View Full Version : Q: when does a latino/hispanic/mixed race (wotevadafugya wanna say) man BECOME white?

03-28-2012, 12:19 AM
A: after he's taken the life of a black teenager.

Did I get it right????? Yay!!!

Cos u know.... Some of you earthling humans can be so tricky with all the names n nouns n stuff... But I think I'm getting the hang of this "surrender-your-brain-to-groupthink-and-allow-yourself-to-be-shaken-and-stirred-up-by-"leaders"-who-offer-you-self-righteous-holier-than-thou-psychological-comfort-in-return-for-your-soul" THANG

And just to prove I'm getting the hang of it: if Zimmerman was dating a "sista".... THEN he wouldn't be "white"... He be "latino"

I say we give the "PUSSY-ASS-CRACKER" a fair trial...

then hang him....hmm?

blue eyed devil

play the game - not the hater

03-28-2012, 01:31 AM
Ignorance on both sides of the fence is dangerous,disrespectful and inexcusable

03-28-2012, 01:40 AM
Ignorance on both sides of the fence is dangerous,disrespectful and inexcusable

So if Trayvon was YOUR brother and was killed by an obvious racist in cold blood, you wouldnt have a taste for blood?

PS. He, AS WELL AS, the media claims to be white.

03-28-2012, 01:52 AM
My heart goes out to Treyvon and his family but I'm sick of the hype and hypocrisy this has started...

Black people are all up in arms when it's Jenna Six or Sean Bell, but turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime that occurs every single day.

It's to a point to where it sickens me because in this day and age the KKK isn't the real damn problem.

When was the last time they physically offered/sold crack to one of your relatives?

03-28-2012, 01:56 AM
So if Trayvon was YOUR brother and was killed by an obvious racist in cold blood, you wouldnt have a taste for blood?

PS. He, AS WELL AS, the media claims to be white.

I don't think being disrespectful and dismissive about others peoples races/cultures is right.
Latino isn't the same as being white.just like me being mixed doesn't make me any whiter either.I don't care how light our skin or straight our hair is to the white man we all are beneath him.

Ms Remy M
03-28-2012, 02:59 AM
Ignorance on both sides of the fence is dangerous,disrespectful and inexcusable

My heart goes out to Treyvon and his family but I'm sick of the hype and hypocrisy this has started...

Black people are all up in arms when it's Jenna Six or Sean Bell, but turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime that occurs every single day.

It's to a point to where it sickens me because in this day and age the KKK isn't the real damn problem.

When was the last time they physically offered/sold crack to one of your relatives?

I agree with both of your sentiments.

03-28-2012, 06:04 AM
I don't think being disrespectful and dismissive about others peoples races/cultures is right.
Latino isn't the same as being white.just like me being mixed doesn't make me any whiter either.I don't care how light our skin or straight our hair is to the white man we all are beneath him.

didn't answer my question, but okay...

i'll just say this...when you've actually been the one pressed up against a car with a cop's gun to your head solely because, to him, you look 'suspicious' or like 'fit the description' as they say, your feelings are totally different when you hear about something that can only be explained as blatant racism...

and for the record, i feel the same as Indy about what goes on in our own neighborhoods...still doesn't lessen my feelings on what happened to that kid...

03-28-2012, 08:15 AM
I think as a culture we all gotta do better, but i hope this woke some my brothers up and it show them they really don't give a dam about us, and were going to have to help one another out it hurts me knowing his phone was in his pocket and they failed to identify who he was for 3 days, but malcolm x put it like this were not going anywhere as a race untill we can restore a since of morality to the black community but if we don,t were not going to do shit, until we get our community back only then can we move forward and start to really do some shit, that gangbanging shit has to stop.......its madness.........

03-28-2012, 01:44 PM
Everyone who is against the media coverage keeps saying that black people don't say anyting when countless blacks are killed by other blacks. Or that this is being blown out of proportion. That is not the point or why people are upset. Black people are angered because this is business as usual. The POLICE don't seem to do thier jobs fair. If a black person is killed, police more often then not brush it off,but if the situation was reversed Trayvon would've of been in jail and had to prove he was innocent. Anyone who believes differently is lying to themselves, ignorant are living on mars. This country has a double standard when it comes to justice.. it was set up that way. Every right that black people have in this country they had to fight for, nothing was given to us from slavery until now. White people are born with rights and they keep them, blacks have to fight to achieve theirs and how easily we lose them. We don't have the right to get certain jobs, live in some neighborhoods or drive in cetain cars in certain neighborhood while being black( technically we do but everyone knows better) This is the truth and any black man or maybe women will tell you this. A white person doesnt understand this argument because they dont go through it . I lived in Florida for 7 years and within the first 3 years I had 3 incidents with the police. Once, I was walking across the street with 2 very pretty female friends( non-black), a half a block from my house when 2 police cars road up on me, took my ID, question me and said it was reported that prostition was going on. We were just walking to the store. Or in the same neighborhood, walking home from a bar, the Police cruiser shines a bright light in my face or another time when I was embarrassed because the police screamed at me that he wanted to talk to me while in an ATM vestibule talking to my bank. Come to find out they thought someone from bang bros, was approaching girls in the neighborhood. I am sorry but arent those guys who run that site white, why would you suspect me? So this case is not just blacks complaining about Martin, It's for the African shot in NYC, pulling out his wallet, the fiance killed in Queens coming from a strip club and the countless other things that happen to Black men in this country. Also, it hasn't been mentioned too much that Sanford police department's recent history has had complaints about it's unfair policies towards blacks . The Police chief who stepped aside was brought in to fix things ...mmm.

I am sorry for the long diatribe, but as I read the post on CNN, MSN and now even here, I am so tired of people saying that black people are always playing the race card. This country was built partly on racist principles and in 60's they would say, "Why are the negos complaining, they have better then they had it before" If we would stopped then, we probably still be in segregated schools and drinking out of black water fountains. Sharpton might not be my choice to lead a civil rights movement but if people don't like him at least he gets them talking. I know this is a forum mainly about TS and I dont post much, but people really need to understand how hard it can be to be black. I am selfmade and I don't even live in the country anymore so I don't want anything for free, just fairness . I think that is all his family wants. I would think the transgendered community and their admires would understand the same thing.

03-28-2012, 02:49 PM
Everyone who is against the media coverage keeps saying that black people don't say anyting when countless blacks are killed by other blacks. Or that this is being blown out of proportion. That is not the point or why people are upset. Black people are angered because this is business as usual. The POLICE don't seem to do thier jobs fair. If a black person is killed, police more often then not brush it off,but if the situation was reversed Trayvon would've of been in jail and had to prove he was innocent. Anyone who believes differently is lying to themselves, ignorant are living on mars. This country has a double standard when it comes to justice.. it was set up that way. Every right that black people have in this country they had to fight for, nothing was given to us from slavery until now. White people are born with rights and they keep them, blacks have to fight to achieve theirs and how easily we lose them. We don't have the right to get certain jobs, live in some neighborhoods or drive in cetain cars in certain neighborhood while being black( technically we do but everyone knows better) This is the truth and any black man or maybe women will tell you this. A white person doesnt understand this argument because they dont go through it . I lived in Florida for 7 years and within the first 3 years I had 3 incidents with the police. Once, I was walking across the street with 2 very pretty female friends( non-black), a half a block from my house when 2 police cars road up on me, took my ID, question me and said it was reported that prostition was going on. We were just walking to the store. Or in the same neighborhood, walking home from a bar, the Police cruiser shines a bright light in my face or another time when I was embarrassed because the police screamed at me that he wanted to talk to me while in an ATM vestibule talking to my bank. Come to find out they thought someone from bang bros, was approaching girls in the neighborhood. I am sorry but arent those guys who run that site white, why would you suspect me? So this case is not just blacks complaining about Martin, It's for the African shot in NYC, pulling out his wallet, the fiance killed in Queens coming from a strip club and the countless other things that happen to Black men in this country. Also, it hasn't been mentioned too much that Sanford police department's recent history has had complaints about it's unfair policies towards blacks . The Police chief who stepped aside was brought in to fix things ...mmm.

I am sorry for the long diatribe, but as I read the post on CNN, MSN and now even here, I am so tired of people saying that black people are always playing the race card. This country was built partly on racist principles and in 60's they would say, "Why are the negos complaining, they have better then they had it before" If we would stopped then, we probably still be in segregated schools and drinking out of black water fountains. Sharpton might not be my choice to lead a civil rights movement but if people don't like him at least he gets them talking. I know this is a forum mainly about TS and I dont post much, but people really need to understand how hard it can be to be black. I am selfmade and I don't even live in the country anymore so I don't want anything for free, just fairness . I think that is all his family wants. I would think the transgendered community and their admires would understand the same thing.

VERY well stated

t3h EMMA
03-28-2012, 06:59 PM
My heart goes out to Treyvon and his family but I'm sick of the hype and hypocrisy this has started...

Black people are all up in arms when it's Jenna Six or Sean Bell, but turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime that occurs every single day.

It's to a point to where it sickens me because in this day and age the KKK isn't the real damn problem.

When was the last time they physically offered/sold crack to one of your relatives?

It feels as though, and I've even heard it put this way from elsewhere, there's some kind of unwritten code of conduct within the Black community and speaking out about an injustice (killings, domestic violence, raping, pillaging, name it) within said community is against it. Why we should have a greater disdain than any other race for "snitches," I fail to understand, and probably should.

03-28-2012, 07:32 PM
My heart goes out to Treyvon and his family but I'm sick of the hype and hypocrisy this has started...

Black people are all up in arms when it's Jenna Six or Sean Bell, but turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime that occurs every single day.

It's to a point to where it sickens me because in this day and age the KKK isn't the real damn problem.

When was the last time they physically offered/sold crack to one of your relatives?

And who, pray tell, do you think INTRODUCED crack into the black community? Research that.

03-28-2012, 08:12 PM
And who, pray tell, do you think INTRODUCED crack into the black community? Research that.

At some point we have to take responsibility for our own actions.we as a people have to decide that we are more than entertainers, athletes or drug dealers.
You can led a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.if you believe that you are what they say you are that that's no bodies fault than you're own.
Institutionalized racism is a very vicious cycle but it's a cycle we choose to participate in.

03-28-2012, 08:40 PM
At some point we have to take responsibility for our own actions.we as a people have to decide that we are more than entertainers, athletes or drug dealers.
You can led a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.if you believe that you are what they say you are that that's no bodies fault than you're own.
Institutionalized racism is a very vicious cycle but it's a cycle we choose to participate in.

I am in no way, giving the people within our own community that are destroying it, a pass. Not what so ever. HOWEVER, to not acknowledge outside forces that are working JUST as hard AND WITH GREATER RESOURCES AND CONTROL, is not stating the whole situation. In regards to the Trayvon Martin case, it was done by someone other than 1 of our own. Doesnt make it as bad, but would you agree that if it were a black man that did it, he'd have been charged already? Or if the roles were reversed, a white teen killed by a black man, what do you think would have happened? Lets be realistic.

03-28-2012, 09:11 PM
I am in no way, giving the people within our own community that are destroying it, a pass. Not what so ever. HOWEVER, to not acknowledge outside forces that are working JUST as hard AND WITH GREATER RESOURCES AND CONTROL, is not stating the whole situation. In regards to the Trayvon Martin case, it was done by someone other than 1 of our own. Doesnt make it as bad, but would you agree that if it were a black man that did it, he'd have been charged already? Or if the roles were reversed, a white teen killed by a black man, what do you think would have happened? Lets be realistic.

After reading the facts of the case I do agree the cops exercised very poor judgment by not arresting the man.for one as part of the neighborhood watch he wasn't suppose to carry any weapons or pursue any one.secondly, when he called the authorities he was told to stay put and not engage the kid.he was also found to have been arrested two times prior for assaulting a police officer and domestic abuse.when he called the police he was using racial slurs.the head homicide detective originally wanted to charge him with man slaughter, not believing his account of things.
So yea I personally believe that something is up and that the police handled it very poorly

03-28-2012, 09:29 PM
After reading the facts of the case I do agree the cops exercised very poor judgment by not arresting the man.for one as part of the neighborhood watch he wasn't suppose to carry any weapons or pursue any one.secondly, when he called the authorities he was told to stay put and not engage the kid.he was also found to have been arrested two times prior for assaulting a police officer and domestic abuse.when he called the police he was using racial slurs.the head homicide detective originally wanted to charge him with man slaughter, not believing his account of things.
So yea I personally believe that something is up and that the police handled it very poorly

I agree totally. I think they under-estimated the fall-out from it.

03-28-2012, 09:34 PM
I agree totally. I think they under-estimated the fall-out from it.

After all this national attention and a price on his head by the black panthers old boy will never live a normal life again

03-28-2012, 09:37 PM
After all this national attention and a price on his head by the black panthers old boy will never live a normal life again

And rightfully he shouldnt.

03-29-2012, 12:46 AM
Everyone who is against the media coverage keeps saying that black people don't say anyting when countless blacks are killed by other blacks. Or that this is being blown out of proportion. That is not the point or why people are upset. Black people are angered because this is business as usual. The POLICE don't seem to do thier jobs fair. If a black person is killed, police more often then not brush it off,but if the situation was reversed Trayvon would've of been in jail and had to prove he was innocent. Anyone who believes differently is lying to themselves, ignorant are living on mars. This country has a double standard when it comes to justice.. it was set up that way. Every right that black people have in this country they had to fight for, nothing was given to us from slavery until now. White people are born with rights and they keep them, blacks have to fight to achieve theirs and how easily we lose them. We don't have the right to get certain jobs, live in some neighborhoods or drive in cetain cars in certain neighborhood while being black( technically we do but everyone knows better) This is the truth and any black man or maybe women will tell you this. A white person doesnt understand this argument because they dont go through it . I lived in Florida for 7 years and within the first 3 years I had 3 incidents with the police. Once, I was walking across the street with 2 very pretty female friends( non-black), a half a block from my house when 2 police cars road up on me, took my ID, question me and said it was reported that prostition was going on. We were just walking to the store. Or in the same neighborhood, walking home from a bar, the Police cruiser shines a bright light in my face or another time when I was embarrassed because the police screamed at me that he wanted to talk to me while in an ATM vestibule talking to my bank. Come to find out they thought someone from bang bros, was approaching girls in the neighborhood. I am sorry but arent those guys who run that site white, why would you suspect me? So this case is not just blacks complaining about Martin, It's for the African shot in NYC, pulling out his wallet, the fiance killed in Queens coming from a strip club and the countless other things that happen to Black men in this country. Also, it hasn't been mentioned too much that Sanford police department's recent history has had complaints about it's unfair policies towards blacks . The Police chief who stepped aside was brought in to fix things ...mmm.

I am sorry for the long diatribe, but as I read the post on CNN, MSN and now even here, I am so tired of people saying that black people are always playing the race card. This country was built partly on racist principles and in 60's they would say, "Why are the negos complaining, they have better then they had it before" If we would stopped then, we probably still be in segregated schools and drinking out of black water fountains. Sharpton might not be my choice to lead a civil rights movement but if people don't like him at least he gets them talking. I know this is a forum mainly about TS and I dont post much, but people really need to understand how hard it can be to be black. I am selfmade and I don't even live in the country anymore so I don't want anything for free, just fairness . I think that is all his family wants. I would think the transgendered community and their admires would understand the same thing.

I agree with most of the points (especially the facts) that you make... The idea of ROUTINE police stops that you describe (and any honest person MUST know this happens) is ugly and appalling...

But, please lets not pretend that physical/violent racism begins and ends with the tragedies that befall certain "black" people... Or that Amerikkka is still mighty WHITE and racist... Or that young "black" men cower through the streets of their home towns and cities terrified that at any moment they are likely to be attacked, randomly and without provocation, by racist "WHITE" individuals or gangs.... The ever increasing hyper-sensitivity, machismo and planet-sized egos of certain individuals/groups (not including you, selfmade) who have allowed their "leaders" to manipulate their fears, paranoia and poverty is hardly an answer to tragedies such as this... Waving banners and placards in the company of large blocks of like-minded people, displaying carefully choreographed "rage", may be psychologically comforting (the opium of the masses?) but how does it make anyones lives ACTUALLY better?

(An aside: I used to have a toy robot many years ago... I would wind it up as much as possible and then delight in watching it move around and make noises, as per my control... When it ran out of power, I would simply wind it up again and watch it continually do as I bid)

As for Zimmerman: it is possible that he is NOT a racist, but that the events that led to him taking Martin's life, including his reported broken nose and head injuries and being 1 foot shorter than Martin, may have included a racial element.... Correspondingly, it is also possible that he IS a racist, but that there was no racial motive in his specific actions toward Martin. (The simple logic of these possibilities will evade the minds of those who have already leased their minds to groupthink)

As for Martin: whether his "blackness" (in Zimmerman's eyes) played any part in his end or not does not alter the tragic loss of his life.

As for the media: quite why the racist murder of a 13 year old is more tragic than the racist murder of a 17 year old is beyond a devil like me...Yet the media persists in showing a picture of a 13 year old Martin... Presumably this is because they feel it will wind the robots up some more?... (As ever: divide and rule)

Finally, speaking of those awful, mindless kunting robot slaves: IF Zimmerman is found "not guilty", how many innocent Latinos (or should I say, errrr, "white" people) will have their lives on this planet meet a violent end?... I say somewhere between 9 and 16 (i.e. 9-16 over and above the standard amount of random unprovoked attacks that happen regularly anyway and are rarely, if ever, presented as racially motivated)

blue eyed devil

03-29-2012, 01:31 AM
My heart goes out to Treyvon and his family but I'm sick of the hype and hypocrisy this has started...

Black people are all up in arms when it's Jenna Six or Sean Bell, but turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime that occurs every single day.

It's to a point to where it sickens me because in this day and age the KKK isn't the real damn problem.

When was the last time they physically offered/sold crack to one of your relatives?


A month after Martin was killed, in the space of just one weekend, "gangs" (or robot slave zombie kunts as I prefer to call them) in Chicago shot 10 people dead... One of these 10 victims was a 6 year old girl, Aliyah Shell, who was sitting with her Mother on their porch.


Meanwhile, lets all get real angry at this story, which, of course, is all FACT: A "white" man was "stalking" a little black kid -- who could be Obama's son! -- confronted him, beat him senseless as the small black child screamed for help, and finally shot the kid dead, "just because he was black."

Please excuse my cynicism.

blue eyed devil

03-29-2012, 01:57 AM
My whole opinion of the Treyvon Martin case is that Race should be a none issue.
A young man was killed by another man who admitted as such. Based on this information alone the killing should investigated thoroughly and the man who killed Treyvon should held in custody. In any other democratic country in the world Zimmerman would have been held in custody pending pre trial and based on what has been reported so far would then face trial.

An interesting point to be taken from this case is that during a channel 4 (a British TV station) interview with Treyvon's family his father stated that he does not believe his son's killing was race related and only demanded that the killing be investigated properly by law enforcement.