View Full Version : ladies: if u have a drug problem please seek help

07-25-2011, 01:29 PM
Just heard the news about amy winehouse and while I am saddened by the loss of a young promising life I am not suprised at her tragic ending.
I know a lot of young black ts are heavy into drugs for one reason or another. This goes wayyyyyyyyy beyond routine weed usage. I know around my way (dc/md) coke and prescription drugs (oxy, perc, etc.) are in now.
If you know you have a problem and your not sure how to deal with it seek professional (or if you are religous...spiritual) help.
We hear the songs that glorify people getting waisted and partying hard with drugs but we seldom see the otherside of those choices...amy winehouse, mike jackson, old dirty bastard, billie holiday, the list just goes on...

07-25-2011, 06:12 PM
.... but then we'd have no good music?

Some people are destined to burn brighter but shorter than others.

07-25-2011, 06:22 PM
Seanchai there's truth in your comment. Worked in the music industry for almost 10 years. Sadly, this isn't only applicable to musicians.

07-26-2011, 12:25 AM
Im glad i was never tempted to do drugs. :(

07-26-2011, 02:09 AM
Im glad i was never tempted to do drugs. :(

the problem is that most of these kids growing up now don't really see the future. they live day by day. when i was growing up (and i'm only 30) i was poor but i still had dreams and ambitions. all these young dudes and chicks aspire to be is rich, with no plans or actions geared toward making that a reality outside of playing ball, singing or rapping. the odds of hitting the lottery for a million are higher than making it successfully in any of the three aforementioned fields. enter drugs. drugs become an escape for them. a reprieve from the demands of nothingness. a pillow on the bed of uncertainty. there is no future in long term drug usage. it's literally a dead end street. i have too many names tatted on me of friends who found out the hard way.

07-26-2011, 03:55 AM
IM just happy i was raised in a good neighborhood.

07-26-2011, 04:04 AM
IM just happy i was raised in a good neighborhood.


07-26-2011, 07:20 AM
what's unclear? Do we really need to start in on this one?
There's a reason why i'm going to school right now and I'm working on a goal. And the main reason is where i was raised. You'd be an outcast if you used drugs.

What the fuck is the confusion vid man? Do you really wanna start?

You ask me that as if I'm afraid of you or something. lol. You are not the sharpest tool in the shed, by far, so you really don't intimidate me Kitty. I'll match wits with you anyday, I like challenges. What I won't do is match ignorance with you and you have absolutely shown that in regards to this particular thread.

Being raised in a good neighborhood has absolutely nothing to do with a person's propensity to use drugs. I don't know about Amy Winehouse's childhood living arrangements, but I can almost bet you that she didn't grow up in a "poor," "bad," under priveledged" neighborhood. As a matter of fact, here is an excerpt I took from a website.......

A recent study published in the American Psychological Association’s magazine, Monitor on Psychology, claims that adolescents raised in wealthy homes are at higher risk of developing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. They have also been shown to be more prone to developing substance abuse problems such as drug and alcohol addiction.

Also, here is more........

A British survey orchestrated by Ofsted called Tellus3 polled kids across England ranging in age from 10 to 15. The survey found that middle-class kids living in the suburbs and rural areas were more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol than their less affluent peers living in the inner cities.

I will site the web address that I extracted this information from below.

Your perception that little middle-class kids like you are less likely to encounter substance abuse difficulties is totally incongruous. The reason you're in school and educating yourself has nothing to do with your "good neighborhood." It has everything to do with the values that were instilled in you as you were reared by your family (immediate or extended) and friends. My response to your farcical statement with the :confused: gesture was not implying that I was confused, but more to your state of confusion, perhaps your out-of-touch logic on the realities of life. I don't know, maybe you grew up as the "middle-cass rich kid" and somehow feel that you are better than others who grew up less fortunate. Fact is, drug abuse can affect all people of all walks of life. People from "good neighborhoods" are not exempt!

The title of the artice that my excerpts was retrieved from is called: AFFLUENT TEENS MORE PRONE TO SUBSTANCE ABUSE. The web address that my excerpts can be read in more depth is:


07-26-2011, 09:22 AM

NO, see, my problem is that you read into a comment a comment that WASN'T THERE

I was raised in a good neighborhood in an area where drug use was not promoted, common place or accepted. And I had that pounded into my head from a very young age. I can only speak from my own experience. My comment wasn't at ALL making the argument that good neighborhoods=lack of drug use. I was stating that MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD I GREW UP IN CONTRIBUTED TO MY FEELINGS TOWARDS DRUG USE.

You're picking a dumbass mother fucking fight for NO mother fucking reason. That's the issue i have with you. i'm speaking about my own experiences nd you want to take my comment as though I'm implying that people who grew up in bad neighborhoods are more likely to do drugs. YOU'RE WRONG. You're very wrong. How about you actually take what I say at face value instead of making a really drastic assumption.

WHERE I WAS RAISED, we have top schools, i went to one of the best highschools in the fucking nation. Everyone is expected to go to college and MOST of them. The CULTURE around where i was raised does not support the ideas that raheme mentioned. You're more likely to find a kid that wants to be an engineer or a nurse than you are to find a kid who wants to become famous through rap, as he described.

See you're getting offended over absofuckinglutelynothing. I was raised in the upper middle class, YES. But I'm speaking from my own experience, not making a general statement about all upper middle class kids. See if you watched my mother fucking video you know that i only encountered drug culture when i went away to college. And GUESS WHO DID THE MOST FUCKING DRUGS???? RICH KIDS. Guess what way the guy i was dating that was a drug dealer was raised? ABOVE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS. My school is a school that costs 52k a year. What kind of kids do you think that tuition attracts??? RICH KIDS. Dennis cooper's son went to my school and got KICKED OUT. Why?? BECAUSE HE WAS A FUCKING COKE HEAD.

I was raised in a good neighboorhood. A good neighborhood isn't one where everyone is upper middle class. Its one where positive ideas and ambitions are supported. Plenty of kids that went to my highschool was poor. I knew some of them and they were some of my closest friends, yet BECAUSE OF THE ENVIRONMENT, theyr'e going to Cal States and Universitites across the damn country. You can have desires and aspirations and focus and live in a low income area.

You're a fucking dumbass for assuming i was making any other point.

Good damn day.

LOL. My my, unbunch your panties. It's always better to make yourself clear from the initial. Again, it has nothing to do with your "neighborhood," but everything to do what was pounded into your head from a very young age, hence family (immediate or extended) and friends. I grew up in a very "bad" neighborhood, yet, my family pounded the same thing into my head that was pounded into yours. My point? Clearly!!

Oh, and correction Ms. Kitty. Your young age and immaturity would have you to believe that I was picking a fight with you. Absolutely not! I was only having a mere discussion, debate if you will. There is a difference. Fights are deemed personal my dear. I have nothing against you, in the least. I agree with you when I feel that you're right, as I have in other blogs. I disagree with you when I feel that you're wrong, as I have done now. I thought we were always cool and I hope we can stay that way.

Good morning.

07-26-2011, 09:40 AM
And again, you're wrong

Let me ask you something

Do you know me?

Do you know how i was raised?

Do you know who in my life molded and shaped me to be the type of person I am?

Because if you did, you'd know it had NOTHING to with my family. And everything to do with MY COMMUNITY.

And I'm sorry vidman, you are trying to pick a fight because regardless of everything I said in my video and in my posts here, you looked for something wrong, something to correct You internalized it and saw something that just wasn't there.

Please dont speak as if you know how i was raised. Again, i can only speak from my own experiences. And I wouldn't make a point of talking about my good neighborhood if it didn't have an effect on my feelings towards drugs.

My issue with you is that you always search for something to disagree with. There isn't -anything- i said in the video or in my comments that would lead a secure adult to believe i was making the statement you assumed i was making.

Again, dont claim to know me because you really truly dont. Dont tell me how i was rasied or who effected my life more. When discussing personal experience, there is no 'right or wrong. There is only what happened and what didn't. And as someone who is as far away from experiencing the life i have in almost every single way, who the fuck are you to tell me if my personal experience is "wrong".
Girl please.

Who said that I said your personal experience was wrong. I never said that. I only commented to your one liner of "I'm glad I was raised in a good neighborhood."

Secure adult? Where did that come from? LOL!!

I never claimed to know you and I personally don't care if I ever do. What I said was, "I thought we were cool." That does not imply a friendship, but cordiality between two individuals. Again, stop taking things so personal and learn how to have a discussion without getting so ticked.

07-26-2011, 09:49 AM
Ugh. Do I really need to?

" Again, it has nothing to do with your "neighborhood," but everything to do what was pounded into your head from a very young age, hence family (immediate or extended) and friends."

Who are you tell me that my ideals when it comes to drugs have nothing to do with my neighborhood? And HOW would you know that if you dont know me?

Doing it again.

I was referring to the general terms of "good" vs "bad" neighborhoods and how they influence substance abuse. I wasn't referring to your personal life. Now, if you define a "good" or "bad" neighborhood to be something based on your life experiences, then that's another story.

07-26-2011, 10:01 AM
And there in lies the major flaw in your argument, which brings me back to my initial response to you. I'm speaking from personal experience, not making overgeneralizations.

So the very foundation of your argument/disagreence is FLAWED.

Thus making this a POINTLESS argument.

You're refuting points that were NOT made.

No, the foundation of my argument is not flawed if my argument is based on your "one liner." Your points were never clearly made until we started having this discussion. I'm merely getting out of you that which should have been stated immeidately after you made that "one liner."

The foundation of my argument stands....Just because a person comes from a bad neighborhood does not pre-dispose him to substance addiction any more than the person from the good neighborhood.

07-26-2011, 10:45 AM

ok, i'm done.

This is lame.

This thread isn't about building an argument and having a debate. It's about talking about the death of a 27 year old and preventing it with the trans community.

Why you'd think that's grounds for debate is beyond me. People like you just like to argue/debate. Waste of time.

07-26-2011, 11:40 AM

ok, i'm done.

This is lame.

This thread isn't about building an argument and having a debate. It's about talking about the death of a 27 year old and preventing it with the trans community.

Why you'd think that's grounds for debate is beyond me. People like you just like to argue/debate. Waste of time.

Listen Kitty, this is a forum. This is a place where people discuss different topics. Some topics are controversial and some aren't. If you don't like the dynamic of this Forum, then go somewhere else! I have a right to comment when and whatever I choose to comment about, just as you do. The bigger issue here is that you don't want people to disagree with you or challenge what comes from your mouth, as if you have all the answers.

You're exactly right about one thing though, this thread is about the death of Amy and how to prevent, not only trans, but people, in general, of drug abuse which could lead to death. However, the first thing we must do is extinguish misleading falsehoods and myths about drug abuse and it's origins, for example, the quirky idea that living in a good neighborhood somehow minimizes your chances of being a victim of drug abuse/addiction.

07-26-2011, 11:47 AM
except the PROBLEM is that the points you're making have nothing to do with what i'm saying

Why would you debate a personal experience?

SEems like a waste of time. Which is ultimately YOUR issue not mine. I know that people disagree and that's fine, but you will not debate, refute or argue over my personal life experience, that's just a waste of time.

07-26-2011, 11:56 AM
i mean it's like saying

"i went to the store and got some bread" and then comming back with

"not all stores have bread. I dont think you got bread from the store because most stores dont have bread. So the reason you got bread wasn't because you went to the store but because you wanted bread"

Does anyone besides vidman see that he's reading into my one comment about my upbringing way too much?

I mean comment on whatever you will, but dont come for me and reute my personal experience for the sake of yoru agrument. You could have made the argument that good neighborhoods doesn't mean less drug use without involving me.

07-26-2011, 01:56 PM
Does anyone besides vidman see that he's reading into my one comment about my upbringing way too much?

Yes I do and think both your arguments are being rather pedantic and de-railed a thread.
He started it by just a stupid response to your comment but you continued. Can you both please stop or take it to your own forum elsewhere.

07-26-2011, 03:18 PM
IM just happy i was raised in a good neighborhood.

What the heck happened in here?

07-26-2011, 03:33 PM
What the heck happened in here?

Aww damn Raheme, why did you edit your original post? Damn you! LOL!!!!

What happened to the "folly" post just a second ago? LMAO!

Oh, I see why you edited the post Raheme. I feel ya man.
I'll pull my comment so that your "no drama" comment won't be seen.

07-26-2011, 03:50 PM
What the heck happened in here?

It's like when you come back from the store and find that the kids rode the dog through the house while spray painting as they galloped.

Truthfully though, anyone could've taken Kitty's comment that way. Things could've been made much less personal though.

07-26-2011, 03:57 PM
It's like when you come back from the store and find that the kids rode the dog through the house while spray painting as they galloped.

Truthfully though, anyone could've taken Kitty's comment that way. Things could've been made much less personal though.

Anyone could have.

07-26-2011, 04:46 PM
Anyone could have.

Not everyone had to be so pedantic and make it so personal though, only a few people would have bothered to engage in an argument about it.

07-26-2011, 05:24 PM
Not everyone had to be so pedantic and make it so personal though, only a few people would have bothered to engage in an argument about it.

I was only trying to convey my point. Making it personal was never my intention. It seems that she just wasn't getting it. Yeah, I guess I beat a dead horse a little bit. However, I still think I made a valid point to those who understood where I was coming from. On that note, I definitely understand where you're going with it Seanchai.

07-26-2011, 05:36 PM
Anyone could have.

I took it the wrong way but then I read all the replies and backed off what I was going to say.

Ms Remy M
07-26-2011, 06:28 PM
I never listen to any of her music but it still sad nonetheless. I know too many girls with drug issues and I don't mean weed. Hopefully, their habits wont consume them. :cool:

Ms Remy M
07-26-2011, 06:29 PM
I took it the wrong way but then I read all the replies and backed off what I was going to say.

Im nosy :rolleyes:

Now playing: A.F.I. - 37mm (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/a.f.i./track/37mm)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

Ms Remy M
07-26-2011, 08:57 PM
*Moved off topic post to Mindless Ramblings thread* http://www.black-tgirls.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3761

Now playing: The Misfits - TV Casualty (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+misfits/track/tv+casualty)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

07-27-2011, 06:59 AM
I was only trying to convey my point. Making it personal was never my intention. It seems that she just wasn't getting it. Yeah, I guess I beat a dead horse a little bit. However, I still think I made a valid point to those who understood where I was coming from. On that note, I definitely understand where you're going with it Seanchai.

Yeah, but you're missing the part where


So there's no sense in 'arguing" over it since i'm not refuting anything youre saying. You just saw what I said and chose to take it the wrong way. To anyone else who chose to take it the wrong way, i feel very sorry for you. Honestly I do. Jumping to crazy conclusions over what was essentially a non threatening non argumentative comment? Seriously???

Anywho, dead. Lets bitch via private message if we have to. I hate how derailed i've made this thread.

07-27-2011, 07:09 AM
Yeah, but you're missing the part where


So there's no sense in 'arguing" over it since i'm not refuting anything youre saying. You just saw what I said and chose to take it the wrong way. To anyone else who chose to take it the wrong way, i feel very sorry for you. Honestly I do. Jumping to crazy conclusions over what was essentially a non threatening non argumentative comment? Seriously???

Anywho, dead. Lets bitch via private message if we have to. I hate how derailed i've made this thread.

Take it easy. You're on 3rd street.:cool:

07-27-2011, 07:45 AM
Take it easy. You're on 3rd street.:cool:

(whistling a little tune):rolleyes:

07-29-2011, 03:17 AM
Perhaps out of respect for Amy Winehouse before assuming her death was a result of a drug overdose or something directly related to drug use we should wait for autopsy and toxicology reports first?

07-29-2011, 04:27 AM
Smartest thing I've read all thread.

07-29-2011, 02:08 PM
Perhaps out of respect for Amy Winehouse before assuming her death was a result of a drug overdose or something directly related to drug use we should wait for autopsy and toxicology reports first?

you have got to be out of your damn mind if you think DRUGS had no part in her death. doesn't matter if she was loaded on them when she died or not. DRUGS destroyed her life. you can play this politically correct bull all you want but anyone with a shred of common sense and two good eyes could see the devastating affect drugs took on Amy Winehouse.

07-30-2011, 03:32 AM
i agree with raheme...i mean...seriously?/

I think we all know it's drugs. Even if they say it's not in the end.

Ms Remy M
07-30-2011, 03:42 AM
Does it matter how she or anyone else dies. They are no longer here, express condolences and move on. Those with vices, learn from the lessons of the deceased.

Now playing: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/green+day/track/boulevard+of+broken+dreams)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

07-30-2011, 04:00 AM
Ehhh.... don't be a quitter. :eek::rolleyes:

07-30-2011, 04:05 AM
Ehhh.... don't be a quitter. :eek::rolleyes:

Exactly. Just give things up occasionally to prove you can. That way people stay off your back about it.

Ms Remy M
07-30-2011, 04:11 AM
Exactly. Just give things up occasionally to prove you can. That way people stay off your back about it.

I've had re-occurring issues with cigarettes. It's not something I'm happy about. Each time I quit cold turkey, but eventually some major form of stress pops up in my life, and I return to the comforts of nicotine. Last time I went 2 years without a smoke, and so far we are coming upon month 4 since I quit again. :cool:

Now playing: Professional Murder Music - Of Unknown Origin (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/professional+murder+music/track/of+unknown+origin)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

07-30-2011, 04:31 AM
Sometimes I smoke when I'm pissed, provided I can find a place that sells loosies. I ain't payin' 9 bucks for gradual death...

Ms Remy M
07-30-2011, 04:56 AM
Sometimes I smoke when I'm pissed, provided I can find a place that sells loosies. I ain't payin' 9 bucks for gradual death...

To be sure, gradual death is free and a burden we all carry. The simple act of taking a breath of air is slowly aging and thus killing us. Every day, we eek closer to a day when we will no longer be, whether we live like the Amish or revel in excess. I have my own reasons for spurning my vices, and the ever increasing price has nothing to do with it. :cool:

Now playing: Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/dead+can+dance/track/the+host+of+seraphim)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

07-30-2011, 05:34 AM
To be sure, gradual death is free and a burden we all carry. The simple act of taking a breath of air is slowly aging and thus killing us. Every day, we eek closer to a day when we will no longer be, whether we live like the Amish or revel in excess. I have my own reasons for spurning my vices, and the ever increasing price has nothing to do with it. :cool:

Now playing: Dead Can Dance - The Host Of Seraphim (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/dead+can+dance/track/the+host+of+seraphim)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

That doesn't apply to me. I am in fact, forever. - _-

07-30-2011, 06:43 PM
you have got to be out of your damn mind if you think DRUGS had no part in her death. doesn't matter if she was loaded on them when she died or not. DRUGS destroyed her life. you can play this politically correct bull all you want but anyone with a shred of common sense and two good eyes could see the devastating affect drugs took on Amy Winehouse.

I never said drugs had no part in her death what I said was that we should not assume drugs caused her death e.g. An overdose. For all we know she could have died from an aneurysm, so you see I'm not trying to be politically correct I am just choosing not to assume someones cause of death without knowing exactly what killed them.