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Ms Remy M
03-19-2012, 03:46 PM

I know right, the guy who died in the RV trying to save Rick and Carl from the burning barn and zombies. I think he got a total of 60 seconds of screen time the whole season. lol

03-19-2012, 04:34 PM
I had absolutely no idea who that guy was or where he came from. I was absolutely baffled.

Ms Remy M
04-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Anyone watching this show? Last night was the season premier of the second season on HBO.

I seriously don't understand how people watch that Showtime program (yeah I know it's name and it's lack of depth) but don't watch Game Of Thrones which is clearly a superior program though there may be less flashes of wanton sex which Showtime uses to keep the guys focused when not engaging in gladiatorial combat.

Game of Thrones on the other hand, uses smart, witty, and engaging dialogue that stokes intrigue, pulls you into their world, and makes you develop feelings (good or bad) for it's many characters. There is lots of bloody combat, which generally serves as a purpose of moving the story along and not just for the sake of graphic violence. There is a growing fantasy element, with dragons (hooray), magic, and wolf familiars. Overall, this is the show to be watching and if you haven't seen the first season, it is well worth the watch. Trust me, there is one particular episode that will make you cringe at the thought of owning a "Golden Crowne".

05-30-2012, 07:26 PM
Anyone watching this show? Last night was the season premier of the second season on HBO.

I seriously don't understand how people watch that Showtime program (yeah I know it's name and it's lack of depth) but don't watch Game Of Thrones which is clearly a superior program though there may be less flashes of wanton sex which Showtime uses to keep the guys focused when not engaging in gladiatorial combat.

Game of Thrones on the other hand, uses smart, witty, and engaging dialogue that stokes intrigue, pulls you into their world, and makes you develop feelings (good or bad) for it's many characters. There is lots of bloody combat, which generally serves as a purpose of moving the story along and not just for the sake of graphic violence. There is a growing fantasy element, with dragons (hooray), magic, and wolf familiars. Overall, this is the show to be watching and if you haven't seen the first season, it is well worth the watch. Trust me, there is one particular episode that will make you cringe at the thought of owning a "Golden Crowne".

As someone who read the 1st 3 novels of "Song of fire and ice" based on how great the first season of Game of thrones was, I'm quite disappointed with how season 2 has left out or changed so many important parts of "A clash of Kings". Granted it must be hard to put 1100 pages of story into a 10 episode season. It still left me feeling disappointed with a lot of it.

And with "A feast for crows" arguably being the best of the 3. (books 4 and 5 have been plagued with bad reviews) I can only imagine how much they'll divert from that book as well. Its a shame to because I only bought the 1st four books on the strength of fans crediting HBO for following book one so closely. A lot of these changes were a big disservice to the show IMO.

This is why I don't read the Sookie Stackhouse novels, since odds are that I won't like True Blood series because of how far they've strayed from the source material.

05-30-2012, 10:39 PM
It's awesome enough as is.

Ms Remy M
06-13-2012, 05:00 PM
As someone who read the 1st 3 novels of "Song of fire and ice" based on how great the first season of Game of thrones was, I'm quite disappointed with how season 2 has left out or changed so many important parts of "A clash of Kings". Granted it must be hard to put 1100 pages of story into a 10 episode season. It still left me feeling disappointed with a lot of it.

And with "A feast for crows" arguably being the best of the 3. (books 4 and 5 have been plagued with bad reviews) I can only imagine how much they'll divert from that book as well. Its a shame to because I only bought the 1st four books on the strength of fans crediting HBO for following book one so closely. A lot of these changes were a big disservice to the show IMO.

This is why I don't read the Sookie Stackhouse novels, since odds are that I won't like True Blood series because of how far they've strayed from the source material.

I haven't read any of the books myself, and probably wont until the show is completely finished. That way I can appreciate the two separate mediums independently. I literally have nothing bad to say about the Game of Thrones as a HBO show aside from "Longer Seasons"!! lol

Ms Remy M
06-13-2012, 05:06 PM
Hooray! True Blood is back. I was so giddy the episode came on that I enjoyed it immensely. However; after a day to process the events, it did seem like the entire episode was devoted to dealing with all the dead bodies from the previous season finale. I'm psyched that Tara is a vamp now and sort of feel like Tara and Lafayette have the most character development from first season to now. I'm starting to wonder if the show is getting too big, in that there are constantly characters vying for screen time. I really hope this season is able to maintain some focus and advance the story in a meaningful way. While this is the first season without Alan Ball, it will be interesting to see where things go, gosh I really do love this show. ;)

06-13-2012, 05:26 PM
Pfft... more like Poo Blood. = ___=

06-15-2012, 05:17 AM

06-22-2012, 07:13 PM
So... no one comes in here anymore huh? Well... alright... I claim these lands as my own.

* Gets nude *

07-09-2012, 07:26 AM

* remains nude *

Ms Remy M
07-09-2012, 09:54 AM
lol Has been a while since I've posted here eh.

Last night episode of True Blood finally started to bring this season together and was the best episode yet in my opinion. Really has me excited for next weeks episode.

Anyone watching the new season of Weeds? Always been a fan of this show, and was glad it got renewed for another season. :cool:

07-09-2012, 12:05 PM
I don't watch either of those shows...... And next time you should knock before coming into my nude sancutuary. :p

Ms Remy M
08-05-2012, 06:14 PM
Went to see this opening weekend, and had to trick a friend into coming with as she didn't realize the movie was near 3hrs long. lol All in all it was a great movie though, and I enjoyed the fan service immensely. I wasn't aware some characters were going to be in the film that showed up, so that was a nice surprise and all the character were done with Nolan's more realistic approach which is greatly appreciated and probably will never be matched. Certainly a movie all should see. :cool:

Ms Remy M
08-05-2012, 06:17 PM
Just finally got around to watching this last night. I have to admit that I was immediately trying to compare this to Battle Royale, perhaps unfairly so being a fan of BR already. I will say that the story is more together and realized in The Hunger Games and I found myself rooting for various characters and also booing at the despicable system that they had to fight against. Battle Royale has the better fight sequences but The Hunger Games overall is the better film.

08-05-2012, 06:19 PM
I didn't like the BR movie. Especially what they did with Kiriyama's character.

Ms Remy M
08-15-2012, 04:15 AM
I passed on watching VHS a couple times and then I happen to catch the trailer the other day and realized I was missing out on what might be a decent horror movie. Turns out it was more than decent indeed.

It follows what has become the annoyingly popular found footage genre of films but brings something of a different twist to the usual mix. The basic premise is a bunch of "ne'er do wells" get propositioned rob a guys abode for a VHS tape. Once there, they soon notice things aren't right, but continue to look for the VHS tape. They find a room and a dead body full of monitors and VCR's and proceed to watch 5 various tapes to see whats on them. Each tape is basically it's own short horror story. I enjoyed all but one of them. The main flaw I found in the film (aside from the ever present shaky camera inherent in all found footage films) is the wholly unbelievable actions of the group hired to rob the house. I seriously doubt robbers would ever sit around watching tv with a dead body they found in the room when the mission has essentially been accomplished already, you have the tapes time to leave and watch later.

10-25-2013, 04:04 PM
ummm does anybody believe aliens created humans or at least helped boost are intellect?

Ms Remy M
10-25-2013, 07:09 PM
You should ask Ridley Scott that one lol

10-26-2013, 08:22 PM
ummm does anybody believe aliens created humans or at least helped boost are intellect?

We are the aliens...we are the seeds of the universe. Humans are an interplanetary species. If evolution is correct, then why are we the only animals to display sentient awareness or knowledge or contemplate our creation?

11-11-2013, 06:27 PM
Any walking dead heads in here? Care to discuss what's been going on this season?

Ms Remy M
11-12-2013, 03:14 PM
Any walking dead heads in here? Care to discuss what's been going on this season?

I like the show. I tend to wish the show stuck more to the comics, especially now that they are doing a Walking Dead spin off show with a new and different group of survivors. Regardless, it does afford me the chance to be surprised each episode.

11-12-2013, 05:13 PM
I like the show. I tend to wish the show stuck more to the comics, especially now that they are doing a Walking Dead spin off show with a new and different group of survivors. Regardless, it does afford me the chance to be surprised each episode.

Wait...hold up...what???

A walking dead spin off? You serious?

And I kinda like the fact that they deviate from the comics...I wouldn't be as engaged in the show because I already know what happens in the comics.

Ms Remy M
11-12-2013, 07:25 PM
Wait...hold up...what???

A walking dead spin off? You serious?

And I kinda like the fact that they deviate from the comics...I wouldn't be as engaged in the show because I already know what happens in the comics.

lol we represent the two different camps. I feel, not just The Walking Dead, but all comics that are adapted to movie format should retain the comic book flow completely as it is the perfect storyboard. I just want to see those stories in live action form. Every single X-Men movie and don't get me wrong I'm a die hard X books fan, but they are so far from anything close to the comics that the movies just seem like rubbish. The only thing they do get right is the various mutants powers, and in the case of the horrible X3: The Last Stand they didn't even get the powers right with the various villains/heroes. Characters ages are drastically off, like Iceman, Rogue (Mystique adopted daughter), Mystique, who is nearly the same age as Wolverine (hundreds of years old) but played as a fucking teenager in the new X movies. I just want to see the same great stories told in live action form, just like any other book adaptation.

To date, Sin City is the only comic (graphic novel) to movie adaptation that is literally panel to panel exactly the same, and it was awesome!!! I give extreme thanks to the awesome Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, and Frank Miller.

About the Spin Off, yep it is coming down the line in 2014, completely new cast of characters, none from the comics. This is Kirkman chance to establish a whole storyline specifically for TV. My hope is that they air it in the off season of Walking Dead that way we can bask in that universe nearly all year round. However; network television are not prone to taking risk, so they will likely do a 'back-door' pilot introducing those characters through the standard Walking Dead show, and/or initially air the spin off on the same night so as to hand hold the viewers over to the new show, and then move the spin off to its own night, but aired all on the same season.

11-12-2013, 11:39 PM
lol we represent the two different camps. I feel, not just The Walking Dead, but all comics that are adapted to movie format should retain the comic book flow completely as it is the perfect storyboard. I just want to see those stories in live action form. Every single X-Men movie and don't get me wrong I'm a die hard X books fan, but they are so far from anything close to the comics that the movies just seem like rubbish. The only thing they do get right is the various mutants powers, and in the case of the horrible X3: The Last Stand they didn't even get the powers right with the various villains/heroes. Characters ages are drastically off, like Iceman, Rogue (Mystique adopted daughter), Mystique, who is nearly the same age as Wolverine (hundreds of years old) but played as a fucking teenager in the new X movies. I just want to see the same great stories told in live action form, just like any other book adaptation.

To date, Sin City is the only comic (graphic novel) to movie adaptation that is literally panel to panel exactly the same, and it was awesome!!! I give extreme thanks to the awesome Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, and Frank Miller.

About the Spin Off, yep it is coming down the line in 2014, completely new cast of characters, none from the comics. This is Kirkman chance to establish a whole storyline specifically for TV. My hope is that they air it in the off season of Walking Dead that way we can bask in that universe nearly all year round. However; network television are not prone to taking risk, so they will likely do a 'back-door' pilot introducing those characters through the standard Walking Dead show, and/or initially air the spin off on the same night so as to hand hold the viewers over to the new show, and then move the spin off to its own night, but aired all on the same season.

I've all but given up on the hopes that they'd make a superhero flick that sticks to the comic book storyline. I know when I worked in the industry the saying or thinking went comic book storylines usually don't carry well with audiences because there are so many factors (alternate universes, character recons, conflicting origin stories, etc.)

As far as the walking dead spin off, I hope they don't do it in the summer. My summers are usually reserved for falling skies. I have a perfect winter/summer, zombie/alien thing going here lol

But I'm a geek and I live for all things post apocolyptic zombie/alien!!!

Ms Remy M
11-18-2013, 02:58 PM
I've all but given up on the hopes that they'd make a superhero flick that sticks to the comic book storyline. I know when I worked in the industry the saying or thinking went comic book storylines usually don't carry well with audiences because there are so many factors (alternate universes, character recons, conflicting origin stories, etc.)

As far as the walking dead spin off, I hope they don't do it in the summer. My summers are usually reserved for falling skies. I have a perfect winter/summer, zombie/alien thing going here lol

But I'm a geek and I live for all things post apocolyptic zombie/alien!!!

I've been following Falling Skies myself and looking forward to what the 4th season brings. With the aliens able to infiltrate the humans so easily you'd think the humans to be on a losing side of this war for certain. Their persistence is awesome though and I found the teaming up with turned out to be a highly questionable ally to be a great twist. It should have been obvious but I really didn't see the alien ally (can't remember what they are called) essentially wanting humans herded off to concentration camps so the war could be fought between the two alien races.

I think this season of Walking Dead has really been superb. There is a lot a person will miss by only half ass watching this show. There is a lot of subtly of character that goes on that sometimes requires a rewind or all out second viewing to truly appreciate. This is a zombie apocalypse but the character drama that is at play really reigns supreme. When characters make decisions on this show, it feels like a real aspect of the human condition that the decision is coming from and not just some ploy by the writers to move the plot along in a certain direction. Shows like The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Revolution are notorious for using such ploys, but I'm a sucker for genre tv and the shows do have some redeeming qualities. lol

The opening scene of Walking Dead from last week episode of the roadkill zombie being eaten by the pack of dogs, said so much to me. It also, in my mind, harken back to the first season of the mother zombie crawling across the lawn. For her story you have to watch the Walking Dead webisodes which gives fantastic backstory on some of the iconic zombies from the seasons and just serves to show the circumstances that led to a particular person becoming a zombie and appearing in the regular show. You don't get that kind of story detail from most tv shows.

Ms Remy M
11-20-2013, 11:43 AM
What, they finally brought the Governor back into play! I like how they played up how even a monster of a human being can still be decent enough bloke to the right person. Well, at least until he gets pissed off or decides that the person will serve him better dead lol I can't see him doing a total 180 in the space of one episode when we have had a whole season of him being very vile and evil. This show loves switching things up though so we shall see where things go.

Btw, he ripped the zombie throat out with his bare hands, how awesome was that! lol That was a Chuck Norris, JCVD move right there. :eek:

11-20-2013, 07:34 PM
What, they finally brought the Governor back into play! I like how they played up how even a monster of a human being can still be decent enough bloke to the right person. Well, at least until he gets pissed off or decides that the person will serve him better dead lol I can't see him doing a total 180 in the space of one episode when we have had a whole season of him being very vile and evil. This show loves switching things up though so we shall see where things go.

Btw, he ripped the zombie throat out with his bare hands, how awesome was that! lol That was a Chuck Norris, JCVD move right there. :eek:

I think anyone can be redeemed in an apocolypse. The writers are very smart. Think about what they've done, they've taken holy mary a.k.a. carroll and turned her into a stone cold killer with no concious and now they are humanizing the devil a.k.a. the governor almost to a point where we empathize with the dude. I think the reality they are in brings out the best and worst in people. Ethics and morality sort of function on a sliding scale lol.

Ms Remy M
11-20-2013, 10:33 PM
I think anyone can be redeemed in an apocolypse. The writers are very smart. Think about what they've done, they've taken holy mary a.k.a. carroll and turned her into a stone cold killer with no concious and now they are humanizing the devil a.k.a. the governor almost to a point where we empathize with the dude. I think the reality they are in brings out the best and worst in people. Ethics and morality sort of function on a sliding scale lol.

Well, I do want to point out that, the Governor has always saved people. That's how he came to have a whole town (Woodbury) of 40+ residents safe and sound. The reasons for why person x or y were expendable to him though, are far from being in a comfortable zone of that sliding scale of morality. The scene actually opened with his own men lying dead on the ground, those weren't zombie wounds, so most likely he got rid of the dead weight in the vehicle or someone that offered a differing opinion from his. True, I did kind of almost feel for him a bit, but then watching him blunder about the old folks home reminded me just how much he relied on others to be able to puff up his chest. I will also admit that I am biased, having read the comics, and his own Special issue devoted to him, so I've seen even worse out of him than what has been portrayed on screen thus far.

Now Carol, from the comics is a fucking nutter that never comes close to being as awesome as her tv show counterpart. So I was initially thrilled to see her coming from the rubble of a domestic violence victim to a strong woman teaching others how to fend for themselves, and putting herself at risk for the sake of others (although that was totally not necessary and perhaps a bit of the nutter shining through lol). I did not agree with her killing two innocents to try and save the many argument. They were already quarantined, every one that was getting sick were already sick and just hadn't shown the symptoms yet. At the end of the day, I wouldn't trust her by herself with my kids (speaking from Rick position). She might see the kids as slowing her down and toss them to the zombies like Shane did. Her argument really was not valid anyway because she only killed the people she didn't know that were new to the group. When the little girl she had been teaching came ill, you think Carol was still thinking about saving the group, nope. And how dare she knock over all that perfectly good potable water!!! lol After she just risked her life to try and fix that damn hose too.

I do think Carol, overall was an asset to the group and her character now, is more than primed to survive out there. If I ever got injured or sick I would sleep with one eye open around Carol though lol I also think she may end up with the Governor some how. She is simply too good of a character to just toss to the wind like they have, or perhaps she may end up on that spin off show, though they said it would be entirely new cast, they could surprise us. Of course, what has always made the Walking Dead so great is that any and everyone can die in this world, there is no special halo protecting anyone, well except perhaps Rick and his son, and in their own ways they die over and over again emotionally, spiritually through the course of the comics.

At the end of the day it is clearly hard for me to disassociate the comic from tv show. I feel they are traveling to the same destination and just make some detours here and there.

11-25-2013, 10:14 PM
Well, I do want to point out that, the Governor has always saved people. That's how he came to have a whole town (Woodbury) of 40+ residents safe and sound. The reasons for why person x or y were expendable to him though, are far from being in a comfortable zone of that sliding scale of morality. The scene actually opened with his own men lying dead on the ground, those weren't zombie wounds, so most likely he got rid of the dead weight in the vehicle or someone that offered a differing opinion from his. True, I did kind of almost feel for him a bit, but then watching him blunder about the old folks home reminded me just how much he relied on others to be able to puff up his chest. I will also admit that I am biased, having read the comics, and his own Special issue devoted to him, so I've seen even worse out of him than what has been portrayed on screen thus far.

Now Carol, from the comics is a fucking nutter that never comes close to being as awesome as her tv show counterpart. So I was initially thrilled to see her coming from the rubble of a domestic violence victim to a strong woman teaching others how to fend for themselves, and putting herself at risk for the sake of others (although that was totally not necessary and perhaps a bit of the nutter shining through lol). I did not agree with her killing two innocents to try and save the many argument. They were already quarantined, every one that was getting sick were already sick and just hadn't shown the symptoms yet. At the end of the day, I wouldn't trust her by herself with my kids (speaking from Rick position). She might see the kids as slowing her down and toss them to the zombies like Shane did. Her argument really was not valid anyway because she only killed the people she didn't know that were new to the group. When the little girl she had been teaching came ill, you think Carol was still thinking about saving the group, nope. And how dare she knock over all that perfectly good potable water!!! lol After she just risked her life to try and fix that damn hose too.

I do think Carol, overall was an asset to the group and her character now, is more than primed to survive out there. If I ever got injured or sick I would sleep with one eye open around Carol though lol I also think she may end up with the Governor some how. She is simply too good of a character to just toss to the wind like they have, or perhaps she may end up on that spin off show, though they said it would be entirely new cast, they could surprise us. Of course, what has always made the Walking Dead so great is that any and everyone can die in this world, there is no special halo protecting anyone, well except perhaps Rick and his son, and in their own ways they die over and over again emotionally, spiritually through the course of the comics.

At the end of the day it is clearly hard for me to disassociate the comic from tv show. I feel they are traveling to the same destination and just make some detours here and there.

Seems like you were right Remy lol

Ms Remy M
11-27-2013, 12:42 AM
Seems like you were right Remy lol

Dude, I gave you three paragraphs and I get half a sentence!?! *smh* lol :p

Yeah, in general I feel that once a person has crossed a certain boundary in life, even if they take a metaphorical step back they can always jump across that boundary again even easier than the first time. I may sound fucked up, but that's why you wont see me dating no murderer or rapist that has done their time in jail. Sorry, I'm judging indeed I am, it's for my own safety and that always comes first opposed to being p.c. lol

On another note, there is some method to the Governor madness. If you recall from the comics, he specifically had the aquarium in Woodbury that was full of undead zombie heads blinking and teeth gnashing for the purpose of him being able to stare at and "...steel myself against the horrors of the world... I'm going to stare at them until it doesn't scare me anymore, and it's not hard to look at them, until it amuses me." So him dumping Pete in the lake and keeping him there is again his form of an aquarium to stare at. Don't get me wrong, the Governor is a total nut job and I would never want to be in his camp despite what he claims he would do to protect people. By the by, the Woodbury resident in the comic he was speaking to that was helping him set up the aquarium also had the distinct honor of being the first head in the aquarium...

11-30-2013, 10:35 PM
Dude, I gave you three paragraphs and I get half a sentence!?! *smh* lol :p

Yeah, in general I feel that once a person has crossed a certain boundary in life, even if they take a metaphorical step back they can always jump across that boundary again even easier than the first time. I may sound fucked up, but that's why you wont see me dating no murderer or rapist that has done their time in jail. Sorry, I'm judging indeed I am, it's for my own safety and that always comes first opposed to being p.c. lol

On another note, there is some method to the Governor madness. If you recall from the comics, he specifically had the aquarium in Woodbury that was full of undead zombie heads blinking and teeth gnashing for the purpose of him being able to stare at and "...steel myself against the horrors of the world... I'm going to stare at them until it doesn't scare me anymore, and it's not hard to look at them, until it amuses me." So him dumping Pete in the lake and keeping him there is again his form of an aquarium to stare at. Don't get me wrong, the Governor is a total nut job and I would never want to be in his camp despite what he claims he would do to protect people. By the by, the Woodbury resident in the comic he was speaking to that was helping him set up the aquarium also had the distinct honor of being the first head in the aquarium...

I agree. That's how serial killers are born.

The governor battles with an evil side and a good side, his morality is skewed but in that world, I can't find fault in his decisions thus far.

Ms Remy M
12-01-2013, 11:32 PM
I agree. That's how serial killers are born.

The governor battles with an evil side and a good side, his morality is skewed but in that world, I can't find fault in his decisions thus far.

You don't find fault in his killing of his own people that he was supposed to be protecting, his doctor (forgot his name), Andrea, killing the soldiers from the helicopter crash, the beat down of Glenn, piting the Dixon brothers against each other in a fight to the death, killing Pete, killing Martinez. He kills just because a person doesn't agree with him, no talk to try and show why a person should see things his way, just "oh your view is different than mine, death to you". Those are just a few of the many things I found faulty in his decisions...

12-03-2013, 06:08 PM
You don't find fault in his killing of his own people that he was supposed to be protecting, his doctor (forgot his name), Andrea, killing the soldiers from the helicopter crash, the beat down of Glenn, piting the Dixon brothers against each other in a fight to the death, killing Pete, killing Martinez. He kills just because a person doesn't agree with him, no talk to try and show why a person should see things his way, just "oh your view is different than mine, death to you". Those are just a few of the many things I found faulty in his decisions...

Remember that verbal ass lashing carl gave rick about his indecision and lack of resolute...that's the antithesis of the governor. The empathy, compassion, loving thy neighbor killed just as many in ricks circle indirectly.

That is the reason for my previous statement. The governor was flawed but he was effective. ..until rick and crew came along.

10-14-2014, 03:02 PM
Season 5.... anybody?

10-14-2014, 03:22 PM
Looks like the appearance of Negan is coming :D

10-14-2014, 04:10 PM
Looks like the appearance of Negan is coming :D

yep...sure is!