05-30-2012, 10:10 PM
I have been receving lots of direct messages asking me if i would fly out to u guys for a overnighter of fun, drinks, clubing, shopping etc... YES I WILL but depending on ur location it requires a minimun if 1000 deposit TO MY PREPAID RELOADED NETSPEND CARD (i will give u instruction on loading) to get me to u safely fed and dressed to impress!! the other 1000 will be expected upon arrival!! so yes :eek: 2000 overnight but unlike other girls my overnights are really 24hrs!! CAN U HANDLE THAT?? I THINK NOT! ONLY A REAL MAN CAN... I KNOW MOST OF THE MESSAGES WILL STOP NOW!! THATS GUD. U WERE A WAIST OF TIME.. BUT FOR MY MEN THAT HAVE REAL JOBS.... this is for you! im taking ur service now and would love to hang out with you! i dont do much typing or texting but in person i am abig ball of fun!! oh did i say BIG BALLS...LOL SEE U SOON (( THIS MESSAGE WAS NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE))
PS... IF U ARE READY NOW.. GREAT!! ME TOO EMAIL ME AT lovelytsluxury@yahoo.com so we can get acquainted and get the deposit out of the way and ill be on my way! that simple...
PS... IF U ARE READY NOW.. GREAT!! ME TOO EMAIL ME AT lovelytsluxury@yahoo.com so we can get acquainted and get the deposit out of the way and ill be on my way! that simple...