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View Full Version : Setting The Record Straight!! VIDMAN!!!!

07-12-2012, 01:49 PM
Not supposed to be here.

07-12-2012, 01:50 PM
Out of respect for the owner.

07-12-2012, 02:36 PM
I do admit that you informed me of her situation, and that she was interested in a re-shoot. Ultimately, I got in contact with her on my own, by scoring through my old messages on phone and reaching out to her through the last number I had for her. She said she never got my info from you, and again I ended up reaching her first.

Posting excerpts from online convos doesn't necessarily tell the whole story, as you could have said things that you decided not to include here and/or could have happened through voice convos over the phone. Despite that, the 'ban' was for the disrespect toward me. I never took anything personal until you made it that way, I was merely trying to keep the thread on topic of 'appreciation for Kim'.

Remy, I can forward you my entire message board of our dialogue if that's what you need to see. I don't have to lie about any of it. In fact, I will PM you my BGC login and Password. You can go in for yourself and search "aniyah" and our entire dialogue will pop up. Go check it for yourself.

About disrespecting you, that doesn't matter. I don't think I disrespected you first of all. Secondly, I think you let this moderator title go to your head. You overstep your boundaries. I have a right to say what I want to say as long as it is not verbally disrespectful. I didn't call you derogatory names, threaten you or make false allegations toward you. You can not ban me just because I told you how I felt about you. Your job is to moderate, not sway people's words and opinions by threatening them with a ban. I personally think you should be relieved of that position. If not relieved, at least you should have to escalate to upper management before you can be allowed to ban. You had no legit reason to ban me Remy, bottom line. Especially with some of the comments that I've seen posted on here by other people!! They should have been gone way before me for sure! Again, it goes back to "staying in your lane." Not in a disrespectful way, but truthfully speaking. You are abusing your power as a moderator. You can not afford to take things personally with the responsibility that you hold on the Forum. Just think if Seanchai took everything personally and decided to kick everyone off, he would no longer have a base and guess what happens after that.....no more subscriptions, bad reputation, etc etc. Hence, bankrupt! So just be aware of your involvement in the Forums as a moderator. Too much power leads to selfish desires and corruption Remy.

Still cool with you old friend. :p

07-12-2012, 02:42 PM
This thread should not even be here.
This is clearly "off-board" situations and I'm not even going to read through it all as it's pointless and dull.

Let's just rewind 24 hrs and you can call forget about what took place in-between. Or take it off-board.

07-12-2012, 02:43 PM
This thread should not even be here.
This is clearly "off-board" situations and I'm not even going to read through it all as it's pointless and dull.

Let's just rewind 24 hrs and you can call forget about what took place in-between. Or take it off-board.

Cool. Sorry about that Seanchai. Will take it to PMs.


07-12-2012, 02:46 PM
This thread should not even be here.
This is clearly "off-board" situations and I'm not even going to read through it all as it's pointless and dull.

Let's just rewind 24 hrs and you can call forget about what took place in-between. Or take it off-board.

your totally right,my apologies for being so..messy.i dont really care enough to have any personal/private correspondences about this matter.

07-12-2012, 03:07 PM
your totally right,my apologies for being so..messy.i dont really care enough to have any personal/private correspondences about this matter.

Can I spank your bum?

07-12-2012, 03:12 PM
Can I spank your bum?

only if i can call you daddy ;)

07-12-2012, 03:34 PM
only if i can call you daddy ;)
It's a WIN WIN.