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View Full Version : Damm, I'm so pissed off. I fucked up...A must read

10-16-2011, 09:24 AM
Went to club fusion sat night. Took this spanish girl with me. She's a non-pro. Really attractive and sexy. But ts kim from brooklyn was there. She's pictured on the cover of this video. The black girl on the left. Kim and I got it on with each other a few yrs ago. Right about when this video was realeased. Spanish chick goes to the bathroom. I say hi to kim. She asks me to buy her a LI tea. I told her I was there with someone. She got a little pissed. I told her to calm down and stop trying to intimidate my date. Then kim sits right behind my date. Pulls up her skirt and that fat fucking dick is totally visible. And she started rolling her hips. It was fucking torture. I almost told the spanish chick, sorry, but I gotta do this. But I didnt do it. Kim was so drunk that she eventually fell off the bar stool. I left with the spanish chick, but all I could think of was that fat fucking dick of kim's just sitting there. AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I take the spanish chick home(she's staying right around the corner from me) and she wouldnt come home with me. fUCK!!! Damm I'm sooooo fucking mad at myself. If anyone has a number for Kim please pm it to me! I gotta talk to her and explain what was going on.

10-16-2011, 11:48 AM
Went to club fusion sat night. Took this spanish girl with me. She's a non-pro. Really attractive and sexy. But ts kim from brooklyn was there. She's pictured on the cover of this video. The black girl on the left. Kim and I got it on with each other a few yrs ago. Right about when this video was realeased. Spanish chick goes to the bathroom. I say hi to kim. She asks me to buy her a LI tea. I told her I was there with someone. She got a little pissed. I told her to calm down and stop trying to intimidate my date. Then kim sits right behind my date. Pulls up her skirt and that fat fucking dick is totally visible. And she started rolling her hips. It was fucking torture. I almost told the spanish chick, sorry, but I gotta do this. But I didnt do it. Kim was so drunk that she eventually fell off the bar stool. I left with the spanish chick, but all I could think of was that fat fucking dick of kim's just sitting there. AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I take the spanish chick home(she's staying right around the corner from me) and she wouldnt come home with me. fUCK!!! Damm I'm sooooo fucking mad at myself. If anyone has a number for Kim please pm it to me! I gotta talk to her and explain what was going on.

Wow...i would say you got ass out, but in your case, you got dicked!!! lol:D

10-16-2011, 05:39 PM
i did pm you her number

10-17-2011, 01:44 AM
You did the right thing.

Never sell yourself out or your date for random ass. Odds are she was just testing you anyway. So you end up looking like an ass in both their eyes.

So by not coming off like "thirsty trade" you increase your value in the other girls eyes. So play it off and act like you're having a good time with your date while ignoring her advances until the next time you meet.

10-17-2011, 02:37 AM
You did the right thing.

Never sell yourself out or your date for random ass. Odds are she was just testing you anyway. So you end up looking like an ass in both their eyes.

So by not coming off like "thirsty trade" you increase your value in the other girls eyes. So play it off and act like you're having a good time with your date while ignoring her advances until the next time you meet.

True Indy, but that damm Kim had me salivating, and she knew it. LOL

10-17-2011, 04:06 AM
True Indy, but that damm Kim had me salivating, and she knew it. LOL

I feel you on that shit J. Money! Kim is a bad chic!!! I remember her scene in that Joey Silvera - Rogue Adventures movie. She was bangin the shit out of the lil white guy and talkin shit while she was doing it!! Kind of intimidating for me, but her aggressiveness was a MAJOR turn-on!!!!

10-17-2011, 04:07 AM
You did the right thing.

Never sell yourself out or your date for random ass. Odds are she was just testing you anyway. So you end up looking like an ass in both their eyes.

So by not coming off like "thirsty trade" you increase your value in the other girls eyes. So play it off and act like you're having a good time with your date while ignoring her advances until the next time you meet.

Good advice Indy. I wasn't exactly sure how I would have handled that either.

10-17-2011, 11:48 AM
Good advice Indy. I wasn't exactly sure how I would have handled that either.
Yeah well sometimes it isn't really about you. Women are competitive to. So she likely saw the girl he was with and wanted to see if she could get him to fold since she knew his "weakness". This is especially common when the other girl is genetic.

Don't be surprised if you see Kim again by yourself and she's acting cold and distant towards you. If so it's because that initial challenge isn't there.

When girls act like this you have to counter it with your own form of arrogance. Remember these girls are use to a certain level of catering from guys. So she might even flip on him on some client/ escort shit since he's no longer with the competition and she may no longer high or drunk. So know how to play your cards.

10-17-2011, 01:12 PM
Yeah well sometimes it isn't really about you. Women are competitive to. So she likely saw the girl he was with and wanted to see if she could get him to fold since she knew his "weakness". This is especially common when the other girl is genetic.

Don't be surprised if you see Kim again by yourself and she's acting cold and distant towards you. If so it's because that initial challenge isn't there.

When girls act like this you have to counter it with your own form arrogance. Remember these girls are use to a certain level of catering from guys. So she might even flip on him on some client escort shit since he's no longer with the competition and may no longer high or drunk. So know how to play your cards.

10-17-2011, 03:11 PM
Don't be surprised if you see Kim again by yourself and she's acting cold and distant towards you. If so it's because that initial challenge isn't there.

When girls act like this you have to counter it with your own form of arrogance. Remember these girls are use to a certain level of catering from guys. So she might even flip on him on some client/ escort shit since he's no longer with the competition and she may no longer high or drunk. So know how to play your cards.

I agree I haven't been with Kim,cause her intial attitude and how I see her act in the club completely turns me off.Some guys dont mind made to feel from the gate like nothing more than a drink buyer an a ATM,I'm not one of them.I know the main reason alot of the gurls in those clubs come at me hard, is cause I carry myself wit a certain swag,like I've had better,an I'm not a chaser.Its so much cut throat an unloyalty among so-called friends of gurls its amazing.And for the record Kim maybe a nice chic I'm just not interetsed.

10-20-2011, 10:10 PM
You know, also I need to start following my own advice. DONT BRING SAND TO THE BEACH! LOL

10-20-2011, 10:47 PM
wow son...... Thats some wild shyt man.... If i run across kims digits i'll hit you up...... Better luck next time.....

10-20-2011, 11:14 PM
i sent you her number hope you got it.

10-20-2011, 11:57 PM
wow son...... Thats some wild shyt man.... If i run across kims digits i'll hit you up...... Better luck next time.....

Heeyy Roc is her photos still on the site?

10-20-2011, 11:59 PM
heeyy roc is her photos still on the site?

no... This my personal stash....

10-21-2011, 01:48 AM
no... This my personal stash....

Whatta great stash.

10-21-2011, 09:05 PM
wow son...... Thats some wild shyt man.... If i run across kims digits i'll hit you up...... Better luck next time.....

Wow she's beautiful!

Yeah I'd have to be extra ignorant to her. "Buy you a dring? You better buy me a drink, Movie Star!" is how I'd start off.

"Nigga fuck you" is how she'd likely end the conversation but with that type of "fuck" at least I'd still have my 10 bucks!

10-21-2011, 09:23 PM
Sounds about right. On the other hand she might find your bravado enticing... not likely but always a possibility.

10-22-2011, 05:26 AM
i sent you her number hope you got it.

I tried it once and got no answer. Ill try again.