View Full Version : RIP Ms Whitney Houston

02-12-2012, 01:03 AM
One of the greatest female voices of my generation is no longer with us. Very sad and tragic end to a glorious music career. One of the best for sure. RIP Whitney.

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf3ZRAtVcuSEWYKTspWZxtQX8_pRDs9 FU_BvV5PBWa04HZY_XZxQ
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQfh3VnpwvJV5tqp01xtp3nhdnu3Gpv kj99ORHc2P6sMSRFbRfhttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQaLbRbVBNePjZEKbhxxGWl7SeyUgdPF lQ2fwY6hbrSQ-U_LO6P

02-12-2012, 12:09 PM
I got my first kiss during a Whitney Houston song, danced to her music at my prom and will always remember her for her beauty and the gift that she shared with us all.my prayers go out to her family and friends.

02-12-2012, 10:07 PM
As a young boy I had her poster on my ceiling above my bed (the pic of her in a white one-piece swimsuit, on the back of her first album) and had a serious crush on her.

She chose pop music as her vehicle for success, but only a snobby fool would denigrate her for this; her ability to "act" out a song, now mimicked by countless others (and usually on autopilot) was amazing, breathtaking... Her vocal gymnastics were real, not just for show or studio manipulated.

As an angelically beautiful model, singer, and actress she achieves all the fame and recognition she richly deserves, and she will be remembered for her mesmerizing vocal skills.. God bless you Ms Houston!

blue eyed devil xx

02-12-2012, 10:18 PM
r.i.p. Ms. Houston........you're the greatest love of all!

Ms Remy M
02-13-2012, 05:01 PM
R.I.P. Whitney Houston

02-15-2012, 09:52 PM
02/11/12: The day my idol, my superstar, my all time favorite singer died, is the day when my whole world collapsed and my heart broke to pieces like a mirror. How shall I ever understand this?

Whitney Houston: I have looked up to you for 20 years (since I started thinking... I could not speak 1 English word but I could sing along your songs), I used to sit in my brother's room holding your album covers in my small hands and begging him to play your songs again and again, I have defended you against everyone who said only one bad word against you, I have also been a fan when you were not on stage, when nobody was talking about you, when you were not releasing songs and albums. You are the only artist I have ever had a picture on my wall - when I was a small child, when I was a teenager in puberty and nowadays! I have always said: If I could make a wish, I would wish to meet Whitney Houston- even if it's only possible for 1 minute! All my family and friends know how much of your fan I have always been - and will be forever! I was never wearing a T-shirt of you or a handbag with your name on it because I never liked this superficial stuff. I am your fan with all my heart and soul, every day since I have heard you singing for the first time. I know all your songs by heart, I have all your albums, I have seen you live 18 times all over the world and I was more than excited about that and I could barely sleep days before your concerts. I think I know pretty much all videos of you on youtube etc. because I have spent days and nights watching and listening to them.

I will always be your fan - as I have been everyday since I was 4 years old!

Whitney "The Voice" Houston - my idol and my queen: W H Y?

I am more than devastated and I still cannot believe it.

Rest In Peace beautiful soul!

I will always love you :'(

02-23-2012, 03:39 AM
Q:What do Whitney Houston and spiders have in common?

Naaa....to soon.

02-23-2012, 04:24 AM
Q:What do Whitney Houston and spiders have in common?

Naaa....to soon.

Do tell... I love a politically incorrect joke...