View Full Version : Should I tell my girlfriend about my attraction to TS?

03-14-2012, 08:49 AM
I've been dating my current girlfriend for 3 years and want to marry her in the near future. We talk to each other about everything and she knows more about me than anyone else, except for one little secret. My love of TS porn. I want to be honest with her about everything if we're going to be married, but this is a pretty big secret. She's a pretty conservative person and a little sheltered so I know that the idea of TS porn would shock her and the idea of me watching it might frighten her. However, this is a relatively important aspect of who I am so I feel she should know before we ever get married. Has anyone else been in this same situation? Any advice?

03-14-2012, 08:56 PM
everyone i've told has been pretty accepting of my situation, but question is are you prepared for her to possibly leave you. 9/10 she's going to seek advice or tell a friend. If you can handle the outcome then sure, but I told a girl the complete truth about me one time and she walked out of my life, and i sort of regretted it ever since. If TS porn isnt going to be an ongoing thing in your life then skip it...but if you choose otherwise, then all i can say is i hope you feel it was the right decision. Whatever you decide be prepared and dont have any regrets.

03-14-2012, 11:11 PM
To be honest, you're kinda screwed....

you dated her for 3 years and she still doesn't know... if your relationship was strong enough to consider marriage, this should have already been up for a discussion. I've met men who have gone through similar situations. It can go two ways. Either they'll be disgusted and leave you or they'll be really into it and ok with it. i you've bee dating her for 3 years her taking this badly is gonna suck hard. The way i feel about it is you're always happier with yourself when you're honest. Ultimately i think your partner should know if it's THAT important to you that you feel like it's a secret. What would suck is for her to find out and feel like you're lying about it to her. Women have the tendecy to feel betrayal when you haven't expressed your full feelings. trust me, i'm there all the time. hahahah. So you've got one o two choices. Either you hide it from her and don't say anything about it and constantly have to check yourself OR be honest with her, tell her about it and don't feel like you have to hide it.

I've spoken to a lot of men and youd be surprised how open some women can be to your attraction to trasgendered women. It's a heavy gamble, but if you think it's worth it and if you're ok with her leaving because she doesn't accept it, then I say go for it.

Honestly...you dont wanna be that 50 year old divorced guy at the tranny bar. Think about it.

03-14-2012, 11:16 PM
my question is this:

are you only into TS porn or have you actually been with a ts?

if you're only into the porn, do you think it will go beyond that, meaning you'll eventually move into actually having with a ts?

i started out strictly watching, but my curiosity took over and it moved into real life...if you see it going that direction, i'd say tell her...if its strictly porn, i don't see the need to disclose it

03-14-2012, 11:18 PM
my question is this:

are you only into TS porn or have you actually been with a ts?

if you're only into the porn, do you think it will go beyond that, meaning you'll eventually move into actually having with a ts?

i started out strictly watching, but my curiosity took over and it moved into real life...if you see it going that direction, i'd say tell her...if its strictly porn, i don't see the need to disclose it

But also, if you're thinking about fucking around with other people, marriage probably isn't the way to go.

Ms Remy M
03-15-2012, 12:00 AM
I agree, both Kitty and thegreat1 have made great points for which there is little to add.

Now playing: The Pretty Reckless - My Medicine (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+pretty+reckless/track/my+medicine)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

03-15-2012, 01:41 AM
I've been dating my current girlfriend for 3 years and want to marry her in the near future. We talk to each other about everything and she knows more about me than anyone else, except for one little secret. My love of TS porn. I want to be honest with her about everything if we're going to be married, but this is a pretty big secret. She's a pretty conservative person and a little sheltered so I know that the idea of TS porn would shock her and the idea of me watching it might frighten her. However, this is a relatively important aspect of who I am so I feel she should know before we ever get married. Has anyone else been in this same situation? Any advice?

For me it's the "Skinny Girl Rule" Meaning that if you're currently dating a fat girl, what are the odds that she wants to hear about all the thin, fit girls you've had in the past?

On the flip side Olive Oyl doesn't wanna hear shit about Jessica Rabbit or anything else sporting a B-cup or better.

Mind you that neither party will admit to the obvious inferiority complex they have regarding the other. So why would that be any different with Tgirls and Genetic women?

So unless you have one of those rare Bisexual/Trissexual/all around freak broads I'd keep my mouth shut.

You're not winning any points by telling your girl about the last shit you took so being "truthful" should be taken in moderation.

Granted this is TS porn we're talking about but the same rules apply.

03-15-2012, 02:52 AM
I agree, both Kitty and thegreat1 have made great points for which there is little to add.

I agree too.

But, if you say she is conservative then it's not going to go well. She'll ask you why you need to look at girls with DICK's? Do you like guy's? Why do you need anyone else but me? I've heard it all before.
And if she has never seen any tranny porn, she's gonna flip out. She might get turned on, but I really doubt it.
I agree with being honest but probably not this time. Especially since it's bin 3 years.
Find a new hobby. You'll be glad you did in the long run. Just do it man!

03-15-2012, 03:12 AM
[QUOTE=DYNACORD;41331]I agree too.

But, if you say she is conservative then it's not going to go well. She'll ask you why you need to look at girls with DICK's? Do you like guy's? [QUOTE]

More like probably call him a faggot, SWEAR TO GOD that he'a sucked a dick before, tell his and her friends and probably more lol

Ms Remy M
03-15-2012, 06:14 AM
You never know really, I've met so many females that were genuinely curious about TS and (to my disdain) some of them made the same statements as I've heard on various forums from 'admirers' "Oh, you are the best of both worlds" lol :rolleyes: No offense guys but after a while it gets tiring hearing that, and when I heard it from a female friend, I couldn't help but think "oh great, another fetishist".

Now playing: The Pretty Reckless - My Medicine (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/the+pretty+reckless/track/my+medicine)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

03-15-2012, 06:20 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I've never actually been with a transsexual woman but am definitely attracted to them. I don't believe in cheating in a relationship regardless of gender so it's not a question of me wanting the freedom to have my cake and eat it too, it's more about the fact that I know how much more shocking it would be for her to one day stumble upon me watching ts porn as opposed to me being upfront and at least controlling the message. I feel like I will tell her if we get close to marriage because I'd like to be able to be 100% (or at least close lol) honest with one person in my life. Also, because I know I'd accept her for who she is regardless I want to know that she can do the same for me. But yeah, it's definitely a risk.

03-15-2012, 09:02 PM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I've never actually been with a transsexual woman but am definitely attracted to them. I don't believe in cheating in a relationship regardless of gender so it's not a question of me wanting the freedom to have my cake and eat it too, it's more about the fact that I know how much more shocking it would be for her to one day stumble upon me watching ts porn as opposed to me being upfront and at least controlling the message. I feel like I will tell her if we get close to marriage because I'd like to be able to be 100% (or at least close lol) honest with one person in my life. Also, because I know I'd accept her for who she is regardless I want to know that she can do the same for me. But yeah, it's definitely a risk.

Personally I would ask the following question:

Would I tell my girlfriend that I watch porn? Your answer will probably be no. To me if I told my conservative girlfriend that I liked to watch porn of any type this is likely to make her feel inadequate or unable to satisfy you sexually or at least make her worry.

Plus most girlfriends/wifes will probably expect that their man will masturbate (probably to porn) and not think twice about it.

If you feel that you are likely to go out and sleep with a transgendered woman (or anyone else for that matter) then you need to ask if getting married is the right thing to do.

I think you should probably avoid discussing your love for porn in any form with your girlfriend to be honest. Discussing your appreciation of feminine beauty on the other hand whether that be a GG or Trans woman can't hurt surely. ;)

03-16-2012, 11:27 PM
RU On crack? u dumb as hell to tell her, what she don't kno won't hurt her, as long as u ain't out fuckin ts's or fem boys u good. me personally i'd take that shit to the grave if u smart. SMH u over thinkin the situation. some shit to confess is u cheated on a college exam not "he baby I really like men dressed as women" SMH? where they do that at?

03-16-2012, 11:55 PM
RU On crack? u dumb as hell to tell her, what she don't kno won't hurt her, as long as u ain't out fuckin ts's or fem boys u good. me personally i'd take that shit to the grave if u smart. SMH u over thinkin the situation. some shit to confess is u cheated on a college exam not "he baby I really like men dressed as women" SMH? where they do that at?

Firstly have a but more respect than "men dressed as women.
Secondly where do they talk like that at?? Plantations?

03-17-2012, 12:07 AM
Firstly have a but more respect than "men dressed as women.
Secondly where do they talk like that at?? Plantations?

LMAO hahahahaha

03-17-2012, 01:22 AM
Don't tell her nothing she don't need to know.... WOULD YOU TELL HER IF YOU WAS WATCHING REGULAR PORN... WHO CARESSSSS as long as you not sleeping with trannies , it shouldn't matter.

But if you feel that you need to tell her then do it.... But me im not telling NOBODY!!!THAT'S NOT ANYBODY BUSINESS WHAT I LIKE TO WATCH!!!!But if you getting married try to stay away from it , let go of the tranny porn for good..... It's gonna be hard but its worth it.... I haven't told my girl and never plan on doing so!!!

03-17-2012, 03:13 AM
Firstly have a but more respect than "men dressed as women.
Secondly where do they talk like that at?? Plantations?

"Please masser dont tell ma wife bout the men dressed as womens"

03-17-2012, 03:43 AM
"Please masser dont tell ma wife bout the men dressed as womens"

Lol!! I sho is gonna be a good house trannie

03-18-2012, 12:48 AM
Lol!! I sho is gonna be a good house trannie

shit i ain't saying thas what i think, i'm saying how SHE is gonna take it. honestly thas what it is . woman have NO RESPECT for transgendered, I kno personally my niggaz would clown the shit outta me if they knew i like fem boys and trannys

03-18-2012, 02:31 AM
shit i ain't saying thas what i think, i'm saying how SHE is gonna take it. honestly thas what it is . woman have NO RESPECT for transgendered, I kno personally my niggaz would clown the shit outta me if they knew i like fem boys and trannys

That's because they're, as you so eloquently put it, "niggaz".

Fortunately, not everyone else falls under that category.