just have to edit this...

04-25-2011, 09:31 PM
I really have to thank KittyMatthews, every time I read one of your posts I'm strongly encouraged to stop watching T-Girl porn. When I read the things you say, I'm happy that I've never had a sexual encounter with a Transwoman and only biological women. People like you hold it against us (Men that are attracted to T-Girls) that we like your kind. It's OK though, any time I need motivation to cut watching T-Girl porn I'll just come back and read your posts. :)

LMAO! I suggest you don't fall for the illusion anyway, especially for the types of trannies that have obvious male foreheads that need to be hidden under a Nicki Minaj wig.

04-25-2011, 10:28 PM
LMAO! I suggest you don't fall for the illusion anyway, especially for the types of trannies that have obvious male foreheads that need to be hidden under a Nicki Minaj wig.

Ach, you had your warning.

Ms Remy M
04-25-2011, 11:13 PM

Now playing: Tool - Right In Two (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/tool/track/right+in+two)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

04-26-2011, 12:16 AM
Wow. I just mentioned about being rude and disrespectful to people and it seems to have gone unnoticed. Oh well.

Seanchai, quick question......What prevents one from re-opening another account in another name? Same person, different alias. Daryl Washington could come back as someone else and we would never know.

04-26-2011, 12:20 AM
just smile and look pretty girl,we got bills to pay lol

04-26-2011, 12:28 AM
Wow. I just mentioned about being rude and disrespectful to people and it seems to have gone unnoticed. Oh well.

Seanchai, quick question......What prevents one from re-opening another account in another name? Same person, different alias. Daryl Washington could come back as someone else and we would never know.

If we suspected we can find out.

04-26-2011, 12:30 AM
If we suspected we can find out.

Oh okay. Gotcha.

04-26-2011, 01:39 AM

Since the thread seems to have progressed some what since i'll make it quick when re-addressing this.

Firstly I'm not sure if you had taken this out of context as I used your original comments in quote to reference the video onone posted without realising the link between vid and your sig vidman so I was not suggesting your points where ignorant and apologise if you took it in that way.

I made the original comment in passing and felt it was not relevant to elaborate on why the female in the youtube video acted so ignorant as I thought it was pretty obvious. Now I appreciate she made the point that a transgendered woman is not biologically female i.e. she cannot reproduce and does not have female reproductive organs but what annoyed me was her repeated suggestions that a transwoman is nothing more than a glorified transvestite (a dude in a dress) as she suggested. I felt this to be a rather ignorant view. If someone takes time enough to post a video about how they despise or don't get transwomen they should at least take a little time to look in to this. I mean some quick google lookups would have pointed her to various medical studies on male-to-female transsexuals at post mortem who where found to have various chemical markers in their brains emulating that of a biological female pretty much exactly. Although we still know relatively little about the human brain the fact that these markers where not present in a male brain leads us to the conclusion that a transwomans brain may well be a 'female brain'. We could argue a lot against this research and would need to factor in outside influence such as HRT but if you think about it before transwomen begin their transitions they already (most of the time) identify as female - I have seen documentary evidence of some transwomen not identifying as female at all. In my opinion this suggests some biological resemblence to someone born female more so than you or I otherwise every man at some point would consider transitioning.

Someone coming along posting a video about transwomen being dudes in dresses without even scratching the surface is pretty ignorant/ignant to me.

04-26-2011, 02:24 AM
Since the thread seems to have progressed some what since i'll make it quick when re-addressing this.

Firstly I'm not sure if you had taken this out of context as I used your original comments in quote to reference the video onone posted without realising the link between vid and your sig vidman so I was not suggesting your points where ignorant and apologise if you took it in that way.

I made the original comment in passing and felt it was not relevant to elaborate on why the female in the youtube video acted so ignorant as I thought it was pretty obvious. Now I appreciate she made the point that a transgendered woman is not biologically female i.e. she cannot reproduce and does not have female reproductive organs but what annoyed me was her repeated suggestions that a transwoman is nothing more than a glorified transvestite (a dude in a dress) as she suggested. I felt this to be a rather ignorant view. If someone takes time enough to post a video about how they despise or don't get transwomen they should at least take a little time to look in to this. I mean some quick google lookups would have pointed her to various medical studies on male-to-female transsexuals at post mortem who where found to have various chemical markers in their brains emulating that of a biological female pretty much exactly. Although we still know relatively little about the human brain the fact that these markers where not present in a male brain leads us to the conclusion that a transwomans brain may well be a 'female brain'. We could argue a lot against this research and would need to factor in outside influence such as HRT but if you think about it before transwomen begin their transitions they already (most of the time) identify as female - I have seen documentary evidence of some transwomen not identifying as female at all. In my opinion this suggests some biological resemblence to someone born female more so than you or I otherwise every man at some point would consider transitioning.

Someone coming along posting a video about transwomen being dudes in dresses without even scratching the surface is pretty ignorant/ignant to me.

aahhhh thank you,there is hope still lol

04-26-2011, 02:52 AM
aahhhh thank you,there is hope still lol

Lol why thankyou.I always looked at transitioning as simply as I could. I mean if you feel so strongly about something there has got to an underlying reason for it. In our lifetime we might not reach a full understanding to why it happens but for you to have felt so strongly about your transition there has to be something more biologically female about you compared to me.

I know a lot of shit gets mis understood on this forum but all the guys are behind you and all the other girls 100% and being though it's a porn forum just to lower the tone appropriately we are behind you in more ways than one :D

04-26-2011, 06:54 AM
Since the thread seems to have progressed some what since i'll make it quick when re-addressing this.

Firstly I'm not sure if you had taken this out of context as I used your original comments in quote to reference the video onone posted without realising the link between vid and your sig vidman so I was not suggesting your points where ignorant and apologise if you took it in that way.

I made the original comment in passing and felt it was not relevant to elaborate on why the female in the youtube video acted so ignorant as I thought it was pretty obvious. Now I appreciate she made the point that a transgendered woman is not biologically female i.e. she cannot reproduce and does not have female reproductive organs but what annoyed me was her repeated suggestions that a transwoman is nothing more than a glorified transvestite (a dude in a dress) as she suggested. I felt this to be a rather ignorant view. If someone takes time enough to post a video about how they despise or don't get transwomen they should at least take a little time to look in to this. I mean some quick google lookups would have pointed her to various medical studies on male-to-female transsexuals at post mortem who where found to have various chemical markers in their brains emulating that of a biological female pretty much exactly. Although we still know relatively little about the human brain the fact that these markers where not present in a male brain leads us to the conclusion that a transwomans brain may well be a 'female brain'. We could argue a lot against this research and would need to factor in outside influence such as HRT but if you think about it before transwomen begin their transitions they already (most of the time) identify as female - I have seen documentary evidence of some transwomen not identifying as female at all. In my opinion this suggests some biological resemblence to someone born female more so than you or I otherwise every man at some point would consider transitioning.

Someone coming along posting a video about transwomen being dudes in dresses without even scratching the surface is pretty ignorant/ignant to me.

Oh no no no Piper. I totally knew what you were getting at when you commented. I was saying "okay" in agreement to what you said. Like, okay!!! Right!!! lol. Sorry for the confusion homie. I totally understood your point man and I totally, unequivocably agree.

04-26-2011, 11:32 PM
I don't know you, and I don't want to, but this way of thinking is one of the major problems we have. You act as if people of other races aren't out here doing stupid shit. Why does every "Black" person feel the need to try to explain the actions of the dumb and ignorant just to appease white folks for fear of being labeled and lumped with them?

Who the hell cares? In no way am I condoning this nonsense, but I'm not buying into the propaganda that people such as this have caused Blacks to be where they are, because we were in an awful situation before societal and economic conditions paved the way for this attitude amongst niggas to be prevalent today. That's Black folks problem, always looking for validation from other people as if their opinion matters or will change because you got a few good niggras out here. Man please. Black folks need to stop looking for validation from white folks. But let people like you tell it, it's only niggas doing stupid shit. It's only niggas that's homophobic, despite many news articles to the contrary. Instead of "explaining" the ills of the stupid, how about disowning them non-productive niggas, not for the sake of changing other races' (specifically, white folks) opinion but for the sake of OUR community. Because that's what white folks do. They don't claim none of that shit. But every nigga feels the need to be a spokesman for all Blacks, just because they're concerned with how white folks think. And that way of thinking is just as damning as the attitude of a FEW niggas whom even WE assume make up the majority. That's a damn shame.

Seanchai, this sad story just goes to support that post I started a month ago about this same thing, and you agreed with me. I think the story I posted about was the transgirl who got murdered in Baltimore. TV Surfer and I kinda had a huge fallout about this topic. But this definitely ties in with my post about a month ago. Blacks should really get it together. This is the kind of stuff that has other races shaking their heads. Then we wonder why we can't get jobs, we wonder why they move out when we move in. We wonder why other races come to this country and quickly ascend higher than we have and we've been here longer than any other race. Too bad a few have to spoil it for the majority. Like I said a month ago....I'm black and proud to be black, so I'm in no way throwing my people under the bus. But ignorance is damn ignorance and being that we are already at the bottom of the totum pole in the eyes of others, we should really try to disprove the masses that consider us to be the scum of the earth. Let's prove that they are wrong. Let's have some class and decency about ourselves. It's almost like these girls' Mothers never taught them anything. Class is something that's taught, not bought. It's sickening!!! Once again, I have to attempt to explain the ways of my people. Once again I have to lower my head in shame because of the ignorance and lack of intelligence that oscillates amongst my people seemingly everyday. Will I ever see change in my lifetime? For the sake of my children, grandchildren, neices and nephews....I surely pray that I do.

04-27-2011, 12:24 AM
Didn't this start off about a hateful attack on that poor girl in McDs???

(ok, admittedly, the diversionary video of that trans-hating blue-eyed man in the car, who, by the way, reminded me of a swarm of locusts with hair-weave, was somewhat entertaining in its willful ignorance)

But, back to the hateful attack...

Some may wish - nay, even demand - to know of the "back-story" before passing judgment...

As a blue-eyed-devil who is attracted to mischief - particularly when it involves holding a mirror up to people so that they may enjoy their true nature - I am tempted to respond to this rush-from-judgement with the following:

I saw a video of a man called Rodney beaten the fuck up by 4 cops with batons... it looked real nasty and vile.... but errrrrrrrrr, I'd really like to know the "back-story" before I make up my mind about it

I read about the Atlantic Ocean being LITTERED with the skeletons of thousands and thousands of West Africans who were forcibly taken from their homeland to the Americas.... it sounded real nasty and vile... but errrrrr, I'd really like to know the "back-story" before I make up my mind about it




Guess what?.... You're not going to know the back-story, you're never going to know the back-story, far less the front-story................................ because you weren't there.... Kind of a little conundrum that, eh?

In other words, you're going to have to make up your own mind lol

(And, by the way, NOT making up your mind.... IS making up your mind... It's the same thing..... sorry about that reality lol)

Sometimes, even if it means compromising your darling little non-judgemental liberal halo, you have to make a judgement... But before you fret over soiling your rather perfect liberal sentimental human track record of never being judgemental, consider this: NOT passing judgement IS passing judgement... It's the same thing, just from a different angle/dimension.... In old fashioned terms you have to pick a side.

As a little guide to those who may lack my fortitude in this matter, I would like to add this, as a kind of general guideline: IF SOMETHING LOOKS NASTY AND VILE?....... it generally is.

OOOOOH! Am I generalizing???? So sue me; I know myself to be good enough to judge... aren't you?

As for the 2 monstrosities that beat that poor girl down again and again and again, before attacking the old angel who stepped in toward the end, they are truly pathetic individuals, and one hopes they will live out their lives without bearing fruit.

(If for some bizarre reason a self-loathing bourgeois lawyer gets those 2 kunts off of a "hate" crime on some poxy technicality, then I hope he or she will have to pick up the slack of such an appalling injustice at some point in the future... Again, as a blue-eyed-devil, I would be tempted to state what many people, of all colors, suspect: that to be charged with a "hate-crime" you have to be categorized as "white")

As for the employees who clearly considered the whole spectacle some kinda entertainment, they are at best cowards... at best.

While the poor girl was having a seizure, one of the staff is heard to repeat several times, in amused tones "Shit, she's having a seizure on my floor, yo!".... That the kunt could express these words so jovially in the direct face of such dramatic, and potentially tragic and murderous circumstances fills me with the urge to shit bile in his mouth.... (Ooooh, am I being judgemental again?)

In the face of such drama, one shows ones true nature... even if it is one of hesitation and inaction.... If you are like me, you will find it rather tragic when people use their life to make and become a parody of themselves, of the way "they" are meant to "be" in the eyes of "others".


To finish, I'm gonna return to the trans-hating man in the car with the funny eyes and hair: he said something about the DEFINITION of a Woman being someone who was born with a VAGINA between their legs...

I would like to IMPROVE on that charmingly child-like and one-dimensional definition.... How about this: a Woman is someone who SHOULD'VE been born with a vagina between their legs.

I think it's not a bad definition?


"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do" WILLIAM BLAKE

04-27-2011, 01:58 AM
I don't know you, and I don't want to, but this way of thinking is one of the major problems we have. You act as if people of other races aren't out here doing stupid shit. Why does every "Black" person feel the need to try to explain the actions of the dumb and ignorant just to appease white folks for fear of being labeled and lumped with them?

Who the hell cares? In no way am I condoning this nonsense, but I'm not buying into the propaganda that people such as this have caused Blacks to be where they are, because we were in an awful situation before societal and economic conditions paved the way for this attitude amongst niggas to be prevalent today. That's Black folks problem, always looking for validation from other people as if their opinion matters or will change because you got a few good niggras out here. Man please. Black folks need to stop looking for validation from white folks. But let people like you tell it, it's only niggas doing stupid shit. It's only niggas that's homophobic, despite many news articles to the contrary. Instead of "explaining" the ills of the stupid, how about disowning them non-productive niggas, not for the sake of changing other races' (specifically, white folks) opinion but for the sake of OUR community. Because that's what white folks do. They don't claim none of that shit. But every nigga feels the need to be a spokesman for all Blacks, just because they're concerned with how white folks think. And that way of thinking is just as damning as the attitude of a FEW niggas whom even WE assume make up the majority. That's a damn shame.

Look dude. Before you make an idiot out of yourself anymore than you already have, let me just let you know a few things about how I feel about these kinda topics and about brainless people like you who think that blacks should accept being silly because of our history. Europeans have not continued to be barbaric cavemen have they? At one point in history, they were. Then why should blacks continue to be ignorant niggas? Answer that for me. Maybe our past has pushed us into a somewhat obscure path. Does that mean we have to remain in that path? When does moral obligation kick in? At what point does self-pride take hold? It has nothing to do with trying to impress white folks fool! It has everything to do with trying to impress yourself! We need to take pride in who we are and who our forefathers were.

First, I could care less about how a white person feels about me. I carry myself in such a manner that not only demands respect but commands it. Afterall, what's the first excuse we use when we have a job interview competeing with 3 whites and we don't get the job....."I didn't get it because I was black." Yep, that's the first thing that comes out of our mouths.

Second, I get tired of that lame ass BS about "the road was paved for us to act the way we act." BULLSHIT!!!!! We aren't the only group of people that have been enslaved and in captivity. The Irish were almost eliminated. They make up a very small composition of this population just like Blacks. We were enslaved nearly 400 years ago. How long is it going to take for us to realize that we can't keep using that as an excuse to be ignorant and foolish!!!

Third, I never said that we harvest the only bad apples. There are bad apples in every race. I've seen stupid white people. I've seen stupid hispanics. I even know some Jewish people who have been behind bars a few times for crimes short of "white collar." There are a few bad apples in every bunch. But again sir, I'm not worried about the white bad apples or the hispanic bad apples. My only concern is MY PEOPLE!!!!

Look, the media goes out of it's way to defile us and put us in a bad light all around the world. We are the scum of the earth to the rest of the world. When Asians send their young children to this country for an education, the last thing they tell their kids is "don't interact with the black poeple." "You can date a white man, a hispanic man, whomever.....just don't date a black man." If you don't believe me, befriend an Asian person one day and get comfortable enough to have this discussion with him/her. They will definitely tell you that this is a typical conversation in an Asian household before the children set out to further their education in America. Why is that? I'll let you answer that one sir.

I am 1000% with my people. But I refuse to give my people excuses for being ignorant asses because they refuse to exemplify class and upstanding behavior. Why is it that 2 black men can't walk down a black neighborhood street, holding hands and not be harrassed by the neighbors? Why is that 2 white guys can walk down their street and no one harrasses them at all? Why is it that Black on Black crime is the highest amongst same race crimes. Is it that we hate each other? If we feel so oppressed by the white man and he is the reason why things are so terrible, why don't we take some crime to him? Yeah, instead of taking it out on each other (black on black), let's go take it out on the whites (black on white). Yeah right!!! Why is it that we only make up 13% of this population, but make up 85% of the incarcerated population? I don't care who and what you blame sir, but you can't possibly tell me that any amount of tampering with numbers, justifications and pointing fingers will give you such an obscure percentage. 13% of population but 85% incarcaration? Come on man. Keep it real. Why is it that we have to read about a young black MTF transsexual getting murdered by 3 black men out of hatred? Not saying you don't hear this in the white community, but not as often as our community. Again, we only make up 13% of this entire US population, so there is no reason why we should be leading the other 87% of this US population in crime. Stop blaming it on what the white man did to us 400 years ago. At some point, you have to make a conscious effort and decision to overcome those that have oppressed you. You have to make a decision that my history and dark past is not going to be my future. Anyone can flunk a test and make an excuse for why they flunk. It's not so easy to truly prepare for that test the way you knew you were supposed to prepare for it. We, as black people, need to take a good long look in the mirror before we go pointing fingers at others. If your argument is true, sir, then what you're saying is that there shouldn't be any successful black people in this country because we are all decendants of slaves. And since all the slaves were subjected to the abuses that came with the slaves of that time period, then we should all be suffering the same fate right now. Or perhaps you're saying that only light skinned blacks should be doing well because the light skinned slaves were the ones who received preferrential treatment. Well sir, I'm about as dark as they come and I'm a successful black man. Degreed, well employed and well compensated. I never sat back on my hunches and said, "well I think I'm going to be an ignorant low life because the white people made me this way." No! I got up and refused to be just another statistic of what my fate was supposed to be. It's pitiful how a Black man says the things I just said and other Blacks look down on me or think I'm talking down to other Blacks. I suppose you don't like Bill Cosby either right? lol!!!! Typical excuse finding, finger pointing, lazy brutha.

04-27-2011, 10:03 AM
A hell of a post, Vidman!

04-27-2011, 12:23 PM
Vidman I couldn't agree more.

So on point

04-27-2011, 12:32 PM
I was actually following her until towards the end of the video when she started talking about "trannies came up to me and asked me to cut their dick off and I tell them nawl, I don't get into that." LMAO!!!! What the fuck is she talking about!!! If she hates trannies so much, why would any transsexual come to her and ask her for anything? LOL!!!! She feels that she was a white woman in another life? What the hell? I think this girl is mad because the transsexuals on the stroll get more tricks than she does. She is totally speaking out of malice. DISREGARD!!! But I must agree with her though on the biological concept of the definition of a wombmyn (tehehe). She did say that a woman is born with a vagina. She should have added that a biolgical woman is also born with fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and eggs. A biolgical man is never born with these attributes. So I must agree with her and her biological assessment of a woman. But.........hence the term biological woman. This is why we make the distinction. We say transwoman and we say biowoman...at least I do. Mentally, socially, mannerism-wise...yes, a man can definitely be a woman. Biologically, no. Even after a sexual reassignment surgery, a man still cant be a woman. When that day comes when a surgeon can drop a set of functional female reproductive organs and some eggs that may have been held in cryostasis until ready to be used, then I may change my feelings about this.

I'm tempted to make a response video about sex and gender and blah blah blah.

Being a man and being a woman has absolutely nothing to do with a dress. It's all culture and it's idea of what is male and what is female.and I think when you are in sutiations where gender is constantly defined, people try to redefine it. Sorta like your parents telling you not to play with fire and there you go again with your torches. haha.

04-27-2011, 03:32 PM
A hell of a post, Vidman!

Thanks Seanchai. Just sick of the BS excuses and justifications.

04-27-2011, 03:35 PM
Vidman I couldn't agree more.

So on point

Oh trust me Kitty, when I say I understand what you got through, I'm not just saying it to get on your good side. I honestly understand what you mean when you say you don't date guys of a certain race. There may be a few individuals that are the exception, but as a whole, we have a lot of work to do as a race of people.

Thanks Kitty.

04-27-2011, 03:50 PM
I'm tempted to make a response video about sex and gender and blah blah blah.

Being a man and being a woman has absolutely nothing to do with a dress. It's all culture and it's idea of what is male and what is female.and I think when you are in sutiations where gender is constantly defined, people try to redefine it. Sorta like your parents telling you not to play with fire and there you go again with your torches. haha.

I agree Kittly, and it also has to a lot to do with understanding. For those people who are homophobic or just plain refuse to attempt to be educated, they will never understand the concept of a transgendered MTF or FTM. So to these people, it's all just "GAY" shit. But to those who have seriously opened their minds to new ideas and possibilities, the opportunity for understanding is more likely.

04-27-2011, 05:50 PM
Well let me correct you, i'd date a black guy, but honestly A. I dont get along with most black men and B. black men always put me under more pressure and make me feel uncomfortable for Xreason or another. Guys of other races dont really put me under as much stress. And on top of that, i feel as though black men are constantly trying to convince everyone around them that they are men. IT's this whole masculinity complex that jus.t.. .ugh. That's why i find it so easy/funny to poke at because it's so silly. If you know your'e a man be a man, you dont need my validation or some jealous bitches validation. lol.

And i personally feel black men care more about me dating black men than I care about dating black men. I"m not saying they dont exist, btu finding a black guy who thinks the way I think and feels the way I feel about my race and about my approach in life is very hard. With white guys, i just find that a hell of a lot quicker. But that doesn't mean i'm not interested in dating black guys. It's just hard to find one i get a long with. I mean look at what happens to me on this forum. I dont ever have conversations like these with white men.

04-27-2011, 07:08 PM
Well, I feel that it would benefit you and the guy you're getting to know when you have these conversations with him. In a way, you're educating him or maybe correcting a wrong perception that he may have had prior to the conversation. So don't shy away from the dialogue with us, just be a little more patient. You also have to be smart enough to know the difference between the guy who is really interested in knowing more about who you are and the guy who is just trying to get a rouse out of you. Most of the guys on here know that they push your buttons so they continue to chip away at you knowing that they will eventually get a negative response from you. I think you referred to Indy in a previous post as a nasty ass bottom or something of that sort? Don't go there with people Kitty. It only makes you a bigger target. Don't stoop to levels beneath you. Always be a true lady and take the higher ground. Not saying that Indy is low. Not saying that at all. I happen to think that Indy is quite intelligent and makes valid points. I'm just saying in general, don't stoop to levels that force you to draw negative attention towards yourself.

One reason that the white guys you date never have to prove their manhood is because white men aren't judged and criticized in their communities as intensely as black men are. Our community has yet to accept difference as individuality. If you don't look and act like the majority, then you're an outcast, open to scrutiny, ostracisms and sometimes violence. Whites are far more open to diversity and individuality than we are. As I said in my grandstand post, two black men can't walk down the street holding hands in a black community. They can in the white community though. Sad but true. This is the reason that the "down low" epidemic is so prevalent in our community because we can't let our neighbors know that we are attracted to someone of the same sex. Hence, the reason why black men have to "prove thier masculinity" all the time. Hence, the reason black men feel the need to carry pseudo-relationships with biological women knowing that their true attraction lies with men.

04-27-2011, 11:08 PM
My thing is like..i get that, i see that and i accept it, but it's asking me a little too much to deal with it. I dont like having to be patient to explain what is so evident. I dont like having to take a back seat to his personal reservations. And across the board black men never ask me on a date, but rather a night of pleasure. lol.

BUt lets not make this thread about my lack of good experiences wth black men. lol.

04-28-2011, 12:11 AM
Let's try & get some perspective here! People of African descent have been the victims of brutality even BEFORE we bought to the Americas 400 yrs ago(middle passages). America was founded through violence (slavery, genocide of Native Americans) and remains a violent society. THAT legacy is on display in that senseless attack in McDonalds, despite the racial dynamic being reversed. Another thing on display in this video is sheer ignorance. The failure of the education system & society at large to educate people properly. How can our kids be tolerant if they don't know the meaning of the word?! The two teens will pay for their crime. One is already in custody. But they're also guilty of being MIS-educated.

04-28-2011, 12:40 AM
Nigga...what? You are everywhere with this b.s. You're one of those Uncle Tom negroes that use the "my only concern is my race" crap because you refuse to call out anybody other than Black people...just like Mr. Cosby who you seem so infatuated with. That's a cop out for people too scared to call out anybody else.

And this "ignorant nigga" phenomenon is a RECENT development. Before 1965 there were more white men in jail than black men. That is a fact that can be checked. There are many things that led to this predicament. Too many to name.

When you say things such as "now i have to explain these people's actions", well just who in the fuck are you going to explain them to? Black people? And for someone who's so concerned with the black state of the union, you KEEP mentioning other races in relation to us! Who gives a fuck if Asians tell their kids to stay away from Black folks? And they do that because of the images they see, because you'd be hard pressed to find a positive image of Black folks in the media. They're either doing ignorant shit or coon shit for the most part.

And you keep missing the point...nobody ordained you to explain black folks to the masses! No one gives a damn about your explanation. You're not the next incarnation of MLK. Nigga give that shit a rest! Why are niggas like you so worried about EXPLAINING? And explaining to WHOM?

You already know why negroes don't take crime to white folks. Just like you, they're scared of them. That's why they shin and grin and buck dance in their faces like it's 1923. And you mean to tell me, that's it's 2011, and you wondering why niggas are more likely to be targeted for crimes? Are you serious man? And no, it's not because of sagging pants and rims, because that's how niggas like you think.

And not once did I mention something from 400 years ago. There are measures that have been put in place and things that have occurred since. How about you read a book? Oh, and because you're probably one of those negroes that won't believe anything unless it's a white person telling you, the books i'm referring to were written by white authors. Distinguished white men with multiple degrees and high social standing, if that helps. I can suggest them if you want, but you'd rather choose to live behind blinders. Nigga it goes beyond slavery, but just like the rest of you sucking up negroes, you believe any and everything they tell you to believe. Like niggas can just break centuries worth of social conditioning while lacking a true identity and prosper in the span of 40 years.

And stop with the nonsense. You're throwing in shit trying to seem intelligent and you're making yourself look like a dumb ass. That light skinned shit has nothing to do with THIS argument. That was just dumb. Most of the shit you said was dumb. And we see the only person thats co-signing your bullshit too.

Keep buck dancing, nigga. Go nigga, go nigga, go nigga, GO!

Look dude. Before you make an idiot out of yourself anymore than you already have, let me just let you know a few things about how I feel about these kinda topics and about brainless people like you who think that blacks should accept being silly because of our history. Europeans have not continued to be barbaric cavemen have they? At one point in history, they were. Then why should blacks continue to be ignorant niggas? Answer that for me. Maybe our past has pushed us into a somewhat obscure path. Does that mean we have to remain in that path? When does moral obligation kick in? At what point does self-pride take hold? It has nothing to do with trying to impress white folks fool! It has everything to do with trying to impress yourself! We need to take pride in who we are and who our forefathers were.

First, I could care less about how a white person feels about me. I carry myself in such a manner that not only demands respect but commands it. Afterall, what's the first excuse we use when we have a job interview competeing with 3 whites and we don't get the job....."I didn't get it because I was black." Yep, that's the first thing that comes out of our mouths.

Second, I get tired of that lame ass BS about "the road was paved for us to act the way we act." BULLSHIT!!!!! We aren't the only group of people that have been enslaved and in captivity. The Irish were almost eliminated. They make up a very small composition of this population just like Blacks. We were enslaved nearly 400 years ago. How long is it going to take for us to realize that we can't keep using that as an excuse to be ignorant and foolish!!!

Third, I never said that we harvest the only bad apples. There are bad apples in every race. I've seen stupid white people. I've seen stupid hispanics. I even know some Jewish people who have been behind bars a few times for crimes short of "white collar." There are a few bad apples in every bunch. But again sir, I'm not worried about the white bad apples or the hispanic bad apples. My only concern is MY PEOPLE!!!!

Look, the media goes out of it's way to defile us and put us in a bad light all around the world. We are the scum of the earth to the rest of the world. When Asians send their young children to this country for an education, the last thing they tell their kids is "don't interact with the black poeple." "You can date a white man, a hispanic man, whomever.....just don't date a black man." If you don't believe me, befriend an Asian person one day and get comfortable enough to have this discussion with him/her. They will definitely tell you that this is a typical conversation in an Asian household before the children set out to further their education in America. Why is that? I'll let you answer that one sir.

I am 1000% with my people. But I refuse to give my people excuses for being ignorant asses because they refuse to exemplify class and upstanding behavior. Why is it that 2 black men can't walk down a black neighborhood street, holding hands and not be harrassed by the neighbors? Why is that 2 white guys can walk down their street and no one harrasses them at all? Why is it that Black on Black crime is the highest amongst same race crimes. Is it that we hate each other? If we feel so oppressed by the white man and he is the reason why things are so terrible, why don't we take some crime to him? Yeah, instead of taking it out on each other (black on black), let's go take it out on the whites (black on white). Yeah right!!! Why is it that we only make up 13% of this population, but make up 85% of the incarcerated population? I don't care who and what you blame sir, but you can't possibly tell me that any amount of tampering with numbers, justifications and pointing fingers will give you such an obscure percentage. 13% of population but 85% incarcaration? Come on man. Keep it real. Why is it that we have to read about a young black MTF transsexual getting murdered by 3 black men out of hatred? Not saying you don't hear this in the white community, but not as often as our community. Again, we only make up 13% of this entire US population, so there is no reason why we should be leading the other 87% of this US population in crime. Stop blaming it on what the white man did to us 400 years ago. At some point, you have to make a conscious effort and decision to overcome those that have oppressed you. You have to make a decision that my history and dark past is not going to be my future. Anyone can flunk a test and make an excuse for why they flunk. It's not so easy to truly prepare for that test the way you knew you were supposed to prepare for it. We, as black people, need to take a good long look in the mirror before we go pointing fingers at others. If your argument is true, sir, then what you're saying is that there shouldn't be any successful black people in this country because we are all decendants of slaves. And since all the slaves were subjected to the abuses that came with the slaves of that time period, then we should all be suffering the same fate right now. Or perhaps you're saying that only light skinned blacks should be doing well because the light skinned slaves were the ones who received preferrential treatment. Well sir, I'm about as dark as they come and I'm a successful black man. Degreed, well employed and well compensated. I never sat back on my hunches and said, "well I think I'm going to be an ignorant low life because the white people made me this way." No! I got up and refused to be just another statistic of what my fate was supposed to be. It's pitiful how a Black man says the things I just said and other Blacks look down on me or think I'm talking down to other Blacks. I suppose you don't like Bill Cosby either right? lol!!!! Typical excuse finding, finger pointing, lazy brutha.

04-28-2011, 03:39 AM
"QUOTE=da_kid;29905]Nigga...what? You are everywhere with this b.s. You're one of those Uncle Tom negroes that use the "my only concern is my race" crap because you refuse to call out anybody other than Black people...just like Mr. Cosby who you seem so infatuated with. That's a cop out for people too scared to call out anybody else."

So you call out someone. Since you have someone in mind, you go ahead and point someone out. Calling out? Homie, I'm only responsible for myself. If you understood that, then you wouldn't be trying to blame anyone else for your loser life either. Take responsibility and stop holding everyone else accountable for your failures. Go out and find a way to make your own 20 bucks instead of prowling around waiting for people who are weak enough to steal it from.

"And this "ignorant nigga" phenomenon is a RECENT development. Before 1965 there were more white men in jail than black men. That is a fact that can be checked. There are many things that led to this predicament. Too many to name."

Too many to name? Dude, I got all day. I would like to hear. So what happened that let blacks to being the largest incarcarated group of people in jail in only 40 years time? Seems to me that you're typing words but you aren't saying anything. So this 2nd paragraph was an empty one.....meaningless!!

"When you say things such as "now i have to explain these people's actions", well just who in the fuck are you going to explain them to? Black people? And for someone who's so concerned with the black state of the union, you KEEP mentioning other races in relation to us! Who gives a fuck if Asians tell their kids to stay away from Black folks? And they do that because of the images they see, because you'd be hard pressed to find a positive image of Black folks in the media. They're either doing ignorant shit or coon shit for the most part."

So now you're supporting my point of view? Huh? Homie, this is what I was just explaining in my post! You're an idiot!!! My point is......if we wouldn't get in front of the camera and be coons and do ignorant shit, then there would be no reason to call us coons and ignorant. Duh!!!

"And you keep missing the point...nobody ordained you to explain black folks to the masses! No one gives a damn about your explanation. You're not the next incarnation of MLK. Nigga give that shit a rest! Why are niggas like you so worried about EXPLAINING? And explaining to WHOM?"

So you're saying that MLK was a sellout too? I'm not sure where you're going with this, again, empty statement. I don't have to be ordainded to do anything. I don't have to get permission from you or anyone else to express my discontentment with the current state of affairs.

"You already know why negroes don't take crime to white folks. Just like you, they're scared of them. That's why they shin and grin and buck dance in their faces like it's 1923. And you mean to tell me, that's it's 2011, and you wondering why niggas are more likely to be targeted for crimes? Are you serious man? And no, it's not because of sagging pants and rims, because that's how niggas like you think."

Niggas like me think? Come on man. I didn't tell that cop to go and beat a black man down. I had nothing to do with the phenomenon that is occuring in our community. So why is that blacks show so much more respect and fear to another race as opposed to their own. Fool, I live with you everday! I speak to you everyday! I interact with you everyday! Why do I have to also watch my back around you!!!! Dumb ass, you don't get it do you? Apparently not.

"And not once did I mention something from 400 years ago. There are measures that have been put in place and things that have occurred since. How about you read a book? Oh, and because you're probably one of those negroes that won't believe anything unless it's a white person telling you, the books i'm referring to were written by white authors. Distinguished white men with multiple degrees and high social standing, if that helps. I can suggest them if you want, but you'd rather choose to live behind blinders. Nigga it goes beyond slavery, but just like the rest of you sucking up negroes, you believe any and everything they tell you to believe. Like niggas can just break centuries worth of social conditioning while lacking a true identity and prosper in the span of 40 years."

Go ahead, be my guest, suggest me some authors if you really do know some. I bet I will be waiting for a long time for this response. 40 years??? What in the hell are you talking about....40 years!!! What happened 40 years ago. Let's see that puts us right around 1970ish? What happened in the 70s? Man, you're totally wack! You haven't made one valid point the only thing you're letting come out of your mouth is emptyness. You haven't validated or proven one single point in your post. You keep saying things like...."I can suggest some if you want." or "There are too many to name at this time." The reason your dumb ass won't expound on anything is because you are totally clueless and you are one of those ignorant kats that sit around blaming everyone else for your failures. Share with me some accomplishments of your life. What's your educational background? What kind of job do you have? Have you any post-baccalureate education, or maybe Post Graduate education? Have you ever been employed by corporate America? LEt me here some of your accomplishments in life. Well let me ask you this......Have you ever been to jail? I'll bet you have.

"And stop with the nonsense. You're throwing in shit trying to seem intelligent and you're making yourself look like a dumb ass. That light skinned shit has nothing to do with THIS argument. That was just dumb. Most of the shit you said was dumb. And we see the only person thats co-signing your bullshit too."

My brotha, I don't have to make it seem like anything. Many many people, whether from this site or in my day-to-day can definitely vouch for me. I have accomplishments and accolades that I would be more than happy to share with you. I mentor younger and older unaccomplished blacks EVERYDAY to aspire to be successful. Not successful to the white man's standards, but successful to their own. I have got so many young black men and women (bio and transgendered) jobs in the past 5 years of my life. What have you done for your community besides feed them the bullshit that you're feeding me. No one's entitled to anything chump!!! We all have to put in work to acheive and accomplish! And I'm not going to let a marred past stop me from accomplishing things in life that I want to accomplish. Tell me what generational wealth is and have you began to address that issue yet?

"Keep buck dancing, nigga. Go nigga, go nigga, go nigga, GO!"

....and that's exactly what other races see when your bighead ass pops up on TV in handcuffs. Silly coon!!

04-28-2011, 05:23 AM
I'm gonna say it's policy that most establishments of that sort don't interfere and call the cops instead. Its a liability against the company. If they injure someone during the scuffle, the company can get sued. If you look at a similar vid, the manager got jumped when she tried to break up a fight and make everyone leave. You cant knock anyone for not stopping a fight and its not about courage. People carry blades and guns, MALE AND FEMALE, and if anything, the vid helped show how violent and ruthless some people can be. Best thing for the average person to do is call the police. Someone just happened to be recording and whether its for the wrong or right reason, it only helped her case. Thats just IMO. I'm not speaking for me personally, but i know most people arent capable of stepping into that situation and having it end peacefully.

04-28-2011, 07:03 AM

I mean, i understand where everyone's comming from with "omg, they should have done soemthing", but it might have been a bad idea to try to stop them. Girl, i know i wouldn't get involved, but i sure as hell would have called the police.

04-28-2011, 12:57 PM
You already know why negroes don't take crime to white folks. Just like you, they're scared of them. That's why they shin and grin and buck dance in their faces like it's 1923. And you mean to tell me, that's it's 2011, and you wondering why niggas are more likely to be targeted for crimes?

I hope the poor ts girly is ok..... Oh, wait a second!... We're not talking about her and her seizure anymore are we?...

We're having a history lesson and talking about 400 years ago and stuff, right?... Cool, just so long as we're on the same page...

I mean, naturally, the talk has shifted from a vulnerable human being beaten to within one inch of her life to the phenonomen of trans-Atlantic Slavery (as opposed to all the numerous other types of enslavement that occured long before pale-skins set foot in Africa and the East, and still occurs today throughout large parts of these same areas... we don't hear too much about THAT though do we?... I wonder why?)

Clearly, this forum/topic, is being used to shoe-horn in certain peoples dogma and ideology.....

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em....

According to the "1999 Index of Leading Cultural Indicators", African-Americans, though only 13% of the poulation, were responsible for 42% of violent crimes.

According to William Wilbanks's "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes" (1990) white criminals "chose" black victims in 3% of violent crimes, whereas black criminals chose white victims 50% of the time. When the crime was "rape", white criminals chose black victims less than 1% of the time, whereas black criminals chose white victims in 28% of these assaults. Where the crime was robbery, white criminals chose black victims 2% of the time, while black criminals chose white victims 73% of the time.

Ten years after William Wilbanks's study, in 1999, The Washington Post published the findings of a study on "interracial crime" by The New Century Foundation, which relied on the 1994 Justice Department statistics... It observed the following:

In 1994 90% of interracial crime was commited by black criminals

Yet, at this time, African-Americans were only 12% of the population... Thus, according to the figures, in cases of interracial crime it was fifty (50) times more likely that the criminal/aggressor was African-American.

When it came to "gang" rape and "gang" assaults, considering their proportion to the population, African-Americans were more than one hundred (100) times more likely to be the criminal/aggressor/predator.

In Robert Stacey McCain's study on "Hate Crime" (1999) he observed that where the assualt was tried specifically as a "hate crime", African-Americans were twice as likely to be the assailant as the victim.

I have so far not given any opinions about these recorded figures, but about the above "hate crimes" stat I cannot hold back; considering that an African-American assailant would have to practically CARVE the words "I HATE WHITEY" in the dying body of their victim for their crime to be recorded as a hate crime, it is astounding - is it not? - that someone who is categorized as "black" (the inverted commas are pertinent, at least in my world they are) is TWICE as likely to be the assailant.

I should point out that the New Century Fund is headed by a man called Jared Taylor, who most certainly has his OWN agenda going on, to put it mildly (not unlike leading "black" figures within the "Race Relations Industry/Business") HOWEVER, it should also be noted that the figures used and analysed by this organization are from The Justice Department.

This trend is repeated in England...

In 1995 a journalist called John Woods carried out a study of the Home Office's "Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System". He observed that of all the "racially motivated" crimes in 1995, 143,000 were commited against "minorities", whereas 238,000 were commited against "whites". Again, by putting these figures in the context of population percentages, one is afforded an even truer perspective... Thus, since "ethnic minorities" comprised 6% of the English population in 1995 and yet produced 238,000 racially motivated assaults in that year, while the remaining 94% "white" population producaed 143,000, it can be concluded by these FIGURES that "racially motivated" assaults are 25 times more likey to be commited by "ethnic minorities" than by "whites".

It seems to me that criminals who are categorized as "black" (and who meekly submit to that categorization!) tend to "cherry-pick" their victims... i.e. they would rather pick on people who DO NOT remind them of their Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers, Grand-Parents and Cousins etc.... On the other hand, "white" criminals and thugs tend to show no such strategic pickiness with their victims.... Or to put it another way: given the choice, a "white" criminal would pick on a "white" victim, whereas a "black" criminal would ALSO pick a "white" victim (or at least a "non-black" victim)

BUT, if I were you, I wouldn't believe any of these figures.... I've already described myself as a "blue-eyed-devil"!... Damn, I must be one of those pesky white folks that just wants to tell lies and trick you into feeling all bad about yourself, and rob you of your motivation and destiny, right?... So, for the love of your own self - which is ALWAYS the most important thing - go and check it out for youself.

Along your way you may or may not want to check the following books:

"SCAM" by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
"The Head Negro in Charge Syndrome" by Norman Kelly
"Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell
"The End of Blackness" by Debra J. Dickerson
"Black Slaveowners" by Larry Koger
"Hating Whitey" by David Horowitz
"Stupid Black Men" by Larry Elder
"Not Out of Africa" by Mary Lefkowitz
"The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey

.................................................. .................This is how we are as a species... ALL of us... All shapes, sizes and colors.......

A vulnerable one of us (categorized as a "white" "TS" "girl") is severely beaten...

Our attention is drawn to it by means of an internet link, and a topic is started...

Within a few short moments, the topic has become a his-story lesson.

Have I added to this deluded phenonomen?

(You talked shit..... Now look at this shit lol)

Or have I held up a mirror so that those who obsess with history while the NOW keeps piling on tragedy after tragedy can see themselves as they are?

Oh, but about the poor girl......I hope she's fully recovered xx


On my bookshelf you can find Jewish, Christian and Islamic writings, sat next to Hindu, Bhuddist, Pagan and Satanic philosophies... I take and absorb and discard as I please.

It's not that I'm thinking out of the box....... It's just that I don't have/need my box anymore.... I would urge everyone to try it!... But, of course, it does mean you have to discard some of your packaging... Not just the packaging that "others" put on you, but most importantly the packaging that you embrace for yourself... It's a little cold at first... but then you get to like it.

04-28-2011, 04:56 PM
I hope the poor ts girly is ok..... Oh, wait a second!... We're not talking about her and her seizure anymore are we?...

We're having a history lesson and talking about 400 years ago and stuff, right?... Cool, just so long as we're on the same page...

I mean, naturally, the talk has shifted from a vulnerable human being beaten to within one inch of her life to the phenonomen of trans-Atlantic Slavery (as opposed to all the numerous other types of enslavement that occured long before pale-skins set foot in Africa and the East, and still occurs today throughout large parts of these same areas... we don't hear too much about THAT though do we?... I wonder why?)

Clearly, this forum/topic, is being used to shoe-horn in certain peoples dogma and ideology.....

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em....

According to the "1999 Index of Leading Cultural Indicators", African-Americans, though only 13% of the poulation, were responsible for 42% of violent crimes.

According to William Wilbanks's "Frequency and Nature of Interracial Crimes" (1990) white criminals "chose" black victims in 3% of violent crimes, whereas black criminals chose white victims 50% of the time. When the crime was "rape", white criminals chose black victims less than 1% of the time, whereas black criminals chose white victims in 28% of these assaults. Where the crime was robbery, white criminals chose black victims 2% of the time, while black criminals chose white victims 73% of the time.

Ten years after William Wilbanks's study, in 1999, The Washington Post published the findings of a study on "interracial crime" by The New Century Foundation, which relied on the 1994 Justice Department statistics... It observed the following:

In 1994 90% of interracial crime was commited by black criminals

Yet, at this time, African-Americans were only 12% of the population... Thus, according to the figures, in cases of interracial crime it was fifty (50) times more likely that the criminal/aggressor was African-American.

When it came to "gang" rape and "gang" assaults, considering their proportion to the population, African-Americans were more than one hundred (100) times more likely to be the criminal/aggressor/predator.

In Robert Stacey McCain's study on "Hate Crime" (1999) he observed that where the assualt was tried specifically as a "hate crime", African-Americans were twice as likely to be the assailant as the victim.

I have so far not given any opinions about these recorded figures, but about the above "hate crimes" stat I cannot hold back; considering that an African-American assailant would have to practically CARVE the words "I HATE WHITEY" in the dying body of their victim for their crime to be recorded as a hate crime, it is astounding - is it not? - that someone who is categorized as "black" (the inverted commas are pertinent, at least in my world they are) is TWICE as likely to be the assailant.

I should point out that the New Century Fund is headed by a man called Jared Taylor, who most certainly has his OWN agenda going on, to put it mildly (not unlike leading "black" figures within the "Race Relations Industry/Business") HOWEVER, it should also be noted that the figures used and analysed by this organization are from The Justice Department.

This trend is repeated in England...

In 1995 a journalist called John Woods carried out a study of the Home Office's "Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System". He observed that of all the "racially motivated" crimes in 1995, 143,000 were commited against "minorities", whereas 238,000 were commited against "whites". Again, by putting these figures in the context of population percentages, one is afforded an even truer perspective... Thus, since "ethnic minorities" comprised 6% of the English population in 1995 and yet produced 238,000 racially motivated assaults in that year, while the remaining 94% "white" population producaed 143,000, it can be concluded by these FIGURES that "racially motivated" assaults are 25 times more likey to be commited by "ethnic minorities" than by "whites".

It seems to me that criminals who are categorized as "black" (and who meekly submit to that categorization!) tend to "cherry-pick" their victims... i.e. they would rather pick on people who DO NOT remind them of their Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers, Grand-Parents and Cousins etc.... On the other hand, "white" criminals and thugs tend to show no such strategic pickiness with their victims.... Or to put it another way: given the choice, a "white" criminal would pick on a "white" victim, whereas a "black" criminal would ALSO pick a "white" victim (or at least a "non-black" victim)

BUT, if I were you, I wouldn't believe any of these figures.... I've already described myself as a "blue-eyed-devil"!... Damn, I must be one of those pesky white folks that just wants to tell lies and trick you into feeling all bad about yourself, and rob you of your motivation and destiny, right?... So, for the love of your own self - which is ALWAYS the most important thing - go and check it out for youself.

Along your way you may or may not want to check the following books:

"SCAM" by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
"The Head Negro in Charge Syndrome" by Norman Kelly
"Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell
"The End of Blackness" by Debra J. Dickerson
"Black Slaveowners" by Larry Koger
"Hating Whitey" by David Horowitz
"Stupid Black Men" by Larry Elder
"Not Out of Africa" by Mary Lefkowitz
"The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey

.................................................. .................This is how we are as a species... ALL of us... All shapes, sizes and colors.......

A vulnerable one of us (categorized as a "white" "TS" "girl") is severely beaten...

Our attention is drawn to it by means of an internet link, and a topic is started...

Within a few short moments, the topic has become a his-story lesson.

Have I added to this deluded phenonomen?

(You talked shit..... Now look at this shit lol)

Or have I held up a mirror so that those who obsess with history while the NOW keeps piling on tragedy after tragedy can see themselves as they are?

Oh, but about the poor girl......I hope she's fully recovered xx


On my bookshelf you can find Jewish, Christian and Islamic writings, sat next to Hindu, Bhuddist, Pagan and Satanic philosophies... I take and absorb and discard as I please.

It's not that I'm thinking out of the box....... It's just that I don't have/need my box anymore.... I would urge everyone to try it!... But, of course, it does mean you have to discard some of your packaging... Not just the packaging that "others" put on you, but most importantly the packaging that you embrace for yourself... It's a little cold at first... but then you get to like it.

You're absolutely right Shaun. This is supposed to be about the young lady who was beaten at a fast food restaurant. I think the reason why the topic branched off into "black history" is because the victim's assailants were black. We already face many challenges in this society, why add more fuel to a fire that rages out of control. Thank you for the stats. I surely hope "da kid" takes a look at those before he continues to make himself look foolish. Again, not throwing my people under the bus, but I realize that I have a choice to either steal it or buy it. I can either accept to walk the trodden path or tread my own path. I can either be the stereotype or denounce it. My choices have nothing to do with my ancestors and the so called "mechanisms that have been put in place" that keeps me from being a successful black man. Now on a lighter note......I appreciate your input and all Shaun, but please don't make me read or take part in anything that has Larry Elder's name written on it. I'll pass!! lol.

04-29-2011, 08:39 PM
You're absolutely right Shaun. This is supposed to be about the young lady who was beaten at a fast food restaurant. I think the reason why the topic branched off into "black history" is because the victim's assailants were black. We already face many challenges in this society, why add more fuel to a fire that rages out of control. Thank you for the stats. I surely hope "da kid" takes a look at those before he continues to make himself look foolish. Again, not throwing my people under the bus, but I realize that I have a choice to either steal it or buy it. I can either accept to walk the trodden path or tread my own path. I can either be the stereotype or denounce it. My choices have nothing to do with my ancestors and the so called "mechanisms that have been put in place" that keeps me from being a successful black man. Now on a lighter note......I appreciate your input and all Shaun, but please don't make me read or take part in anything that has Larry Elder's name written on it. I'll pass!! lol.

LOL Amen to that vidman... Nothing, I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G, trumps "individuality", least of all "group identity" where it is used - or rather, abused - as a camouflage to explain/exscuse poor choices and appaling behaviour...

As for Larry Elder, lol, I hear you, but you know to absorb wisdom from someone you find repulsive is truly wise... he soes hit some good notes now and then you know lol


05-02-2011, 12:34 AM
well i see this is a tough topic for both parties short and simple

I NEVER WANTED TO BE A BIOLOGICAL WOMAN I enjoy my private parts and dont care how anyone takes...how i feel on this topic we will never be biological woman no matter how much make up or surgeries we have and men who love transgender woman will never be heterosexual men period we all lose in the end cause long as u have a turn with a woman with a penis between her legs u still remain on the bi or gay side which ever u perfer that makes u happy but to society u are consider gay if they find out..no one goes to there friends and say im not gay im bi lol...so hey we all lose im ok with being born a male and being able to afford to change my image while still bangin backs out kodos to me but i refuse to ignore the topic of us never being bio girls! But men seem to wonder from the topic of them wondering if there consider gay or not. we will never be full pledge bio woman and men not will never be fully str8t there is no excuse nothing u can say to change that.. It is what is now who wants to see my boobies lol;)

05-02-2011, 03:07 AM
well i see this is a tough topic for both parties short and simple

I NEVER WANTED TO BE A BIOLOGICAL WOMAN I enjoy my private parts and dont care how anyone takes...how i feel on this topic we will never be biological woman no matter how much make up or surgeries we have and men who love transgender woman will never be heterosexual men period we all lose in the end cause long as u have a turn with a woman with a penis between her legs u still remain on the bi or gay side which ever u perfer that makes u happy but to society u are consider gay if they find out..no one goes to there friends and say im not gay im bi lol...so hey we all lose im ok with being born a male and being able to afford to change my image while still bangin backs out kodos to me but i refuse to ignore the topic of us never being bio girls! But men seem to wonder from the topic of them wondering if there consider gay or not. we will never be full pledge bio woman and men not will never be fully str8t there is no excuse nothing u can say to change that.. It is what is now who wants to see my boobies lol;)

I damn shole do!!!!! lol!!!! What up Sasha "sexymuthafuckin" Strokes!!

05-02-2011, 04:35 AM
I damn shole do!!!!! lol!!!! What up Sasha "sexymuthafuckin" Strokes!!

chillen on boo u know u on my grown woman shit lol yall better stop arguing we need to be on good terms not against more /love more love lol but yea i n the morning imma take away what u dont need to see "bruises" with a cute oufit and imma get back to ya lool kay..now er body kiss and make up:p:p:p yes alot of tongue!!

05-02-2011, 05:33 AM
chillen on boo u know u on my grown woman shit lol yall better stop arguing we need to be on good terms not against more /love more love lol but yea i n the morning imma take away what u dont need to see "bruises" with a cute oufit and imma get back to ya lool kay..now er body kiss and make up:p:p:p yes alot of tongue!!

Peace only because you said so Sasha. I'll do anything for you and you know that. But let me just say, I ain't kissin nobody on this site here unless it's you!! HELL YEAH LOTS AND LOTS OF TONGUE IN AND OUT OF ALL YOUR HOLES. LOL!!!!!!!!

05-02-2011, 02:50 PM
Peace only because you said so Sasha. I'll do anything for you and you know that. But let me just say, I ain't kissin nobody on this site here unless it's you!! HELL YEAH LOTS AND LOTS OF TONGUE IN AND OUT OF ALL YOUR HOLES. LOL!!!!!!!!

well u know u gotta lick it before u stick it lmao so u on the right track lol just make sure ur a good kisser cause i dont want a whole lot of spit around my face if i cant grip them lips with my big ass soup coolers imma take sum picks today lol so yall an have something to beat that horse to lol

05-02-2011, 10:00 PM
well u know u gotta lick it before u stick it lmao so u on the right track lol just make sure ur a good kisser cause i dont want a whole lot of spit around my face if i cant grip them lips with my big ass soup coolers imma take sum picks today lol so yall an have something to beat that horse to lol

I hate sloppy kisses too.....and if I'm beatin a horse then what the fuck is yours called????