View Full Version : "Two Spirits"

06-12-2011, 05:18 PM
To become a better chaser I make it my personal business to broaden my knowledge of the trans-gender/sexual community. So I was happy to come across information regarding "Nadleehi" (a Native American term for individuals born male but live as female) and it just so happens that PBS is airing a documentary called "Two Spirits" on June 14th at 10pm

"Two Spirits tells compelling stories about traditions that were once widespread among the indigenous cultures of North America. The film explores the contemporary lives and history of Native two-spirit people — who combine the traits of both men and women with qualities that are also unique to individuals who express multiple genders.

The Navajo believe that to maintain harmony, there must be a balanced interrelationship between the feminine and the masculine within the individual, in families, in the culture, and in the natural world. Two Spirits reveals how these beliefs are expressed in a natural range of gender diversity. For the first time on film, it examines the Navajo concept of nádleehí, “one who constantly transforms.”

In Navajo culture, there are four genders; some indigenous cultures recognize more. Native activists working to renew their cultural heritage adopted the English term “two-spirit” as a useful shorthand to describe the entire spectrum of gender and sexual expression that is better and more completely described in their own languages. The film demonstrates how they are revitalizing two-spirit traditions and once again claiming their rightful place within their tribal communities.

Two Spirits mourns the young Fred Martinez and the threatened disappearance of the two-spirit tradition, but it also brims with hope and the belief that we all are enriched by multi-gendered people, and that all of us — regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or cultural heritage — benefit from being free to be our truest selves."

06-13-2011, 06:00 PM
I've heard about this before...well, since from a biological standpoint we are all initially 'female' the first couple of months in the womb, this makes a lot of sense. And the Man carries both the X and Y chromosomes in their sperm, which determines gender.

It's no different than race...from a DNA standpoint, we're all the same; it's just minor genetics that makes us different.

So really, it all really depends on how you feel about yourself inside, and how you want others to preceive you.

06-14-2011, 02:38 AM
I will try to watch it!


06-14-2011, 09:37 PM
Thanks for thie heads up, will record and time-shift it.

Ms Remy M
06-14-2011, 09:45 PM
Thanks, will be looking for this on the newsgroups!

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