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10-12-2012, 12:53 PM
http://youtu.be/xMZu8It7NfQ :eek:

10-12-2012, 01:15 PM
That's the sort of worthless shit people get killed for.

10-12-2012, 02:31 PM
Symptomatic of a lost generation. Disgusting on so many levels.

10-12-2012, 05:09 PM
The moral of the story, 'dont put your hands on someone and expect them to not put theirs on you'

10-12-2012, 07:39 PM
Straight Mortal Kombat uppercut LMAO. Thats what these girls get thinking they can put their hands on whoever they want and wont get hit back.

Ms Remy M
10-12-2012, 07:49 PM
This is really sad and disgusting actions from both participants in this video. She was clearly in the wrong for putting her hands on the driver, but at that point the driver should have called the police, not uppercut her to the next bus stop. *smh* Him proceeding to strangle and toss her about was really over the top and uncalled for, but at that point further violence would be hard to avoid as she wanted to continue the altercation. I'm glad there were other people on the bus to stop the driver from going any further.

I don't agree with the "that's what she get" comments. She should get thrown in jail for assault not beaten down, he stepped down to her level instead of simply calling the police. Just imagine how things may have ended if the passengers hadn't intervened...

10-13-2012, 12:44 AM
This is really sad and disgusting actions from both participants in this video. She was clearly in the wrong for putting her hands on the driver, but at that point the driver should have called the police, not uppercut her to the next bus stop. *smh* Him proceeding to strangle and toss her about was really over the top and uncalled for, but at that point further violence would be hard to avoid as she wanted to continue the altercation. I'm glad there were other people on the bus to stop the driver from going any further.

I don't agree with the "that's what she get" comments. She should get thrown in jail for assault not beaten down, he stepped down to her level instead of simply calling the police. Just imagine how things may have ended if the passengers hadn't intervened...

I don't think you quite understand.

He's 60 years old going on 61 and going into retirement. He's driving a 20 Ton vehicle full of passengers. She slapped him, spat on him and then dug her nails into eye balls like bowling ball. She was pushing for it from the time she got on the bus.

Now, he's been fired, and lost all of his benefits future benefits. Women like this aren't arrested unless, the man is also arrested. (domestic dispute)

This is no different than the Rayon McIntire case at Mcdonalds in NYC last year. 2 black Females, begging for drama, slapped the shit out of Rayon because he check their $50 bill for authenticity. Provoked and harassed him to the point he had to defend himself. He goes to jail and loses what little job and dignity because once again, females can't control themselves.

Just imagine if she would of paid her fare and sat down like everyone else...

Ms Remy M
10-13-2012, 03:39 AM
I don't think you quite understand.

He's 60 years old going on 61 and going into retirement. He's driving a 20 Ton vehicle full of passengers. She slapped him, spat on him and then dug her nails into eye balls like bowling ball. She was pushing for it from the time she got on the bus.

That sucks, and all that detail wasn't in the video, where are you getting the information? Not to say I don't believe, but interested in where the story went after the clip ended, is there a link?

Now, he's been fired, and lost all of his benefits future benefits. Women like this aren't arrested unless, the man is also arrested. (domestic dispute)

He should be fired. He brutally assaulted her, self defense or not, as I said in initial post, the proper response was to call the police and let them handle her. I'm calling bullshit on your "women like this aren't arrested..." line, women get arrested too, and that would have been the case here, especially considering the vast amount of witnesses and footage. From the clip it seemed like self defense on his part, but again, he really went over board when she reentered the bus.

Due to the point where the video starts, it's hard to tell where things first got out of hand, but a bus driver shouldn't be getting into deep arguments with a passenger, calling them outside their name in the first place. That alone was grounds for being fired, it was unprofessional. Let's not forget he was making verbal threats at her, before she landed the first blow, which further proves that he was exasperating matters more than necessary. Sorry, but I don't feel bad that he was arrested too.

"Laws against verbal threats are in effect in all 50 states. Threatening a person with immediate or pending harm is an arrestable offense. Forcing someone to do something under verbal threat is likewise an arrestable offense. For example, a disgruntled customer may tell a cashier at a store, "I hate this store. I'm going to come back here with a gun and then we'll see if I get my refund!" This person can be arrested. However, the law is looser around vague threats, such as, "I hate this store. I'll bet if I came back with a gun I'd get my refund." However, repeated vague threats can form the basis of a restraining order or civil suit. "

10-13-2012, 04:01 AM
This is really sad and disgusting actions from both participants in this video. She was clearly in the wrong for putting her hands on the driver, but at that point the driver should have called the police, not uppercut her to the next bus stop. *smh* Him proceeding to strangle and toss her about was really over the top and uncalled for, but at that point further violence would be hard to avoid as she wanted to continue the altercation. I'm glad there were other people on the bus to stop the driver from going any further.

I don't agree with the "that's what she get" comments. She should get thrown in jail for assault not beaten down, he stepped down to her level instead of simply calling the police. Just imagine how things may have ended if the passengers hadn't intervened...

"....uppercut her to the next bus stop" LMFBAO!!!!!!!! Remy you are stoooopid!!!!!

No, but seriously, you're right Rems. She was wrong for provoking the man as he tried to drive a transit bus with at least a dozen people on board. If he crashes that bus then he and the RTA will face law suits. As unisex said in the following post....the bus driver is an old man just trying to make it to retirement.

She has already been made the poor little innocent victim, even though she jeopardized the lives on that bus with her antics. Check out this video where a local Cincinnati Ohio news team has already made her the subject of sympathy. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh11grUkyeRZZH4tXl

I am definitely not condoning the man for performing the "finish him", "flawless victory" uppercut (lmbao), but her provocation definitely landed her a busted lip.

10-13-2012, 04:22 AM
As a novice boxer, that uppercut was marvelous technique!!!

10-13-2012, 04:58 AM
WorldStarr has tons of videos of these Hoodrat B*tches playing big and bad but then want to play victim when people retaliate against them. the other thing is that the bystanders were ok with letting the driver get hit but when he retaliated all of a sudden thats when all the superman capes came to that B*tches rescue.

10-13-2012, 06:13 AM
Lol @ all the anti bitches comments

10-13-2012, 12:31 PM
He should be fired. He brutally assaulted her, self defense or not, as I said in initial post, the proper response was to call the police and let them handle her. I'm calling bullshit on your "women like this aren't arrested..." line, women get arrested too, and that would have been the case here, especially considering the vast amount of witnesses and footage. From the clip it seemed like self defense on his part, but again, he really went over board when she reentered the bus.

He wasn't arrested, he was fired after the video went viral. There is a difference here. IIRC, there is a union that stands in the for the members, I think the video got out of hand too far for the union to defend and RTA to mend with. But, he'll be compensated later though.

There are atleast 8 other people on the bus recording from their phones, so there are different angles of the video already uploaded that shows how she leaped on him and dug her nails into his face. No one else on the bus called the police either. So, it's not about him, but more about her.

Due to the point where the video starts, it's hard to tell where things first got out of hand, but a bus driver shouldn't be getting into deep arguments with a passenger, calling them outside their name in the first place. That alone was grounds for being fired, it was unprofessional. Let's not forget he was making verbal threats at her, before she landed the first blow, which further proves that he was exasperating matters more than necessary. Sorry, but I don't feel bad that he was arrested too.

Again, there are multiple angles uploaded already. He didn't threaten her. He said he wouldn't touch her, and he has nieces and grand daughters her age that can handle her. The girl said bring them up here and she'll whoop both of their asses.

This is a female looking for a confrontation and was determine to get it.

The reason why I brought the Rayon Mac case from NYC last year was because it's the same thing. Black females with an uncontrollable behavior, decides to put their hands on man by slapping the shit out him and then when the man defends himself, he's deemed as wrong.

I'm not justifying him assaulting her, I'm merely saying, it's human nature to react while under attack.

Mental health in the black community is an issue that has spiraled out of control amongst the women and needs to have a discussion in itself.

10-13-2012, 07:54 PM
oh so this is going to turn into black woman have mental issues thread huh...like niggas dont either

10-13-2012, 08:11 PM
oh so this is going to turn into black woman have mental issues thread huh...like niggas dont either

I said black community, as in everyone. I'm just making the point that the examples I brought up about Rayon and this recent bus incident as well as the Philly bus shooting are just prime examples of mental health issues with just the women alone.

I don't want this to turn into a gender war type of thread because I actually think we (black men and black (trans)women) need to stick together.

10-13-2012, 08:21 PM
I said black community, as in everyone. I'm just making the point that the examples I brought up about Rayon and this recent bus incident as well as the Philly bus shooting are just prime examples of mental health issues with just the women alone.

I don't want this to turn into a gender war type of thread because I actually think we (black men and black (trans)women) need to stick together.

i think mental health is an issue period that affects all people of different genders,races,ages and social/economic groups.
look at the colorado movie shooting....

10-14-2012, 12:09 AM

10-14-2012, 05:46 AM
It's a loose, loose situation.

He should'n't have entertained the shit. As retarded at this bitch was. Most retards don't argue with themselves. They're going to let him go based onthe threats alone. And watch that ghetto trash try in sue the Transit company now....Plus the crowd on that bus were assholes. He's driving a Bus while being harassed. Which basically could've effected all of their safety.

But consequently if anyone spits on me it's fair game. Spitting on someone is a form of battery. That bitch could have AIDS for all you know. But notice how quick the dumbasses turned on the man once he defended himself.

"It's a female" my balls! Yall should've been trying to settle her down form the start instead of laughing and egging her on...

10-14-2012, 03:37 PM
ahhh cause you can get AIDS from some one spit on you *rolls eyes*

10-14-2012, 04:26 PM
ahhh cause you can get AIDS from some one spit on you *rolls eyes*

no you can't get aids from spit unless someone spits in your eye or an open wound. even then, the chances are so very very very slim.

but amber, may i ask why is it that you have such disdain for men. you seem to turn every debate into a women vs. men thing. just a question. not trying to pick a fight.

sorry for my capitalization and punctuation errors, my computer is acting really retarded over here. it won't let me capitalize nor will my question mark key work.

10-14-2012, 05:12 PM
but amber, may i ask why is it that you have such disdain for men.

Not all men, dawg. You get a free pass once you've mastered how to blow steam up delicate asscheeks.

10-14-2012, 05:34 PM
Not all men, dawg. You get a free pass once you've mastered how to blow steam up delicate asscheeks.

now that, my friend, is something that you must show me. lol

10-14-2012, 07:18 PM
no you can't get aids from spit unless someone spits in your eye or an open wound. even then, the chances are so very very very slim.

but amber, may i ask why is it that you have such disdain for men. you seem to turn every debate into a women vs. men thing. just a question. not trying to pick a fight.

sorry for my capitalization and punctuation errors, my computer is acting really retarded over here. it won't let me capitalize nor will my question mark key work.

what does my comment have to do with men vs. woman? i was commenting on a stupid comment about getting hiv/aids from spit.
dont try to turn this into an amber hates men thing because the fact of the matter is amber hates most people.

10-14-2012, 07:45 PM

SMH...Now she want's to play the defenseless woman card while acting like a loud mouth animal the whole damn time.

I'm sick and tired of this kind of behavior being tolerated regardless of gender. He could've lost control of that bus and killed somebody when she struck him. Yet she want's to play the victim.... Fuck that!

Help get this man's job back!


10-14-2012, 08:06 PM
what does my comment have to do with men vs. woman? i was commenting on a stupid comment about getting hiv/aids from spit.
dont try to turn this into an amber hates men thing because the fact of the matter is amber hates most people.

Yeah but in this case it's obviously a Amber hates Indy thing. But this discussion peaks higher than your petty animosity.

Besides the point is that spiting on someone is a form of battery and punishable by law. Arguing about what you "assumed" I said is immaterial.

That being said since Amber isn't the biggest asshole in this discussion (I'm aware that it's not from a lack of trying ) I'm going to focus on the real topic here moving forward. Enjoy your the rest of your day


10-14-2012, 08:22 PM
oh so this is going to turn into black woman have mental issues thread huh...like niggas dont either

this comment is the reason i brought up the question of why is it a women vs men thing with you. what does this comment have to do with the overall thread. it seems to me amber that anytime someone says anything negative about a woman, you have to retort with the whole 'men are the same way' type comment when thats not even the point.

your hatred for most people is only a reflection of your love for yourself. you should work on that. try to extract the finer things of life as opposed to dwelling on the not so finer things. this might help.

10-14-2012, 09:14 PM
this comment is the reason i brought up the question of why is it a women vs men thing with you. what does this comment have to do with the overall thread. it seems to me amber that anytime someone says anything negative about a woman, you have to retort with the whole 'men are the same way' type comment when thats not even the point.

your hatred for most people is only a reflection of your love for yourself. you should work on that. try to extract the finer things of life as opposed to dwelling on the not so finer things. this might help.

it was in response to someone trying to claim that mental health is a problem for black woman.how else would expect a black woman respond lol.im tired of the angry or unhinged stereotype about black woman that society has.
also i dont actually hate all people,it was a tongue in cheek response.stop trying to analyze me

10-14-2012, 09:17 PM
Yeah but in this case it's obviously a Amber hates Indy thing. But this discussion peaks higher than your petty animosity.

Besides the point is that spiting on someone is a form of battery and punishable by law. Arguing about what you "assumed" I said is immaterial.

That being said since Amber isn't the biggest asshole in this discussion (I'm aware that it's not from a lack of trying ) I'm going to focus on the real topic here moving forward. Enjoy your the rest of your day

lol you think very highly of yourself, i dont have any hate or animosity towards you. i dont work up that much emotion for someone i dont know

10-15-2012, 05:01 AM
it was in response to someone trying to claim that mental health is a problem for black woman.how else would expect a black woman respond lol.im tired of the angry or unhinged stereotype about black woman that society has.
also i dont actually hate all people,it was a tongue in cheek response.stop trying to analyze me

yes ma'am amber.

10-15-2012, 05:44 AM
Lmao did anybody see the motal kombat version lmao finish her lol

10-15-2012, 04:18 PM
it was in response to someone trying to claim that mental health is a problem for black woman.how else would expect a black woman respond lol.im tired of the angry or unhinged stereotype about black woman that society has.
also i dont actually hate all people,it was a tongue in cheek response.stop trying to analyze me


10-15-2012, 04:41 PM
it was in response to someone trying to claim that mental health is a problem for black woman.how else would expect a black woman respond lol.im tired of the angry or unhinged stereotype about black woman that society has.
also i dont actually hate all people,it was a tongue in cheek response.stop trying to analyze me


10-15-2012, 05:28 PM
Lol for that video.
Maybe I should post the homicide and violent crime rates of black males.how about we also look up how many young black men are in remedial education classes for behavioral and emotional problems.

10-15-2012, 06:44 PM
Lol for that video.
Maybe I should post the homicide and violent crime rates of black males.how about we also look up how many young black men are in remedial education classes for behavioral and emotional problems.

Are you sure you want to do that? Because that would be off topic to the comment I made about mental health.

Ms Remy M
10-15-2012, 06:53 PM
Are you sure you want to do that? Because that would be off topic to the comment I made about mental health.

Her comment is no more 'off topic' than your comment on womens mental health. Being that both sexes played a role in this incident, both view points are valid. For instance, what kind of professional lower's himself to bickering with passengers when he has the safety of all on his bus and sharing the road with him in his responsibility. Imagine a pilot bickering with passengers on an airplane, the woman in the video was not solely at fault for how the events played out, as he could have done a number of things to diffuse the situation and chose not to.

10-15-2012, 08:12 PM
Her comment is no more 'off topic' than your comment on womens mental health. Being that both sexes played a role in this incident, both view points are valid. For instance, what kind of professional lower's himself to bickering with passengers when he has the safety of all on his bus and sharing the road with him in his responsibility. Imagine a pilot bickering with passengers on an airplane, the woman in the video was not solely at fault for how the events played out, as he could have done a number of things to diffuse the situation and chose not to.

This is great. Because he already stopped the bus. You can't stop an airplane in mid flight to fend off an assailant. That's why the DHS has Air Marshall's on board each domestic flight. Apples to oranges.

10-15-2012, 09:10 PM
Are you sure you want to do that? Because that would be off topic to the comment I made about mental health.

How's so? You don't think there's a correlation between the high levels of violent crimes done by black men and mental/emotional health.google post traumatic stress syndrome in urban black males.you'll find a wealth of information and statistics.

10-15-2012, 09:24 PM
That's why the DHS has Air Marshall's on board each domestic flight.

That's total rubbish.

10-16-2012, 01:29 AM
Just thought I would weigh in my 2 cents..

In my opinion there are valid points for both sides of the story but the bus driver is not excusable at all. The female passenger is definitely wrong for berating and assaulting the bus driver and Remy is right in saying he should have used more restraint as after all he is supposed to be a professional and he must think about the safety of the rest of his passengers.

However unlike the airline pilot example used this bus driver has nowhere near the amount of screening and training that a pilot receives. He should operate restraint but after being attacked as the various videos show a normal man in his situation will strive to protect himself. My issue is that the bus drivers retaliation is far too over the top. He must take in to account that he is 'defending' himself against a female so at most to protect himself he should have restrained the woman perhaps my pushing her in to a seat until police arrived.

I think it was right to dismiss the bus driver from his job as he physically assaulted the female passenger. Fair enough she assaulted him first but this does not excuse his behaviour. I also don't think he should be given his job back as from his outburst there is nothing to say this wouldn't happen given a similar set of circumstances. I don't think should necessarily loose access to all his benefits as after all he served however many years in his job without incident before this video.

The point about mental health is an interesting point also.. Should that really be about ethnicity or gender? Perhaps it is more about where people live and there access to healthcare? Ok that is perhaps a whole other debate altogether...


10-16-2012, 05:59 PM
It just sounds to me like people are throwing this guy to wolves. When it was the wolf that didn't pay her fare.

I think this particular chick is more lethal than the driver is.

Plus history has proven over and over and over again that a "FEMALE" can fuck a guy up. This isn't news you can go on youtube and see 1000's of instances where a woman came out on top in fights with guys. Yeah he hit her back and that blow could've taken out most guys, yet she came back on the bus and wanted more. So what does that say about her being "just a female"???

The poor innocent damsel in distress card is bullshit especially in this case. This chick was defiantly no lady... So stop making this about man vs woman.

This is clearly about assholes pushing rational people to the limit. And judging by her mannerisms, that disrespectful bitch would sooner snap out on the people defending her just as she did that driver.

Granted the driver shouldn't have gone back and forth with her. So if he is to loose his job, you know this hoodrat will be looking for a big payout for it. So I don't think she should be rewarded for being an asshole either.

SIDE NOTE: While daydreaming I imagine a portrait of Rosa Parks crying red tears in light of this issue.

(This isn't what she hoped for.)

Meanwhile, "Pitchfork" puts his feet up on his desk and lights a cigar...

10-16-2012, 06:15 PM
But this - and countless other incidents like this, also on utube - is not linked to race/gender/class etc.....

It's more about kulture: the kulture of extreme hypersensitivity, false and hyper-inflated pride, and a permanent sense of bitterness, paranoia, grievance and self entitlement....

When combined with a lack of education, imagination and responsibility the results are what we see regularly on our streets, clubs, estates, markets, trains and buses.... Accidently bumping into someone who subscribes to such a kulture, looking in their direction in what they perceive a disrespectful manner, asking them to be quiet in the cinema etc, are all perilous situations which are only resolved in their eyes once they have utterly humiliated and/or destroyed you.

Whoever subscribes to the above kulture (which, incidentally, has largely been imposed on the masses by bourgeois white liberals who live in faraway places and consequently don't have to face the daily results of such delusions) will usually end up behaving like a fucking piece of shit on a fairly regular basis (regardless of their race/gender/class etc)... Such behaviour tends to contaminate other minds around them who live and hang in the same areas ("if you can't beat them, join them")

Thus, you end up with a whole race of zombie slave puppet-kunts who don't seem to be capable of resolving even the most minor "situations" without turning their volume up to screech level, moving their bodies and limbs around in quick sweeping movements in a very provocative and predatory manner, invading other peoples personal/private space and putting their faces right up in other people faces in a very intimadating manner... yada yada ya.... (I could go on, but I think we know the kinda people I'm describing... And of course, I'm describing the kontent of their kharacter - not their physical appearance)

Personally, I wish for their extinction... And it's always a matter of huge personal joy and celebration when individuals who subscribe to the above kulture are smashed to pieces by karma (such as a passing warrior who intervenes and disables them before they create any further drama and tragedy)... Unfortunately, however, such kharacters are acutely aware of how vile and scummy they are, and how the rest of us despise them, and so tend to move around in large numbers when they slip into predator zombie mode.

Utube is full of nasty accounts of drama and horror committed by individual nutjobs... But the truly harrowing tales (or rather, trends) are when large groups of these zombie slave puppet-kunts behave appallingly in an apparently spontaneous manner, often totally unprovoked, and often driven by misogyny and racial HATE.


blue eyed devil

10-16-2012, 06:26 PM
Sorry, but I couldn't resist posting this, lol....

This is how our zombie slave puppet-kunts roll in London:


blue eyed devil

10-16-2012, 11:56 PM
Sorry, but I couldn't resist posting this, lol....

This is how our zombie slave puppet-kunts roll in London:


blue eyed devil

This is Ratchet behavior at it's worst.

10-17-2012, 12:36 AM
Sorry, but I couldn't resist posting this, lol....

This is how our zombie slave puppet-kunts roll in London:


blue eyed devil

Shaun this was definitely...different. But I have to ask, What is she so angry about??? The rant was incoherent at several points and I really just felt embarassed towards the end.:confused::rolleyes:

Ms Remy M
10-17-2012, 01:55 AM
This is Ratchet behavior at it's worst.

Um, pretty sure a ratchet is a tool like a socket wrench. Did you perhaps mean wretched? :confused:

10-17-2012, 02:16 AM
Um, pretty sure a ratchet is a tool like a socket wrench. Did you perhaps mean wretched? :confused:

Lol. No Remy. 'ratchet' is slang for ignorant or ghetto. Comes from down here in the south

Ms Remy M
10-17-2012, 03:41 AM
Lol. No Remy. 'ratchet' is slang for ignorant or ghetto. Comes from down here in the south

Aye, and so the destruction of the english language continues unabated... Wretched is defined as:

1: very unfortunate in condition or circumstances; miserable; pitiable.

2: characterized by or attended with misery and sorrow.

3:despicable, contemptible, or mean: a wretched miser.

4: poor, sorry, or pitiful; worthless: a wretched job of sewing.

So I have to ask, wouldn't that still be sufficient for his use. I mean, in a world filled with so much ignorance, why take part in spreading it further. I do agree though, the video is very wretched. ;)

10-17-2012, 04:32 AM

10-17-2012, 08:01 PM
Shaun this was definitely...different. But I have to ask, What is she so angry about??? The rant was incoherent at several points and I really just felt embarassed towards the end.:confused::rolleyes:

I feel kinda sorry for her: there's no question she's under the influence of drugs of some kind, legal or otherwise....

But the real reason she behaves like that, making her unigue life on this planet so pitiful and wretched, is because so many others have wound her up with two-bit, one-dimensional theories of how society works, including all manner of conspiracy theories loaded with self-pity and historical bias...

She is like a wind-up toy zombie... The faux intellectuals and professional grievance-mongerers have sucked the life out of millions like her: they brainwash and wind up their victims with their schtick then let them go out and be all scary and ridiculous, like the poor fool in the vid.... What a waste.. What a sell-out :(

She's probably heard one too many chicken shit theories about "The Illuminati" or "The Freemasons" etc etc. Such knowledge/theories should be studied and considered with a cool mind, otherwise, when propogated by people whose main agenda is the maintenance of rage in others, these 2-bit theories are designed to entrap weak souls like her in a cycle of self pity and false rage: consequently, everywhere she looks she sees treachery and conspiracy and hate... She has no time to live her life as best she can, because her mind is no longer her own.

This is the problem when we lease Our brains and souls and emotions to Others around us who Appear to represent our concerns: a non-stop choreography of false pride, false rage and hypersensitivity, obsessed with a kulture of "respect"...

All of Us (regardless of gender, race or culture) are born with the same two fears, practically hardwired into every animal on this planet: loud noises and quick, sudden movements (all the other fears We pick up along the way, courtesy of how we are raised) Unfortunately, many people around Us subscribe to a kulture that leads inevitably, very quickly and directly, to those undesirable happenings, leading to the pitiful performance of the zombie in that vid, and zillions of other vids....

Not a good recipe for everyday livin'.... Fucking shame, really.

blue eyed devil

10-17-2012, 09:23 PM
Um, pretty sure a ratchet is a tool like a socket wrench. Did you perhaps mean wretched? :confused:

Heeyy sweet princess I was about to break it down but I read the great 1 post..he said it all.

Ms Remy M
10-17-2012, 10:11 PM
I feel kinda sorry for her: there's no question she's under the influence of drugs of some kind, legal or otherwise....

But the real reason she behaves like that, making her unigue life on this planet so pitiful and wretched, is because so many others have wound her up with two-bit, one-dimensional theories of how society works, including all manner of conspiracy theories loaded with self-pity and historical bias...

She is like a wind-up toy zombie... The faux intellectuals and professional grievance-mongerers have sucked the life out of millions like her: they brainwash and wind up their victims with their schtick then let them go out and be all scary and ridiculous, like the poor fool in the vid.... What a waste.. What a sell-out :(

She's probably heard one too many chicken shit theories about "The Illuminati" or "The Freemasons" etc etc. Such knowledge/theories should be studied and considered with a cool mind, otherwise, when propogated by people whose main agenda is the maintenance of rage in others, these 2-bit theories are designed to entrap weak souls like her in a cycle of self pity and false rage: consequently, everywhere she looks she sees treachery and conspiracy and hate... She has no time to live her life as best she can, because her mind is no longer her own.

This is the problem when we lease Our brains and souls and emotions to Others around us who Appear to represent our concerns: a non-stop choreography of false pride, false rage and hypersensitivity, obsessed with a kulture of "respect"...

All of Us (regardless of gender, race or culture) are born with the same two fears, practically hardwired into every animal on this planet: loud noises and quick, sudden movements (all the other fears We pick up along the way, courtesy of how we are raised) Unfortunately, many people around Us subscribe to a kulture that leads inevitably, very quickly and directly, to those undesirable happenings, leading to the pitiful performance of the zombie in that vid, and zillions of other vids....

Not a good recipe for everyday livin'.... Fucking shame, really.

blue eyed devil

Good post there Shaun

Heeyy sweet princess I was about to break it down but I read the great 1 post..he said it all.

Yeah, my flatmate said much the same as you both.

I just wish scholars made slang instead of degenerates that way we would at least promote positive thought processes instead of the opposite. I can just imagine some 'rapper' using ratchet to complete a simpleton rhyme instead of wretched, and it caught on from there. *shakes head dejectedly*