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02-11-2012, 01:20 AM

This is so sad...

Ms Remy M
02-11-2012, 09:09 AM
Didn't bother to watch the clip though I did read the article, but comedy is comedy, social group is fair game. Really, he's making fun of the ignorance these people he is interviewing have, not so much different from Borat's Sascha Cohen I believe his name is. This is what happens when people learn from watching reality tv/youtube which generally cast idiots in the spotlight.

02-11-2012, 09:47 AM
Actually pretty funny.

What month is White History Month though? Or what month is American History Month? Hang on, shouldn't Black History Month be part of American History Month or did they have a different history? Does Black History Month include the millennia's in Africa or no?

Just curious.

02-11-2012, 11:45 AM
I didn't really see it as funny, just some dumb kid keeping stereotypes alive for attention.:rolleyes: It would have been fine if he approached it in a comical manner without the blackface and instead of laughing along with the students (black-white) he should have dropped some knowledge on them by correcting them and informing them on people who have fought and died in this struggle called race. And fighting ignorance with ignorance how dumb is that, that's never going to get us anywhere .Baby the times are a changing and from what I see for the worse.

02-11-2012, 12:33 PM
Actually pretty funny.

What month is White History Month though? Or what month is American History Month? Hang on, shouldn't Black History Month be part of American History Month or did they have a different history? Does Black History Month include the millennia's in Africa or no?

Just curious.

American History would pretty much be every other month outside of February. Black history probably should just be part of regular curriculum but as we well know the American education system is quite shitty. And no, they don't include any of the time in Africa. They just regurgitate the same shit for 12 years. It's always about the civil rights movement. It's important yes, but that is literally the only thing they bother teaching.

02-11-2012, 05:33 PM
Every "white" and "black" person in this clip is a blinking idiot.

Even the comedy "terrorist" embarrased himself at the end of the clip, ruining an otherwise interesting experiment with a self-righteous, holier-than-thou written statement about how he finds it "embarrassing" that only 3 people said anything about him "... not being black", with accompanying melancholy background music... I think he may have missed his own point, the hunchbacked kunt.

The binary-coded pool of identity vomit that humans seem so happy to revel in provides much amusement for me!.... But then, I have learnt that the only thing more pathetic than a SYSTEM that encourages membership of such monolithic and ultimately phoney identities such as "white" or "black", are the countless "individuals" (the inverted commas are pertinent) that passively, or sometimes even enthusiastically, embrace such identities.

American history should be taught 12 months of the year in America, warts and all... (Unfortunately some people only want the warts and the warts alone to be taught... Yeh, like that's really gonna help lol)

African history should of course be taught, particularly in Africa...

One hopes the Edukators have the spiritual integrity to include the art of collaboration when they come to the uglier aspects of both American and African his story.

blue eyed devil

02-11-2012, 08:31 PM
Actually pretty funny.

Does Black History Month include the millennia's in Africa or no?

Just curious.

Of course! Unfortunately, this history was/is diminished in the American curriculum therefore creating a need for it to be spotlighted. The "black" African contribution to world civilization is tremendous but most Americans(especially in the past) are terribly unaware. Highlighting the history of this country's former enslaved population was not at the forefront of thinking of American educators at any level. Carter G. Woodson's response was to select a week to spotlight the historical contributions of black people to civilization(world and American). The above video to me is just an example of the level of historical ignorance of many in the population be they white or black. In an ideal world history is history and includes an accurate, unbiased description of every groups contribution; however, we don't live in this kind of world. The selection/election of Barak Obama notwithstanding. Until the day when history is once again elevated to that of a science where biases and omissions are not par for the course then a "black history week/month" will continue to be needed.