View Full Version : Wanted to share my experience open for comments

01-24-2012, 02:34 PM
Hello all,

I am an American born and raised on the east coast but now I currently live and Brazil for the past year. I work from my PC so I have a lot of free time on my hands during the day. I like to come to the forum and read the comments and post because for the most part it's entertaining and every now and again, thought provoking.

I will say that I have been attracted to TS woman for a while and I have had my share of experiences. I was even in a couple of long term relationships in the past. My attraction I think stems from the fact that I believe that since a TS wasnt born as a woman and they had to work to become one, they work harder at it then most genetic women. They tend to more consistently maintain a very sexy appearance as well as sexual attitude and vibe. I also think that becuase they were born male, they love sex as much as we do in most cases and are quite open minded letting the freak come quicker then a genetic woman. All of the above is a real turn on. Now this not to say all... and I am not trying to generalize. Again, this is my own opinion and formed from my own experiences beginning over 15 years ago. Times have changed and attitudes have changed so again only my opinion

I have lived in some major cities on the east coast and I have met some beautiful, intelligent, focused, determined TS woman. I have also met some gutter, grimey, hood rats too . I say all this because I have a respect for what a lot of these woman go thru but as time went on I realized that as a black man we deal with enough. I didnt want to take on the fight of dealing with issues that always seemed to come up. Transexuals have their own fight but so do black men and for me I lost interest as time went. However I still admired thier sexiness and beauty but from a far, as in websites or from forums like this, etc . I dont think you ever grow out of liking transexuals, just as you wouldnt grow out of liking a black woman or a Puerto Rican or any type of woman for that matter but I will say this. I dated 3 Puerto Rican women in a row and I probably wouldnt again because not to say all or bad, but those 3 came with crazy drama. I guess I feel the same about a transexual.

Now too the point...in the beginning when I first started to discover transexual, like most of us that admire, the ones from Brazil, I thought were unbelievable. I was like," no way is that not a genetic woman" Now this is around 15 yrs ago and plastic surgery wasnt as attainable as it is now in the state, so at that time look wise, Brazilian Transexual seemed to have the drop on thier American counterparts( times have changed and there are some American girls who are real beast now as well.) However I never thought I would go to Brazil and definitely didnt think I would live there. Well isnt life funny because now here I am . After reading and learning about the transexual culture down here, it's crazy. A lot of these girls you would see on the Brazilian websites, actually live near me. You might see them at McDonalds or in the mall and in person it's like " awww hell no, or you kidding me." The park I play basketball at, they have a big Gay parade and they come from all over. On top of that, black men don't have the same stigma that we have in the states. They actually like us a lot, because here we are different and an American black man is like one juicy purple grape in the middle of all green ones. I have been talking to one girl and she is off the chain She wants me to give her courses in english and she is telling me that she has some friends that want to learn too . They will actually pay me.

Here is the irony of the sitution. Since moving here, I have married a beautiful Brazilian genetic woman and she is my best friend and partner in the world. I would never do any thing to tarnish that, and so even though there is a helluva lot of temptation, I am good . I am friends with one because I wanted to appease my curiosity of knowing a brazilian transexual after all those years of being a huge fan from a far. My wife knows of her although she doesnt know she is transexual and the girl knows my status and respects it and we are developing a brother/ sister sort of relationship.

I really just wanted to hear feed back. I am curious as to what others would do in my situation . For me it isnt worth it to lose something that is so wonderful to me but I truly believe I am in the the transexual capital of the world. It you were in my shoes what would you do ? Sorry for the long post but had a lot to say.

01-24-2012, 04:37 PM
well IMO the truth is always better than a lie, just be prepared to face the consequences she may think ur gay since u like shemales which is complete bullshit bcuz i don't like men, its the illusion of a woman which I'm attracted too but knowing deep down its really a man also attracts me

01-25-2012, 01:45 AM
You are in a very precarious situation in that you have married a genetic female from down there whom you say you love and respect yet you still possess an insatiable appetite/desire for "ladies" of the transgendered persuasion. In a land where they are not only in abundance but where they rate at the heights of the attractiveness/hotness scale. Not only this but you have already began to befriend them even introducing one unbeknownst to your wife. Without due care and resoluteness of will trouble is easily on the horizon. As you intimated, one doesn't tend to grow out of this attraction, at least not effortlessly. The more you are around them the greater the likelihood of that insatiable ts aura/vibe subduing your will. But seeing as you have chosen to marry someone then fidelity means everything and must rule the day(and in your case the night as well). Continue to cherish and love your wife and try as best you may to keep your inner desire for t-girls in check. Much easier said than done when you have that ts fever. :D What city are you in if i may ask?

01-26-2012, 07:28 PM
twowaybro, I understand what you are saying and without going into too much detail....my wife is good and I will never cheat on her. I must also say that the genetic woman are just as beautiful down here too and I have women friends also and I am not trying to sleep with them either. The culture is not what you would think as it is portrayed on TV or the news and so friendship become special because Brazil is a country built on social interaction. I just wanted to share my experience because life is very ironic sometimes, and it was only on a forum like this that people would understand how you can essentially live in two worlds even if they are past and present and yet they can still collide. In fact collide from 1000's a miles apart but in a way you would never imagine.

01-26-2012, 07:58 PM
Brazil is such an amazing country and I'm happy you're there. If I was there I'd be getting busy with genetic ladies and t-ladies left and right lol...However, if you've found someone you love then you need not worry. I truly believe if you Love someone you can't cheat on them, that feeling is just too strong and won't allow you to. You'll be fine brother. Enjoy Brazil, meet new people, you can socialize with T-girls as much as you'd like but continue to love and stay faithful to your wife.

01-26-2012, 11:58 PM
Interesting story my friend.
My work has a office in Sao Palo and I've been trying to do a job site review for the past year. But to no avail. LOL!
I'm a huge fan of Latino women. Dated a Puerto Rican TS who lives in NYC for about 3 years. Sorta crazy comes to mind when I think of her. But believe me the other thoughts are wonderful.
You can definitely be friends with a TS and be happily married too. I did.
I love GG's as well as TS's. But! I'm in love with a TS now and I have no desire to stray to a GG. Yet I have lots of GG friends and business workers. That doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with them while I'm with this girl. SO! Carry on with your life brother. You're on a path that seems to fit you just fine.

01-28-2012, 02:29 AM
A lot of guys compartmentalize their sex life. There's the serious love of your life with whom you spend most of your time, have children with, etc. And then there's the fling(s) who aren't very serious and pose no threat to your emotional loyalty, but can be explosive fun for a little while.

Conventional moral wisdom says: stay true to your wife ! Don't stray ! Be a good boy ! Also, they'll say that if you feel wrong about cheating, then avoid it because you'll suffer from the guilt. I think one of the most underestimated risks is that a fling can turn into an emotional entanglement.

But what people say and what they do are often infamously different. :D

Good luck with your decisions. :cool:

01-28-2012, 07:08 AM
A lot of guys compartmentalize their sex life. There's the serious love of your life with whom you spend most of your time, have children with, etc. And then there's the fling(s) who aren't very serious and pose no threat to your emotional loyalty, but can be explosive fun for a little while.

Conventional moral wisdom says: stay true to your wife ! Don't stray ! Be a good boy ! Also, they'll say that if you feel wrong about cheating, then avoid it because you'll suffer from the guilt. I think one of the most underestimated risks is that a fling can turn into an emotional entanglement.

But what people say and what they do are often infamously different. :D

Good luck with your decisions. :cool:

im sorry but that statement right there is why sooo many women have crazy trust issues

01-28-2012, 08:14 AM
I tryed to stay out of this, but my question is if you love and respect your wife so much why are you keeping it a secret that your friend is a TS? If your only friends your wife should understand and be ok with you teaching her and her friends english:rolleyes: I feel nothing good can come of this, You have yearned for brazilian ts for all these years why even tempt yourself by befriending one and bringing her into your personal space. I feel you should have enjoyed the TS there b4 you decided to get married, So now all of a sudden you pick back up your curiosity and you say for friendship( sure )we all know where friendship can lead, goodluck on that hole your digging.

Black Magick
01-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Dude, you're in Brazil? Home of the baddest TS in the world?

Black Magick
01-29-2012, 02:04 AM
im sorry but that statement right there is why sooo many women have crazy trust issues
Yeah, they're afraid that their guy might be out doing the same things that they're doing.