View Full Version : My Story

11-02-2008, 06:23 AM
** removed **

11-02-2008, 08:34 AM
Man I don't know what to say. I love Tgirls and women...I don't know why and I've been trying to figure it out for like 10 yrs??? Changes like the weather for real. Good luck...not tyrin 2 b funny....but if u love what both tgirls and women have to offer......ur probly in the same boat as most of us and it's not gonna b ez to pick a side and stay on it. Just speaking from experience... Can't wait to read what tohers have to say tho. Speak on it!

Ms Remy M
11-02-2008, 10:45 AM
There are no 'right' suggestions, as to whether you should be into tg's, and/or women. Don't fall into the 'trap' of labeling yourself gay, str8, bi, or bi-curious. You are you, be comfortable with that all else is rubbish.

You say you are about to get married? Are you saying that you question if you will be able to maintain your 'vows' or that you just want to be able to look at tg pics and vids? If you are cheating now, that may not change, just because you are married, but that's not my place to say, it's yours.

If you know you can be married and satisfied with just viewing tg porn, than good for you. I like to think that's part of the service 'porn' provides. Allowing you to fantasize without actually cheating. Of course you have to be able to maintain the secret as she may not accept your love of tg porn, or maybe she will... Morally, you have a family and that should come before trivial sexual thrills, but I'm sure that may be easier said than done. I do also believe that for nearly all of us, this is NOT a phase. We may go for a while w/o looking at tg porn or interacting with tg's but sooner or later that urge will come back. So perhaps you should embrace it, if not physically with actual sex act with tg at least through our great content we provide for your viewing pleasure. lol ;)

11-02-2008, 12:43 PM
Hello. I am posting this looking for opinions, points of views, even criticism if need be. I will summarize this for the most part and am willing to discuss with anyone who can help.

I am a 23 year old black male. I went to high school with a black tgirl and over time began to become attracted to her but never really said anything. I have had sex with a male, a tgirl, and a female. At this point in my life I have a son and a fiance.

I have find myself over the years on the internet looking for answers as to where I am supposed to be in terms of sexuality. I have been a member of this site multiple times, joining and canceling. I have come to terms that I do love what both male and female have to offer and this is why I love tgirls but at the same time I do not know what to do. I guess I have been running and hiding believing that this was/it a phase and I will move past it yet time and time again I am on this website and googling anything involving black tgirls.

So this is where I am at right now. I am looking for views and suggestions from both the lovers of tgirls and the women themselves. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.

Sex and sexuality are to entirely different entities. You can have sex with any one or anything but that doesnt define your sexuality. Men often ask me does this make me gay after we have sex. Sexuality is more mental than physical. There are many men that have sex with women only but fantasize about having sex with men while doing so and vice versa. Just like many men are in jail and engage in sex acts for lack of a female being around and never do it again when they are released.

Men that are attracted transwomen to me are str8 we are still women just special even if I am getting my cock sucked or fucking his ass I consider him str8. Now if you can do to a man what you will do with me then you might be gay or bi. There are men that have their wives or girlfriends put on strap ons and service them.

My advice to you is to be honest with yourself first cause many men fight this feeling and come back and forth for years before coming to terms with themselves. When you are accepting of yourself it makes it easy for others to accept and respect you. Second with a son and fiance thats a whole other kettle of fish. I wont lie to you and tell you that the wife will be an easy thing but there are women accepting of the things you like. I myself see couples and believe it or not some are black where the wife contacts me cause she loves her man and respects his choices and she doesnt want him stepping out and cheating. If this is not an option I can not urge you enough that if you take this woman as your wife you need to do what is ever in your power to keep her from being hurt.

Its your life and my motto is to thine ownself be true. You define you living up to what society or family says you should be to be a man is gonna keep you in a place of lying and misery.


11-02-2008, 01:22 PM
Hello. I am posting this looking for opinions, points of views, even criticism if need be. I will summarize this for the most part and am willing to discuss with anyone who can help.

I am a 23 year old black male. I went to high school with a black tgirl and over time began to become attracted to her but never really said anything. I have had sex with a male, a tgirl, and a female. At this point in my life I have a son and a fiance.

I have find myself over the years on the internet looking for answers as to where I am supposed to be in terms of sexuality. I have been a member of this site multiple times, joining and canceling. I have come to terms that I do love what both male and female have to offer and this is why I love tgirls but at the same time I do not know what to do. I guess I have been running and hiding believing that this was/it a phase and I will move past it yet time and time again I am on this website and googling anything involving black tgirls.

So this is where I am at right now. I am looking for views and suggestions from both the lovers of tgirls and the women themselves. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.

I would like to give you some sincere advice because you sound like you're at the crossroad I was at a couple of years ago when I was 23 myself. I'm not much older than you, 27 to be exact. I have a 2 year old daughter and I have been married myself. I became attracted to T-Girls when I was 18, fresh out of high school. For the first few years, I enjoyed this new alternate lifestyle but I was always confused. Whether I was gay, whether I could be happy with this, whether it was just a phase. The tgirls I met werent exactly helping that along. A lot of them would tell me I'm gay but then expect to be treated like women. Oximoron right?

There is not a clear cut answer we can give you. I, for one, cannot solve your issues because your life is not my life so I would hate to tell you something that worked for me but will fail for you. What I suggest is if you feel that the life you're living is a lie and not really you, dont drag anyone else into the lifestyle you think you may want to be in. I have strained several lives, including my own, for the choices I made about my sexuality. You have a fiance and a child, that is a big factor. I don't think you would have made major moves like that if you were really unsure about your true desires. I have dated Tgirls seriously and casually throughout the years. It is almost like a drug to most of us. Hunting down a sexy tgirl, the excitement of the chase, the thrill of the sex, fooling other people in public, the fast lifestyle. The downsides and resulting consequences of dating tgirls is very steep compared to GG's unfortunatly (In my opinion). Not a lot of girls out there have your best intentions in mind and you DO NOT want to get caught up in that whirlwind at a young age with a lot to loose.

What you're going through is not a phase. One of my good friends told me one day that dating T-Girls is like crack. You may kick the habit but that urge is always gonna be there for you to relapse one way or another. This is who you are, welcome to the club! You are surrounded by good people believe it or not. I have been in my "phase" for 9 years lol. You just learn to deal with it and incorporate it into your life. I still love to see a beautiful black tgirl but I've taken a different route and put a lot of that energy into producing content for others who have the same interest as me. Even though I deal with a lot of lovely gals, I decided a long time ago that I could not prioritize my casual interests over my business and family life. That has worked wonders for me ever since I've made that choice. That may or may not be the choice for you though.

Ask yourself, is a beautiful child and a fiance worth giving up to date transsexual women? Lemme tell you from personal experience, you cant choose both. Whatever your answer is, thats how you should prioritize your life. Im sure you will be happy with the results once you've figured it out.

11-02-2008, 08:51 PM
what dirty said, its not phase. It may not be like crack lol, but if you you've done it more than once, youre hooked. nothing wrong with it, but your hooked.

What you might have to to do is talk with your fiancee and see how she feels, because at this point, shes making a life long commitment to you, so she has the right to know at this point.

11-02-2008, 09:59 PM
I pretty much agree with DS, except I would not subscribe to what his friend said, that "dating TGirls is like crack" -- that's going too far (LOL).

It took me a long time, actually, to decide that I liked TGirls. The first time I met a TGirl in a sexual situation, it was with one who "fooled" me. There was a language barrier and I was in a foreign place and I didn't know the setup (maybe I should have). It was shocking but at the same time surprisingly exciting. And the next few TGirls I met were also semi-accidental stretched over a long period of time (as you can tell, I'm considerably older than you, Mr iamscape.)

It was only after about 10 years like this that I finally was honest with myself and admitted to myself that I liked them. That probably makes me "gay" to some people, but so be it. And FWIW, I don't care for men, but I've also decided there's nothing wrong with people who do.

Good luck figuring it all out ! :)

11-03-2008, 07:43 PM
Quandary is a synonym for dilemma. Most of the members, I suspect, have been in the dilemma of which way to proceed when sexual urges are concerned. The funny thing about the sexual urges is the excitement it foretells. Some guys get a hard on from pictures in Playboy, some obtain pleasure from pictures of adolescents, to which our society and culture does not condone, others get a thrill of seeing a beautiful woman with a huge pulsating cock. All in all, our urges of the sexual nature can be very guarded and private.
Our sexual psyches on the other hand, are very fragile. That is why a child should be given a chance to grow and explore their sexual psyche to the conformity of their physical maturity; which is why child molestation and abuse is frowned upon by every civilized country in the world. This leads us to question why we pursue certain sexual activity that the rest of society frowns upon.
However, once the two traits meet, it’s either an amusement park for the body and/or a prison cell for the mind. I think this is what happens to most of us when we experience different sexual forte; the pursuit of transsexuals is just one of them. Either it’s an endless ride on the Farris wheel or sequestered in box of seemingly no escape.
The male of the human species is a sexual engine with the ability to think and has to find consistent fuel to keep his motor churning. The fixation of transsexual pursuit is all but one lump of coal on the fire of man’s sexual energy. But, the sexual urge has an eternal pilot light that is never extinguished; it waits and waits for something flame up the excitement it had before.
My sexual urges were latent throughout my adolescence and subsequent marriage and it truly manifested itself after my divorce. Now, I only keep the surreptitious from my closet friends and business associates. If I am exposed, the consequence is not as devastating as it would have been if I were in an adolescent stage or marriage relationship. Now it’s either a red pill or blue pill road of consequence; I can’t have both! I surely have walked down that path with many obstacles blocking my minds path of which fork in the road to choose. But of course, I have swallowed the red pill because the other recourse can lead to a padded cell.
Subliminally, we really rely on what the society and the culture accepts. Transsexuals have only become vogue in the last decade or so because of mainstream movies such as the Crying Game, which also involves the protagonist suffering through a quandary or The Maury Show parading before a live audience, men who are remarkably beautiful as women. At that point, the public comes to recognize there is another segment of the population. Homosexuality has been given contemporary notoriety because it’s not obscure anymore and its only debates are if a person is or not and the question is: why does it happen? Are we born with it or is it environmental?
Is it a precursor of why we lust after transsexuals or other pseudo-objectionable sexual tastes? Sigmund Freud, Masters and Johnson had grappled a long time on why these occurrences take place. Harry Benjamin, MD, a noted authority on transsexualism quotes: “Ultimately a comprehensive understanding, evaluation and management of transsexualism will take into account the extensively rooted sources of this psychosexual phenomenon.”
Iamscape, I certainly sympathize and empathize with you on your predicament, but it is something you and you alone will have to work out, especially since you have a fiancé and a child. I have to agree with Dirty South because it is addictive! Because once you’ve experienced and enjoyed it, it’s hard to pull away from it!

11-03-2008, 11:35 PM
.... Now it’s either a red pill or blue pill road of consequence; I can’t have both! .... But of course, I have swallowed the red pill because the other recourse can lead to a padded cell.

TVSURFER, you're a poet ! I just hope you don't become like Jim Morrison, the overly-inspired lead singer for The Doors for whom art truly was life. :D

On a more serious note, I think all people are blends of homosexuality and heterosexuality. The percentage of homosexuality is probably dialed in from birth. And why ? I think it's because sexual behaviour is governed by a network of genes which are inherited in different mixes. The genes that make us desire men express themselves, usually, in women -- which is obviously a useful thing because otherwise she would be less likely to reproduce. And the genes that make us desire women express themselves, most often, in men. Note that it is the genes which get copied and which propogate (or not) into the future. Individual organisms do not matter, so if one organism does not reproduce it does not matter as long as the genes themelves are successful. Of course another important ingredient in this theory is that we all are mixes of the same limited pool of genes (this is easy to prove but I won't do it here). Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this "sex network" getting tweaked slightly in one individual and telling him he desires the same sex if the same genes (with perhaps a slight admixture) in another person get successfully copied and continue to be copied for millions of years. It is what works, and it is natural, albeit complex. And there is nothing strange about being complex either, if it leads to greater overall success. Humans have been pretty successful.

I guess that in myself, I'm ~10% gay. So it's enough to adore TGirls as my "gay outlet", but not enough to become outright gay. Anyway, it's complicated and hard to express in a short post, plus maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. :confused: Well, it's my lot in life to speculate about things.

Good topic, iamscape. Continue to contribute ....

11-04-2008, 01:22 AM
Quandary is a synonym for dilemma. Most of the members, I suspect, have been in the dilemma of which way to proceed when sexual urges are concerned. The funny thing about the sexual urges is the excitement it foretells. Some guys get a hard on from pictures in Playboy, some obtain pleasure from pictures of adolescents, to which our society and culture does not condone, others get a thrill of seeing a beautiful woman with a huge pulsating cock. All in all, our urges of the sexual nature can be very guarded and private.
Our sexual psyches on the other hand, are very fragile. That is why a child should be given a chance to grow and explore their sexual psyche to the conformity of their physical maturity; which is why child molestation and abuse is frowned upon by every civilized country in the world. This leads us to question why we pursue certain sexual activity that the rest of society frowns upon.
However, once the two traits meet, it’s either an amusement park for the body and/or a prison cell for the mind. I think this is what happens to most of us when we experience different sexual forte; the pursuit of transsexuals is just one of them. Either it’s an endless ride on the Farris wheel or sequestered in box of seemingly no escape.
The male of the human species is a sexual engine with the ability to think and has to find consistent fuel to keep his motor churning. The fixation of transsexual pursuit is all but one lump of coal on the fire of man’s sexual energy. But, the sexual urge has an eternal pilot light that is never extinguished; it waits and waits for something flame up the excitement it had before.
My sexual urges were latent throughout my adolescence and subsequent marriage and it truly manifested itself after my divorce. Now, I only keep the surreptitious from my closet friends and business associates. If I am exposed, the consequence is not as devastating as it would have been if I were in an adolescent stage or marriage relationship. Now it’s either a red pill or blue pill road of consequence; I can’t have both! I surely have walked down that path with many obstacles blocking my minds path of which fork in the road to choose. But of course, I have swallowed the red pill because the other recourse can lead to a padded cell.
Subliminally, we really rely on what the society and the culture accepts. Transsexuals have only become vogue in the last decade or so because of mainstream movies such as the Crying Game, which also involves the protagonist suffering through a quandary or The Maury Show parading before a live audience, men who are remarkably beautiful as women. At that point, the public comes to recognize there is another segment of the population. Homosexuality has been given contemporary notoriety because it’s not obscure anymore and its only debates are if a person is or not and the question is: why does it happen? Are we born with it or is it environmental?
Is it a precursor of why we lust after transsexuals or other pseudo-objectionable sexual tastes? Sigmund Freud, Masters and Johnson had grappled a long time on why these occurrences take place. Harry Benjamin, MD, a noted authority on transsexualism quotes: “Ultimately a comprehensive understanding, evaluation and management of transsexualism will take into account the extensively rooted sources of this psychosexual phenomenon.”

Damn! Did you copy that from wikipedia??? LoL....that was a very good explanation though.

11-04-2008, 01:25 AM
I pretty much agree with DS, except I would not subscribe to what his friend said, that "dating TGirls is like crack" -- that's going too far (LOL).

LoL...drastic, yes but I stand by the analogy!

As soon as I shoot a hot new black tgirl and throw it up on here, you guys are foaming and the mouth, geeking, waiting for that next hit. Just like a fiend! Remy and I send you guys into relapse every week lol.:D

11-04-2008, 02:28 AM
LoL...drastic, yes but I stand by the analogy!

As soon as I shoot a hot new black tgirl and throw it up on here, you guys are foaming and the mouth, geeking, waiting for that next hit. Just like a fiend! Remy and I send you guys into relapse every week lol.:D

Ok, but I think it's more innocent ... like collecting Pokemon ... not like smoking crack. (LOL) :):):)

11-04-2008, 01:01 PM
Ok, but I think it's more innocent ... like collecting Pokemon ... not like smoking crack. (LOL) :):):)

Pokemon induces seizures in children though! LoL

Okay, how about cigarettes instead?

11-05-2008, 01:32 AM
There are no 'right' suggestions, as to whether you should be into tg's, and/or women. Don't fall into the 'trap' of labeling yourself gay, str8, bi, or bi-curious. You are you, be comfortable with that all else is rubbish.

You say you are about to get married? Are you saying that you question if you will be able to maintain your 'vows' or that you just want to be able to look at tg pics and vids? If you are cheating now, that may not change, just because you are married, but that's not my place to say, it's yours.

If you know you can be married and satisfied with just viewing tg porn, than good for you. I like to think that's part of the service 'porn' provides. Allowing you to fantasize without actually cheating. Of course you have to be able to maintain the secret as she may not accept your love of tg porn, or maybe she will... Morally, you have a family and that should come before trivial sexual thrills, but I'm sure that may be easier said than done. I do also believe that for nearly all of us, this is NOT a phase. We may go for a while w/o looking at tg porn or interacting with tg's but sooner or later that urge will come back. So perhaps you should embrace it, if not physically with actual sex act with tg at least through our great content we provide for your viewing pleasure. lol ;)

damn, that sums up what I feel about it myself