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11-05-2008, 04:42 AM
Today we have witnessed history in this country, to which I can give Michelle Obama pure echo of her words that I’m truly proud to be American. I say this because I have lived through the ugly times and I can truly say I have lived through a time where all Americans can be proud that we are finally trying to put the repulsive times behind us. And maybe, this is a time in which this a real referendum of bearing in mind equality as it was meant to be. I am “Living in America!”
As we gaze upon these beautiful, black anomalies of our society, we can hope there can be a better understanding of whom and what they are in this great land of ours. It will take time, but we can put hope in some other outline. My subliminal optimism is that t-girls will no longer be ostracized, be productive citizens, to have viable employment, access to health care, buy homes, have nuclear families of their own and live the normal lives this country give its entire people! I am “Living in America!”
And on this historical day, seanchai with your insight and love for Black t-girls, you are still the medium to those Black t-girls who want to further their quest of being who they want to be; you have the key to that vehicle. You are opening the door to promote those pursuits so these girls can be all that they want to be. I personally thank you!
I am “Living in America!”

11-05-2008, 05:10 AM
I predicted a landslide months ago but my heart has been in my mouth all day.

I'm not American but I have a lot of emotions and business invested in the USA - from a purely self-preservation standpoint, if McCain had won, they were going to go after the adult online industry (recorded statements by Palin & McCain).

Personally, this is a truly monumental occasion. In one day, the United States has regained it's respect to international onlookers and given themselves a direction to follow and a goal to work for. It's not only that he's black - or that he's young - it's that he's believable, he's calm and collected and he speaks to me. He's Presidential.

Congratulations to the USA.


11-05-2008, 06:13 AM
Yeah, it's great ! I like Obama, he makes a lot of sense, and I supported him. The fact that he was black didn't mean anything to me personally, but I do recognize the major historical significance of what happened. Think about it: Two hundred years ago, black people were slaves in America, making a sham of Thomas Jefferson's concept that "all men are created equal." Then forty four years ago we had the Civil Rights Act. And now ... we can elect a black man to president ! This is progress we can be genuinely proud of, as Americans. (Well, maybe one can say we should be ashamed of the past, or that it took too long, but I prefer to be forward-looking and happy about the progress, and anyway evil is not correlated with skin pigment.) Still some work to do -- asymmetries in the rates of incarceration and economic disinfranchisement. But let us savor the big moment.

11-05-2008, 10:01 AM
Today we have witnessed history in this country, to which I can give Michelle Obama pure echo of her words that I’m truly proud to be American. I say this because I have lived through the ugly times and I can truly say I have lived through a time where all Americans can be proud that we are finally trying to put the repulsive times behind us. And maybe, this is a time in which this a real referendum of bearing in mind equality as it was meant to be. I am “Living in America!”
As we gaze upon these beautiful, black anomalies of our society, we can hope there can be a better understanding of whom and what they are in this great land of ours. It will take time, but we can put hope in some other outline. My subliminal optimism is that t-girls will no longer be ostracized, be productive citizens, to have viable employment, access to health care, buy homes, have nuclear families of their own and live the normal lives this country give its entire people! I am “Living in America!”
And on this historical day, seanchai with your insight and love for Black t-girls, you are still the medium to those Black t-girls who want to further their quest of being who they want to be; you have the key to that vehicle. You are opening the door to promote those pursuits so these girls can be all that they want to be. I personally thank you!
I am “Living in America!”

Great statement and it starts with men like you that are attracted to us sexually. One reason I personally open other facets of my life to men here. Myself and many girls like me receive some of the worst discrimination from men who would in fact sleep with us but dont see us and treat us as viable human beings.

Others judge us out of ingnorance we hold men that sleep with us to a higher standard. I personally feel that to know us you should do better. Not a personal judgement on you or anyone here cause I only really know two of you. Just food for thought.

11-05-2008, 10:32 AM
Today we have witnessed history in this country, to which I can give Michelle Obama pure echo of her words that I’m truly proud to be American. I say this because I have lived through the ugly times and I can truly say I have lived through a time where all Americans can be proud that we are finally trying to put the repulsive times behind us. And maybe, this is a time in which this a real referendum of bearing in mind equality as it was meant to be. I am “Living in America!”
As we gaze upon these beautiful, black anomalies of our society, we can hope there can be a better understanding of whom and what they are in this great land of ours. It will take time, but we can put hope in some other outline. My subliminal optimism is that t-girls will no longer be ostracized, be productive citizens, to have viable employment, access to health care, buy homes, have nuclear families of their own and live the normal lives this country give its entire people! I am “Living in America!”
And on this historical day, seanchai with your insight and love for Black t-girls, you are still the medium to those Black t-girls who want to further their quest of being who they want to be; you have the key to that vehicle. You are opening the door to promote those pursuits so these girls can be all that they want to be. I personally thank you!
I am “Living in America!”

well said my brotha!!!

11-05-2008, 12:35 PM
I'm still speechless. This is a very surreal experience. I felt it was going to be a landslide also but I remember the sting of the 2000 "election" and I remained alert like a lot of us around the country. Im so happy that not only do we have our first black president, but that we have a DEMOCRAT back as commander and chief. Even when I served in the military, I was ashamed to say I was an American while overseas because I didnt believe in the way the Republicans ran America and how indifferent they were to how the world saw our great country. I always thought Clinton was the best president in my life span so far so I know President Obama will serve us just as good or better.

11-05-2008, 04:28 PM
Welcome back America!
This election of yours really has resonance all over the world. Congratulations.
TVSurfer & Channel - very thoughful posts that made me look at some of my own hypocrisy in dealing with Transgender women. I have known & respected a few, but like many dudes here, have always kept it well hidden from wider society.. Maybe one day myself & guys like me will be able to be more forthright. The way a lot of these girls have been treated in their lives is appalling.

11-05-2008, 07:00 PM
Welcome back America!
This election of yours really has resonance all over the world. Congratulations.
TVSurfer & Channel - very thoughful posts that made me look at some of my own hypocrisy in dealing with Transgender women. I have known & respected a few, but like many dudes here, have always kept it well hidden from wider society.. Maybe one day myself & guys like me will be able to be more forthright. The way a lot of these girls have been treated in their lives is appalling.

I dont just get naked to get your dicks off sometimes i have to be asshole naked with a 9.5 inch woody to make you think just doing my civic duty. LOL

11-05-2008, 10:51 PM
I dont just get naked to get your dicks off sometimes i have to be asshole naked with a 9.5 inch woody to make you think just doing my civic duty. LOL

really u have a 9.5

put it here:eek:


11-07-2008, 03:02 PM
really u have a 9.5

put it here:eek:


Don't tempt me they are predicting snow in Chicago already I am seeking a warm place for it. LOL

11-11-2008, 10:40 PM
Don't tempt me they are predicting snow in Chicago already I am seeking a warm place for it. LOL

well u are officially tempted or u cam cum in/to miami where its 80 degrees with dick blowing wind to left


11-13-2008, 06:56 PM
well u are officially tempted or u cam cum in/to miami where its 80 degrees with dick blowing wind to left


Miami is on my to do list for 2009. I am kinda over this Chicago cold.