View Full Version : Congrats Mr. O

11-06-2008, 02:21 AM
First of all my apologies to the board for going off topic but being that history was made in this country yesterday and this site is dedicated to "black" t-girls i think it is warranted. I'd like to say congratulations to Mr. Obama and family for pulling off something that i thought i would not see in my lifetime. Someone of African descent ascending to the highest elected office in this land. U.S. President. Though he was not my first choice in this election as i feel his policies will not represent that much real change from the current status quo it was no less a very proud moment for me to witness his victory and the celebration that followed. The image alone of a black First Family occupying the White House will be so inspiring to so many who have historically felt left out of the American mainstream. This isn't however the end of race in America as some would believe but it is a giant step in erasing some of the negative imagery that some in this country possess as well as starting an honest dialogue. So as i revel for the moment and reminisce about all those who came before me who didn't live to see this day i once again offer a "big up" to President-Elect Obama for a monumental accomplishment.

Ms Remy M
11-06-2008, 06:47 PM
I'd like to say congratulations to Mr. Obama and family for pulling off something that i thought i would not see in my lifetime. Someone of African descent ascending to the highest elected office in this land. U.S. President. Though he was not my first choice in this election as i feel his policies will not represent that much real change from the current status quo it was no less a very proud moment for me to witness his victory and the celebration that followed.

I appreciate you standing up and stating that. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way, the vast amount of people who simply voted for Obama because he's black. Race should never play an issue period, and hopefully now that we have achieved this milestone will never again (wishful thinking right). Big up to you TwoWayBro! As I was standing in line waiting to vote some people were coming out dancing and acting a 'fool', episodes of Boondocks played through my head watching them. If you've seen the show I doubt I need to say which episode in particular I'm referring to LOL

11-07-2008, 01:25 AM
I appreciate you standing up and stating that. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way, the vast amount of people who simply voted for Obama because he's black. Race should never play an issue period, and hopefully now that we have achieved this milestone will never again (wishful thinking right). Big up to you TwoWayBro! As I was standing in line waiting to vote some people were coming out dancing and acting a 'fool', episodes of Boondocks played through my head watching them. If you've seen the show I doubt I need to say which episode in particular I'm referring to LOL

R.Kelly goes to court episode??? LOL

Ms Remy M
11-07-2008, 02:04 AM
R.Kelly goes to court episode??? LOL

Yep!!! That episode is hilarious.

11-07-2008, 03:25 AM
Gracias Remy....believe me, being one who happens to be a progressive independent, i do have mixed feelings about President-Elect Obama. Reality will set in fairly soon as he begins to appoint and seat his cabinet and staff. The usual suspects in key positions starting with Rahm Emanuel today as chief of staff....unbelievable!! If you know this guy Emanuel's story then you know there wont be many olive branches springing forth from this White House but more arrows instead. The "War on Terror" will not only expand but stretch it's tentacles into the Black and Brown lands. Pay close attention to "all the President's men/women" and you will get a pretty accurate picture as to where we are headed. But i digress, this is not a political forum and i wont to continue to stray off topic. Interesting times ahead 4 sho.

11-07-2008, 05:55 AM
Damn, you should be called OnewayBro! You sound like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh combined (so, I guess you are two-way, in a sense)! Is anything/anybody worse than Sarah Palin as VP? Just think McCain's vice President choice didn't know that Africa wasn't a country or how many countries were in North America! She was more concerned with charging up shit at Neiman's and Sak's than answering a simple question as what has she read lately, and you're ranting on Obama’s Chief of Staff choice? She was a cunt hair away from the most powerful job in the world?
Obama's had the best campaign ever ran by ANYBODY! It was the best campaign I've ever seen in my lifetime! The Saint Bernard is still digging for signs of life from the GOP under this historical landslide! And you're talking about what you think is going to happen under Obama? Go figure? Because if you are so good at predicting the future, why didn't you let everybody in on W being so useless to the country; a war we didn't need; black folks drowning in New Orleans and bailing out banks and lending institutions and not calling it socialism when the nation is suffering under financial duress? Shit, I could care less about a terrorist at this point, feel me?
However, it's only been three days; give the brother a chance to hang up his dry cleaning and sliding his gators under the bed! He can’t be any worse than what we’ve already had or almost had! There's a lottery here in Michigan that has gotten pretty big! Can you hook a brother up with the winning digits since you’re good at tea leaf readings? I'll give you cut if you're on point!
I'm not LOL! You're right; this is not a political forum!

11-07-2008, 07:47 AM
Wow....personal stabs. Whoa! It's all good though. I'll chalk it up to the euphoria of a historical moment in time. Enjoy. No need of continuing a political discourse here and ruin the vibe.

11-07-2008, 08:26 AM
I guess we're clear?