View Full Version : Is it just me?

05-29-2011, 01:45 AM
I am the only one turned off by some of "most" of these people? Who the hell does the porn dialogue? HAHA. Just a few examples...


"OH Yeah fuckin cum, thats the shit....oh fuck...fuck yeah"

The overly dramatic moans

"FUCK ME IN MY ASSSSSSS.....HAAAAAAAAA...MOP MOP MOP"(In incredible hulk voice LMAO)

And dont get me started on Wesley pipes. I just find myself pressing the mute button on almost every porn scene I watch. Dont know whether to blame the smooth jazz, techno, or the terrible add-lib. I cant be the only one.

05-29-2011, 03:03 AM
Yeah, a lot of that dialog is moronic. The most used words are "fuck" and "shit". I wonder what it means psychologically that those words go together in one thought (?). But I did know this one girl who talked like that during sex when she got into it. Fun girl but she didn't last.

How about some porn dialog like this:

"Oooo ... I'm in a state of ecstacy !"

"I am delirious with desire !"

"Reeeeeeproduction is imminent !" (emphasis on 1st word)

(wistfully) "Sigh. At times like this I wish I could freeze time."

05-29-2011, 04:50 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I nearly posted some similar shit. OMG its so ridiculous. Natural is so much better though. That shit that makes your nose flare cuz you know its real.

05-30-2011, 12:47 PM
You should be so lucky. The Brazillian porn dialog is so crazee and so fake I've got it in a loop in my head even tho I have no idea what it means.

"foorggi faa ..."

"blah, blah blah, ... delitsio"

The things we poor guys do to just to purvey bouncy booty :-)

06-12-2011, 10:25 AM
Yeah that shit is way over done one larelle website. It's terrible!!