View Full Version : ESCORTS::i knowu guys probably talked about it but whats the deal

07-10-2011, 03:48 AM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.( I dont knock them at all because i listen & understand to reasoning) What gets me are the guys who want a tsgirlfriend to look like a supermodel everyday & dont contribute to that process. Ive seen guys tell their ts girlfriend she should escort, & other guys who dont want her to escort but talks about the ease it would be. it frustrates me & confuses me. & it seems to me that guys tend to me more respectful towards these escorts, either way if they agree with it or not. somebody please explain to me.??

07-10-2011, 04:18 AM
My ex was escorting. I didn't particularly mind but I was always worried when she went out. However I didn't feel I was in any position to say " Stop that! " or anything when I wasn't able to provide her with what she needed... Plus she seemed to like it and we were in an open relationship anyhow.

I dunno about that super model bit, as I preferred her to be without make up even though she didn't like not wearing it.

07-10-2011, 05:04 AM
i know that for alot of ts transitioning makeup is their life bc they arent blessed looking like they just won a FACE walking competition or a modeling contract. Passing is one reason why alot of ts wear makeup. .. But okay thats one. view. thanks luv

07-10-2011, 06:13 AM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.( I dont knock them at all because i listen & understand to reasoning) What gets me are the guys who want a tsgirlfriend to look like a supermodel everyday & dont contribute to that process. Ive seen guys tell their ts girlfriend she should escort, & other guys who dont want her to escort but talks about the ease it would be. it frustrates me & confuses me. & it seems to me that guys tend to me more respectful towards these escorts, either way if they agree with it or not. somebody please explain to me.??
really, u find more guys to be respectful to escort then none-escort. not sure about that one, but i'll take ur word for it.

07-10-2011, 06:23 AM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.( I dont knock them at all because i listen & understand to reasoning) What gets me are the guys who want a tsgirlfriend to look like a supermodel everyday & dont contribute to that process. Ive seen guys tell their ts girlfriend she should escort, & other guys who dont want her to escort but talks about the ease it would be. it frustrates me & confuses me. & it seems to me that guys tend to me more respectful towards these escorts, either way if they agree with it or not. somebody please explain to me.??

...because I understand what transsexuals got through in a society where trangendered people aren't fully accepted. I may not be able to empathize, but I can definitely feel the pain of waking up every morning having to deal with closed minded people who can't seem to process more than the image they see in the mirror.

I also agree with Cosmo when he points out the fact that a lot of men aren't in financial positions to take care of his transsexual woman. Therefore, who am I to tell my woman how to provide for herself.

I have the utmost respect for transsexuals. I think you ladies are unique, strong and have amazing drive and determination.

Ms Remy M
07-10-2011, 03:17 PM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.

*ear perk, readjusts the diamond, and stroll over to you, cue the Roc-a-Fella music*

Hi, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Remy. :p I do not and never have in my life been an escort. I find 'not' being a statistic thrilling and example leading. I hope you never have to utter such a sad sentence as was stated above. I can graciously introduce you to a great many trans women, that get up and clock in 40hrs a week, blending with society and being a healthy and productive citizen.

I too, have dated ts that escort. My first relationship which lasted 4 years, the first year I decided being new to the LGBT lifestyle, I wanted to be as open minded and accepting of what it may entail. Eventually, logic prevailed, the risk is simply not worth the reward. Mind you, this was a time when Eros was hallowed ground for the best of the best and majority of girls worked the 'stroll'. I worked 12-14hr days to provide for us during rest of relationship so she wouldn't 'have' to work the stroll.

07-11-2011, 03:38 AM
i mean not all ts do escort like the ones i have met and also hangout with a few who are basically doing careers and not doing the strolll which kinda impress me the most in a woman

07-11-2011, 05:29 AM
There's also Ms Peggy Gee. She's a fine example of a transwoman... I tell you if I thought I had a chance I'd... err... uhhh... Never mind.

07-11-2011, 02:53 PM
I think its more cultural/race based. Almost every young black ts I've chatted up with online is a hoe/escort (yes, there is a difference). Also true for many of the younger latina chicks. White/asian/other, not so much.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why though. Black and brown men/boys are more likely to come from poorer families than asian/white/other. Most hoes/escorts choose the lifestyle for monetary reasons.
I'm pretty sure if you took a random selection of 10 white/asian/other ts in america 90% of them would come from solid middle to upper middle households. If you did the same thing with black/latina ts 9 out of 10 would come from poverty or lower middle class backgrounds. Its why we (black guys) find girls like amber (thegirlnextdoor) different/refreshing because she represents that rare 10% in black/brown america that doesn't come from the hood even though she chooses to escort.
Perhaps it has something to do with the house/mother culture in the black trans world. Where things like drugs and promiscuity are encouraged rather than talked about in a more mature/educated manner.

07-11-2011, 06:36 PM
sorry but imma get a little raw in this one. fuck escorting. you wanna sell yourselves to men and then get mad when they look at you as a piece of meat. Accept it for what it is. I dont like it, but I understand escorting to get where you need to be "physically", but when youve reached the goal your chasing, why still do it? Dont get me wrong, I love porn...but when im looking for wifey material, escorting doesnt exactly fall @ the top of my list.

If your trying to transition then you could always work a 9-5 and pay for what you want like everyone else. Instead of dubs on the whip, you could buy ..., instead of partying in miami this month and LA the next you could buy ... I always had to save my hard earned money to buy the things i wanted and to me escorting is just taking "the easy route", but it destroys you emotionally and makes it hard to have a meaningful relationship (IMO). Using escorting as an excuse because we wont pay for it is a terrible reason. Its one thing if you meet someone that truly loves you and wants to help with the process, but im not buying you an ass that some random mans dick gone fall up in soon as it heals up LOL.

Thats just me. Hope not to offend anyone but I cannot tell a lie just to get in good with the girls.

07-11-2011, 07:44 PM
thank u all for ur insight. I myself am not an escort, but the thought has crossed my mind because of the way that ALL men are towards me. I dont knock escorts, strippers, etc bc they have their reasons for it.

I have realized something tho. alot of MEN are insensitive to anything other then their dick head & will do anything to sleep with u once they've made up their minds. Im not with that. ( thats why i thought about excorting, i guess to say IF u can afford me/ but thats a vindictive way of thinking.) Idk i guess my character wants to fight fire with LAVA. i do talk to quite a few girls who escort both genetic & trans. They have their own reasons for doing what they do. But i would never view them as whores bc they dont have sex just to be fucking for money. They have families to provide for with jobs.

My grandmother is from France & thats how alot of women made a living. She did it in her younger days to pay for college & her 6 kids. I would never view what my grandmother did to provide for herself or family to better them all as hoe-ish.

But in another sense, Here in Houston, there is a TRANNY BAR 21 & up so im not allowed in. but i pass by it to get to my friend's job. And everytime i pass by i see ALL sorts of men, egging the escorting on. These seem to be guys used to getting what they want. ( not many men dont. I think a lot of guys are bullies unless u were either a) raised with integrity & respect for EVERYONE b) Meet a girl who will follow thru with a threat[Promise] Ive had men walk up to me & tell me im their new hoe. Like in my face and just Ur my new bottom bitch. && im like EEEEEEERRRRRRR? NO.

I see alot of black men encouraging the lifestyle. & alot of white & latin men Supportive of the craft & helpful to the girls' causes. IDK. where im going with this now there is soooooo much to what i see in the world of TRANNY ESCORTS. But i do believe it is quite difficult for all ts women to blend into society bc sometimes society has snipers waiting for u to attempt to come into their world. I have worked plenty of jobs & they end up the same way. Prejudice but since Employers can fire u for any reason or no reason at all. u cant really do much about it unless its made into a public scene.

07-11-2011, 07:46 PM
sorry but imma get a little raw in this one. fuck escorting. you wanna sell yourselves to men and then get mad when they look at you as a piece of meat. Accept it for what it is. I dont like it, but I understand escorting to get where you need to be "physically", but when youve reached the goal your chasing, why still do it? Dont get me wrong, I love porn...but when im looking for wifey material, escorting doesnt exactly fall @ the top of my list.

If your trying to transition then you could always work a 9-5 and pay for what you want like everyone else. Instead of dubs on the whip, you could buy ..., instead of partying in miami this month and LA the next you could buy ... I always had to save my hard earned money to buy the things i wanted and to me escorting is just taking "the easy route", but it destroys you emotionally and makes it hard to have a meaningful relationship (IMO). Using escorting as an excuse because we wont pay for it is a terrible reason. Its one thing if you meet someone that truly loves you and wants to help with the process, but im not buying you an ass that some random mans dick gone fall up in soon as it heals up LOL.

Thats just me. Hope not to offend anyone but I cannot tell a lie just to get in good with the girls.

The one excuse I hate is the whole I can't get a real job because I'm a ts excuse. This is not 1990. If a black man can find a job @ the white has your ass can find a job somewhere.

07-11-2011, 07:53 PM
its not the same. There really are strikes in society.
easier for someone with a felony to get a job somewhere then a transsexual bc of the prejudice.

Ive seen this. i worked for a law firm & noone knew i was a ts. But i seen a ts who wasnt as passable & qualified for this job. Law degree, & she was coming in for an assistant job. They hired a latin guy who turned out to be a masc gay guy who had pending charges for domestic violence. I over heard my boss call the TS a man and a mockery to his firm. He continued by calling his colleagues in & talked about her for a few days after that saying that he would look stupid showing up with "that thing".

rather pick a qualified person or a duchebag with anger issues?

07-11-2011, 08:00 PM
The one excuse I hate is the whole I can't get a real job because I'm a ts excuse. This is not 1990. If a black man can find a job @ the white has your ass can find a job somewhere.

Like button pressed. Im not mad @ the girls that do it. They just need to accept what comes with it. I want a girl that exclusive to me and me to her. I can accept the past as the past, but she's gotta be willing to move forward. Dont wanna get too deep on here LOL

07-11-2011, 08:05 PM
its not the same. There really are strikes in society.
easier for someone with a felony to get a job somewhere then a transsexual bc of the prejudice.

Ive seen this. i worked for a law firm & noone knew i was a ts. But i seen a ts who wasnt as passable & qualified for this job. Law degree, & she was coming in for an assistant job. They hired a latin guy who turned out to be a masc gay guy who had pending charges for domestic violence. I over heard my boss call the TS a man and a mockery to his firm. He continued by calling his colleagues in & talked about her for a few days after that saying that he would look stupid showing up with "that thing".

rather pick a qualified person or a duchebag with anger issues?

Hate is everywhere, but its dying off to be honest. Its nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Almost all of these high school kids i see now are chilling with all races, listen to "most" music, and they all like each other the same. Theres opportunity everywhere, and you cant let one bad seed, poison the whole apple.

07-11-2011, 08:05 PM
Making a point.

How many str8 men would hire a flamboyant gay guy to do anything?

Reason why its a lesser chance for this qualified gay man to get hired

A) worried about what close friends or collegues would think of himself
B) thinks that the gay guy will "sissy-fy" the workplace
C) Bias opinions on homosexuality( even tho there are Discrimination laws, alot of employers dont give to rat fucks about that)

as far as a transsexual being equal in the eyes of a gay man. not likely
the only thing equal is the fact that people who dont understand what being transgendered is will write off every transsexual as a MAN playing Dressup. Proven fact.

When str8 men approach beautiful transsexuals its usually like this

"i know u are a man but there is just something about you that makes me wanna get to know u more." (actually code for "Damn i know u a dude & all but u got titis & ass u pretty as hell, aint nobody going know im fucking with a man, & i just want some head anyway."

Tell me im wrong? ANYBODY?

07-11-2011, 08:11 PM
Hate is everywhere, but its dying off to be honest. Its nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Almost all of these high school kids i see now are chilling with all races, listen to "most" music, and they all like each other the same. Theres opportunity everywhere, and you cant let one bad seed, poison the whole apple.

ur so right about the younger generation but the younger generation is not hiring people as of now/ Im a very tolerable person and i have friends from all walks of life. Just because i do doesnt mean everyone else does. I dont agree with acting like everyone is accepting of more things. PPL are known as backstabbers. Its not hard to smile in your face & secretly hate something or someone. I chose my friends out of tests. yes test.

A STR8 man who wouldnt be seen in public with a QUEEN or Trans cant be a friend of mine. I need people who are secure with themselves. Guys who egg on brutality to someone else cant be my friend. ETC. see where im going.

I see that alot of people try to hide what is really going on or play Helen Keller at a moments notice of something unethical happening.

07-11-2011, 08:18 PM
But what i wanna know is "Why are Escort such a trending topic in the world of Transsexuals?"

DONT knock the craft. Just please explain to me why men become so fascinated into something they "dont agree" with? Irregardless to not agreeing with it alot of men reap the benefits of what these girls do, where they like it or not. AND ALOT OF MEN ARE BIGGER WHORE THEN THE TS are viewed to be. So the pass is the pass is the past when ur in a relationship. Because both have done their share or promiscuity. But since she got smart and charged & guys are very seldom looked as at a HOE. Unless u catch him on CHEATERS.

07-11-2011, 08:20 PM
i stopped trying to explain and justify my choices in life and what i do to people.everyone is entitled to their opinion and the way they feel about things.i could rant and rave but at the end of the day it comes down to this..either your for me or not.if you cant see beyond what i do to provide a way for myself than you have no place in my life.there are way too many people out there who truly see me as i am for me to sweat the few people who get caught up on the bullshit.

07-11-2011, 08:22 PM
*ear perk, readjusts the diamond, and stroll over to you, cue the Roc-a-Fella music*

Hi, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Remy. :p I do not and never have in my life been an escort. I find 'not' being a statistic thrilling and example leading. I hope you never have to utter such a sad sentence as was stated above. I can graciously introduce you to a great many trans women, that get up and clock in 40hrs a week, blending with society and being a healthy and productive citizen.

I too, have dated ts that escort. My first relationship which lasted 4 years, the first year I decided being new to the LGBT lifestyle, I wanted to be as open minded and accepting of what it may entail. Eventually, logic prevailed, the risk is simply not worth the reward. Mind you, this was a time when Eros was hallowed ground for the best of the best and majority of girls worked the 'stroll'. I worked 12-14hr days to provide for us during rest of relationship so she wouldn't 'have' to work the stroll.

Remy, People like u are greatly appreciated for your hard work. Alot of men will not see things like that even though they speak it out of their own mouths. I think the reason you did what you did is because you are a transsexual. You have a better understanding of OUR world then alot of men who are just attracted to transsexuals.

07-11-2011, 08:25 PM
i stopped trying to explain and justify my choices in life and what i do to people.everyone is entitled to their opinion and the way they feel about things.i could rant and rave but at the end of the day it comes down to this..either your for me or not.if you cant see beyond what i do to provide a way for myself than you have no place in my life.there are way too many people out there who truly see me as i am for me to sweat the few people who get caught up on the bullshit.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! like Seriously. Because doing porn people automatically assume i been sucking dick since i was a toddler. then being a ts it makes it worse in society's eyes. So i love you sooooooooooooo freaking much for what you just said. Because i see that alot of GUYS have hangups when it comes to accepting people wholeheartedly.

07-11-2011, 08:28 PM
ur so right about the younger generation but the younger generation is not hiring people as of now/ Im a very tolerable person and i have friends from all walks of life. Just because i do doesnt mean everyone else does. I dont agree with acting like everyone is accepting of more things. PPL are known as backstabbers. Its not hard to smile in your face & secretly hate something or someone. I chose my friends out of tests. yes test.

A STR8 man who wouldnt be seen in public with a QUEEN or Trans cant be a friend of mine. I need people who are secure with themselves. Guys who egg on brutality to someone else cant be my friend. ETC. see where im going.

I see that alot of people try to hide what is really going on or play Helen Keller at a moments notice of something unethical happening.

girl it happens all the time.very few men would put themselves out there to truly help or stick up for trans or gay people.thats why when i do find those rare people i make sure to invest in them thru friendship and support.some people are so discreet or on the low that they feel funny even mentioning that they know or recognize a trans girl they saw in a movie.to be honest i would never socially interact with those kind of people unless they were paying for my time.but seeing as this is a porn forum and alot of my fans/clients are such men i wont say anymore.

07-11-2011, 08:30 PM
What's with all the guy hate? Seriously.

07-11-2011, 08:31 PM
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! like Seriously. Because doing porn people automatically assume i been sucking dick since i was a toddler. then being a ts it makes it worse in society's eyes. So i love you sooooooooooooo freaking much for what you just said. Because i see that alot of GUYS have hangups when it comes to accepting people wholeheartedly.

you seem to be a very intelligent and charming girl so im sure you have some great people in your life who are down for you.just cherish those people and invest in those relationships.everyone else could just fuck themselves or pay us lol

07-11-2011, 08:31 PM
girl it happens all the time.very few men would put themselves out there to truly help or stick up for trans or gay people.thats why when i do find those rare people i make sure to invest in them thru friendship and support.some people are so discreet or on the low that they feel funny even mentioning that they know or recognize a trans girl they saw in a movie.to be honest i would never socially interact with those kind of people unless they were paying for my time.but seeing as this is a porn forum and alot of my fans/clients are such men i wont say anymore.
Your right about that. Support goes both ways.

07-11-2011, 08:33 PM
What's with all the guy hate? Seriously.
NOT GUY HATE> U KNOW ME> most of my friends are men.( str8) men who arent into transsexuals but are secure enough to just be friends & take a stand to whoop another guys ass for fucking with his ts friend the wrong way. Not hate at all u should know by now. i dont hate its impossible for me

07-11-2011, 08:33 PM
you seem to be a very intelligent and charming girl so im sure you have some great people in your life who are down for you.just cherish those people and invest in those relationships.everyone else could just fuck themselves or pay us lol

YAY for fuck u pay me

07-11-2011, 08:37 PM
What's with all the guy hate? Seriously.

its not guy hate.if you feel that way than you truly didnt read and/or comprehend what i wrote.dont get caught up on the few things i said that you perceive as negative.see the forest and not the trees.
i dont hate anyone boo.im just saying the obvious.very few men are really down for us (ts women) in the real world.some of the people down are "admirers" and other are just decent people.those are the kinds of people i try to have in my life.

07-11-2011, 08:40 PM
You say so but you're puttin' a lot of emphasis on what guys won't do. Some people are weak to group mentality and can't always break from the pack the way people like us have. It's important to consider all angles instead of just saying what they should do without knowing their situation. After all there are people would rather disown their children than have them date someone of the same gender and not everyone can just separate themselves from their family.

07-11-2011, 08:42 PM
its not guy hate.if you feel that way than you truly didnt read and/or comprehend what i wrote.dont get caught up on the few things i said that you perceive as negative.see the forest and not the trees.
i dont hate anyone boo.im just saying the obvious.very few men are really down for us (ts women) in the real world.some of the people down are "admirers" and other are just decent people.those are the kinds of people i try to have in my life.

I admit that was miswording on my part. But I feel like you guys aren't really looking at the situation from all angles. I'm not saying it's cool for guys to date a TS when they don't want to be seen with them, but they may have their reasons for not wanting to be so open. However as I said in the other thread they shouldn't bring people into their hang ups.

07-11-2011, 08:50 PM
You say so but you're puttin' a lot of emphasis on what guys won't do. Some people are weak to group mentality and can't always break from the pack the way people like us have. It's important to consider all angles instead of just saying what they should do without knowing their situation. After all there are people would rather disown their children than have them date someone of the same gender and not everyone can just separate themselves from their family.

What make a man any different from a ts when family plays in. ALOT OF TRANSSEXUALS who come out as gay get disowned. But its okay for a guy to say oh i wanna be with a transsexual so ur my lil secret. not happening in the world of Brooklyn Mattel. Im no-ones dirty lil secret. IF anyone tried i will hang your laundry outside to dry so everyone can see. Maybe i am a evil bitch. But it comes from a place or tolerance. ( not an attack on anyone esp u cosmic) Alot of men feel that its okay for them to hide people in the closet along with them. I already came out the closet luvmuffin. I understand it may be difficult for some people but in order to be happy YOU need to stop worrying about what people think bc they do their dirt & dont give too flying shits what people have to say bc they are happy.

07-11-2011, 08:50 PM
I admit that was miswording on my part. But I feel like you guys aren't really looking at the situation from all angles. I'm not saying it's cool for guys to date a TS when they don't want to be seen with them, but they may have their reasons for not wanting to be so open. However as I said in the other thread they shouldn't bring people into their hang ups.

and im saying i understand that.im not calling them bad people per se.im just stating those people have no place in my personal life.why are you taking offence to that?
this isnt a conversation i meant to have on here.i feel like i already alienated a few people already and dont want to make it worse.pm if you want to talk about this more.

07-11-2011, 09:16 PM
I really didn't mean to come off as if I was offended. I was just trying to point things out. Honestly I don't take offense to this because none of it applies to me. I've introduced my mom to my TS girlfriend as well as my friends. ( Well... when we were together. ) But the difference between a man and a TS when it comes to family? I can't answer that. I don't know much about being a TS and I'm not too big on family. No answer here... But as I said, I don't think it's okay for a guy to try dating a TS when they aren't ready to be open about it. It's just as bad as dating a fat gg only in your house because you're worried about what people will say. Just not fair to the other person.

07-11-2011, 09:17 PM
I see so many contradictions on here its laughable. Don't claim the 'friends' that like you when your clothes are off, your ass is out, or your sucking cock. How many of these 'admirers' would still admire you if you only made post based on intellect and charm like ms peggy gee? She's been posting for years quality stuff yet dudes don't give her any love, much like remy (before the transition), but let a chick whip a dick or tit out and now suddenly she's a fucking celeb on here with 1000 friends.

To me a friend is someone who calls or text u during the day just to say hey or what's up, without the offer or lure of sex being anywhere on the table. Starting this kind of friendship with a ts is damn near impossible because most ts are so fucking guarded or jaded thinking that every man is out to get them.

its like y'all hate being judged but are the first to judge dudes like me without giving me the benefit of the doubt of actually showing u I'm a good dude (and other dudes like me). Y'all really need to take some time and look at what you typed and ask yourself, really?


07-11-2011, 09:26 PM
I see so many contradictions on here its laughable. Don't claim the 'friends' that like you when your clothes are off, your ass is out, or your sucking cock. How many of these 'admirers' would still admire you if you only made post based on intellect and charm like ms peggy gee? She's been posting for years quality stuff yet dudes don't give her any love, much like remy (before the transition), but let a chick whip a dick or tit out and now suddenly she's a fucking celeb on here with 1000 friends.

To me a friend is someone who calls or text u during the day just to say hey or what's up, without the offer or lure of sex being anywhere on the table. Starting this kind of friendship with a ts is damn near impossible because most ts are so fucking guarded or jaded thinking that every man is out to get them.

its like y'all hate being judged but are the first to judge dudes like me without giving me the benefit of the doubt of actually showing u I'm a good dude (and other dudes like me). Y'all really need to take some time and look at what you typed and ask yourself, really?


do you honestly think that at 24 i dont know what constitutes a real friend?!? lol
do you think i go about my daily life acting like some type of shemale slut with everyone i come in contact with?
im a person first,woman second and transsexual last.i have a whole array of hobbies,interests and goals that have nothing to do with this world (talked about them with a few people from this board).i have a whole life filled with people who have nothing to with porn or escorting.
this is kinda what im talking about.some people can see you for who you are while other see you based on how they perceive you to be

07-11-2011, 09:31 PM
I see so many contradictions on here its laughable. Don't claim the 'friends' that like you when your clothes are off, your ass is out, or your sucking cock. How many of these 'admirers' would still admire you if you only made post based on intellect and charm like ms peggy gee? She's been posting for years quality stuff yet dudes don't give her any love, much like remy (before the transition), but let a chick whip a dick or tit out and now suddenly she's a fucking celeb on here with 1000 friends.

To me a friend is someone who calls or text u during the day just to say hey or what's up, without the offer or lure of sex being anywhere on the table. Starting this kind of friendship with a ts is damn near impossible because most ts are so fucking guarded or jaded thinking that every man is out to get them.

its like y'all hate being judged but are the first to judge dudes like me without giving me the benefit of the doubt of actually showing u I'm a good dude (and other dudes like me). Y'all really need to take some time and look at what you typed and ask yourself, really?

I have said what i said with good reason. i make good friends out of having conversations like this and those people can attest that i have valid reason for my questioning. i stated what honestly goes on. not saying that good guys dont exist. but alot of men do play so many games and dont realize that they are. Not all ts women are crazy psycho bitches who wanna fuck and get u out of there hair/ or whores/ or whatever. & not all men or chauvinistic/ whoremonger/dicks. i do agree. im making general of what is said not personalizing it on any specific person.

I do believe in becoming friends but its hard bc ts women have our guard up so that we dont get hurt 24/7. & men are careful not to get into a situation that will cost them their livelyhood on someone who is a snake. i get that

07-11-2011, 09:34 PM
do you honestly think that at 24 i dont know what constitutes a real friend?!? lol
do you think i go about my daily life acting like some type of shemale slut with everyone i come in contact with?
im a person first,woman second and transsexual last.i have a whole array of hobbies,interests and goals that have nothing to do with this world (talked about them with a few people from this board).i have a whole life filled with people who have nothing to with porn or escorting.
this is kinda what im talking about.some people can see you for who you are while other see you based on how they perceive you to be

Indeed, despite having seen Amber's ass any number of times, I can talk to her like any normal girl regardless of that fact. Especially since we have common interests. And I continue talking to her, knowing full well... I'm not getting any. >_> But I'm a special case.

07-11-2011, 09:35 PM
do you honestly think that at 24 i dont know what constitutes a real friend?!? lol
do you think i go about my daily life acting like some type of shemale slut with everyone i come in contact with?
im a person first,woman second and transsexual last.i have a whole array of hobbies,interests and goals that have nothing to do with this world (talked about them with a few people from this board).i have a whole life filled with people who have nothing to with porn or escorting.
this is kinda what im talking about.some people can see you for who you are while other see you based on how they perceive you to be

I only know the face YOU choose to show me. (Not you personally, but any ts)
My post are a reflection of the real raheme. The guy who can go to the hood and do hood shit, the guy who can put on a suit and do biz shit, the guy who can kick it with cosmic and chat about comics, the guy who can holla at sasha about playing some spades, the guy thats interested in travelling the world and seeing different shit. Point is, I'm not afraid of being who I am. If you fuck wit me (in a good way), I fuck wit u (in a good way).
If all I see of you is "hey guys I will be in your city next month come $pend time with super slutty shemale x" then don't get upset at me if that's how I percieve u...that's who you've shown yourslef to be (not u, just in general). If you want people to know who u really are, show them...

07-11-2011, 09:43 PM
I only know the face YOU choose to show me. (Not you personally, but any ts)
My post are a reflection of the real raheme. The guy who can go to the hood and do hood shit, the guy who can put on a suit and do biz shit, the guy who can kick it with cosmic and chat about comics, the guy who can holla at sasha about playing some spades, the guy thats interested in travelling the world and seeing different shit. Point is, I'm not afraid of being who I am. If you fuck wit me (in a good way), I fuck wit u (in a good way).
If all I see of you is "hey guys I will be in your city next month come time with super slutty shemale x" then don't get upset at me if that's how I percieve u...that's who you've shown yourslef to be (not u, just in general). If you want people to know who u really are, show them...

--Just saying--

I appreciate you for being so open.

07-11-2011, 09:58 PM
--Just saying--

I appreciate you for being so open.

No doubt, and I thank u for being a breath of fresh air on these boards.

07-12-2011, 02:50 AM
The reason flamboyant gay guys dont get hired is just b/c of that. Theyre not well reserved in so many cases and its not an image the business wants to portray. I work with a lot of openly gay people and they get treated just like anyone else cuz they do their job and do it well. Im a guy thats truly down for the girl as long as we can live a happy life together (ME&HER).

As far as escorting, i think its becoming more of a trend like gangs. The bandwagon finally pulled through now all these other people just hoppin aboard b/c they think its the way to go just because so many others do it.

07-12-2011, 04:11 AM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.( I dont knock them at all because i listen & understand to reasoning) What gets me are the guys who want a tsgirlfriend to look like a supermodel everyday & dont contribute to that process. Ive seen guys tell their ts girlfriend she should escort, & other guys who dont want her to escort but talks about the ease it would be. it frustrates me & confuses me. & it seems to me that guys tend to me more respectful towards these escorts, either way if they agree with it or not. somebody please explain to me.??

FWIW, I started a thread a few years back (I think you can find it by searching for threads I started) about "TGirls and the Sex Industry". There I estimated that between 3 and 14% of TGirls between 18 and 30 were escorting. I think my methods were pretty scientific and defensible, but the thread generated some discussion and disagreement. A lot of responders
thought the percentages were much higher, but I suspect that depends on where you hang out and what your perspective of the scene is.

Anyway, as personal advice I would suggest you avoid it if you think it compromises your values. And you should always be careful about who you date and demand respect from him. You certainly deserve the respect.

I don't understand your statement that "guys tend to (be) more respectful towards these escorts". Maybe if they are clients they are superficially respectful in order to make the transaction smooth and problem-free. It's essentially a brief business transaction, you know.

07-12-2011, 04:19 AM
FWIW, I started a thread a few years back (I think you can find it by searching for threads I started) about "TGirls and the Sex Industry". There I estimated that between 3 and 14% of TGirls between 18 and 30 were escorting. I think my methods were pretty scientific and defensible, but the thread generated some discussion and disagreement. A lot of responders
thought the percentages were much higher, but I suspect that depends on where you hang out and what your perspective of the scene is.

Anyway, as personal advice I would suggest you avoid it if you think it compromises your values. And you should always be careful about who you date and demand respect from him. You certainly deserve the respect.

I don't understand your statement that "guys tend to (be) more respectful towards these escorts". Maybe if they are clients they are superficially respectful in order to make the transaction smooth and problem-free. It's essentially a brief business transaction, you know.

Thank u so much. & i do agree about the superficial respect but they so show a certain level of respect to women who work the game,( sex industry) alot of guys wont try any funny business with a working girl. once i get a chance i will post a video of what i mean.

07-12-2011, 05:04 AM

It sure sounds to me that you are hanging out in a not so classy neighbor hood. I live and play in Detroit and have never heard guys talk garbage to TS girls/women in the places we go to. I've always said, if you walk in with quiet confidence and respect for the place and the staff, you never have a problem getting treated like normal people. I can prove it everyday. This goes for even NYC.

But, it's not ok for anyone to be disrespectful to another person. You avoid those kind of people and where they may play. There is a lot of losers out there. You just have to fast forward past them.

Most of the TS girls I've met are escorts. Not real thrilled about that statistic. Rather sad. But::i have noticed that the real reason is that almost all of these girls have absolutely no skill set. Just graduating from High school doesn't give you any skills. Sorry! You have to want to do something in life. Corn Rowing someone's hair doesn't cut it ether. No skill or real knowledge = NO REAL JOB. Time to escort I guess. I can name 20 here in town. Still doesn't mean you can be disrespectful.

This thread has too much going on in it. I'm drifting myself. Sorry! LOL!

07-12-2011, 06:13 AM

It sure sounds to me that you are hanging out in a not so classy neighbor hood. I live and play in Detroit and have never heard guys talk garbage to TS girls/women in the places we go to. I've always said, if you walk in with quiet confidence and respect for the place and the staff, you never have a problem getting treated like normal people. I can prove it everyday. This goes for even NYC.

But, it's not ok for anyone to be disrespectful to another person. You avoid those kind of people and where they may play. There is a lot of losers out there. You just have to fast forward past them.

Most of the TS girls I've met are escorts. Not real thrilled about that statistic. Rather sad. But::i have noticed that the real reason is that almost all of these girls have absolutely no skill set. Just graduating from High school doesn't give you any skills. Sorry! You have to want to do something in life. Corn Rowing someone's hair doesn't cut it ether. No skill or real knowledge = NO REAL JOB. Time to escort I guess. I can name 20 here in town. Still doesn't mean you can be disrespectful.

This thread has too much going on in it. I'm drifting myself. Sorry! LOL!
thanks luv. the posts are so much personal of me.

07-12-2011, 12:32 PM
I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean for it to come off like that. I actually ment that that type of behaviour from men is more common in the "HOOD" type of areas than in others. I would never try to bash you in any way.

I see these threads start to aim back at the author. It happens all the time.
It's happened to all of us.


Ms Remy M
07-12-2011, 03:52 PM
The one excuse I hate is the whole I can't get a real job because I'm a ts excuse. This is not 1990. If a black man can find a job @ the white has your ass can find a job somewhere.

I mostly agree here, I live in a very conservative state, and I know many ts, and even ts that are not so 'passable' successfully working 9-5 jobs. Many of the girls don't bother to try for jobs in the sectors that are generally LGBT friendly. Our local Lambda chapter keeps an updated list of all LGBT friendly companies and even hosts Job Fairs, so there's hardly an excuse. Many ts don't bother to take advantage of the programs that are set up to help them. Others tend to screw themselves by having criminal records, lying on applications, failing to get name/picture change on ID.

07-12-2011, 04:05 PM
I mostly agree here, I live in a very conservative state, and I know many ts, and even ts that are not so 'passable' successfully working 9-5 jobs. Many of the girls don't bother to try for jobs in the sectors that are generally LGBT friendly. Our local Lambda chapter keeps an updated list of all LGBT friendly companies and even hosts Job Fairs, so there's hardly an excuse. Many ts don't bother to take advantage of the programs that are set up to help them. Others tend to screw themselves by having criminal records, lying on applications, failing to get name/picture change on ID.

Exactly. Call a spade a spade. Its much easier to post a $5 ad on backpage and wait for some dude to come fuck you or get fucked by you for $150 an hour rather than getting your ass up in the morning, going to school, studying and not going to balls, clubs or pride parties every other weekend. I don't knock people for doing what they do, just be honest about it and stop using the same old bs arguments.
You can't complain about not being taken seriously as a professional and on the same end continue to do unprofessional shit.

Ms Remy M
07-12-2011, 04:14 PM
I see so many contradictions on here its laughable. Don't claim the 'friends' that like you when your clothes are off, your ass is out, or your sucking cock. How many of these 'admirers' would still admire you if you only made post based on intellect and charm like ms peggy gee? She's been posting for years quality stuff yet dudes don't give her any love, much like remy (before the transition), but let a chick whip a dick or tit out and now suddenly she's a fucking celeb on here with 1000 friends.

To me a friend is someone who calls or text u during the day just to say hey or what's up, without the offer or lure of sex being anywhere on the table. Starting this kind of friendship with a ts is damn near impossible because most ts are so fucking guarded or jaded thinking that every man is out to get them.

its like y'all hate being judged but are the first to judge dudes like me without giving me the benefit of the doubt of actually showing u I'm a good dude (and other dudes like me). Y'all really need to take some time and look at what you typed and ask yourself, really?


*nods* I try and keep my image "off the grid" though I am there "in hiding lol" just for such a reason, I am more than the physical appearance. I don't care for being judged, puts a nasty taste in my mouth *looking to a recent poll in abject disgust*. I'm a feminist, I will say some mean things about 'men' in general, but if you approach me on a forum or one of the sites I'm on respectfully, I will always carry conversation and take you at face value. Some of the guys here know, long as you don't try to hit on me every conversation we will get along fine and dandy. I have no interest in obtaining an arbitrary number of friends, having my ego stroked, or being treated like a celeb. I've seen enough in life and death to know that there are bigger issues that matter to me.

Ms Remy M
07-12-2011, 04:20 PM
do you honestly think that at 24 i dont know what constitutes a real friend?!? lol
do you think i go about my daily life acting like some type of shemale slut with everyone i come in contact with?
im a person first,woman second and transsexual last.i have a whole array of hobbies,interests and goals that have nothing to do with this world (talked about them with a few people from this board).i have a whole life filled with people who have nothing to with porn or escorting.
this is kinda what im talking about.some people can see you for who you are while other see you based on how they perceive you to be

Totally agree! Just because a girl gets into 'character' on here a porn site, doesn't mean that when out and about that's how they act. That's like expecting Eddie Murphy to act like Professor Klump 24/7

07-12-2011, 04:24 PM
Totally agree! Just because a girl gets into 'character' on here a porn site, doesn't mean that when out and about that's how they act. That's like expecting Eddie Murphy to act like Professor Klump 24/7

I don't think The Golden Child would have been as funny...

I wonder if male porn actors get the same kind of treatment that females do? Then again when I think about that reality show where Tracy Bingham tried to yank Ron Jeremy's pants off... I guess it's a hard world for anyone in front of the camera. =/

Ms Remy M
07-12-2011, 04:31 PM
I don't think The Golden Child would have been as funny...

I wonder if male porn actors get the same kind of treatment that females do? Then again when I think about that reality show where Tracy Bingham tried to yank Ron Jeremy's pants off... I guess it's a hard world for anyone in front of the camera. =/

:) I love that movie, my soda can, can dance too's! lol

It is just as bad, nobody wants to be treated like an object to be turned on and used whenever it suits a 'fans' fancy.

07-12-2011, 04:40 PM
:) I love that movie, my soda can, can dance too's! lol

It is just as bad, nobody wants to be treated like an object to be turned on and used whenever it suits a 'fans' fancy.

Indeed, it's a horrible feeling to be used. For some people at least.

07-13-2011, 07:44 PM

I apologize for my tardiness in responding to this thread, as I am just
now seeing it, and will be uncustomarily brief as I am running late for work.

I can say that I have no moral or ethical qualms about a woman working in
the sex industry, just as long as she has an exit strategy in place.

In response to:

There's also Ms Peggy Gee. She's a fine example of a transwoman... I tell you if I thought I had a chance I'd... err... uhhh... Never mind.

I humbly thank you for your gracious compliment. ;)

As regards:

I see so many contradictions on here its laughable. Don't claim the 'friends' that like you when your clothes are off, your ass is out, or your sucking cock. How many of these 'admirers' would still admire you if you only made post based on intellect and charm like ms peggy gee? She's been posting for years quality stuff yet dudes don't give her any love, much like remy (before the transition), but let a chick whip a dick or tit out and now suddenly she's a fucking celeb on here with 1000 friends.

To me a friend is someone who calls or text u during the day just to say hey or what's up, without the offer or lure of sex being anywhere on the table. Starting this kind of friendship with a ts is damn near impossible because most ts are so fucking guarded or jaded thinking that every man is out to get them.......


I often hear women trans and natal complain that men
speak to and approach them rudely and crudely.

I can honestly say that I don't have that problem as I don't put forth a
persona that would cause people to step to me in that manner. I like to
feel that I come across as an intelligent, serious woman, albeit with a great
sense of humor, but by no means a woman that is an easy conquest.

Then too, on the trans-forums, the fact that I am a gyno-American keeps the
guys from fetishizing me, as I have a vagina and not a penis, thus for the
most part I am of no interest to many of them.

And finally:

I mostly agree here, I live in a very conservative state, and I know many ts, and even ts that are not so 'passable' successfully working 9-5 jobs. Many of the girls don't bother to try for jobs in the sectors that are generally LGBT friendly. Our local Lambda chapter keeps an updated list of all LGBT friendly companies and even hosts Job Fairs, so there's hardly an excuse. Many ts don't bother to take advantage of the programs that are set up to help them. Others tend to screw themselves by having criminal records, lying on applications, failing to get name/picture change on ID.

I have had mainstream employment for decades, even in the so-called "bad
old days", before there was trans-rights legislation on the books.

Why was I so fortunate, and others seems to experience so much difficulty?

1. I have always realized that "Knowledge was power". Thus I realized that
education would be key, no matter what my gender was. As such I have
marketable skill-sets, and have never been unemployed for any prolonged
period of time.

2. Early in my transition I had all of my documents amended so that they
would be congruent with my gender. A woman can not apply and obtain a
job if her appearance says "Eve", but her documentation says "Steve".

3. "Passing privilege" - also early in my transition I did all that was in my
power to ensure that my appearance was in sync with the woman that
I was. Anyone that knows me, knows that I was very, very serious about my
transition. Thus whatever surgical, endocrinological mediation I required, I
did so. And I of course worked on my psyche and spirit as well.

To those women that say that "all men want is sex, so they might as well
charge for it", I must beg to differ with you.

Have a talk with your Mother, Sister, Auntie, or any natal female that you
know, and they will tell you that it's the nature of the beast, that it is man's
biological imperative to spread his seed, and as women we are the soil that
he will attempt to do so with.

07-13-2011, 08:20 PM

I apologize for my tardiness in responding to this thread, as I am just
now seeing it, and will be uncustomarily brief as I am running late for work.

I can say that I have no moral or ethical qualms about a woman working in
the sex industry, just as long as she has an exit strategy in place.

In response to:

I humbly thank you for your gracious compliment. ;)

As regards:

I often hear women trans and natal complain that men
speak to and approach them rudely and crudely.

I can honestly say that I don't have that problem as I don't put forth a
persona that would cause people to step to me in that manner. I like to
feel that I come across as an intelligent, serious woman, albeit with a great
sense of humor, but by no means a woman that is an easy conquest.

Then too, on the trans-forums, the fact that I am a gyno-American keeps the
guys from fetishizing me, as I have a vagina and not a penis, thus for the
most part I am of no interest to many of them.

And finally:

I have had mainstream employment for decades, even in the so-called "bad
old days", before there was trans-rights legislation on the books.

Why was I so fortunate, and others seems to experience so much difficulty?

1. I have always realized that "Knowledge was power". Thus I realized that
education would be key, no matter what my gender was. As such I have
marketable skill-sets, and have never been unemployed for any prolonged
period of time.

2. Early in my transition I had all of my documents amended so that they
would be congruent with my gender. A woman can not apply and obtain a
job if her appearance says "Eve", but her documentation says "Steve".

3. "Passing privilege" - also early in my transition I did all that was in my
power to ensure that my appearance was in sync with the woman that
I was. Anyone that knows me, knows that I was very, very serious about my
transition. Thus whatever surgical, endocrinological mediation I required, I
did so. And I of course worked on my psyche and spirit as well.

To those women that say that "all men want is sex, so they might as well
charge for it", I must beg to differ with you.

Have a talk with your Mother, Sister, Auntie, or any natal female that you
know, and they will tell you that it's the nature of the beast, that it is man's
biological imperative to spread his seed, and as women we are the soil that
he will attempt to do so with.

You are truly awesome. You stay dropping knowledge. Such a shame that more young girls don't listen to what you have to say.

Ms Remy M
07-13-2011, 09:09 PM

I apologize for my tardiness in responding to this thread, as I am just
now seeing it, and will be uncustomarily brief as I am running late for work.

I can say that I have no moral or ethical qualms about a woman working in
the sex industry, just as long as she has an exit strategy in place.

In response to:

I humbly thank you for your gracious compliment. ;)

As regards:

I often hear women trans and natal complain that men
speak to and approach them rudely and crudely.

I can honestly say that I don't have that problem as I don't put forth a
persona that would cause people to step to me in that manner. I like to
feel that I come across as an intelligent, serious woman, albeit with a great
sense of humor, but by no means a woman that is an easy conquest.

Then too, on the trans-forums, the fact that I am a gyno-American keeps the
guys from fetishizing me, as I have a vagina and not a penis, thus for the
most part I am of no interest to many of them.

And finally:

I have had mainstream employment for decades, even in the so-called "bad
old days", before there was trans-rights legislation on the books.

Why was I so fortunate, and others seems to experience so much difficulty?

1. I have always realized that "Knowledge was power". Thus I realized that
education would be key, no matter what my gender was. As such I have
marketable skill-sets, and have never been unemployed for any prolonged
period of time.

2. Early in my transition I had all of my documents amended so that they
would be congruent with my gender. A woman can not apply and obtain a
job if her appearance says "Eve", but her documentation says "Steve".

3. "Passing privilege" - also early in my transition I did all that was in my
power to ensure that my appearance was in sync with the woman that
I was. Anyone that knows me, knows that I was very, very serious about my
transition. Thus whatever surgical, endocrinological mediation I required, I
did so. And I of course worked on my psyche and spirit as well.

To those women that say that "all men want is sex, so they might as well
charge for it", I must beg to differ with you.

Have a talk with your Mother, Sister, Auntie, or any natal female that you
know, and they will tell you that it's the nature of the beast, that it is man's
biological imperative to spread his seed, and as women we are the soil that
he will attempt to do so with.

Thank you for that wonderful post, I wish more girls would see that the sex industry is not all that we have. There are many other options, take advantage of the opportunities (with porn) as they arise, but don't make it your end all, be all goal. These men are very fickle and will toss you to the side the moment the shoot is over and next weeks crop of models debut.

You are truly awesome. You stay dropping knowledge. Such a shame that more young girls don't listen to what you have to say.

Indeed, I wish more girls would come and see what an awesome person PeggyGee is and aspire to be like her, instead of some pornstar or video vixen.

07-13-2011, 09:12 PM
These men are very fickle and will toss you to the side the moment the shoot is over and next weeks crop of models debut.

How is that any different from any other human being anywhere?

07-13-2011, 11:39 PM
good discussion here folks reminds me ssooooo much of what i went through with an ex of mine..

Ms Remy M
07-13-2011, 11:42 PM
How is that any different from any other human being anywhere?

haha, you are going to call me on all my feminist moments aren't you. :p That's totally okay though. :cool: To answer your question, yes it does seem that way. In the music industry I saw many things that disgusted me, as far as how people are treated (like commodities among other things). :o During those years, I'll even admit that I was part of the problem. Exactly why I try to fight it every which way I can.

07-13-2011, 11:48 PM
haha, you are going to call me on all my feminist moments aren't you. :p That's totally okay though. :cool: To answer your question, yes it does seem that way. In the music industry I saw many things that disgusted me, as far as how people are treated (like commodities among other things). :o During those years, I'll even admit that I was part of the problem. Exactly why I try to fight it every which way I can.

Honestly, I feel like I don't have much of a choice. 1) I think all humans are shit, 2) I'm still somewhat of a man. ( I'm not even halfway through this damn road. ) So yeah, I pretty much have to.

Sure there are plenty of instances of men treating women like property or in horrible ways. But there are just as many women if not more treating men like they're just good for buying them things, taking them places, it's a two sided street. I'm a little addled right now so I can't think of all my points or even get the ones I'm making across directly but... I do hate to be swept up in general statements like that ma'am. - ___- Honestly, it bugs me to know you think of me that way, even if slightly.

07-14-2011, 12:46 AM
sorry but imma get a little raw in this one. fuck escorting. you wanna sell yourselves to men and then get mad when they look at you as a piece of meat. Accept it for what it is. I dont like it, but I understand escorting to get where you need to be "physically", but when youve reached the goal your chasing, why still do it? Dont get me wrong, I love porn...but when im looking for wifey material, escorting doesnt exactly fall @ the top of my list.

If your trying to transition then you could always work a 9-5 and pay for what you want like everyone else. Instead of dubs on the whip, you could buy ..., instead of partying in miami this month and LA the next you could buy ... I always had to save my hard earned money to buy the things i wanted and to me escorting is just taking "the easy route", but it destroys you emotionally and makes it hard to have a meaningful relationship (IMO). Using escorting as an excuse because we wont pay for it is a terrible reason. Its one thing if you meet someone that truly loves you and wants to help with the process, but im not buying you an ass that some random mans dick gone fall up in soon as it heals up LOL.

Thats just me. Hope not to offend anyone but I cannot tell a lie just to get in good with the girls.

I wholeheartedly agree...

07-14-2011, 02:57 AM
Thank you for that wonderful post, I wish more girls would see that the sex industry is not all that we have. There are many other options, take advantage of the opportunities (with porn) as they arise, but don't make it your end all, be all goal. These men are very fickle and will toss you to the side the moment the shoot is over and next weeks crop of models debut.

You are truly awesome. You stay dropping knowledge. Such a shame that more young girls don't listen to what you have to say.

Indeed, I wish more girls would come and see what an awesome person PeggyGee is and aspire to be like her, instead of some pornstar or video vixen.

Thank you both, very much.

But I don't want to paint myself as "Miss Perfect".

Those that have read my posts on this and other forums have read about
my past battles with drugs and alcohol, and trust and believe that I have
more than done my share of dirt.

But I realized that hopefully I would get older, and I wanted to ensure that
I would have a safe and decent life-style.

Therefore I made the plans, put in the work, and am now reaping the benifits.

07-14-2011, 04:27 AM
okay so, im finding this to be a huge trend. EVERY TRANSSEXUAL I HAVE EVER MET HAS BEEN AN ESCORT. VARIETY OF REASONS.( I dont knock them at all because i listen & understand to reasoning) What gets me are the guys who want a tsgirlfriend to look like a supermodel everyday & dont contribute to that process. Ive seen guys tell their ts girlfriend she should escort, & other guys who dont want her to escort but talks about the ease it would be. it frustrates me & confuses me. & it seems to me that guys tend to me more respectful towards these escorts, either way if they agree with it or not. somebody please explain to me.??

The fact that a tranny tricks is the trade off for a relationship as far as I'm concerned.

You're doing God know what with God knows who and you want you and I to be exclusive? Really....?

Yeah most girls know that's not going down and just go with the flow....hell the fact that they trick works in my favor.

So on the flip side, go ahead girl and make that change cause other than the occasional dinner and/or movie. Aint no contributions coming out of these pockets!

Whether rich or poor my mindset is strictly B.O.B. (Baller On'a Budget) Please to meet'cha!

07-14-2011, 04:48 AM
Thank everyone for attempting to answer in a open mind. I do wanna say that this isnt a personal post about me. I have questions & i wanted answers from different view points.