View Full Version : Why is always said that sex work is the only work for a TS

07-21-2011, 01:46 PM
With all do respect, I am not knocking anyone that works in the sex industry but I never understand why it is always implied that a majority of TS women work in sex work because it's all they can get. I will not even attempt to think I understand the hardships that a TS goes through but I can't believe that most choose sex work because of desperation or no other alternative.

I worked in a administrative position for a major department store for a long time and we took the stance that we would hire anyone regardless of thier sexual orientation as long as they presented themselves that way every day..meaning that you couldnt look like a man on Monday and then a woman on Wednsday. Salespeople, make up artist, etc, make a pretty decent wage in retail to start off if you work hard and a degree in sometimes a diploma is not neccessary. I know that the lifestyle of a TS( maintenence wise) can be very costly but life for anyone trying to achieve major goals is never easy.

Black people in this country couldnt go to college in the early 20th century, so they started thier own. My point is anything worth having is worth sacrificing for. I am not trying to be preachy. Maybe some girls do sacrifece by working in the industry to get what they want quicker, or maybe some just like having sex and getting paid for it. That is not my point to criticize or judge anyone.

I was just wondering why it is often said that " for most girls, sex work is the only way they can survive" .

Ms Remy M
07-21-2011, 05:26 PM
I agree for the most part, and there is no one single answer as to why so many choose the sex industry, aside from the quick and relatively easy money that can be gained.

I have a couple models who worked 9-5 jobs only to turn their backs on it and go full gusto into the sex industry. I think it's wiser to keep a job, any job, and supplement that with escorting if anything. The longer you go unemployed and without some legal paper trail of work history the harder it is going to be when they want to get out of the sex industry. They are creating a vicious cycle for themselves, but we all have our own lives to lead.

07-22-2011, 10:39 AM
Simply put:

Most tgirls are afraid of the world. Do you understand how terrifying it can be to walk up to a place of employment look totally like a woman and have a male name on the application/legal documents? Then having questions pressed against you? Even if people have a non discrimination policy, this is our fear and generally a true fear.

Sex work requires nothing but looks and personality, sometimes not even both or either. It's easy work that's quick to find. No long interview processes or typical things you'd do at a "real" job.

What i've discovered is that we DO have options but the options aren't easy to come by. So generally we settle for sex work because it's what will make us the most money the quickest and a lot of us live in unstable situations where we have to make money fast to simply maintain our way of life.

But we do have options. We honeslty do. I plan on advocating this point when i'm further down the line in my transition/life. It's not always the answer. Things are getting better. A lot better.

07-23-2011, 03:35 AM
Transfriendly Job Listings:


Ms Remy M
07-23-2011, 02:59 PM
Why oh why.

I'm watching an episode of Style Exposed about MtF women living in NYC.

For the most part, some very positive stories to share and I'm going to leave it there.

07-23-2011, 03:13 PM
Don't give the half truth! All information should be available for the people, other wise we're just communists!

Ms Remy M
07-23-2011, 03:30 PM
Don't give the half truth! All information should be available for the people, other wise we're just communists!

lol It is available go watch the episode. It is a good piece, telling different stories from different walks of life is how you bring balance. :cool:

07-23-2011, 05:12 PM
lol It is available go watch the episode. It is a good piece, telling different stories from different walks of life is how you bring balance. :cool:

I don't have any thing that plays TV shows here besides Netflix.

07-23-2011, 08:20 PM
Why oh why.

I'm watching an episode of Style Exposed about MtF women living in NYC.

For the most part, some very positive stories to share and I'm going to leave it there.

Pardon my ignorance, and "lack of style", but which station or network can I
catch that on, is it availible On Demand with Comcast?

07-23-2011, 08:35 PM
Simply put:

Most tgirls are afraid of the world. Do you understand how terrifying it can be to walk up to a place of employment look totally like a woman and have a male name on the application/legal documents? Then having questions pressed against you? Even if people have a non discrimination policy, this is our fear and generally a true fear.

Sex work requires nothing but looks and personality, sometimes not even both or either. It's easy work that's quick to find. No long interview processes or typical things you'd do at a "real" job.

What i've discovered is that we DO have options but the options aren't easy to come by. So generally we settle for sex work because it's what will make us the most money the quickest and a lot of us live in unstable situations where we have to make money fast to simply maintain our way of life.

But we do have options. We honeslty do. I plan on advocating this point when i'm further down the line in my transition/life. It's not always the answer. Things are getting better. A lot better.

Kitty, on transwomen being afraid of the world, I'm going to have to beg to
differ with you.

The sheer act of transitioning takes a tremendous amount of courage. The
challenges that we may face from family, friends, and society are not for the
faint of heart.

I believe that you and I had a previous discussion about amending
identification and documentation. It's not paricularly difficult, expensive, nor
something that a woman must wait until she is 21 to do.

I actually feel that sex work is more difficult in many ways: the legality, STI's,
possible danger from clients, and being sexually intimate with someone that
normally one might not.

07-23-2011, 08:56 PM
I agree for the most part, and there is no one single answer as to why so many choose the sex industry, aside from the quick and relatively easy money that can be gained.

I have a couple models who worked 9-5 jobs only to turn their backs on it and go full gusto into the sex industry. I think it's wiser to keep a job, any job, and supplement that with escorting if anything. The longer you go unemployed and without some legal paper trail of work history the harder it is going to be when they want to get out of the sex industry. They are creating a vicious cycle for themselves, but we all have our own lives to lead.

I think about this from time to time for women that I know.

The lack of a verifiable work history will make it extremely difficult for the
woman to obtain employment when she goes to seek employment.

Not only does an employer want the applicant to be qualified (degreed,
certified, licensed, etc.), but they will want them to have experience in
that field.

Another down-side to the sex trade is that there is no IRA, 401K, Social
Security, pension plan, disability insurance, or other mechanism in place for
when a woman wants / needs to hang up her "fuck me pumps".

A happy medum or compromise is to work a legit job, and supplement her
income from the sex trade. That way she can also build a credit history.

And when one of them "snitchin bitches" that she calls friend dimes on her to
the IRS or State Department of Revenue, she can explain that Benz she
drives, and all the Gucci, Pucci, and Fiorruci she rocks.

Ms Remy M
07-23-2011, 09:39 PM
Pardon my ignorance, and "lack of style", but which station or network can I
catch that on, is it availible On Demand with Comcast?

mystyle.com I think you may be able to view online there. also logo for Style HD Sorry I downloaded the show so I really don't know which network broadcasted the show Style Exposed.

07-24-2011, 12:50 AM
It is odd that a far higher percentage of TGirls work in the sex industry than GGirls. Looking at eros.com (and I'll admit it's been a few years since I checked), about 25% of escorts there are TGirls. Well, the percentage of TGirls in the world is much smaller than 25%, so do the math.

Job discrimination and the high cost of the transition are two of the main reasons I've heard. I've also read on forums like this and others that TGirls find that forcing guys to pay for their companionship compensates for the lack of openness and respect that they get; but this sounds more like an excuse to me, because the guys who pay for it would tend, generally on average, not to be the cute young guys they'd prefer, but more like older guys who have money, or married guys who are willing to pay for discretion. Finally, I think a strong sex drive of their male-originated physiology has something to do with it; evidence for that is the fact that male homoesexuals are notably more promiscuous that female homosexuals. And I'm too tired to cite the evidence or logic behind this, but I doubt anyone would dispute it -- the point being that males tend to be more promiscuous, though often not successfully since GGirls in most cases don't permit it.

07-24-2011, 02:05 AM
1. I've also read on forums like this and others that TGirls find that forcing guys to pay for their companionship compensates for the lack of openness and respect that they get; but this sounds more like an excuse to me, because the guys who pay for it would tend, generally on average, not to be the cute young guys they'd prefer, but more like older guys who have money, or married guys who are willing to pay for discretion.

2. Finally, I think a strong sex drive of their male-originated physiology has something to do with it; evidence for that is the fact that male homoesexuals are notably more promiscuous that female homosexuals. And I'm too tired to cite the evidence or logic behind this, but I doubt anyone would dispute it -- the point being that males tend to be more promiscuous, though often not successfully since GGirls in most cases don't permit it.

You've made a number of interesting points.

1. You are right that for the most part that the clients tend to be be
middle-aged / older or married men seeking discretion. It's not the young,
hung "trade" that is penalized by having to pay for sex.

2. I can't say that I would equate pre op transwomen with male homosexuals.
However, endocronologically the untreated testosterone levels of a pre op
transwoman might be the same.

I recall, when I was young, dumb, and full of cum, and before I began my
HRT regimen what my sex drive was like. Yes I will admit to being somewhat

When I began my regimen, I became less promiscuous.

After my orchiechtomy I became even less so.

By the time I became post op my endocrine levels were like that of a
menopausal women, and it was as hard to get between my legs, as it is to
get a camel through the eye of a needle.



07-24-2011, 02:25 PM
2. I can't say that I would equate pre op transwomen with male homosexuals.
However, endocronologically the untreated testosterone levels of a pre op
transwoman might be the same.

I don't equate them either, but your statements starting with "However, endocronologically ..." are pretty much what I was thinking.

Ms Remy M
07-24-2011, 05:19 PM
It is odd that a far higher percentage of TGirls work in the sex industry than GGirls. Looking at eros.com (and I'll admit it's been a few years since I checked), about 25% of escorts there are TGirls. Well, the percentage of TGirls in the world is much smaller than 25%, so do the math.

Job discrimination and the high cost of the transition are two of the main reasons I've heard. I've also read on forums like this and others that TGirls find that forcing guys to pay for their companionship compensates for the lack of openness and respect that they get; but this sounds more like an excuse to me, because the guys who pay for it would tend, generally on average, not to be the cute young guys they'd prefer, but more like older guys who have money, or married guys who are willing to pay for discretion. Finally, I think a strong sex drive of their male-originated physiology has something to do with it; evidence for that is the fact that male homoesexuals are notably more promiscuous that female homosexuals. And I'm too tired to cite the evidence or logic behind this, but I doubt anyone would dispute it -- the point being that males tend to be more promiscuous, though often not successfully since GGirls in most cases don't permit it.

Like PeggyGee before me, I agree on the points she re-iterated. I would also add that the lack of Pre-ops taking hormones due to wanting to be functional/cum, effectively stops their transition. I think many TS discount the value of HRT for both the mental and physical aspects. I dated a trans woman years ago, she was an escort and she didn't take hormones because of that plus the fact she also had her breast implants already. I felt her sex drive was way too high for my (never miss my regiment) taste. I could hardly keep up as my libido simply isn't as active. She was also rather muscular which was a slight turn off, but I got over that as I liked 'her' (I don't mind a girl that is toned, but not overly muscular). What I could not get over were some 'male' traits mentally that she couldn't seem to shake. Always 'itching' to fight, and other things, that are testosterone driven.

Another thing, I can assure you I know a great many lesbians, and especially the studs, tend to be even more promiscuous than men. It's as if they have to prove their manhood and carry things to the extreme in a lot of instances. For example, a stud was trying to talk to me for a while, she's a little 'too hood' for my taste, but she is slender, with a cool swagger, so I let her try and after we hung out for a few weeks I noticed, she has a whole stable of girls, I was just one of many. I'll pass on that, even if I was the only TS in the lot, I'm not looking for a "playa". :cool:

Now playing: A Perfect Circle - Imagine (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/a+perfect+circle/track/imagine)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

07-24-2011, 08:31 PM
Like PeggyGee before me, I agree on the points she re-iterated. I would also add that the lack of Pre-ops taking hormones due to wanting to be functional/cum, effectively stops their transition. I think many TS discount the value of HRT for both the mental and physical aspects. I dated a trans woman years ago, she was an escort and she didn't take hormones because of that plus the fact she also had her breast implants already. I felt her sex drive was way too high for my (never miss my regiment) taste. I could hardly keep up as my libido simply isn't as active. She was also rather muscular which was a slight turn off, but I got over that as I liked 'her' (I don't mind a girl that is toned, but not overly muscular). What I could not get over were some 'male' traits mentally that she couldn't seem to shake. Always 'itching' to fight, and other things, that are testosterone driven.

Another thing, I can assure you I know a great many lesbians, and especially the studs, tend to be even more promiscuous than men. It's as if they have to prove their manhood and carry things to the extreme in a lot of instances. For example, a stud was trying to talk to me for a while, she's a little 'too hood' for my taste, but she is slender, with a cool swagger, so I let her try and after we hung out for a few weeks I noticed, she has a whole stable of girls, I was just one of many. I'll pass on that, even if I was the only TS in the lot, I'm not looking for a "playa". :cool:


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. :eek:

Many transwomen dont have a HRT regimen, so that they are able to
be functional. Their clients require that they are able to get hard, and to be
able to ejaculate, often-times many times in one day.

When a woman is young (late teens - early twenties) she may be able to get
away with not taking Estrogen or anti-androgens.

But over time, the ravages of testosterone will catch up with her

09-04-2011, 11:05 AM
That Style Exposed:Born Male, Living Female special featured BTG Model Tatiana Lust. She was interesting but her drug habit was troubling. She was all about getting money to support her habit. I don't think she believes she has a problem.

09-04-2011, 12:24 PM
Pardon my ignorance, and "lack of style", but which station or network can I
catch that on, is it availible On Demand with Comcast?

Hey peggygee hope all is well with ya..speaking of the show in question. google..sophisticatednsassy..there you will find her youtube page with all 3 parts of the episode/show. Check it out her page is very interesting.

09-04-2011, 05:23 PM
A lot of girls will do hair as a way of working a 9 to 5. Some go to cosmetology schools and end up either doing hair or make-up. Some get into clothing and fashion. The girls I have met that dont work in the sex industry, thats usually what they do to make a buck. A friend of mine had a job with a telecoummunications company, but she couldnt take the scrutiny from co-workers about her way of life. She was full time, but still in the early stages of transition. I begged with her to stay there and not let these people run her off. I was very attracted to her and I didnt want to see her do porn. But I wasnt living in her shoes. I wasnt the one being told I cant use a certain bathroom.

So, after it was apparent that she wasnt willing to deal with all the bs that comes with a tgirl trying to work in the "real world", I suggested to her to get a website. Because she was very unhappy at that job, and she had a "money maker". I knew that her looks, body, and what she had between her legs would definately sell. And it has. She probably makes the same amount yearly that some of those execs make for that same telecommunications company. And she's happy. Which, when u get down to it, matters a lot. So, some girls have a degree of determination where they will fight tooth and nail to live in the real world and not be discriminated against. And some will choose porn. Maintaining a website takes a lot of work. Its a little more involved than just posting an ad and waiting for clients to call. She has worked very hard over the years and done extremely well for herself.