View Full Version : I don't want to have to adopt.

01-18-2012, 03:16 PM
I'm just wondering what I should do in the future...some of the T-girls i've talked to have been very sweet, down to earth and beautiful women. I can totally see myself in a long term relationship with one in the future. But I do wonder what happens if things start getting really serious. I'm still young but I know when I get older I'm going to want kids. So what would I do then? Adoption is great and everything, but I'd personally like my own kids you know.

Black Magick
01-18-2012, 03:26 PM
That's why I couldn't see myself dating a trans. I want kids to carry my family's name and that can't be done with a trans. I'm building a great legacy and I need someone to pass it to.

01-19-2012, 12:44 AM
It's a dilemma at this point, I want to date a transwoman but I want kids. Damn :/

01-19-2012, 03:26 AM
I'm just wondering what I should do in the future...some of the T-girls i've talked to have been very sweet, down to earth and beautiful women. I can totally see myself in a long term relationship with one in the future. But I do wonder what happens if things start getting really serious. I'm still young but I know when I get older I'm going to want kids. So what would I do then? Adoption is great and everything, but I'd personally like my own kids you know.

I understand your dilema but there is another option. You could find a surrogate and your child will still carry your blood and DNA. I have been in a long term relationship with a transgendered woman and we discussed this subject at length. Its a difficult subject with Genetic Girls as well so don't think just because a woman is able to have children she will. If you find yourself in love with a woman who happens to be transgendered you will do whatever is necessary to be with her. Love can overcome alot of issues.

01-19-2012, 04:24 AM
The question of having Kids is hugely valid with all couples. I personally don't know any couples with a transgendered partner who wants a new child. I do know a TS who has a very loving 17 year old boy and all is well there.
I'm all for the couple having children by adoption or surrogate. But, adoption isn't for everyone.
I'm in a new relationship with a transwoman whom I'm crazy about and she loves kids. I have 2 adolecent boys so my legacy is in tack for now. But, I would be up for raising a child with this girl. We haven't discussed this yet.:cool:

So! Flaco you have 2 options mentioned in the responces prior to mine. And you have some support from some of us so far. If I was you, I would go after the girl, discuss the options and together make a decision. If you have to move on, so be it. YOU have to be happy. You won't be if you have to compromise your priorities and then later wish you didn't. Don't mistake this for selfishness. Man and woman has certain wants and other criteria that make them healthy and happy. That's the way it is.

Good luck with this part of your life Flaco.

01-19-2012, 03:25 PM
Thanks to everyone for the advice, the options don't look so great to me unfortunately. I don't feel like I would ever want to have a child through surrogate, something about that whole scenario bothers me...However, I'm still young so I guess I have quite some time to make a decision. If I'm with a T-girl in the future me and her will have to figure it out. And if I'm with a Genetic Girl than obviously we won't have to worry about this.

01-20-2012, 01:25 AM
Damn that! Yall seen "Orphan!" So if she's that hell bent on a family then she's going to have to procreate the old fashion way.

Tell the tranny to take one for the team and knock up some irresponsible unfit mother type of broad and have her release all of her parental rights once it's born. then the Tranny can just raise the child as the mom. And if I'm feeling the tgirl like that then I'll step in as the dad. This way...

-She wont have to deal with those annoying ass adoption agencies that put you through hell

-This way the child will at least be blood. So you wont have to ask why little Jimmy is killing all the neighbors pets because you'll know of any history of Hannibal Lectures in your family.

-The thought of a tgirl fucking a live in genetic female when ever I walk in the door is the ultimate intensive of me never straying elsewhere else. ONE STOP SHOPPING ANYONE??? LOL!