View Full Version : Isis King, Transgender Model, Branches Out Into Fashion Design

11-12-2012, 07:10 AM
Link to article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/05/isis-king-transgender-model-fashion-design_n_2079230.html?utm_hp_ref=transgender#slide =1721369

Isis King popped onto our radar as a the first transgender contestant on "America's Next Top Model," competing in both cycles 11 and 17 and even had Banks' help paying for her sex reassignment surgery in 2009. She graduated to walking in small fashion shows and posing for American Apparel's most recent "Legalize Gay" ad campaign, but has now announced an ever bigger fashion gig: her very own line!

"Now I’m just really wanting the world to see my first talent," King told OUT magazine, which named her to its OUT100 List for 2012. King is designing her own collection, although she'd rather not call it that: "I don’t want to push myself and say I’m showing a ‘collection’ and get so nervous about it. I think I’ll say I’m showing a ‘presentation,’” she joked to the mag.

Presentation, collection, whatever you want to call it -- we're excited. It's not very often we see a "Top Model" alum branch out into fashion design... nor is it very often we see a transgender individual making it big in the fashion world. We're totally psyched for both.

Read more on Out.com about King and see her modeling work -- and red carpet glamour shots -- below.

Ms Remy M
11-14-2012, 12:24 AM
I think that her accomplishments are wonderful, and appreciate you pointing it out, particularly on this forum. From what I've been told, Ms King has been working on her fashion designing career for some time now and I truly hope she manifests all her goals she seeks to achieve. I'm not really big on the fashion world per se so this was in general all news to me. :cool:

11-14-2012, 10:01 PM
she is looking better and better