View Full Version : Escorts Proclaiming Multiple Ethnicities???

09-10-2012, 05:48 AM
I was just reviewing the recent escorts posts by Roc and i got kind of irritated. Not irritated at the post themselves but why the hell do this chicks go out of their way to proclaim their "ethnicity-mixture" in these silly adds??? The latest post ROC had posted showed a chick who said she was Dominican/Philippino??? Yeah right she is black as it gets and there damn sure isn't a drop of Philippino in her, maybe a small part Dominican (whatever a Dominican person looks like) but she's black... I'm not trying to be negative but do these chicks thick that dudes get turned on if an escort proclaims herself as being 5% of this 75% of that and 20 % of something else??? I don't give a shit what all of the parts are that make up the whole, as long as the whole is fine as fuck! i guess these chicks think that the more exotic and mixed up proclaim they to be that dudes really dig that shit... it's actually kind of sad that they feel they have to put themselves out there, especially the black tgirls whose outward appearance can by no means be construed as anything except them being black. It seems like some self hatred is lurking in some of these chicks. There absolutely nothing wrong with being black. Hell I'm a mellow yellow brotha myself and my mom is fair skinned and my dad is dark and some people could think i was bi-racial, but I'm a black man and don't claim to be anything else. maybe it's just me being grumpy, but i feel better now, my football team just won!!! goodnight!

09-10-2012, 05:57 AM
smiling..... I dont know man, i just think they're sexy as hell.


09-10-2012, 06:01 AM
ROC, my man! I agree with you, they are fine, so there is no need for them to go out of there way to indicate that they are made up of five different ethnicities, because at the end of the day who gives a shit as long as they are worth the money that these cats pay for sexual services...

Oh yeah sorry Bro, Broncos for life here!!! It was a good game though, sorry your squad came up on the wrong side of the scoreboard ;)

09-10-2012, 10:05 AM
Unless they really are bi racial.i'm actually west African and French.i was the first person in my family to be born in the states.
You can't judge a book by its cover.you don't know that girl or her family history to be making those judgments.

09-10-2012, 12:33 PM
Some are, but most are not. I've asked girls that same question and the answer is:::They think it's sexy to proclaim an exotic mix of races. And yes they think guys find it a reason to call.

I agree that it doesn't matter to me if you are mixed. It's if you are attractive in the first place. It's all a big game.

Ms Remy M
09-10-2012, 04:56 PM
Perhaps you should do some research on what Dominicans look like, cause going by skin color alone, many could be construed as black. The obvious answer is that stating multiple ethnicities are exotic and there for are a turn on for many people clients or not. I've had regular conversations with many people and it's common for people to state their ethnic background. Like some have said if you find the person attractive, what their heritage is wont really matter.

09-10-2012, 05:38 PM
Unless they really are bi racial.i'm actually west African and French.i was the first person in my family to be born in the states.
You can't judge a book by its cover.you don't know that girl or her family history to be making those judgments.

Actually it's not a judgement Amber...And I'm referring mainly too chicks who go out of there way to proclaim their "mixtures" when the outward appearance indicates that they are black and society would look at them as being black (whether they are afro american, west indian, etc...). You can't put yourself into the equation because nobody would look at you and think that you were 100% black, just like they wouldn't look at me and think i was. But just because i'm a caramel looking brother doesn't mean i go around saying i'm (90% black, 8% native american, 2% white). My mother's black and my father is black, so I'm black, it's that simple. I'm just making the statement that it seems like some of these chicks who claim to be Brazilian and native American, part this and part that (yada yada yada), but their pictures clearly show a person who appears to be black seem to have some issues with their blackness since they go out of there way to try to claim that they aren't black.

Are you really going to tell me that this chick in the posting "Pretty Mix in Dallas" is just Phillipino and Dominican??? And she doesn't even mention herself as being part black??? She looks like a pretty black lady to me and that's all i see so stop faking the funk and claiming otherwise...For me personally that shit isn't a turn on, you don't have to agree with me but I'm entitled to my opinion...

09-11-2012, 01:37 AM
Actually it's not a judgement Amber...And I'm referring mainly too chicks who go out of there way to proclaim their "mixtures" when the outward appearance indicates that they are black and society would look at them as being black (whether they are afro american, west indian, etc...). You can't put yourself into the equation because nobody would look at you and think that you were 100% black, just like they wouldn't look at me and think i was. But just because i'm a caramel looking brother doesn't mean i go around saying i'm (90% black, 8% native american, 2% white). My mother's black and my father is black, so I'm black, it's that simple. I'm just making the statement that it seems like some of these chicks who claim to be Brazilian and native American, part this and part that (yada yada yada), but their pictures clearly show a person who appears to be black seem to have some issues with their blackness since they go out of there way to try to claim that they aren't black.

Are you really going to tell me that this chick in the posting "Pretty Mix in Dallas" is just Phillipino and Dominican??? And she doesn't even mention herself as being part black??? She looks like a pretty black lady to me and that's all i see so stop faking the funk and claiming otherwise...For me personally that shit isn't a turn on, you don't have to agree with me but I'm entitled to my opinion...

I partially agree with you b.rocks. My only question would be....does she really have to state the obvious? I mean, Dominican is a mixture of African and Spanish. African which represents the Blackness, I'm assuming. Correct me if I'm wrong anybody.

09-11-2012, 04:35 AM
I don't care what her ethnicity is, just as long as her religion is "Versatile".

09-11-2012, 07:19 AM
I don't care what her ethnicity is, just as long as her religion is "Versatile".

09-15-2012, 01:34 AM
Those lies are so laughable most of the time. I find it humorous to read them. While I'm sure some of aren't totally false, it's hard to believe all these ethnicities proclaimed when most of the time these women are attempting to sell a dream...:D