View Full Version : Now this is TROLLING!

08-11-2012, 11:32 PM


I'm speechless.... Does this really go on? If so what is the female pornstar suicide rate...

08-12-2012, 05:25 PM
This is wonderfully hilarious.

08-12-2012, 05:35 PM
Yea, degrading women is very fucking hilarious #loser

08-12-2012, 06:18 PM
Yea, degrading women is very fucking hilarious #loser


08-12-2012, 07:09 PM
If you wanna place blame on anybody for the 'degradation', blame the women who WILLINGLY participate FOR MONEY. And blame the ones who do it MULTIPLE times. Its always easy to blame men for everything, but sometimes its just applicable.

And by the way, some argue that escorting and doing porn is degrading, no matter HOW the person doing explains it as 'empowering' or 'doing what i have to do to pay my bills'

08-12-2012, 07:35 PM
Yea, degrading women is very fucking hilarious #loser

Am I wrong for laughing at a clown who takes a pie in the face?

Btw, this is for the porn site Ghetto Gaggers. Which deals exclusively in content like this. Meaning they know full well what they're getting into when they go in. That is, if they're smart enough to do their research. And if they aren't it's still funny. If you were stupid enough to let this happen to you I'd laugh at you as well. So maybe you get off that high horse.

Degrading women doesn't matter. Degrading PEOPLE is what's funny. You sexist twat.

08-12-2012, 09:28 PM
Am I wrong for laughing at a clown who takes a pie in the face?

Btw, this is for the porn site Ghetto Gaggers. Which deals exclusively in content like this. Meaning they know full well what they're getting into when they go in. That is, if they're smart enough to do their research. And if they aren't it's still funny. If you were stupid enough to let this happen to you I'd laugh at you as well. So maybe you get off that high horse.

Degrading women doesn't matter. Degrading PEOPLE is what's funny. You sexist twat.

'LIKE' lmao

08-12-2012, 09:40 PM
Am I wrong for laughing at a clown who takes a pie in the face?

Btw, this is for the porn site Ghetto Gaggers. Which deals exclusively in content like this. Meaning they know full well what they're getting into when they go in. That is, if they're smart enough to do their research. And if they aren't it's still funny. If you were stupid enough to let this happen to you I'd laugh at you as well. So maybe you get off that high horse.

Degrading women doesn't matter. Degrading PEOPLE is what's funny. You sexist twat.

Yeah, perhaps this hit a nerve because she's..............."Stu-pid"?

08-12-2012, 10:08 PM
It is degrading. I've seen these before and was fairly disgusted with them at the time. This isn't how anyone should be treat. I work in this industry and I think most companies treat the models with a modicum of respect and professionalism. This is the gutter of the industry.

These "models" have came in for an interview, for whatever reasons wanting to work in the adult industry and to have degrading insults thrown in their face. Who cares what their IQ level is or how much research they've done on this industry. It's basic lack of respect. This shows the level of ignorance of the three of you who are defending it and the level of how you must look at all women.

Very fucking poor.

08-12-2012, 10:10 PM
If you wanna place blame on anybody for the 'degradation', blame the women who WILLINGLY participate FOR MONEY. And blame the ones who do it MULTIPLE times. Its always easy to blame men for everything, but sometimes its just applicable.

And by the way, some argue that escorting and doing porn is degrading, no matter HOW the person doing explains it as 'empowering' or 'doing what i have to do to pay my bills'

Did you even watch it? This has got nothing to do with placing blame. They delibrately set out to degrade, insult and humiliate people. It's got nothing to do with porn or escorting so stop trying to muddy the waters.

08-12-2012, 10:52 PM
It is degrading. I've seen these before and was fairly disgusted with them at the time. This isn't how anyone should be treat. I work in this industry and I think most companies treat the models with a modicum of respect and professionalism. This is the gutter of the industry.

These "models" have came in for an interview, for whatever reasons wanting to work in the adult industry and to have degrading insults thrown in their face. Who cares what their IQ level is or how much research they've done on this industry. It's basic lack of respect. This shows the level of ignorance of the three of you who are defending it and the level of how you must look at all women.

Very fucking poor.

Crusade all you like, but as I said this is a specific niche in porn. Since the site started nothing about it has changed. So if thley're still going in for interviews for this site knowing full well what they're getting themselves into they have only themselves to blame. You don't see me walking into Klan meetings and then complaining about why there's a noose around my neck.

And I might add, some people enjoy being treated this way. So the ignorance is really coming from you assuming that everyone lives and thinks the way you do or believe they should. After all last I checked there were people who said porn in general was degrading. Are you gonna stop producing it because they say so? Sometimes I love the bullshit double standards you people like to throw around. I'm gonna go have me some spaghetti.

08-12-2012, 11:25 PM
Did you even watch it? This has got nothing to do with placing blame. They delibrately set out to degrade, insult and humiliate people. It's got nothing to do with porn or escorting so stop trying to muddy the waters.

yes i have watched it...have YOU? if so then you'd see that many of the girls COME BACK A SECOND TIME to do the same shit...not too mention, many of the already established girls in the industry (cherokee, jada fire, etc) have done scenes...and in the beginning of the video, they have ALL said they knew what they were getting in to...so that throws your 'they're being exploited cuz they don't know what's going on' theory right of out the damn window...

secondly, just in case you didn't know, ANY kind of porn is viewed as degrading and exploitation by much of society...so by definition, YOU SIR are just as guilty as the gentlemen producing ghetto gaggers...but i bet you aren't gonna shut down all of your sites are you...quite the contrary, you're just gonna sit back and keep getting rich from it...

and when i spoke of placing blame, i meant no one is forcing these girls to do anything...they can always get the fuck up and leave (with if you've actually watched and researched, a few of them have)...

so you keep sitting back and thinking you're better than these dudes mr. 'high and mighty'...whatever helps you sleep at night...

now come with your 'fuck offs', insults and threats of bannings like you usually do...doesn't change a damn thing...

08-13-2012, 02:32 AM
im sorry but what does that say about someones psyche if they get turned on or amused by watching woman (or people) get degraded.
who cares if these woman were willing and knowing before hand its still disturbing to watch.im actually familiar with "ghetto gaggers" and i saw one scene where the girl broke down so bad they had to stop filming.you could literally see something die inside her eyes.the purpose of these films are to degrade woman to say anything else would be a lie.thats the appeal of them.
when i do a scene i am treated with nothing but respect and dignity.if im not cool with something it doesnt happen.i dont have male models or producers screaming at me about how much of a stupid whore i am or smacking me in the face.

08-13-2012, 02:35 AM
Am I wrong for laughing at a clown who takes a pie in the face?

Btw, this is for the porn site Ghetto Gaggers. Which deals exclusively in content like this. Meaning they know full well what they're getting into when they go in. That is, if they're smart enough to do their research. And if they aren't it's still funny. If you were stupid enough to let this happen to you I'd laugh at you as well. So maybe you get off that high horse.

Degrading women doesn't matter. Degrading PEOPLE is what's funny. You sexist twat.

your probably the type of person that laughs at faces of death vids smh

08-13-2012, 02:58 AM
your probably the type of person that laughs at faces of death vids smh

I've never watched one. So I couldn't tell you. Of course I've never made my distaste for people anything less than obvious, but that's quite irrelevant though seeing as how this topic isn't about me. Stop derailing threads.

As for your other post, perhaps you don't care if they consent to it or not. That's fine, it's not your thing. But the fact of the matter is they willingly put themselves in that situation, so it's their own damn fault. Stand in front of train and it will hit you. It's pretty basic logic for anyone with a fully functional brain. Being judgmental about what people get off to is preeeetty hypocritical of you.

Ms Remy M
08-13-2012, 03:10 AM
This is an interesting topic that I had no plan on viewing as I don't usually like watching youtube vids. Given the statements, I decided to see just what was going on.

I have to agree that there is a huge difference between the more vanilla type of porn we film and this genre that this site promotes. It's like the difference between a white comedian doing a joke about black people and a white comedian walking on stage with "black face" (minstrel shows, vaudeville type) making the same jokes. There comes a point where a person crosses the line. I also can't help but think less of the individuals that actually get off to this brand of porn they are promoting. Makes me glad there are people like me in the business that actually care about the model well being and that they are treated fairly.

Ms Remy M
08-13-2012, 03:26 AM
I've never watched one. So I couldn't tell you. Of course I've never made my distaste for people anything less than obvious, but that's quite irrelevant though seeing as how this topic isn't about me. Stop derailing threads.

As for your other post, perhaps you don't care if they consent to it or not. That's fine, it's not your thing. But the fact of the matter is they willingly put themselves in that situation, so it's their own damn fault. Stand in front of train and it will hit you. It's pretty basic logic for anyone with a fully functional brain. Being judgmental about what people get off to is preeeetty hypocritical of you.

A similar argument was made about the girl that R. Kelly pissed on, just because someone may think that they want it doesn't mean it should be allowed to occur. People in a position of power (the producers) have a moral obligation to treat people with respect, and until people stand up and show these girls they don't have to put up with bs in order to make a buck in porn the foolishness will just continue.

08-13-2012, 03:40 AM
A similar argument was made about the girl that R. Kelly pissed on, just because someone may think that they want it doesn't mean it should be allowed to occur. People in a position of power (the producers) have a moral obligation to treat people with respect, and until people stand up and show these girls they don't have to put up with bs in order to make a buck in porn the foolishness will just continue.

If you don't wanna get pissed on, move out of the way.

And again you all seem to be over looking the fact that some people actually enjoy being treated that way. Do these girls? I don't know, it could go either way I don't know the broads. But just as there are people who enjoy doing it, there are people who enjoy having it done to them. So it isn't always about the people who fap to the degradation, but the people who fap ( and shlick ) to the humiliation. People have kinks... get over it. It's not rape, it's not pedophilia, it's not a snuff film. Don't like it... move along. I saw period porn once, damn near threw up. Did I start picketing? No, I moved the fuck along. Quick.

08-13-2012, 04:30 AM
Who hasn't watched one of those celebrity roast on Comedy Central?

08-13-2012, 05:30 AM
A similar argument was made about the girl that R. Kelly pissed on, just because someone may think that they want it doesn't mean it should be allowed to occur. People in a position of power (the producers) have a moral obligation to treat people with respect, and until people stand up and show these girls they don't have to put up with bs in order to make a buck in porn the foolishness will just continue.

you're wrong on 2 parts here:

1) just because YOU feel the moral obligation to do such does not mean EVERYONE has to feel, think or live the same way...

2) the r. kelly argument is TOTALLY flawed...there is a huge difference between someone using their celebrity, influence, power, etc to get a young, impressionable individual that may idolize them to do something versus a GROWN ASS person (some of these girls even have kids) that can think and make choices/decisions for themselves to do the same thing...by your logic, jerry sandusky could have pulled the same thing with the 22 year old quarterback (who can DECIDE FOR HIMSELF whether he wants a dick in his ass) that he did with the 8 year old child he was with in the shower...

and again, though you may think/feel/believe that your 'vanilla' brand of porn is palatable, to much of society it is still degrading and exploitation...and you, an individual who makes money off of these girls, because some may do it because they're in a financial bind (as i believe was the case in you, vidman and amber's little tiff a few weeks ago), are exploiting them as well...just because you aren't slapping or choking them doesn't make it any different...this isn't karate...there aren't varying degrees of exploitation...but im sure you will continue to shoot the pictures & video and collect a check from it...

and again, NO ONE IS MAKING THEM DO IT...just like amber said, if she's not cool with it, its doesn't happen...if they don't like what's going on, they can always leave...nobody has them trapped in a dungeon with no way out...

not to mention that, i have discussed this very topic with jada fire and she said, they ask you in the very beginning what you will and won't do...what you are and aren't comfortable with them doing to you...and note the edits in the videos where the girls might be covered in puke, but then next frame they've wiped off, freshened up (for lack of a better phrase), etc...at any point in time, they could be like, 'you know what, fuck this..im gone'...

ps...i don't give a slap happy fuck if a chick does porn, escorts or shits on a stick to get paid...i dont look down on her at all...i just don't want to hear that 'this is all i can do', 'im playing the cards i was dealt' shit...there are many transgender & genetic women who, instead of selling themselves, work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet...some have gone back to school, and gotten a degree or learned a trade and now work in corporate america, academia, hospitals, salons, etc...perfect example...angel vixen...watch the beginning or her scene in the latest black shemale idol...see what the fuck she's doing..

08-13-2012, 09:37 AM
Nah, most of them don't know they're doing it and they don't sign up for it, when they come onto this site - so don't pretend you know more than you do, to justify it. Maybe they come back because at the end of the day, they're willing to be humiliated as they need the money but that doesn't mean they like to be humiliated and as Amber says, what does it say about the person who gets off on this material. Furthermore, by showing this as the acceptable porn, it casts and untrue and bad light on the industry in the same way content like crack hoe porn or other same exploitative porn where the participants are coerced or ignorant of the outcome.

It's exactly content like this and the clowns that make it, that tar all porn with the same brush and the public believes all porn is exploitative which the majority of it, clearly isn't and often goes to lengths to prove otherwise.

08-13-2012, 12:12 PM
Oh, so you know that they don't know what they're getting into? I wasn't aware you were part of the gaggers casting agency... unless of course you aren't... Then you'd just be talking out of your ass wouldn't you...? But... you wouldn't do that... would you?

And if they don't know what they're getting into, then I'm supposed to feel sorry for them not taking two minutes out of their time to google what kind of company they're about to work for? To hell with that. If I stopped to feel sorry for every stupid action taken by every stupid person, I'd die of grief. No thanks.

Quite frankly I don't really care what it says about a person that they get off on that sort of thing. If I did, I'd have to care about what getting off to shemale porn says about me. And since that'd interfere with my orgasms, I don't see any reason why I should.

08-13-2012, 02:10 PM
Oh, so you know that they don't know what they're getting into? I wasn't aware you were part of the gaggers casting agency... unless of course you aren't... Then you'd just be talking out of your ass wouldn't you...? But... you wouldn't do that... would you?

And if they don't know what they're getting into, then I'm supposed to feel sorry for them not taking two minutes out of their time to google what kind of company they're about to work for? To hell with that. If I stopped to feel sorry for every stupid action taken by every stupid person, I'd die of grief. No thanks.

Quite frankly I don't really care what it says about a person that they get off on that sort of thing. If I did, I'd have to care about what getting off to shemale porn says about me. And since that'd interfere with my orgasms, I don't see any reason why I should.

Nah I wouldn't talk out of my arse but clearly you seem to be doing so. You're not meant to feel sorry for them for not googling, you're meant to understand that this sort of porn is exploitative and not acceptable - but you wouldn't do that would you? Clearly, you just don't care.

08-13-2012, 02:26 PM
Nah, most of them don't know they're doing it and they don't sign up for it, when they come onto this site - so don't pretend you know more than you do, to justify it. Maybe they come back because at the end of the day, they're willing to be humiliated as they need the money but that doesn't mean they like to be humiliated and as Amber says, what does it say about the person who gets off on this material. Furthermore, by showing this as the acceptable porn, it casts and untrue and bad light on the industry in the same way content like crack hoe porn or other same exploitative porn where the participants are coerced or ignorant of the outcome.

It's exactly content like this and the clowns that make it, that tar all porn with the same brush and the public believes all porn is exploitative which the majority of it, clearly isn't and often goes to lengths to prove otherwise.

So bdsm and other hardcore that has some of the same aspects (throat fucking, hard penetrations, multiple cum shots in the face, etc) is okay just because they're not insulting them? Which some of it does. And if you're not on the set, how do you REALLY know whats going on behind the scenes? Have you spoken to any if these girls? Just asking.

Bottom line, if i start doing something and realize i dont like it, or its not for me, i'd simply STOP AND LEAVE. Its called free will. That point, you CANNOT argue.

08-13-2012, 02:47 PM
So bdsm and other hardcore that has some of the same aspects (throat fucking, hard penetrations, multiple cum shots in the face, etc) is okay just because they're not insulting them? Which some of it does. And if you're not on the set, how do you REALLY know whats going on behind the scenes? Have you spoken to any if these girls? Just asking.

Bottom line, if i start doing something and realize i dont like it, or its not for me, i'd simply STOP AND LEAVE. Its called free will. That point, you CANNOT argue.

Not everyone has the luxury of free will when they're between a rock and hardplace. It's unfortunate but YOU cannot argue with that. I don't know the models but I know the company.

BDSM - if it's a company like Kink doing it, which has failsafes in place and each model is usually either into the scene or made fully aware of it, then that's fine. It's not exploitative or degrading - however, if a model was told to turn up for a hardcore scene and they made it into BDSM or extreme without informing her, then that's where the problem would lie. Fortunately, most of the companies shooting that sort of content are very clean and upfront as they walk a thin line.

There is also the issue of peer pressure on set. You come to a shoot, there are other girls and guys there and a model feels that she can't walk out. This is common in all walks of life.

08-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Not everyone has the luxury of free will when they're between a rock and hardplace. It's unfortunate but YOU cannot argue with that. I don't know the models but I know the company.

BDSM - if it's a company like Kink doing it, which has failsafes in place and each model is usually either into the scene or made fully aware of it, then that's fine. It's not exploitative or degrading - however, if a model was told to turn up for a hardcore scene and they made it into BDSM or extreme without informing her, then that's where the problem would lie. Fortunately, most of the companies shooting that sort of content are very clean and upfront as they walk a thin line.

There is also the issue of peer pressure on set. You come to a shoot, there are other girls and guys there and a model feels that she can't walk out. This is common in all walks of life.

This is you talking out of your ass right here. Because as mentioned, you're not on set. You say you know the company, but you clearly don't know their practices. Because you don't work for them. Don't give me that rock and a hard place BS, because if you actually watched the vid there were girls who clearly had better goals ( One of which was even complimented on such. ) So spare me the violins.

And as it has been said, girls can and have walked out. It's not like there's a pimp there ready to put the cane to work when someone says they wanna go. You were free to come you're free to leave. And if you've got issues with peer pressure as an adult, your problems are beyond a few meager insults.

You keep crusading without looking at the entire picture. And based on your earlier arguments I'd say your issue is more with how they make you look than how they actually treat the girls. So uh, you have fun completely ignoring every view point but your own. Living in a world where adults aren't held accountable for their own actions and what not.

08-13-2012, 03:06 PM
This is you talking out of your ass right here. Because as mentioned, you're not on set. You say you know the company, but you clearly don't know their practices. Because you don't work for them. Don't give me that rock and a hard place BS, because if you actually watched the vid there were girls who clearly had better goals ( One of which was even complimented on such. ) So spare me the violins.

And as it has been said, girls can and have walked out. It's not like there's a pimp there ready to put the cane to work when someone says they wanna go. You were free to come you're free to leave. And if you've got issues with peer pressure as an adult, your problems are beyond a few meager insults.

You keep crusading without looking at the entire picture. And based on your earlier arguments I'd say your issue is more with how they make you look than how they actually treat the girls. So uh, you have fun completely ignoring every view point but your own. Living in a world where adults aren't held accountable for their own actions and what not.

No I'm not talking out of my ass. I'm better placed to no more about it than you and yes, my issue is partially on how they make the industry look. I stated that, so don't make it a revelation.
Whatever their goals may be or for whatever reason they came to this company, the end product and how they were treat is degrading and exploitative.

Take a chill for a few weeks and come back when you get some manners.

08-13-2012, 04:45 PM
No I'm not talking out of my ass. I'm better placed to no more about it than you and yes, my issue is partially on how they make the industry look. I stated that, so don't make it a revelation.
Whatever their goals may be or for whatever reason they came to this company, the end product and how they were treat is degrading and exploitative.

Take a chill for a few weeks and come back when you get some manners.

So he's gonna get banned because he's putting out valid points that you just dont agree with? You ARENT part of that production company and you probably dont even know these dudes. So you have just as much inside information as any of us.

Seanchai, its easy for you to always fall back on that 'i know more than you' argument. Doesnt always mean its actually true. You never admit when you're wrong because you THINK you know every thing. You just threaten, or actually, ban people once they put forth arguments that are contrary to you and hold weight. Like cosmic said, if you're grown and still fall for peer pressure, that's a YOU problem. But that whole, 'if you dont bow down to what i say, you get banned' thing is weak. Smdh.

08-13-2012, 05:03 PM
Who the fuck have I banned you big fucking pansy.

I state what I know to be fact, I've argued with plenty of people on here yet it's the same ego's I keep coming up against and I'm not going to be told I'm "talking out of my ass" in that manner. In fact, I allowed another individual to stay a member of this forum despite going against another moderators judgement which may or may not have been correct, as I prefer to argue the situation rather than just take the weaker option of banning them. I think I've given you enough leeway on this forum to show you for what you are.

I can't remember the last time I banned anyone for a disagreement other then when they flagrantely broke the rules but you're becoming a TROLL on this forum. Send me your username and I'll refund you the month on BlackTgirls for this month and you can leave and cool off for a bit also - either that, or go start your own forum that allows your ego to spew the nonsense that you do here.

It's tiring providing one or two people a soapbox when they bring nothing but hate to it.

This forum is for the celebration of black transgenders and especially those in the adult industry - anything else is fluff.

08-13-2012, 05:24 PM
Who the fuck have I banned you big fucking pansy.

I state what I know to be fact, I've argued with plenty of people on here yet it's the same ego's I keep coming up against and I'm not going to be told I'm "talking out of my ass" in that manner. In fact, I allowed another individual to stay a member of this forum despite going against another moderators judgement which may or may not have been correct, as I prefer to argue the situation rather than just take the weaker option of banning them. I think I've given you enough leeway on this forum to show you for what you are.

I can't remember the last time I banned anyone for a disagreement other then when they flagrantely broke the rules but you're becoming a TROLL on this forum. Send me your username and I'll refund you the month on BlackTgirls for this month and you can leave and cool off for a bit also - either that, or go start your own forum that allows your ego to spew the nonsense that you do here.

It's tiring providing one or two people a soapbox when they bring nothing but hate to it.

This forum is for the celebration of black transgenders and especially those in the adult industry - anything else is fluff.

Guess you didnt see that big ass question mark huh? Anyway, dude i could give a damn less about you banning me from this forum.

Like i said, he put forth valid points, as did i. Nobody's making this girls doing anything. And they do have repeat appearances, so not everybody is walking in blind. Also, some people feel porn is degrading and exploitive no matter it is, so in their mind, you're just as bad.

Now, since you're getting in your feelings as usual, im gonna be done with it. And that $35 bucks is nothing my man, trust me.

08-13-2012, 05:32 PM
Guess you didnt see that big ass question mark huh? Anyway, dude i could give a damn less about you banning me from this forum.

Like i said, he put forth valid points, as did i. Nobody's making this girls doing anything. And they do have repeat appearances, so not everybody is walking in blind. Also, some people feel porn is degrading and exploitive no matter it is, so in their mind, you're just as bad.

Now, since you're getting in your feelings as usual, im gonna be done with it. And that $35 bucks is nothing my man, trust me.

You just got to keep trolling don't you. You don't know when to say, fuck it, I've had my say, he's had his say - you just keep going.

Why do you keep going on about "some people feel porn is exploitative ... blah blah" - clearly you can't read that's been responded to and it's irrelevant.

Listen son, grow up and come back when you've learned manners. Take that $35 a buy the Idiots Guide to Being a Grown-Up.

08-13-2012, 05:52 PM
You just got to keep trolling don't you. You don't know when to say, fuck it, I've had my say, he's had his say - you just keep going.

Why do you keep going on about "some people feel porn is exploitative ... blah blah" - clearly you can't read that's been responded to and it's irrelevant.

Listen son, grow up and come back when you've learned manners. Take that $35 a buy the Idiots Guide to Being a Grown-Up.

Lol. Funny. As you see, i said i was done with it. YOU decide to say something else. But fine. I'll shut up now Debo lol

08-13-2012, 06:00 PM
Lol. Funny. As you see, i said i was done with it. YOU decide to say something else. But fine. I'll shut up now Debo lol
Yeah, well my forum, my prerogative, Gloria.

08-13-2012, 06:17 PM
Yeah, well my forum, my prerogative, Gloria.

You're right. You elevated level of estrogen generating little bitch you. Take my ball and go home if you dont wanna play by rules ass pussy. I made it a point to not say anything insulting even in the midst of our back and forth. But you wanted to go there.

So take that 35 bucks and go yourself something cute. A nice set of earrings that will match the pumps and panties you have on. And no need to say thank you. I like to keep my bitches looking good. *slaps shannachai on the ass*

08-13-2012, 06:18 PM
You're right. You elevated level of estrogen generating little bitch you. Take my ball and go home if you dont wanna play by rules ass pussy. I made it a point to not say anything insulting even in the midst of our back and forth. But you wanted to go there.

So take that 35 bucks and go yourself something cute. A nice set of earrings that will match the pumps and panties you have on. And no need to say thank you. I like to keep my bitches looking good. *slaps shannachai on the ass*

Ciao, you didn't have a membership anyway, fool. I checked. This forum is free for non-members - but they should at least have some manners.
Go and chill out for a few weeks and come back if you can behave with some respect for this forum and those on it.

08-13-2012, 06:21 PM
So bdsm and other hardcore that has some of the same aspects (throat fucking, hard penetrations, multiple cum shots in the face, etc) is okay just because they're not insulting them? Which some of it does. And if you're not on the set, how do you REALLY know whats going on behind the scenes? Have you spoken to any if these girls? Just asking.

Bottom line, if i start doing something and realize i dont like it, or its not for me, i'd simply STOP AND LEAVE. Its called free will. That point, you CANNOT argue.

im sorry but dominance is one thing,degradation is another.like ive said ive actually watched a few scenes of ghetto gaggers and the purpose is for white men to sexually degrade and hurt black woman.
my whole issues isnt about if these girls were consenting or not.even tho you could argue that seeing or being told something is quite different from the reality.ive seen at least one scene where chick broke down,started crying and they had to stop filming.it was horrible.
my issue is i dont understand how someone can see the overt degradation and humiliation of another individual as appealing.im sorry but its hard for me to see someone as mentally or emotionally healthy if they get sexually excited at the thought/fantasy of harming someone.

08-13-2012, 06:59 PM
I plan on taking two weeks off but it's to take the fam to Disney World......Hmmm are there any known strolls there? I kinda suspect that Tinker Bell is a tranny but she's likely to be strictly bottom though so meh...

As for this thread, its a simple case of "sex preservation".

To Seanchai and Remi these video's are the equivalent of how respectable women view that "Bad Girls Club" show or how most black people regard that stupid "Love & Hiphop" show. I guess it's just fear that this puts an already seedy profession in a bad light.

I'm not gonna lie and claim to know the extent of what goes on beyond the scenes with these vids. All I know is that they were fucking hilarious. And for all we know the Troll Guys could've given each girl a great big hug and treated them to the Olive Garden afterwards...And if it's a situation where the guys talking are just natural assholes...fear not. Karma has a way trolling in return.

Ms Remy M
08-13-2012, 08:09 PM
I think it's really funny for people who are clearly not in the porn industry at all, and rarely even as a paying customer for this particular company (ghetto gaggers) feel they know the in's and out's of what is going on behind the scenes. It's easy for you guys to say you know anything when you are just an anonymous avatar, Seanchai is actually attending adult industry events and functions and rubbing elbows with the who's who of the industry.

Cosmic your apathetic ways say a lot about you, and we all have had down moments where we wanted someone to care about what we are going through. There comes a point where you have to say "Hey, I'm not going to support company 'x' by viewing this material because it is degrading." This is why I refuse to visit sites like World Star Hip Hop and Media Take Out, because they flourish off of making fun of the scandalous side of society.

08-13-2012, 08:47 PM
I think it's funny how you people spout things when you don't have anything to back up your claims and completely ignore all hints at common sense. But rather than continue this meaningless argument I'm just going to take a page out of your own books and completely ignore anything you put forth in this discussion. If you feel like you've " learned " something about me in this discussion then that tells me you haven't been paying attention. I say I hate people constantly.

08-13-2012, 09:09 PM
I think it's funny how you people spout things when you don't have anything to back up your claims and completely ignore all hints at common sense. But rather than continue this meaningless argument I'm just going to take a page out of your own books and completely ignore anything you put forth in this discussion. If you feel like you've " learned " something about me in this discussion then that tells me you haven't been paying attention. I say I hate people constantly.


Ms Remy M
08-13-2012, 09:30 PM
I think it's funny how you people spout things when you don't have anything to back up your claims and completely ignore all hints at common sense. But rather than continue this meaningless argument I'm just going to take a page out of your own books and completely ignore anything you put forth in this discussion. If you feel like you've " learned " something about me in this discussion then that tells me you haven't been paying attention. I say I hate people constantly.

And you have nothing to back up your claims either, so logically a person would be more inclined to go with an industry insider opposed to someone who has admitted they don't even watch that type of porn. The point I was making about your apathy toward these women or people in general is that it's really not true as there are people you've told me you care about and you too have wanted a "shoulder to cry on" (figure of speech obviously), so it's more grand standing that you are doing than anything else.

08-13-2012, 11:39 PM
What the hell happened in here!! Jeez!!:eek:

08-14-2012, 04:53 AM
Wow, my day was going really shitty until I read these five pages of comments. You mofo's are too funny. Shit's not that deep...:D

It fucking porn, who cares???????????????????????????????????????

08-14-2012, 08:58 PM
And you have nothing to back up your claims either, so logically a person would be more inclined to go with an industry insider opposed to someone who has admitted they don't even watch that type of porn. The point I was making about your apathy toward these women or people in general is that it's really not true as there are people you've told me you care about and you too have wanted a "shoulder to cry on" (figure of speech obviously), so it's more grand standing that you are doing than anything else.

I have logic backing up my claims. Something you seem to be far from able to comprehend. That's what I use in situations like these, try to follow suit in the future. Being in the industry doesn't mean you know everything, and really doesn't affect my argument of an adult person's accountability for their own well being. Which you would've picked up on if you were applying logic and not your own emotional view on the situation.

And, I believe it was you who said you can't ever really know a person over the internet. It applies here. You don't know me very well, so don't pretend to. Thanks.

08-14-2012, 08:59 PM
Wow, my day was going really shitty until I read these five pages of comments. You mofo's are too funny. Shit's not that deep...:D

It fucking porn, who cares???????????????????????????????????????

After all this, the vid is still funny to me. So I can't quite understand what all this is about. :confused:

Ms Remy M
08-14-2012, 10:28 PM
I have logic backing up my claims. Something you seem to be far from able to comprehend. That's what I use in situations like these, try to follow suit in the future. Being in the industry doesn't mean you know everything, and really doesn't affect my argument of an adult person's accountability for their own well being. Which you would've picked up on if you were applying logic and not your own emotional view on the situation.

And, I believe it was you who said you can't ever really know a person over the internet. It applies here. You don't know me very well, so don't pretend to. Thanks.

Emotions have noting to do with it. It's the producers accountability that really matters if you've been paying attention. lol just earlier you claimed we should know that you don't care about anyone and now you are saying no one knows you. Deny it all you want so you can puff your chest out.

08-14-2012, 11:05 PM
Emotions have noting to do with it. It's the producers accountability that really matters if you've been paying attention. lol just earlier you claimed we should know that you don't care about anyone and now you are saying no one knows you. Deny it all you want so you can puff your chest out.

And this producer has no accountability as far as this subject goes. Because as it's been stated, he doesn't work for or with the company in question. So mentioning how they work doesn't really do him any good because he's not on the inside. Meanwhile my argument was based largely on the people being interviewed and how they're the ones who allow themselves to be put into this situation. What part of this is hard for you to understand? Are you not wearing your glasses?

And I never said I don't care about anyone. I said I have a distaste for people, any logical person would assume this to extend to people I have no connection with. But logic, as we see here, is not your strong suit. And YOU were the one who said you can never know a person over the internet. More than once, so I'm saying YOOOOOOUUUUU don't know me. Which is no less by your own admission.


08-15-2012, 12:48 AM
This is possibly the finest 5 pages of Forum I have seen for many years!

I have downloaded a few GG vids because, generally, I enjoy edgy porn that plays around with some of the sacred (yet utterly banal due to their political foundation) human identities, particularly race and gender.

I have to say, even by my own freaky standards, GG is bit too tuff for me; even when I am fully aware that the model/hooker is thoroughly clued-up about what is happening, some of it still makes me wince (not that I'm trying to play moral poker with some of you, mind... If there was a Lesbian version of GG I'd sign up for life lol)

GG is not a BDSM site, but in actual fact it is significantly more brutal than anything chains and whips and pins and clips have to offer. It revolves, without question, around the degradation of the models involved.


Degradation and humiliation are absolutely PART of kink, even where it appears a real power exchange is happening.

Even though some of the clip posted by Indy makes me wince, I have to tell you it also makes me spurt my tea out with laughter... If nothing else, surely you can appreciate the lead guy's sense of humour and timing?... He's taking the piss out of people! Don't you get it? This guy's a fucking riot!... People, please at least visit the GG site and take a tour, if only to READ some of the descriptions of the scenes: fucking hilarious!

Makes me a freak?... Most certainly

But don't try and trump my hand in some moral one-up-mans-ship!? Who are you trying to kid?

I've seen plenty of ladyboy vids where the babe looks vacant, just getting through her hard work, while her mouth is fish-hooked and her ass is getting ploughed six ways to next Tuesday... Is that ok porn for me to like? How much did she enjoy it? (probably less than the GG gals)... How much was she paid for the scene? (probably waaaay less than the GG gals)... And errrrrrr, how old was she?

Someone raised the point that these clips are about "white" men degrading "black" women: SO WHAT? Whats your point?? Why.....does that make it (drum roll) eeeeeeven woooorse??????? LMbedAO


I don't appreciate how people cant see that degradation and humiliation can be part of sexplay??? But if you really dont see or feel it, that's fine, just move along, as has been stated in some particularly fine posts by COS and G1

At the risk of sounding like a liberal I'm now going to throw in one of those huge platitudes (but it's true): it really is all about CONSENT.

But you know what?... You don't even have to deal with it

.... Just don't try and use your liberal auras to bully freaks into submission; I appreciate that you find it pyschologically comforting to do so... But stop it!... ok?


blue eyed devil


Ms Remy M
08-15-2012, 02:56 AM
And this producer has no accountability as far as this subject goes. Because as it's been stated, he doesn't work for or with the company in question. So mentioning how they work doesn't really do him any good because he's not on the inside. Meanwhile my argument was based largely on the people being interviewed and how they're the ones who allow themselves to be put into this situation. What part of this is hard for you to understand? Are you not wearing your glasses?

And I never said I don't care about anyone. I said I have a distaste for people, any logical person would assume this to extend to people I have no connection with. But logic, as we see here, is not your strong suit. And YOU were the one who said you can never know a person over the internet. More than once, so I'm saying YOOOOOOUUUUU don't know me. Which is no less by your own admission.


So you admit your argument and logic is based on nothing but the edited commercial material that the producers created to draw losers in to watch. While Seanchai may not actually work for the company he is very aware of the practices that the company dwells in and probably knows the owners names while you are just going off of the free content you can find. You keep saying I don't know you, but I'm just nice enough not to put you on blast.

08-15-2012, 03:38 AM
So you admit your argument and logic is based on nothing but the edited commercial material that the producers created to draw losers in to watch. While Seanchai may not actually work for the company he is very aware of the practices that the company dwells in and probably knows the owners names while you are just going off of the free content you can find. You keep saying I don't know you, but I'm just nice enough not to put you on blast.

Your entire argument seems to be coming from here.

My argument is based on the fact that these women have to consent to everything that happens to them. This isn't a pack of rapists, unless there's information you have that you're withholding... And based on the things you say, I'm sure that's not the case. I'm sure Seanchai is very aware of the practices the company dwells in because he's so deep inside their operation. That's why he's been able to provide so much information to all of us about everything and not just speculate. Because he sits in on their interviews and talks with the girls before and after. And you know this, because you're there. You're there the entire time and you know all of it. All of this is true.

And you being ' nice enough not to put me on blast ' doesn't really do you much good. Since as I said you don't know me. Shit, you know about two or three lines of information more than anyone else around here. Funny how when you don't have a point you just repeat the lines you can't prove while moving toward personal attacks. You're so cute when you do that. :D

Ms Remy M
08-15-2012, 03:59 AM
Your entire argument seems to be coming from here.

My argument is based on the fact that these women have to consent to everything that happens to them. This isn't a pack of rapists, unless there's information you have that you're withholding... And based on the things you say, I'm sure that's not the case. I'm sure Seanchai is very aware of the practices the company dwells in because he's so deep inside their operation. That's why he's been able to provide so much information to all of us about everything and not just speculate. Because he sits in on their interviews and talks with the girls before and after. And you know this, because you're there. You're there the entire time and you know all of it. All of this is true.

And you being ' nice enough not to put me on blast ' doesn't really do you much good. Since as I said you don't know me. Shit, you know about two or three lines of information more than anyone else around here. Funny how when you don't have a point you just repeat the lines you can't prove while moving toward personal attacks. You're so cute when you do that. :D

You aren't basing anything on fact, as you aren't on the set to know what they are consenting to either. There isn't a personal attack at all, stating your humanity is not an attack but a positive. ;)

t3h EMMA
08-15-2012, 04:12 AM
You know me weighing in was an inevitabilty, anywho...



I'm speechless.... Does this really go on? If so what is the female pornstar suicide rate...

Sorry, OP, but I laughed my bleedin' ass off. These people (most, if not all, of the models included) clearly understand what the lulz. :cool:

Yea, degrading women is very fucking hilarious #loser

No, but satire is, another thing those who have to do with GG also understand. It obviously does no more than poke fun at those who degrade women, as opposed to doing such a thing themselves.

Am I wrong for laughing at a clown who takes a pie in the face?

Btw, this is for the porn site Ghetto Gaggers. Which deals exclusively in content like this. Meaning they know full well what they're getting into when they go in. That is, if they're smart enough to do their research. And if they aren't it's still funny. If you were stupid enough to let this happen to you I'd laugh at you as well. So maybe you get off that high horse.

Degrading women doesn't matter. Degrading PEOPLE is what's funny. You sexist twat.

Exactly, I'd find it even worse if we left a group out.

you're wrong on 2 parts here:

1) just because YOU feel the moral obligation to do such does not mean EVERYONE has to feel, think or live the same way...

2) the r. kelly argument is TOTALLY flawed...there is a huge difference between someone using their celebrity, influence, power, etc to get a young, impressionable individual that may idolize them to do something versus a GROWN ASS person (some of these girls even have kids) that can think and make choices/decisions for themselves to do the same thing...by your logic, jerry sandusky could have pulled the same thing with the 22 year old quarterback (who can DECIDE FOR HIMSELF whether he wants a dick in his ass) that he did with the 8 year old child he was with in the shower...

and again, though you may think/feel/believe that your 'vanilla' brand of porn is palatable, to much of society it is still degrading and exploitation...and you, an individual who makes money off of these girls, because some may do it because they're in a financial bind (as i believe was the case in you, vidman and amber's little tiff a few weeks ago), are exploiting them as well...just because you aren't slapping or choking them doesn't make it any different...this isn't karate...there aren't varying degrees of exploitation...but im sure you will continue to shoot the pictures & video and collect a check from it...

and again, NO ONE IS MAKING THEM DO IT...just like amber said, if she's not cool with it, its doesn't happen...if they don't like what's going on, they can always leave...nobody has them trapped in a dungeon with no way out...

not to mention that, i have discussed this very topic with jada fire and she said, they ask you in the very beginning what you will and won't do...what you are and aren't comfortable with them doing to you...and note the edits in the videos where the girls might be covered in puke, but then next frame they've wiped off, freshened up (for lack of a better phrase), etc...at any point in time, they could be like, 'you know what, fuck this..im gone'...

ps...i don't give a slap happy fuck if a chick does porn, escorts or shits on a stick to get paid...i dont look down on her at all...i just don't want to hear that 'this is all i can do', 'im playing the cards i was dealt' shit...there are many transgender & genetic women who, instead of selling themselves, work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet...some have gone back to school, and gotten a degree or learned a trade and now work in corporate america, academia, hospitals, salons, etc...perfect example...angel vixen...watch the beginning or her scene in the latest black shemale idol...see what the fuck she's doing..

THIS. It reminds me of a lot of the blacks around me who flip a shit because I was recently collared by an older white man. They often compare us to the era of slavery...except the difference is that I consented, I'm not treated like furniture, and I have full permission to say "Hey, [such and such] isn't working." Yea, I have it reeeeaall hard. This guy loves the fuck out of me, so fuck your mothers. :D

And Jada Fire is a really good reference to make. I've seen a lot of her roles, both dominant and submissive.

Wow, my day was going really shitty until I read these five pages of comments. You mofo's are too funny. Shit's not that deep...:D

It fucking porn, who cares???????????????????????????????????????

So short, yet so completely right. My hat's off to you. :)

...You keep saying I don't know you, but I'm just nice enough not to put you on blast.


08-15-2012, 04:34 AM
You aren't basing anything on fact, as you aren't on the set to know what they are consenting to either. There isn't a personal attack at all, stating your humanity is not an attack but a positive. ;)

If they weren't consenting, the content wouldn't get made or released. That much is basic knowledge. Or should be. Maybe I'm the crazy one thinking sense is common. :eek: You people probably take Bangbus seriously too don't you?

You can try to soften it if you like, but saying something like " I'm being nice enough not to put you on blast " isn't hinting toward anything positive. So just stop.

08-15-2012, 11:39 AM
If they weren't consenting, the content wouldn't get made or released. That much is basic knowledge. Or should be. Maybe I'm the crazy one thinking sense is common. :eek: You people probably take Bangbus seriously too don't you?

You can try to soften it if you like, but saying something like " I'm being nice enough not to put you on blast " isn't hinting toward anything positive. So just stop.

Where do you make this up from? If they've signed a release (consented to the shoot) and been paid then the company has the rights to release it, they MAY not have even said that was part of the release, there are plenty of opportunities in any shoot to show bloopers or outtakes and a typical model release would cover that.

The models are consenting to the shoot, that is all. You're no insider, talk about talking out of your arse, another handbag waver.

08-15-2012, 01:41 PM
Where do you make this up from? If they've signed a release (consented to the shoot) and been paid then the company has the rights to release it, they MAY not have even said that was part of the release, there are plenty of opportunities in any shoot to show bloopers or outtakes and a typical model release would cover that.

The models are consenting to the shoot, that is all. You're no insider, talk about talking out of your arse, another handbag waver.

So essentially what you're saying is... They'd still have to sign a form, saying they were of sound mind and are consenting adults when all of this happens...

Which was pretty much what I was getting at from the start. :D

Fact of the matter is, they consent, because they are adults who are able to make their own decisions. And if the results of those decisions are as seen on that video I'm going to laugh. And no amount of whining on your part is going to change that.

08-15-2012, 08:04 PM
Fact of the matter is, they consent, because they are adults who are able to make their own decisions. And if the results of those decisions are as seen on that video I'm going to laugh. And no amount of whining on your part is going to change that.

I never disputed that they consented to making or appearing in a video, I called out the manner which it was done, the underlying issues with why they think it's ok to make videos like this and the fact that lower lifeforms can find it amusing, to degrade and humiliate people in this way.

You've said your peice, now you need to either move on or take a break to chill out and come back to this forum at a date when you can accept it for what it's for and get with that.

08-15-2012, 08:23 PM
..... the fact that lower lifeforms can find it amusing, to degrade and humiliate people in this way.

very much this....

08-15-2012, 09:40 PM
I never disputed that they consented to making or appearing in a video, I called out the manner which it was done, the underlying issues with why they think it's ok to make videos like this and the fact that lower lifeforms can find it amusing, to degrade and humiliate people in this way.

You've said your peice, now you need to either move on or take a break to chill out and come back to this forum at a date when you can accept it for what it's for and get with that.

If you feel a need to attack me for what I find entertaining, I feel a need to defend myself. It's nothing short of hilarious how you can sit there exploiting people yourself and still try to call other people out on doing it.

I don't care what you own or how much money you have, don't think you can talk to me as you please. Internet or not, I'll respond accordingly.

08-15-2012, 09:45 PM
very much this....

Be silent, judgmental prostitute.

08-16-2012, 12:19 AM
Hey, don't you just hate the way those D-list actors and actesses are routinely and repeatedly killed, tortured , raped, mutilated, zombified, blown to bits etc etc in all those films at the cinema and on TV???

I mean, I k n o w they all sign forms of consent, and I k n o w they get paid to appear in those films, and I k n o w it's just acting..... but dontcha just hate seeing them ritually humiliated and degraded like that????

I think the Producers and Directors of these films - whether they're blockbusters or straight-to-dvd, should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!...

And, ANYBODY who enjoys films that show death and mutilation and murder and mayhem needs to take a good long hard look at themselves!

Maybe, if they do that, they can be a whining, holier-than-thou, two-faced dumbass, liberal moron just like meeeeeeeeee... YAY!

blue eyed devil

08-16-2012, 12:53 AM
Hey, don't you just hate the way those D-list actors and actesses are routinely and repeatedly killed, tortured , raped, mutilated, zombified, blown to bits etc etc in all those films at the cinema and on TV???

I mean, I k n o w they all sign forms of consent, and I k n o w they get paid to appear in those films, and I k n o w it's just acting..... but dontcha just hate seeing them ritually humiliated and degraded like that????

I think the Producers and Directors of these films - whether they're blockbusters or straight-to-dvd, should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!...

And, ANYBODY who enjoys films that show death and mutilation and murder and mayhem needs to take a good long hard look at themselves!

Maybe, if they do that, they can be a whining, holier-than-thou, two-faced dumbass, liberal moron just like meeeeeeeeee... YAY!

blue eyed devil

thats not really an accurate description.in movies its all acting and make believe.its not actual people going thru those experiences..
my favorite genre of movies is horror.the darker,more twisted and gory the better but i cant stomach real life snuff films.
i remember recently i was shown a clip of two drug cartel executions.the guys were beheaded by chain saw.if i saw this in a horror movie i would be like awesome but because i knew these were two very real people it was very horrifying and traumatic for me.all i could think about was these two men had families,people who loved them,dreams,desires and etc.

08-16-2012, 06:13 AM
If you feel a need to attack me for what I find entertaining, I feel a need to defend myself. It's nothing short of hilarious how you can sit there exploiting people yourself and still try to call other people out on doing it.

I don't care what you own or how much money you have, don't think you can talk to me as you please. Internet or not, I'll respond accordingly.

Whom do I exploit?

When have I ever brought my personal finances into anything, you don't know them and I don't share them so don't project your own in-adequacies in that dept. onto me. This is my company forum, I get to decide what's best for it, it's not a free for all, go and start your own if that's what you want. I've already stated earlier in the post it's intentions and if you can't get with that, then take your leave.

08-16-2012, 06:13 AM
Hey, don't you just hate the way those D-list actors and actesses are routinely and repeatedly killed, tortured , raped, mutilated, zombified, blown to bits etc etc in all those films at the cinema and on TV???

I mean, I k n o w they all sign forms of consent, and I k n o w they get paid to appear in those films, and I k n o w it's just acting..... but dontcha just hate seeing them ritually humiliated and degraded like that????

I think the Producers and Directors of these films - whether they're blockbusters or straight-to-dvd, should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves!...

And, ANYBODY who enjoys films that show death and mutilation and murder and mayhem needs to take a good long hard look at themselves!

Maybe, if they do that, they can be a whining, holier-than-thou, two-faced dumbass, liberal moron just like meeeeeeeeee... YAY!

blue eyed devil

Sad - I would have expected something more coherent and relevant from you.

08-16-2012, 01:33 PM
thats not really an accurate description.in movies its all acting and make believe.its not actual people going thru those experiences..
my favorite genre of movies is horror.the darker,more twisted and gory the better but i cant stomach real life snuff films.
i remember recently i was shown a clip of two drug cartel executions.the guys were beheaded by chain saw.if i saw this in a horror movie i would be like awesome but because i knew these were two very real people it was very horrifying and traumatic for me.all i could think about was these two men had families,people who loved them,dreams,desires and etc.

But that's exactly the point Amber: if I happened upon a REAL-LIFE scene where a human (or animal) was being ritually humiliated and degraded I would feel a very REAL need to interfere and try to do something - even if it resulted in glorious failure - to make it stop.

If in such a case my courage let me down and I just turned my face and walked the other way, even if in the name of self-preservation, then I would most certainly feel a part of me had been stained.

..... But GG, and all it's sister sites, and many more like it, isn't REAL.... It's sick, it's brutal, it's kinky, and it's even capable of being FUNNY (even if the laughs are actually closer related to shock/horror than frivolity)

But it's not Real... not with a capital "R".

blue eyed devil

08-16-2012, 01:39 PM
Sad - I would have expected something more coherent and relevant from you.

Hey, no worries m8!....

(Errr, I could ask for more ass shots in the vids if that makes it more relevant?.. We're currently averaging about 2 minutes per vid, but it would be gr8 to get it past that 3 minute mark!)

blue eyed devil

08-16-2012, 05:05 PM
But that's exactly the point Amber: if I happened upon a REAL-LIFE scene where a human (or animal) was being ritually humiliated and degraded I would feel a very REAL need to interfere and try to do something - even if it resulted in glorious failure - to make it stop.

If in such a case my courage let me down and I just turned my face and walked the other way, even if in the name of self-preservation, then I would most certainly feel a part of me had been stained.

..... But GG, and all it's sister sites, and many more like it, isn't REAL.... It's sick, it's brutal, it's kinky, and it's even capable of being FUNNY (even if the laughs are actually closer related to shock/horror than frivolity)

But it's not Real... not with a capital "R".

blue eyed devil

If you saw the scene that I saw, where the girl broke down crying you wouldn't be telling me it isn't real.I saw them literally beak a person.you could see something die in that girls eyes.it was so bad they stopped filming mid scene...

Ms Remy M
08-16-2012, 06:40 PM
But that's exactly the point Amber: if I happened upon a REAL-LIFE scene where a human (or animal) was being ritually humiliated and degraded I would feel a very REAL need to interfere and try to do something - even if it resulted in glorious failure - to make it stop.

If in such a case my courage let me down and I just turned my face and walked the other way, even if in the name of self-preservation, then I would most certainly feel a part of me had been stained.

..... But GG, and all it's sister sites, and many more like it, isn't REAL.... It's sick, it's brutal, it's kinky, and it's even capable of being FUNNY (even if the laughs are actually closer related to shock/horror than frivolity)

But it's not Real... not with a capital "R".

blue eyed devil

This is real, and being outsiders you guys just really don't understand. A models very first time on camera is practically the most real 'them' they show. They don't yet know how to 'act' and portray the aspects that will most turn on any particular 'viewers' so you get the most of them as they truly are. With repeat sessions they learn what works and what doesn't and can deliver better than before. As someone pointed out earlier, some girls come back for more work, but a lot of times, production companies schedule multiple shoots all at once while they have the model there, and then the model gets paid after all is said and done. So the desire of someone under privileged to just stick it out despite the abuse so they can get paid is immense, especially once things have already gotten started.

With regards to your earlier comparison of Hollywood being the same as Ghetto Gaggers, they are worlds apart. Most if not all actors/actress go to some kind of school and training to learn their craft. Many perform in theater before coming to the Big Screen and put years of work in the industry doing other menial jobs before they get their chance to shine so they see how things really are behind the scenes. They aren't just being propositioned to show up for porn for 'x' amount of dollars and then being berated on camera and told the only way they are going to get paid is if the production is allowed to continue to its end, and regardless the content they already have is now the company property whether they finish the production or not.

08-16-2012, 07:09 PM
Wow, you folks are still talking about this subject???....Ding Ding Ding, the announcer comes out to the middle of the ring...I'd like to announce that this battle is a "DRAW" which means all of you lose, NO WINNERS, have a coke and smile and shut the f--k up...:D

But on another note, who the hell set up these two blogs????:


They have the same overall format but it cracks me up how www.tgirlbeauty.com focuses primarily on Caucasian t-girls and has "beauty" in the name but the black tgirls site says "sluts"!!! What the fuck, now that's some degrading shit... Are these Grooby run blogs??? If so, change the fucking name of the black tgirls site...

Sexyblacktgirls.com or blacktgirlbeauty.com, something more dignified since everybody is so hot and freaking bothered over "porn actresses" being respected and all... If you don't, I promise you I'll have Al Sharpton and Jessie J outside of Grooby's world headquarters protesting and have you shut down :D

And my final thought of the day. Lets be real people, this is fucking PORN, for the actor/actresses (if that's how you'd like to describe yourselves), you already personally degraded yourself when you decided to let somebody film you either solo, screwing another person or getting a train run on you by a group of people (referencing an "actress" that's been hot and heavy in this discussion since i just watched her video getting a train run on her by two guys, you're not a respectable chick, just a fantasy girl to jerk off too). When you let yourself be objectified how the hell do you think people will treat you??? LIKE A FUCKING OBJECT!!! Porn is not a respectable industry, it's a form of adult entertainment. Please leave it at that... If porn was such a respectable industry then I'm sure the "actors/actresses" would be proud to show their "work" to their families, right???? But i know they don't. This is not a fucking human rights issues. If these actors/actresses don't like how they are being treated, stay out of the fucking industry. Just because Grooby doesn't promote this type of vile/"verbally degrading" porn like the websites in question doesn't make it better. Grooby has great material and i really enjoy it but this shit is not "art" or really even "talent", it's PORN, nothing more than jack-off material.

So in conclusion, just relax, fantasize about whatever t-girl you're watching, get your rocks off, and chill...Shit's really not that deep. :D

Ms Remy M
08-16-2012, 07:30 PM
Wow, you folks are still talking about this subject???....Ding Ding Ding, the announcer comes out to the middle of the ring...I'd like to announce that this battle is a "DRAW" which means all of you lose, NO WINNERS, have a coke and smile and shut the f--k up...:D

But on another note, who the hell set up these two blogs????:


They have the same overall format but it cracks me up how www.tgirlbeauty.com focuses primarily on Caucasian t-girls and has "beauty" in the name but the black tgirls site says "sluts"!!! What the fuck, now that's some degrading shit... Are these Grooby run blogs??? If so, change the fucking name of the black tgirls site...

Sexyblacktgirls.com or blacktgirlbeauty.com, something more dignified since everybody is so hot and freaking bothered over "porn actresses" being respected and all... If you don't, I promise you I'll have Al Sharpton and Jessie J outside of Grooby's world headquarters protesting and have you shut down :D

And my final thought of the day. Lets be real people, this is fucking PORN, for the actor/actresses (if that's how you'd like to describe yourselves), you already personally degraded yourself when you decided to let somebody film you either solo, screwing another person or getting a train run on you by a group of people (referencing an "actress" that's been hot and heavy in this discussion since i just watched her video getting a train run on her by two guys, you're not a respectable chick, just a fantasy girl to jerk off too). When you let yourself be objectified how the hell do you think people will treat you??? LIKE A FUCKING OBJECT!!! Porn is not a respectable industry, it's a form of adult entertainment. Please leave it at that... If porn was such a respectable industry then I'm sure the "actors/actresses" would be proud to show their "work" to their families, right???? But i know they don't. This is not a fucking human rights issues. If these actors/actresses don't like how they are being treated, stay out of the fucking industry. Just because Grooby doesn't promote this type of vile/"verbally degrading" porn like the websites in question doesn't make it better. Grooby has great material and i really enjoy it but this shit is not "art" or really even "talent", it's PORN, nothing more than jack-off material.

So in conclusion, just relax, fantasize about whatever t-girl you're watching, get your rocks off, and chill...Shit's really not that deep. :D

Apples and oranges, we aren't talking about the name of any site we are talking about the actions that occur on the site, and people that find sexual pleasure in it.

08-16-2012, 07:32 PM
Wow, you folks are still talking about this subject???....Ding Ding Ding, the announcer comes out to the middle of the ring...I'd like to announce that this battle is a "DRAW" which means all of you lose, NO WINNERS, have a coke and smile and shut the f--k up...:D

But on another note, who the hell set up these two blogs????:


They have the same overall format but it cracks me up how www.tgirlbeauty.com focuses primarily on Caucasian t-girls and has "beauty" in the name but the black tgirls site says "sluts"!!! What the fuck, now that's some degrading shit... Are these Grooby run blogs??? If so, change the fucking name of the black tgirls site...

Sexyblacktgirls.com or blacktgirlbeauty.com, something more dignified since everybody is so hot and freaking bothered over "porn actresses" being respected and all... If you don't, I promise you I'll have Al Sharpton and Jessie J outside of Grooby's world headquarters protesting and have you shut down :D

And my final thought of the day. Lets be real people, this is fucking PORN, for the actor/actresses (if that's how you'd like to describe yourselves), you already personally degraded yourself when you decided to let somebody film you either solo, screwing another person or getting a train run on you by a group of people (referencing an "actress" that's been hot and heavy in this discussion since i just watched her video getting a train run on her by two guys, you're not a respectable chick, just a fantasy girl to jerk off too). When you let yourself be objectified how the hell do you think people will treat you??? LIKE A FUCKING OBJECT!!! Porn is not a respectable industry, it's a form of adult entertainment. Please leave it at that... If porn was such a respectable industry then I'm sure the "actors/actresses" would be proud to show their "work" to their families, right???? But i know they don't. This is not a fucking human rights issues. If these actors/actresses don't like how they are being treated, stay out of the fucking industry. Just because Grooby doesn't promote this type of vile/"verbally degrading" porn like the websites in question doesn't make it better. Grooby has great material and i really enjoy it but this shit is not "art" or really even "talent", it's PORN, nothing more than jack-off material.

So in conclusion, just relax, fantasize about whatever t-girl you're watching, get your rocks off, and chill...Shit's really not that deep. :D

lmaooo.a train? it was a threesome but whatever.
what i do for a living is just that what i do for a living.you know nothing about me to be calling respectable or not.
interesting,because i do porn and escort i cease to be a person? i cease to have feelings and opinions that matter?? i should be treated like an object and objectified in all areas of my life..cool thanks for clarifying that **rolls eyes**

08-16-2012, 08:17 PM
Wow, you folks are still talking about this subject???....Ding Ding Ding, the announcer comes out to the middle of the ring...I'd like to announce that this battle is a "DRAW" which means all of you lose, NO WINNERS, have a coke and smile and shut the f--k up...:D

But on another note, who the hell set up these two blogs????:


They have the same overall format but it cracks me up how www.tgirlbeauty.com focuses primarily on Caucasian t-girls and has "beauty" in the name but the black tgirls site says "sluts"!!! What the fuck, now that's some degrading shit... Are these Grooby run blogs??? If so, change the fucking name of the black tgirls site...

Sexyblacktgirls.com or blacktgirlbeauty.com, something more dignified since everybody is so hot and freaking bothered over "porn actresses" being respected and all... If you don't, I promise you I'll have Al Sharpton and Jessie J outside of Grooby's world headquarters protesting and have you shut down :D

And my final thought of the day. Lets be real people, this is fucking PORN, for the actor/actresses (if that's how you'd like to describe yourselves), you already personally degraded yourself when you decided to let somebody film you either solo, screwing another person or getting a train run on you by a group of people (referencing an "actress" that's been hot and heavy in this discussion since i just watched her video getting a train run on her by two guys, you're not a respectable chick, just a fantasy girl to jerk off too). When you let yourself be objectified how the hell do you think people will treat you??? LIKE A FUCKING OBJECT!!! Porn is not a respectable industry, it's a form of adult entertainment. Please leave it at that... If porn was such a respectable industry then I'm sure the "actors/actresses" would be proud to show their "work" to their families, right???? But i know they don't. This is not a fucking human rights issues. If these actors/actresses don't like how they are being treated, stay out of the fucking industry. Just because Grooby doesn't promote this type of vile/"verbally degrading" porn like the websites in question doesn't make it better. Grooby has great material and i really enjoy it but this shit is not "art" or really even "talent", it's PORN, nothing more than jack-off material.

So in conclusion, just relax, fantasize about whatever t-girl you're watching, get your rocks off, and chill...Shit's really not that deep. :D

56 posts in 4 yrs? Who are you and more pertinently, who the fuck are you to tell anyone to shut up? Bored of this topic, move on to another one - or create a new one and give some input.

I don't see porn as degrading anyone (again, another projection of your feelings in the matter) - many find it empowering or serves their exhibitionist lifestyles which is why so many girls do it for free. If our version of our porn, pays the models then we do so with the object of presenting the best range of black transsexuals of all different types and backgrounds, not to objectify somebody but to show off what they have to offer, to titilate and excite. It's never been our intention to objectify any of the models we show and although some sales verbiage may use "porn" words, we always aim to show the models in the best light as well as focusing on them as people and not objects. It's up to you how you choose to view them.

08-16-2012, 11:47 PM
But guys!!!....

Sometimes it's OK to "objectify" models, whether in Porn or anadvert for a fast car...

A model is a model is a model... It is not a REAL LIFE HAPPENING...

It's something that's been set up to sell a fast car.... or provoke a wank...

Like I said, it's not really my thing: I find it a little too tuff... (And that has Nothing to do with any perceived racial dynamic)

However, if it was Women, including TS Women, degrading and beating up on men (so long as the men didnt get fucked by strap-ons or TS cock) or if it was lesbian based, then I would LOVE it... Thus I don't need to parade my morality in this matter.

Cards on the table tho: I will admit to making some assumptions about GG...

I assume that the GG guys instruct the model about some of the naaaaasty things that will happen to her, including the level of ruffness... So even if the model is brain dead and has never heard of GG, and never researched GG, and simply walked straight from the crackhouse to the GG studio... even then I assume that the GG guys will prime her about her upcoming experience.

There, that's my assumption (as an Outsider)

Are some of you guys perhaps making assumptions too?... Perhaps assuming that the model is absolutely not informed about what type of site GG is, how hardcore it is, and the level of nastiness which is about to befall her...

Maybe even on her second and third visit to the GG studio she is still equally ignorant of what is about to happen, hmmm?

Brutality and degradation is hard to stomach regardless of any gender or racial dynamic... It is not MORE wrong because it is aimed at "women" or "black women" (unless, of course, you believe that ".. all animals are equal, only some are more equal than others" thing)

But if it's not actually R E A L then it can often be sexy and/or entertaining...

Don't shoot the messenger ;)

blue eyed devil


08-17-2012, 04:26 AM
I think the moral of this story is that all participants in those videos were paid and Satan is likely enjoying the direction of this thread. So on that note.....


t3h EMMA
08-17-2012, 02:58 PM
But guys!!!....

Sometimes it's OK to "objectify" models, whether in Porn or anadvert for a fast car...

A model is a model is a model... It is not a REAL LIFE HAPPENING...

It's something that's been set up to sell a fast car.... or provoke a wank...

Like I said, it's not really my thing: I find it a little too tuff... (And that has Nothing to do with any perceived racial dynamic)

However, if it was Women, including TS Women, degrading and beating up on men (so long as the men didnt get fucked by strap-ons or TS cock) or if it was lesbian based, then I would LOVE it... Thus I don't need to parade my morality in this matter.

Cards on the table tho: I will admit to making some assumptions about GG...

I assume that the GG guys instruct the model about some of the naaaaasty things that will happen to her, including the level of ruffness... So even if the model is brain dead and has never heard of GG, and never researched GG, and simply walked straight from the crackhouse to the GG studio... even then I assume that the GG guys will prime her about her upcoming experience.

There, that's my assumption (as an Outsider)

Are some of you guys perhaps making assumptions too?... Perhaps assuming that the model is absolutely not informed about what type of site GG is, how hardcore it is, and the level of nastiness which is about to befall her...

Maybe even on her second and third visit to the GG studio she is still equally ignorant of what is about to happen, hmmm?

Brutality and degradation is hard to stomach regardless of any gender or racial dynamic... It is not MORE wrong because it is aimed at "women" or "black women" (unless, of course, you believe that ".. all animals are equal, only some are more equal than others" thing)

But if it's not actually R E A L then it can often be sexy and/or entertaining...

Don't shoot the messenger ;)

blue eyed devil


Exactly, they're more than likely briefed and it's not fucking real. ::continues reading her lolicon::

08-17-2012, 06:15 PM
56 posts in 4 yrs? Who are you and more pertinently, who the fuck are you to tell anyone to shut up? Bored of this topic, move on to another one - or create a new one and give some input.

I don't see porn as degrading anyone (again, another projection of your feelings in the matter) - many find it empowering or serves their exhibitionist lifestyles which is why so many girls do it for free. If our version of our porn, pays the models then we do so with the object of presenting the best range of black transsexuals of all different types and backgrounds, not to objectify somebody but to show off what they have to offer, to titillate and excite. It's never been our intention to objectify any of the models we show and although some sales verbiage may use "porn" words, we always aim to show the models in the best light as well as focusing on them as people and not objects. It's up to you how you choose to view them.

You are correct, 56 posts in 4 years. Unlike yourself, i don't live inside of this forum everyday like many of you. I check it periodically to see the nonsense you all like to argue about. Oh and obviously you didn't get the line, "have a coke and smile and shut the fuck up", it's from Richard Pryor, just a joke oh great Seanchai, take the stick out of your rear and loosen up!

And please save this "Grooby, the gold standard in porn" BS. I don't think you personally exploit anybody on your websites, you're just running a business to make money. You can only exploit somebody who chooses to allow themselves to be exploited. I'm assuming none of your artists are performing in these videos/photo shoots under any sort of duress??? I've never heard Remy cocking the hammer back on a Glock 9 while doing a photo shoot with a model? It's called free will, and if these adult t-girl models choose to "exploit" themselves for the few hundred dollars you probably give them then so be it. Once again, do you respect your work enough to show it to your family and to stand proudly by it??? I'm guessing not. So back to the original point about the porn industry it's not respectable, it nothing more than jack off material...

Same as the women in those ghetto gaggers flicks, they knew what they were getting into so why feel sorry for them when the assholes behind the camera start talking shit and degrading them and they start crying??? Hello you went to a fucking site called ghetto gaggers, not "distinguished ladies that enjoy oral copulation", lol! And I'm not justifying how the GG people run their operation, but that is their niche and they have the right to talk shit and if these actresses want to participate, it's free will, grown people can do what they want to do, but have to realize the consequences. So get over it, i hope the women that were berated in those videos went home, did some soul searching and decided to take another route in life instead of porn. Or maybe they can come to work for Grooby, "the porn company that cares :) "

08-17-2012, 06:18 PM
56 posts in 4 yrs? Who are you and more pertinently, who the fuck are you to tell anyone to shut up? Bored of this topic, move on to another one - or create a new one and give some input.

I don't see porn as degrading anyone (again, another projection of your feelings in the matter) - many find it empowering or serves their exhibitionist lifestyles which is why so many girls do it for free. If our version of our porn, pays the models then we do so with the object of presenting the best range of black transsexuals of all different types and backgrounds, not to objectify somebody but to show off what they have to offer, to titilate and excite. It's never been our intention to objectify any of the models we show and although some sales verbiage may use "porn" words, we always aim to show the models in the best light as well as focusing on them as people and not objects. It's up to you how you choose to view them.

Oh and to answer your very first question, who am i, well obviously I'm not the "GREAT SEANCHAI", whom levitates and controls the shemale porn kingdom and can banish me to the bowls of hell with one swoop of his magic wand! But I'm a Grown Damn Man and a Bonafide BTG Bloke (according to your Grooby rating system, even with my measly 42 posts) and a LONGTIME customer who has spent a lot of disposable income on your websites my friend and i can say what i want, when i want and how i want...

08-17-2012, 08:49 PM
... and a LONGTIME customer who has spent a lot of disposable income on your websites my friend and i can say what i want, when i want and how i want...

It doesn't give you the right to tell us to "shut the fuck up and move on". That's what you're being told to pipe down about, no matter how much you've spent.

FYI - yes, I do stand by my company and practically everybody knows what I do. I don't flaunt it, the same way as if I ran any business, I wouldn't shove it in people's faces but they know. Furthermore, you're correct, we are the company that cares because genuinely I do care about what we do, how we portray people, how to run a company legitimately and fairly, how we represent the transgender image and the overall porn community. Whether we succeed or not, is debatable but the intention and ethos behind it, isn't.

08-17-2012, 08:51 PM
Same as the women in those ghetto gaggers flicks, they knew what they were getting into so why feel sorry for them when the assholes behind the camera start talking shit and degrading them and they start crying??? Hello you went to a fucking site called ghetto gaggers, not "distinguished ladies that enjoy oral copulation", lol!

Highly unlikely when they went for a test shoot they knew the name of the website. We often don't tell our models what site they will be on and decide later. The standard model release, gives the producer the rights to show that content anywhere, to name it as they wish, to change the models names to what they wish, etc, etc.