View Full Version : If Obama had a WAR... what would it look like?

09-02-2013, 07:43 PM
So Obama is about to begin war with Syria?...

Ahhh, don't worry!.... This isn't anything like the dictator who gassed his own people that the discredited warmonger Bush spent 2002 and early 2003 telling us all was a very bad man, and needed to be removed...

The 2003 dictator who gassed his own people was the leader of the Baath Party of Iraq....

Whereas the 2013 dictator who gassed his own people is the leader of the Baath Party of Syria.... Whole nutha ball game...

Oh well, just as long as the USA doesn't lose face... that's the main thing, right?

Hey, if Obama had a war, what would it look like?....

Jeeeeez, what a creepy fukkin prick this fella is...http://sadhillnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/obama-if-i-had-a-son-hed-look-like-trayvon-birth-certificate-sad-hill-news-35.jpg

09-03-2013, 01:22 AM
I take that your not a fan of Obama,I'm not either the guy just isn't liberal enough for me

09-03-2013, 04:13 AM
He actually looks a lot better than the last 43. And the smartest thing he did in terms of Syria was let the congress decide. I tell you what though Shaun that pic you have there is one of ignorance and not for the term used, but because you included the pic of Trayvon. Politics is one thing, the human/civil rights issue is another, Playa. :cool:

09-03-2013, 04:19 AM
He actually looks a lot better than the last 43. And the smartest thing he did in terms of Syria was let the congress decide. I tell you what though Shaun that pic you have there is one of ignorance and not for the term used, but because you included the pic of Trayvon. Politics is one thing, the human/civil rights issue is another, Playa. :cool:

My thoughts exactly...what a weird picture to post to illustrate what exactly??

09-03-2013, 05:07 AM
So Obama is about to begin war with Syria?...

Ahhh, don't worry!.... This isn't anything like the dictator who gassed his own people that the discredited warmonger Bush spent 2002 and early 2003 telling us all was a very bad man, and needed to be removed...

The 2003 dictator who gassed his own people was the leader of the Baath Party of Iraq....

Whereas the 2013 dictator who gassed his own people is the leader of the Baath Party of Syria.... Whole nutha ball game...

Oh well, just as long as the USA doesn't lose face... that's the main thing, right?

Hey, if Obama had a war, what would it look like?....

Jeeeeez, what a creepy fukkin prick this fella is...http://sadhillnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/obama-if-i-had-a-son-hed-look-like-trayvon-birth-certificate-sad-hill-news-35.jpg

I liked you...until you posted this bigotted ass shit...fuck you now

09-03-2013, 10:41 AM
I was going to delete this immediately until I saw the replies which make you look as big an asshat for posting this as you must be. What has this got to do with this site other than the Obama being Black and why post this irrelevant and biggotted photo?

Ms Remy M
09-03-2013, 06:03 PM
I didn't reply as I read it as sarcasm. If it is to be taken seriously, then are you Shaun, suggesting that nothing should be done regarding the matter? Just leave the women and children to die bloated and burned in the streets and beds from chemical warfare is your preferred option?

I read an article recently arguing that the death toll from conventional weapons is no different than that from chemical warfare. Do you agree with that ideology? Do you also have no problem with biological and/or nuclear warfare?

I also fail to see the relevance of Trayvon Martin and Syria, you are comparing domestic issue which concerned a State Law problem (Stand Your Ground) with an International issue of war crimes (use of chemical warfare).

09-03-2013, 06:18 PM
I didn't reply as I read it as sarcasm. If it is to be taken seriously, then are you Shaun, suggesting that nothing should be done regarding the matter? Just leave the women and children to die bloated and burned in the streets and beds from chemical warfare is your preferred option?

Actually I'm against any miltiary intervention in Syria. There are bigger and more immediate problems to the welfare of the people of the USA which the media and the government seem to be overlooking.

Ms Remy M
09-03-2013, 06:45 PM
Actually I'm against any miltiary intervention in Syria. There are bigger and more immediate problems to the welfare of the people of the USA which the media and the government seem to be overlooking.

Military intervention, at this point, is a very tricky matter with no easy solutions, so keeping our military forces out of it for now may very well be best, as America lacks the resources (by itself) to maintain a prolonged presence while a government is rebuilt. Al Qaeda and Hezbollah have too huge of a presence in Syria to not end up repeating the previous errors of Afghanistan during the Soviet Unions attempt at occupation. Still, humanitarian efforts could be stepped up in the area. Yes, America has a shit ton of issue here which requires urgent attention, but that doesn't absolve America of helping out other peoples of the world.

I'm far from a military strategist, so I don't know what the best option is, but doing nothing until the citizens of Syria are all dead hardly seems like the best option.

09-03-2013, 07:06 PM
Yes, America has a shit ton of issue here which requires urgent attention, but that doesn't absolve America of helping out other peoples of the world.

I'm far from a military strategist, so I don't know what the best option is, but doing nothing until the citizens of Syria are all dead hardly seems like the best option.

Why does America have to help out other people when they can't even help out their own? ... and even if you think they do, who gets to pick and choose which?

Your "worst" option, as unfortunate as it seems on a personal level, may just be the "best" option.

09-03-2013, 07:39 PM
Why does America have to help out other people when they can't even help out their own? ... and even if you think they do, who gets to pick and choose which?

Your "worst" option, as unfortunate as it seems on a personal level, may just be the "best" option.

Great point.......The point that should be made every time we try to mind everyone else's business. It's one thing if we were a nation with a clean slate but I have a hard time trying to determine which of the stiffs are more atrocious the ones we seen photos of in Syria or the countless photos we seen of our own (black folk hanging lifeless by ropes from trees street lamps etc....)

I apologize.....seen The Butler two weeks ago

09-03-2013, 09:02 PM
I presume SHAUNs post is referring to the question of Obama's motive behind wanting to sanction military intervention.

There is a consensus that Obama is pushing for action because Israel are leaning on him to do so and Obama's is attempting to protect his anti-war stance by leaning on congress to make the decision for him. I'm guessing this is what Shaun is getting at although I don't understand the treyvon martin reference.

It's a valid question to ask though - just how much is this stance down to Israeli pressure?

Intelligence from what I have seen/read is rather thin on the ground. I can't really deny that he has turned on his own people but you have to consider if military action will make things better. Surely military action will push Assad's regime to turn on Syrian civilians more often to show a more visible reaction in the face of the US action.

09-03-2013, 10:52 PM
Doing nothing (militarily) is the least shit option... I'm no military strategist either, but you'll have to go a long way to convince me that dropping "conventional" bombs on a country is going to improve anything short, mid or long term.

As for my (admitedly cheap) shot at Obama?... So what? He the prez; when he behaves idiotically he's there to be shot at.

Or is there something that exempts this prez from jokes, swipes, punchlines, exposes and the like?... Do me a fukking favour, I missed that memo LOL

And btw,

the photo isn't bigoted (as if that was possible?)... Simply, it portrays the exact (HOLLOW) words of Obama combined with the twitter title self chosen by Mr Martin... Neither one comes out looking great.

Nothing to do with Syria... Quite a lot to do with the Prez.

blue eyed devil

PS Just when exactly did Americans on this forum start being so fukking precious about their Prez?... Oh yeh, it was when Obama was elected.

PPS Zimmerman voted for Obama... now go and have a phony shit-attak on that lol

09-03-2013, 10:59 PM
Oh yeh forgot to say..

selective hypocrisy, guy...... not very cool

09-03-2013, 11:31 PM
Doing nothing (militarily) is the least shit option... I'm no military strategist either, but you'll have to go a long way to convince me that dropping "conventional" bombs on a country is going to improve anything short, mid or long term.

As for my (admitedly cheap) shot at Obama?... So what? He the prez; when he behaves idiotically he's there to be shot at.

Or is there something that exempts this prez from jokes, swipes, punchlines, exposes and the like?... Do me a fukking favour, I missed that memo LOL

And btw,

the photo isn't bigoted (as if that was possible?)... Simply, it portrays the exact (HOLLOW) words of Obama combined with the twitter title self chosen by Mr Martin... Neither one comes out looking great.

Nothing to do with Syria... Quite a lot to do with the Prez.

blue eyed devil

PS Just when exactly did Americans on this forum start being so fukking precious about their Prez?... Oh yeh, it was when Obama was elected.

PPS Zimmerman voted for Obama... now go and have a phony shit-attak on that lol

FAILED attempt.
I suppose this is just social media keyboard ignorance. I got you just hope you are smarter in reality. Cause if you approached me in person with this I would've in turn asked you "whut did the five fingers say to the face? And don't worry I would've given you a convincing answer.

09-04-2013, 12:31 AM
Funny how the people who have talked down on the OP have said nothing to disprove any of what he said, all they've done is call names and voice their disagreement. Btw, disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that they are incorrect. But that's typical of liberals...unable to refute an argument, so they resort to personal attacks and emotions.

OP, you're cool with me. You obviously know your stuff unlike these others who voted for Obama just because he's black while knowing nothing about the issues...only pretending to know.

09-04-2013, 01:33 AM
Funny how the people who have talked down on the OP have said nothing to disprove any of what he said, all they've done is call names and voice their disagreement. Btw, disagreeing with someone doesn't mean that they are incorrect. But that's typical of liberals...unable to refute an argument, so they resort to personal attacks and emotions.

OP, you're cool with me. You obviously know your stuff unlike these others who voted for Obama just because he's black while knowing nothing about the issues...only pretending to know.

Read peoples' responses again; there is plenty of rebuttal. Remy is concerned about the humanitarian efforts and Sean and Handandsom make points about looking in your own back yard before cleaning up your neighbours. All valid points that contribute to the debate. You however, add nothing to the debate making your post some what hypocritical but I'm sure you knew this already.

Ms Remy M
09-04-2013, 01:56 AM
Why does America have to help out other people when they can't even help out their own? ... and even if you think they do, who gets to pick and choose which?

Your "worst" option, as unfortunate as it seems on a personal level, may just be the "best" option.

Well I reckon America doesn't have to, but we tried to stay out of WWII in part because we were recovering from the Great Depression, and we ended up in it anyway. Better to have the upper hand in destroying the chemical weapons by coming in on our own accord opposed to after we are attacked on our own soil by Al Qaeda with chemical weapons.

Lets not forget, that Syria is also preventing doctors and UN from coming into the country to help civilians and when they do it's to very select locations for extremely limited amount of time.

Ms Remy M
09-04-2013, 02:13 AM
I will admit, that military action probably isn't the best thing for our country financially and for the long term prospects of Syria. I don't know what should be done, but something of some sort should be done.

I think it's very foolish to think that nobody cared about any president until Obama just because you didn't vote for him. You both sound foolish based off what you have actually said, and you are judging the entire forum for what you "think" their beliefs are.

09-04-2013, 05:42 AM
its crazy Obama talks about helping Syria, but yet I never heard him or his administration speak about helping the 2 million refuges.

09-04-2013, 09:48 AM
Everybody should know by now Obama is put in the position he's in for an Agenda. Before his time is up i expect something major to happen because that's why he's there!!!And it's gonna be worse than anything we've ever seen because he has the face they have been looking for when it comes to destruction and when shit hits the fan they gonna look at people that look like obama and darker and go on a lynch campaign!!Call me crazy if you want , but watch an see....They already blaming negros for why the dollar and the system is on decline now, and they already feel like 99.9 % of us support Obama, so what you think gonna happen, when ww3 happens??? He's groomed for setting this shit up...

09-04-2013, 11:00 AM
FAILED attempt.
I suppose this is just social media keyboard ignorance. I got you just hope you are smarter in reality. Cause if you approached me in person with this I would've in turn asked you "whut did the five fingers say to the face? And don't worry I would've given you a convincing answer.

Or possibly I would've asked what did the raking fingers say to the eyes?

09-04-2013, 11:34 AM
I was going to delete this immediately until I saw the replies which make you look as big an asshat for posting this as you must be. What has this got to do with this site other than the Obama being Black and why post this irrelevant and biggotted photo?

Well well, I had no idea I taken the name of Yahweh, Jehovah, God, Obama whatever the fuk you call him in vain??

How nice and reassuring to see the Americans here so protective and patriotic about their President... Well, I suppose he does "look" a lot better than the other 43 (as someone here posted... a Freudian slip, perhaps?)... Yes, that's often what it comes down to with people, isn't it?... "looks"

First off, Obama is not black. He may be "black", but he is not black (and no, before any of you have another phony shit-attak, I am not referring to his "racial" mix). Nothing and no one can BE black or white... this is beginners stuff, and therefore eternally deep... but I'll give you this one for free. I don't state this as some kinda hippy liberal, or left-winger, or progressive etc etc.. I simply recognise it as an elemental reality... Or to put it another way, bogus accusations of "bigotry" are meaningless to my sense of integrity.

I post the pic because it displays Obama how I see him (which is how I see the vast majority of politicians): creepy, oily, vainglorious, and manipulative.... If I want to take the piss out of a politician, I will.

You ask "...what has this got to do with the site other than Obama being black"?

Errr, wasn't it you that "broke" the Travon Martin story here, introducing us all to the KKK racist monster child-molesting paedophile Zimmerman, who votes for Obama, volunteers his FREE time to teach kids of all colors maths and grammar, and likes to ring Police to alert them before commiting his next racist murder?... What did THAT have to do with this site, other than Travon being etc etc etc

Listen, guys, if you feel Obama shits gold and his farts smell of candy... good for you!

If you feel even the bombs he gives orders to drop are beautiful, cool garlanded messages of hope and love, annointed by God... again, good for you! Well done on your truly independant thinking and logic, bravo!

So by all means call me stoopid, and ignorant and insensitive etc...

But lets not try and be all holy and pretend I'm "bigoted"... because that cheapens the word, and makes you/us silly

blue eyed devil

09-04-2013, 04:07 PM
But lets not try and be all holy and pretend I'm "bigoted"... because that cheapens the word, and makes you/us silly

Nah, just makes you look silly and ignorant - and very very tiring.

09-04-2013, 04:10 PM
You ask "...what has this got to do with the site other than Obama being black"?

Errr, wasn't it you that "broke" the Travon Martin story here, introducing us all to the KKK racist monster child-molesting paedophile Zimmerman, who votes for Obama, volunteers his FREE time to teach kids of all colors maths and grammar, and likes to ring Police to alert them before commiting his next racist murder?... What did THAT have to do with this site, other than Travon being etc etc etc

I actually put that on a number of sites and forums I own, including my FB and Hungangels.com. It had nothing to do with him being Black - you are the fool.

09-04-2013, 04:11 PM
I post the pic because it displays Obama how I see him (which is how I see the vast majority of politicians): creepy, oily, vainglorious, and manipulative.... If I want to take the piss out of a politician, I will.

No you won't - because the next time you post something similar and non-relevant it's getting removed. Before you start calling freedom of speach or censorship, you're right. My forum, my rules. Go create your own forum for your own political agendas.