View Full Version : The TS Attraction

11-13-2012, 05:03 PM
Im sure this topic has been discussed, but i'll pose the question nonetheless:

What do you think the male attraction to trans-women is? While im sure we all have our individual reasons, do you think there may be 1 pervasive 'root' cause? I'd like to have the discussion on both a physical AND psychological level.

I'll post my personal reasons, as well as a few more questions, later on after some responses

11-13-2012, 06:00 PM
Speaking for myself, I date 100% passable, sexy women. I see true transexual women as women....for me its all about sex, high heel's and lingerie, and fucking something pretty n sexy with a cool matching attitude.

Plus I get to dominate which is always fun!

11-13-2012, 07:48 PM
Im sure this topic has been discussed, but i'll pose the question nonetheless:

What do you think the male attraction to trans-women is? While im sure we all have our individual reasons, do you think there may be 1 pervasive 'root' cause? I'd like to have the discussion on both a physical AND psychological level.

I'll post my personal reasons, as well as a few more questions, later on after some responses

Hmmm... just so happens I was watching one of those Documentaries on the Science channel about The science of sex appeal. Which was pretty interesting stuff...

They say attraction isn't so much "eye of the beholder" as much as it is hardwired into our biology to read genetic clues in a potential mates faces, body shape, walk, scent and voice. There's a lot of things going on non-consciously that we have no control over.

They went on to take a picture of a woman's face and altered one to look more masculine and took another and made if more feminine. Then tested men by asking them which of these "twins" was the most attractive. 81% said the more feminized one was the most attractive.

So being "hetero" driven I think most of these same rules apply when looking at transsexual women. It's still in us to look for a mate who appears to have good health and fertility despite them not being able to create a child or us even wanting any.

So a symmetric face, ample breast, small waste, thick hips, plum butt topped off with a sexy ass walk have more to do with spawning rituals than we think.

Same rule for trannies who are verse tops I think. They seek out bottoms who have blump asses and thick thighs. Where as with a guy they're not feeling who has a pancake ass they'll just tell you that they're strictly bottom.

Keep in mind there are genetic women who like guys with nice butts which I think also has something to do with seeking out healthy genetics should the make a child. Only trannies can do something special with that specific attraction though. LOL!

11-13-2012, 09:39 PM
For me I just find it sexy for a woman to have a pretty face, pretty manicured hands and feet, a big ass and then top it off with a third leg. Don't know why it's sexy but it is.

11-13-2012, 09:46 PM
you would think it's just because she has a cock/dick/penis, but on the real most of these beautiful trannies look better than genectic women. For me i love the beauty and the more feminine the girl the better. Transexual women are very unique individuals. Shout out to sheeba, nadia & amber

11-13-2012, 10:28 PM
you would think it's just because she has a cock/dick/penis, but on the real most of these beautiful trannies look better than genectic women. For me i love the beauty and the more feminine the girl the better. Transexual women are very unique individuals. Shout out to sheeba, nadia & amber

word........ its the femininity somebody said this about men and women....women seek maturity and security... but men seek beauty and some one to submit real masculine men though.....when you look at transexuals theres no desire to be men... they want to be the woman so being masculine and equal to men is a turn off theres no power struggle... the feminist in this country got alot of women thinking there the men and the woman.... women think guys and women are the same they think they can do better then men....... so its always a role problem.......women think for them to attract men is to just have a job and that the're independent........theres a transexual named rachael navarro i be on her facebook and she is soooo fine and feminine she works out and keeps her body so right......and men love this shit this si somthing alot of women hae lost in this society is to how to be a woman..... i know theres alot men dont know how to be man..... but we gotta a role problem

11-13-2012, 10:33 PM
and check this out...i be on some of these tgirls facebook pages man they can can cook twerk and everthing and you just forced there to look at that like damm ill marry that.....some women cant cook and expect the worldto be gien to them just becaused they have a pussy t-women are trying harder and know what it takes to be the woman man like rather straight men will admit or not but we no

11-14-2012, 12:26 AM
Hmmm... just so happens I was watching one of those Documentaries on the Science channel about The science of sex appeal. Which was pretty interesting stuff...

They say attraction isn't so much "eye of the beholder" as much as it is hardwired into our biology to read genetic clues in a potential mates faces, body shape, walk, scent and voice. There's a lot of things going on non-consciously that we have no control over.

They went on to take a picture of a woman's face and altered one to look more masculine and took another and made if more feminine. Then tested men by asking them which of these "twins" was the most attractive. 81% said the more feminized one was the most attractive.

So being "hetero" driven I think most of these same rules apply when looking at transsexual women. It's still in us to look for a mate who appears to have good health and fertility despite them not being able to create a child or us even wanting any.

So a symmetric face, ample breast, small waste, thick hips, plum butt topped off with a sexy ass walk have more to do with spawning rituals than we think.

Same rule for trannies who are verse tops I think. They seek out bottoms who have blump asses and thick thighs. Where as with a guy they're not feeling who has a pancake ass they'll just tell you that they're strictly bottom.

Keep in mind there are genetic women who like guys with nice butts which I think also has something to do with seeking out healthy genetics should the make a child. Only trannies can do something special with that specific attraction though. LOL!

lol so woman look at mens buttocks to determine fertility?
i was totally with you when you were talking about wide hips and full buttocks in woman because that usually means that she would have an easier time during child birth but im not really sure how that would translate to men.
or are you saying that verse/top trans woman are looking for feminine males with a mans sub-conscious perception?

11-14-2012, 12:30 AM
word........ its the femininity somebody said this about men and women....women seek maturity and security... but men seek beauty and some one to submit real masculine men though.....when you look at transexuals theres no desire to be men... they want to be the woman so being masculine and equal to men is a turn off theres no power struggle... the feminist in this country got alot of women thinking there the men and the woman.... women think guys and women are the same they think they can do better then men....... so its always a role problem.......women think for them to attract men is to just have a job and that the're independent........theres a transexual named rachael navarro i be on her facebook and she is soooo fine and feminine she works out and keeps her body so right......and men love this shit this si somthing alot of women hae lost in this society is to how to be a woman..... i know theres alot men dont know how to be man..... but we gotta a role problem

so to be a woman means to submit to man lmaooo #outdated.
also your trying to equate looking feminine to being submissive.now i have a very feminine appearance and am a bottom but that last thing i am is submissive to is a man (or woman).
we can also make a way larger argument (and one that is off topic) that woman may have had to take on typical masculine/males roles because in this day and age allot (not all) men have abandoned those roles.

11-14-2012, 01:48 AM
This is a pretty interesting topic that I don't think will ever really be fully determined to have a root cause. I think there are various arguments that seem to make a good explanation but they don't necessarily have the same root cause.

As males tend to be driven more by visual stimulus when finding a 'mate' heterosexual men will look for prominent feminine features.. so wide 'child-bearing' hips, large breasts and a curvaceous body to name a few. According to scientific study these curvaceous features determine how productive a woman would be at producing a child. Support suggests that men are attracted to women with these prominent features on a primitive level because as humans our basic design is to reproduce then, live long enough to raise that offspring. It could argued that as transgendered women often accentuate these feminine features to appear more visually female that by definition they are more attractive than genetic women.

To use an example I would argue that 8 out of 10 straight men if asked would say that Amber is very attractive. If these men where then told that Amber was transgendered their conditioning to what they may feel is socially acceptable would change their initial response but on a primitive level they would still find her attractive. Using this argument I'd say all straight men on a primitive level could be attracted to transgendered women as they visually present identically to genetic females with the possible exception of genitals.

Another argument which, I have heard discussed before is that men attracted to transgendered women are attracted to women physically but not emotionally due to lack of understanding. It is argued that men are 'put-off' by female behaviour and don't interpret their brain chemistry. This argument kind of goes hand in hand with Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. There is a video on youtube which, I'll try to locate and list in this post that suggests in some cases men are more likely to be attracted to transgendered women because they are more likely to understand their wants, needs and desires especially during sex. As there are more visual traits to when a genetic male is about to reach orgasm the video argues that straight men may enjoy sex more as they can tell when their partner is enjoying it. Also the 'straight' man is more confident his partner will more likely be able to meet his sexual desires as her desires will be a lot more similar than a genetic females would be.

I agree with this to a point however in my opinion a transgendered woman's biology is a lot different to a male's more so when this comes to the biological and chemical makeup of the brain. There have been studies where post mortem brain slices of transgendered women have been found to be near identical to a genetic females brain where normally (if male) there would be striking differences. This evidence doesn't take in to account the effects of HRT on the brain but if a transgendered females brain where no different to a male brain Pre HRT then surely we would all want to become trans..

Personally I think the attraction is down to trans women often being more gracefully female and in some cases have a better understanding of the male mind. This is of course not always the case. I have girlfriends who understand me and some who do not

I suppose it is somewhat a mystery.. perhaps for sake of argument being species with a higher cognitive function us humans are just attracted to each other full stop.. male or female it doesn't really matter ;)


11-14-2012, 02:40 AM
When someone portrays the role of Feminine Seducer THAT'S when my senses start standing to attention.

What a lot of people forget is that (genetic) Women also "perform" this role; they are no more born with the ability to "play" this role than anyone else.... though you could argue they have a head start in looking different from men (which is what most guys want as a starting point)

My attraction to TS Women is exactly the same as my attraction to (genetic) Women: it is the larely involuntary reaction of my senses, especially my loins, which are pre-disposed to Feminine characteristics.

Also, to be crude about it, a TS Woman with whom I share a mutual attraction and who doesn't have a vagina, offers me the neccessity of anal sex.... which is fucking awesome as far as I'm concerned lol... Genetic Women tend to be a bit squeamish and goody-goody about anal, which is not quite so awesome lol...

And of course, sex without unwanted pregnancy is a plus, right?

Men will always be in the market for, and under the spell of, Feminine enchantment.... It's the wine in the bottle that matters, not the bottle itself.

Which is why TS Women, particularly in the Porn Industry where they are especially seductive, are a growing market...

And by the way, speaking of the Porn Industry, it's also why TS Porn that revolves around "masturbation videos" where only approximately 6 inches of the TS Model is deemed to be noteworthy and filmed, is becoming more and more niche, even shoddy.

blue eyed devil

11-14-2012, 03:04 AM
lol so woman look at mens buttocks to determine fertility?
i was totally with you when you were talking about wide hips and full buttocks in woman because that usually means that she would have an easier time during child birth but im not really sure how that would translate to men.
or are you saying that verse/top trans woman are looking for feminine males with a mans sub-conscious perception?

Yes among other things.

But more specifically I've encountered a few genetic women who loved to lick my ass, slap it and stick fingers in it. Did I request it? Hell NO!

But even on T.V. how many times have we heard a woman comment on a guys butt? I don't wanna derail this whole thread going on about man's asses but I will leave you with this.....

"The butt compensates for lack of a tail. Our evolutionary tail, what is left of it anyways is the coccyx or tailbone that is located inside us.

The butt muscles, gluteus maximus plays an important part in running and walking, and mostly active during running.

"Evidence for when the gluteus maximus became enlarged in human evolution is equivocal, but the muscle's minimal functional role during walking supports the hypothesis that enlargement of the gluteus maximus was likely important in the evolution of hominid running capabilities."

Why is it attractive? I have no idea! Take a wild guess now that you know its function."

For more info just Google it like I did.

Stay Lovely~

11-14-2012, 04:49 AM
No need for me to lie , it's all fantasy, IF I WANTED A REAL WOMAN I WOULD GO FOR ONE. But a ts has a cock/dick and you know if you're pleasing her or not. And on top of that i like to be dominated BY A WOMAN WITH A COCK. That's where my attraction comes from. Call it gay or what ever you like BUT THAT WHAT I LIKE, I LIKE BIOLOGICAL women as well. But yes i'd have to say it's the cock , the look, the trill of it when it comes to ts and i love to see them climax. But thing is I DON'T FEEL THE SAMEWAY with gay sex NEVER BEEN INTERESTED IN MEN and it just gross me the hell out. But when i see a ts cock and watch them fuck or get fuck I LOVE IT. I don't know its a mind thing or what just hard to explain.

11-14-2012, 05:58 AM
Yes among other things.

But more specifically I've encountered a few genetic women who loved to lick my ass, slap it and stick fingers in it. Did I request it? Hell NO!

But even on T.V. how many times have we heard a woman comment on a guys butt? I don't wanna derail this whole thread going on about man's asses but I will leave you with this.....

"The butt compensates for lack of a tail. Our evolutionary tail, what is left of it anyways is the coccyx or tailbone that is located inside us.

The butt muscles, gluteus maximus plays an important part in running and walking, and mostly active during running.

"Evidence for when the gluteus maximus became enlarged in human evolution is equivocal, but the muscle's minimal functional role during walking supports the hypothesis that enlargement of the gluteus maximus was likely important in the evolution of hominid running capabilities."

Why is it attractive? I have no idea! Take a wild guess now that you know its function."

For more info just Google it like I did.

Stay Lovely~

so whats your opinions on ts girls who are bottoms? what do you think we look for in a guy and its relation to biological urges and evolution?
also dont you think woman would look for other attributes in a mate that would translate better into breeding than a big butt.it would seem features like a broad chest,thick arms or allot of body hair would be more desired because that would indicate a higher level of testosterone (which would usually translate into virility and fertility).

11-14-2012, 06:04 AM
No need for me to lie , it's all fantasy, IF I WANTED A REAL WOMAN I WOULD GO FOR ONE. But a ts has a cock/dick and you know if you're pleasing her or not. And on top of that i like to be dominated BY A WOMAN WITH A COCK. That's where my attraction comes from. Call it gay or what ever you like BUT THAT WHAT I LIKE, I LIKE BIOLOGICAL women as well. But yes i'd have to say it's the cock , the look, the trill of it when it comes to ts and i love to see them climax. But thing is I DON'T FEEL THE SAMEWAY with gay sex NEVER BEEN INTERESTED IN MEN and it just gross me the hell out. But when i see a ts cock and watch them fuck or get fuck I LOVE IT. I don't know its a mind thing or what just hard to explain.

so your implying that im not really a woman.underneath this illusion of femininity is just a beautiful gay boy?

11-14-2012, 04:05 PM
Who really "is" a Woman?

Who really "is" a Man?

Everyone is playing a part, and if you won the lottery of life you will have been born in a part of this planet where you can have many paths and parts open to you to play.

A (genetic) Woman "plays" the part of Woman, just as a TS Woman does....

But, of course, there are ways of playing: you could play it with "satire", you could make a "pastiche" of it, you could play it as a fetish, or as a deviant (just for the sake of deviancy)....

Or, you could play it with all your heart, body and soul... And these are the Women (genetic or otherwise) that I love, and who literally COMMAND my senses and responses...

This is when "playing the role" becomes "living the role"..... But it's still a role ;)

And at that point - when a Woman has invested so much spirit into embracing and giving Feminine energies into the world around her - it really doesn't matter so much about the absence of a vagina or the presence of a cock (unless you desire to impregnate her... But then again, there are many genetic Women who are unable to get pregnant and they are no less Women for it)

blue eyed devil

11-14-2012, 07:51 PM
so your implying that im not really a woman.underneath this illusion of femininity is just a beautiful gay boy?

Well, im not saying that, im just saying what other people think.That a man having sex with Anything with a dick is gay. But the thing im saying is IF IT IS GAY then i'd say im gay to an extent, i don't like anything that looks like me or manly in any type of way. Now do i see you as a "beautiful gay boy" NO. But the way alot of these trans flip from male to trans BACK TO MALE i'm starting to change my mind about alot of them, but even when knowing they a guy like kim karta i still find them attractive when they a girl. IM JUST CONFUSED I GUESS i don't know:confused:

11-14-2012, 08:34 PM
Well, im not saying that, im just saying what other people think.That a man having sex with Anything with a dick is gay. But the thing im saying is IF IT IS GAY then i'd say im gay to an extent, i don't like anything that looks like me or manly in any type of way. Now do i see you as a "beautiful gay boy" NO. But the way alot of these trans flip from male to trans BACK TO MALE i'm starting to change my mind about alot of them, but even when knowing they a guy like kim karta i still find them attractive when they a girl. IM JUST CONFUSED I GUESS i don't know:confused:

you really shouldnt concern yourself with what general society thinks.a hundred or two years ago it was popular belief that african americans werent homo sapiens so i could really care less about "the majority".
also i think you should keep in mind that there is a difference between a man/boy who dress as a girl to make money (or entertainment) and a transsexual woman. ive spent my whole life feeling like i was born in the wrong body.i cant tell you how incredibly painful my journey to womanhood has been and will continue to be.for most real trans woman there is no going back because there is no other option.we're woman and thats the only reality we have

11-14-2012, 08:36 PM
you would think it's just because she has a cock/dick/penis, but on the real most of these beautiful trannies look better than genectic women. For me i love the beauty and the more feminine the girl the better. Transexual women are very unique individuals. Shout out to sheeba, nadia & amber

aww...kisses right back

11-14-2012, 08:37 PM
This is a pretty interesting topic that I don't think will ever really be fully determined to have a root cause. I think there are various arguments that seem to make a good explanation but they don't necessarily have the same root cause.

As males tend to be driven more by visual stimulus when finding a 'mate' heterosexual men will look for prominent feminine features.. so wide 'child-bearing' hips, large breasts and a curvaceous body to name a few. According to scientific study these curvaceous features determine how productive a woman would be at producing a child. Support suggests that men are attracted to women with these prominent features on a primitive level because as humans our basic design is to reproduce then, live long enough to raise that offspring. It could argued that as transgendered women often accentuate these feminine features to appear more visually female that by definition they are more attractive than genetic women.

To use an example I would argue that 8 out of 10 straight men if asked would say that Amber is very attractive. If these men where then told that Amber was transgendered their conditioning to what they may feel is socially acceptable would change their initial response but on a primitive level they would still find her attractive. Using this argument I'd say all straight men on a primitive level could be attracted to transgendered women as they visually present identically to genetic females with the possible exception of genitals.

Another argument which, I have heard discussed before is that men attracted to transgendered women are attracted to women physically but not emotionally due to lack of understanding. It is argued that men are 'put-off' by female behaviour and don't interpret their brain chemistry. This argument kind of goes hand in hand with Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. There is a video on youtube which, I'll try to locate and list in this post that suggests in some cases men are more likely to be attracted to transgendered women because they are more likely to understand their wants, needs and desires especially during sex. As there are more visual traits to when a genetic male is about to reach orgasm the video argues that straight men may enjoy sex more as they can tell when their partner is enjoying it. Also the 'straight' man is more confident his partner will more likely be able to meet his sexual desires as her desires will be a lot more similar than a genetic females would be.

I agree with this to a point however in my opinion a transgendered woman's biology is a lot different to a male's more so when this comes to the biological and chemical makeup of the brain. There have been studies where post mortem brain slices of transgendered women have been found to be near identical to a genetic females brain where normally (if male) there would be striking differences. This evidence doesn't take in to account the effects of HRT on the brain but if a transgendered females brain where no different to a male brain Pre HRT then surely we would all want to become trans..

Personally I think the attraction is down to trans women often being more gracefully female and in some cases have a better understanding of the male mind. This is of course not always the case. I have girlfriends who understand me and some who do not

I suppose it is somewhat a mystery.. perhaps for sake of argument being species with a higher cognitive function us humans are just attracted to each other full stop.. male or female it doesn't really matter ;)


i like your reply.very intelligent and well thought out

11-14-2012, 09:59 PM
also there is not really much difference in my attraction to transgender, the more feminine the better....but also its the taboo factor in the anal factor..... the feeling that you going against the norm in society its like an adrenaline rush its that feeling you can't explain.... and right now man are just fascinated with the ts beauty right now and..... women are too the hotter the ts women the more scared women become so to get rid of the competition they got to say the men that fuck ts women are gay..... just look at issis from top model shes looking hotter and hotter.....when i first seen her i was like nawww i wouldnt fuck but now i would break her back thats for dam sure. ts women are becoming hotter by the min and there forcing men from all over to examine their attraction...genetic women can't continue to be lazy and fall off in the looks department its sounds wrong buts its the truth....

11-15-2012, 02:41 AM
This is a pretty interesting topic that I don't think will ever really be fully determined to have a root cause. I think there are various arguments that seem to make a good explanation but they don't necessarily have the same root cause.

As males tend to be driven more by visual stimulus when finding a 'mate' heterosexual men will look for prominent feminine features.. so wide 'child-bearing' hips, large breasts and a curvaceous body to name a few. According to scientific study these curvaceous features determine how productive a woman would be at producing a child. Support suggests that men are attracted to women with these prominent features on a primitive level because as humans our basic design is to reproduce then, live long enough to raise that offspring. It could argued that as transgendered women often accentuate these feminine features to appear more visually female that by definition they are more attractive than genetic women.

To use an example I would argue that 8 out of 10 straight men if asked would say that Amber is very attractive. If these men where then told that Amber was transgendered their conditioning to what they may feel is socially acceptable would change their initial response but on a primitive level they would still find her attractive. Using this argument I'd say all straight men on a primitive level could be attracted to transgendered women as they visually present identically to genetic females with the possible exception of genitals.

Another argument which, I have heard discussed before is that men attracted to transgendered women are attracted to women physically but not emotionally due to lack of understanding. It is argued that men are 'put-off' by female behaviour and don't interpret their brain chemistry. This argument kind of goes hand in hand with Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars. There is a video on youtube which, I'll try to locate and list in this post that suggests in some cases men are more likely to be attracted to transgendered women because they are more likely to understand their wants, needs and desires especially during sex. As there are more visual traits to when a genetic male is about to reach orgasm the video argues that straight men may enjoy sex more as they can tell when their partner is enjoying it. Also the 'straight' man is more confident his partner will more likely be able to meet his sexual desires as her desires will be a lot more similar than a genetic females would be.

I agree with this to a point however in my opinion a transgendered woman's biology is a lot different to a male's more so when this comes to the biological and chemical makeup of the brain. There have been studies where post mortem brain slices of transgendered women have been found to be near identical to a genetic females brain where normally (if male) there would be striking differences. This evidence doesn't take in to account the effects of HRT on the brain but if a transgendered females brain where no different to a male brain Pre HRT then surely we would all want to become trans..

Personally I think the attraction is down to trans women often being more gracefully female and in some cases have a better understanding of the male mind. This is of course not always the case. I have girlfriends who understand me and some who do not

I suppose it is somewhat a mystery.. perhaps for sake of argument being species with a higher cognitive function us humans are just attracted to each other full stop.. male or female it doesn't really matter ;)

Good post.

It's amazing how many theories are out there we assume are true that haven't been researched at all.

This video is intriguing. I wasn't able to see the whole thing but I was able to put it in my favs for later.

11-15-2012, 03:19 AM
also there is not really much difference in my attraction to transgender, the more feminine the better....but also its the taboo factor in the anal factor..... the feeling that you going against the norm in society its like an adrenaline rush its that feeling you can't explain.... and right now man are just fascinated with the ts beauty right now and..... women are too the hotter the ts women the more scared women become so to get rid of the competition they got to say the men that fuck ts women are gay..... just look at issis from top model shes looking hotter and hotter.....when i first seen her i was like nawww i wouldnt fuck but now i would break her back thats for dam sure. ts women are becoming hotter by the min and there forcing men from all over to examine their attraction...genetic women can't continue to be lazy and fall off in the looks department its sounds wrong buts its the truth....
I was gonna say the same thing:D:D you just put it way better.....I don't see TS admiration going mainstream tho

11-15-2012, 07:10 AM
I was gonna say the same thing:D:D you just put it way better.....I don't see TS admiration going mainstream tho
More for me then.

11-28-2012, 12:34 AM
I wish I knew. All I know is first time I saw a TG (or "sisssy" as was commonly used then) the attraction was instantaneous and profound.

BTW I always laugh at the guys so quick to offerr they only deal with the most "female" of TG/TS. Especially the ones who attack "cross dressers".

You guys are avoiding central truths that you can't handle.

But whatever life's too short...

11-30-2012, 02:51 AM
Interesting that James7 refers to the taboo factor of anal sex. It's not really taboo in the western world but research suggests 'heterosexual' men in India are attracted to (and seek out) transgendered women or Hijaras solely for anal sex. The reason for this is down to anal sex being frowned open and even banned in certain areas (I believe there may in fact be some sort of sodomy law in India)
Men who are typically married seek out transgendered prostitutes to experience 'the thrill' of anal sex as their wives or girlfriends are not willing to 'give it up' because of it being taboo.

I still take the reasoning with a pinch of salt as a males attraction to a transgendered woman is certainly not about anal sex but it is a interesting argument in some parts of the world for men to put forward

Ms Remy M
12-04-2012, 03:35 PM
Im sure this topic has been discussed, but i'll pose the question nonetheless:

What do you think the male attraction to trans-women is? While im sure we all have our individual reasons, do you think there may be 1 pervasive 'root' cause? I'd like to have the discussion on both a physical AND psychological level.

I'll post my personal reasons, as well as a few more questions, later on after some responses

There were some interesting perspectives that various members made in their post. Why is it that you have still yet to respond on this thread? :confused: